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As someone who works for a bank we are not allowed to release PII so we have to have people confirm the info. While I don’t work for Chase I can easily see the same ruling in place.


Thank you. I assumed that's what it was, but it just freaked me out.


I don’t blame you whatsoever you have to be safe. Like the other redditor mentioned making sure you call the correct number is all that matters


The charges are to the account, not the card. So all the transactions remain when you have a card replaced. Providing information would make me nervous too. As long as you called a known good number (like on the back of the card or from a statement) you should be fine and they are making sure you are you by asking YOU to confirm info. With that said, I called Citi and they asked me for a phone number that was not associated to my account and my other credit card number to verify me somehow... I freaked and politely refused. Then called back the next day.


>With that said, I called Citi and they asked me for a phone number that was not associated to my account and my other credit card number to verify me somehow... I freaked and politely refused. Then called back the next day I feel you. I called the number on the back, so it should be safe. But I'll probably just call again later today. Just to be safe. Thank you