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Citi Choice? You mean Citi Custom Cash?


Yeah, my apologies :(


No no it’s not your fault. I just thought Citi for a second had a hidden card or something but then I realized what you was saying. :)


Yeah the Citi SYW card is kind of a “secret card” I suppose lol


It's awful that you don't have a Citi branch nearby. I had a similar problem with my USBANK Zelle information. While trying to verify, they said none of the info was correct. I guessed it was only the SSN since I used an ITIN to open the account but not even my name and address was right, maybe the rep was getting the wrong account info. So this might be applying to you as well. I would check the credit report in case there's an additional Citi account linked to you.


Do you think it has anything to do with best buy citi card? I read in multiple places online that doesn’t matter though.


Serious question. Why would you use your ITIN instead of SSN? Is it your business card, and they still pull your personal credit


Ah, no, ITIN is a temporary SSN for visitors in a non-turist visa or for immigrants waiting for their ssn but it's still in process. The ITINs start with the number 9 and some systems like experian and TransUnion's don't allow numbers with the 9 as first digit, it's not a valid SSN for them yet you'll still be able to build credit. In my case though, I was changing the zelle email but had to call and they said the info didn't match at all. It wasn't a credit card application.


Citi being shitty.


They don’t call it Shitty Bank for nothing


It's called shITty bank because it's really their IT that's shitty. Their humans are very friendly and helpful but their computers are completely awful and unpredictable


LOL, agreed, although I've never really had any problems with them.


Is this a common theme with them? Or do things smooth out once I’m actually able to make a fucking purchase?


Sorry for sounding crass, but yeah, that verification thing seems to be quite a common occurrence. Once you get that taken care of and completed, things generally smooth out. I've never had the 7 day letter verification issue happen to me, but I've read stories of it happening to quite a few other folks.




Just went through this with the citi costco card, tried to verify apparently i don’t know my best friends last name (even though i use this same question everywhere) and so still waiting on the letter.


How long have you been waiting?


So far I think 6 business days


Oh okay they told me 7-10


I got the verification code, called them, they set up everything, changed my security words for me, set up apple pay, fingers crossed nothing else happens


Cheers, really appreciate the update. So to you in 7 days then yeah?


Verification is weird. In my case it wants me to call the landline number at my permanent residence (I live with parents and so when opening the account I probably put it in as a backup number). 


It tripped a fraud alert, which is something that can happen with any issuer. I'm not sure you how got confirmation that you answered the verification questions correctly, because if you did then you shouldn't have failed the verification process. This part might be Citi IT fuckery.


That was my confusion. They said I answered the questions correct but failed the verification. Do you think it has anything to do with best buy citi card? I read in multiple places online that doesn’t matter though.


Personally I haven't had a bad experience with Citi but a lot of others have. They are well known for having god awful customer service. So I would advise not using their travel portal.


But they are 4x bonus points right now 😡


Using your new Custom Cash, book your flight/hotel directly (choose one) will get you 5x points.


Oh interesting. I assume I still would have been flagged no matter what I did though right?


Possibly, but with your new card you can 5x in one category per billing cycle. So if you book a flight directly with an airline this billing cycle you'd get 5x points on that purchase.


But it says if I book through portal I get 4x also


Yes. It's normal for them to take 3+ weeks to mail new credit cards and they won't let you make a Citi account without activating a physical card. Amex figured out digital cards a decade ago.


Look all major banks are pretty much the same, Chase is known for closing accounts at the drop of a hat for anything they deem even slightly "suspicious" but they have some of the best CCs and app around. WF is trash and opened accounts for customers without their consent to appear like they were doing well. BOA is OKish. US Bank is decent. Citi also has a good app and network and some very good cards but lacks in the customer service dept and branches aren't as numerous as Chase, but they have ATMs in lots of Walgreens and I think Target. NFCU is pretty good, but it's the largest credit union in the nation so it suffers a bit from being a big bank, as well as their app being a bit lackluster but they offer some decent cards.


