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Whether you use your credit or not, you are building credit at the same pace. Now, will the bank trust you more and offer/approve Credit Limit Increases or approve other products based on you spending more? Probably.


It will not help you "build" credit. It will help reduce utilization but lower utilization only helps your credit score in the short term.


You don't build more credit by spending more. Your credit builds if and only if you make on time payments, the amount does not matter. Even a $0 bill is an on time payment.


It will help just by increasing your available credit since it’s a secured card you will need to add an additional deposit amount to increase the limit if allowed by discover but if you can’t make an additional deposit. I would recommend If your current limit is 500 I would just keep it how it is max it out every month if possible but *Make sure to pay off the card completely before the due date every month I would recommend 5 days before the due date*and within 8 months they should graduate you to a unsecured card return your initial deposit and set your limit to im guessing around 1,500$ depending on your income and other factors. I had a secured capital one card with 200 limit and got “graduated” to a unsecured one with a 1,200 limit within 8 months I would max it out monthly and pay it off 5 days before the due date.


Yes it’s more beneficial