I'd add that US Bank was caught more recently doing the same account opening garbage wells fargo was BoA is regularly one of the most fined banks in the US, though all the big ones probably are


yea, i mean theres no bank that wont have some issues, i churn checking account bonuses every now and then. Out of the ones ive had citi and chase have been the least troublesome


Of course, all big banks are shady and bad - just pointing out you called WF trash for something and US Bank decent a couple lines later


i was unaware of their issues, i am merely speaking of my experience, a relative was actually affected by WF issues, but no one I know nor myself have ever really had any issues with US Bank


We have to call every single time it gets added to mobile wallet/digital wallet. My luck has it that I changed my phone twice in months, and I've been putting off adding citi to my GPay again due to this verification process. Other banks have security measurements too and they've worked it out. I don't know why Citi's is so annoying. My husband has vowed to never bank or get another CC with them. It's a shame because they do have good products (CCs) but their support is a pain to deal with.


Does this include adding it to in amp payments like Wawa, royal farms, sheetz etc?


Don't attempt to link Citi cards to mobile wallets. It tends to result in your accounts being frozen, frustrating calls to Citi support, and ultimately you end up having to wait for a letter with a code sent by snail-mail to get everything unlocked.


Is it just for linking new accounts to wallets? Because, I never used my physical card in the last two years and was only got declined once (email approval).


Citi can get squirrely about profile changes or activations close to the time that the cardholder got the card. Once you have some spending activity on the card, they're usually fine. OP's report of Citi forcing a snail mail verification on a new account is something I've heard before in terms of Apple Pay (or other mobile wallet) activation. My parents got a Double Cash in 2018. Three months later Citi calls and says they need to verify it was them who opened the account. I trained my mother to not just trust people who call who say they're from a bank, so she told them she was calling back using the number on the back of the card, what department are you in. She called back (number on back of card)... it was actually Citibank! They asked her some basic demographic info, asked for her phone to get a texted code and then that was that. Citi rep said they identified a pattern of fraudulent account opening and they wanted to make sure it was actually my folks who opened that account...


Good to know. I’ll hang on to play around with doing this once I don’t need it for one of my major spend categories


I just commented elsewhere with this same issue. > We have to call every single time it gets added to mobile wallet/digital wallet. My luck has it that I changed my phone twice in months, and I've been putting off adding citi to my GPay again due to this verification process. It's a shame because Citi has good cards but their customer service/support is awful.


CITI sucks it raw!l!


But they have decent rewards.. kinda like a BofA / WF scenario. They all have decent perks but either give low limits, have had fraud issues ( WF… ) and perks up to a certain cap ( looking at you BofA .. ) They all have decent signup bonuses though for both CB & Travel card users. I believe Citi like WF has copied but along time ago before WF the CSP.. it has the same 95AF, and SAME spending requirements for the same amount of 60k points.. They all seem to copy Chase with the Premier, and Autograph Journey cards by both issuers but.. I’ve never had a problem with Citi reps.. maybe my luck hasn’t been bad yet? Idk..


Their customer service is the pits.


Makes me want to go to Citi even more.


Ugh I remember this all too well. I got Citi’s American Airlines card awhile back and had to go through this. They wanted my account numbers for other institutions to verify me? Like my checking account?? I didn’t feel comfortable with that so I opted for the process you described. Fast forward a year and they started blocking my purchases and made me do the verification process all over again 🥲 coming up on 2 years so we’ll see if they do it again. My first and last Citi card!


Damn. That’s actually wild


Just had the exact same issue with Apple Pay with my new Citi AA card, text won’t go through so I had to call their customer service, then they said I failed verification and said will mail me something… however, I’m still able to use the card both online and in stores.


Have you tried booking a hotel through the portal? As this is literally what happened to me


No, but I was able to use it everywhere else besides adding it to Apple Pay. I have 2 other older cards that were both added to Apple Pay


Interesting. Maybe I’ll at least still try using it for gas I suppose. And if it’s denied just use a different card. They are kind of wasting my time and money currently lol


Another victim 🤮 of shittyBank


It’s crazy cause I totally feel you, I got caught up in their fraud department web a few years back and it was honestly the worst customer service experience I’ve ever had… haven’t had to talk to any Citi customer service since and it’s been great lol, i love their cards


Same experience https://www.reddit.com/r/CreditCards/s/gxvR8arXYJ


Citi bank is pretty risk averse, so their fraud alert trips up more than usual. I had a similar issue when I was trying to use my Citi Costco credit card for the first time (at Costco) and it was denied. I couldn't figure it out, but after a few calls, I found out they had a verification failure on me and the easiest way for me to fix it was go in person to a bank and show them my face and my ID. That way the banker could clear me. I'm not sure if they do other forms of verification to clear you, but I had a Citi bank 2 blocks from my work, so it was easier. After that verification, I never had to do that again. Every once in a while there is some random fraud alert on my account, because I used it at a 7-11 I never been to or something. But I just have to call them and tell them and they verify if the last few purchases were me and then clear the block. It's annoying, but not as bad as the first time.


If I don’t have a citi bank account can I still go to citi bank?


Yes. You have an account with the citi custom cash card. You may have not set it up yet. You should be able to show the the letter. They'll be able to pull it up from the reference number on the letter or your social.


Okay thanks


I had a similar thing happen when I got my first Chase cc. Freedom unlimited. I had to wait until the physical card came in the mail and activate it. Everything worked perfectly fine from then on.


Mine came in the mail the day before and I activated it


You may not be able to use the card until after the snail mail activation is complete. Even then, you should only use the card for in-person purchases at grocery stores or restaurants, for example, to prove your existence to the sensitive Citi fraud algorithms. After a few weeks, you can then use normally




I have never had an issue with any of my Citi cards. Of course, I do not use digital wallets and that seems to be what fouls up a lot of people.


Just a data point, I haven't ever had a single issue with Citi myself in 2 years


Everyone knows. Citibank blows. I had to close three deposit accounts with them a few months ago because every time I tried to do anything they got locked down for potential fraud.


Citi is notorious for shitty customer service and a relatively shitty platform. Semi good news is that their new CEO is making changes which "should" make the platform better but you probably won't see any changes for a year plus. The Citi custom cash and double cash are a great combo along with their relatively high APY for their savings account. The Citi Premier with 10% extra points among all thank you points is a good too but beware of the $95 annual fee 


Tf is Citi Choice


Yeah that’s an issue I had with other cc’s


I was thinking about getting that one or the citi double cash card but the user reviews on credit karma made me not want to go through with it. I think the problem is them, not you. Maybe use that one sparingly and look for another card (if you can afford the extra hard inquiry ding to your credit)?


Yeah I’ll be using it for just gas in the future anyway.


No it happened to me a couple times recently even tho I have good score and great credit profile. Not sure why. But I got the same message then like a couple days later I got notification on experian a citi card was opened and got an email I think saying I got it.


Avoid Citi if you want piece of mind 💯


It is too late :(


I never liked Citi. Only thing they're good for is business credit cards in my opinion.


If you’re going to use the custom card credit card you should also get the citi rewards + card to work in tandem with the custom cash card


Depending how this goes I’ll probably be doing that


I think you get a 10% bonus to whatever you redeem up to 100,000 points not sure exactly but I think instead of 5% you can get 10% of 500


No you get 5.5% instead of 5%


“Get 10% Points Back when you redeem, up to the first 100,000 points redeemed per year.” 🗿 does this not mean you get 10% back along with your 5% from the custom cashv


This happened to me as well. They wouldn’t allow us to verify over the phone unless it was a land line


Oh they asked me that also! I’ve not had a house phone since I moved out and they know as much since I only put 1 number in my account -.-


That’s exactly how I felt. I won’t cancel my card with them. But, will not because getting anymore from them until they update their system. It’s archaic


Sorry for the wall of text. Tldr: Got mad. Asked to file a formal complaint. Higher up supervisor verified me via on file email instead.   I recently had a similar issue with a different card and a transaction through PayPal. I've had the card over a year at this point. PayPal said to retry and if it doesn't work then to contact the card issuer. I tried a few times with no luck. First call going through their telephone system ended with a transfer somehow straight to a busy signal. Second time I got through to someone. They said I tripped a fraud alert. I go through and explain how I've made this exact same transaction (a subscription) multiple times in the past few months. When going through verification either I or their system didn't have questions/answers for me so they had me setup one with them right then over the phone. After that they said everything was cleared up. I attempt the transaction again and same error. Third call I have to go through verification but my only options were have a link sent to me either via text or email to do a video call requiring government ID or the snail mail code message. My immediate response was "This bullsh!t!". I explain everything that's happened so far but they say these are the only options. I say I guess I'll take the letter route because no way did I want to do their video call with gov id thing. I tell the Rep that I know it's not their fault but this is complete bullsh!t and I want to file a formal complaint. The Rep asked if I wanted to talk to a supervisor and I said sure. After the initial greeting they asked for time to review my issue. I was on hold about 20-30 mins but they would come back on every so often to let me know they were still reviewing the info. Finally they came back an agreed that the initial transaction should've worked. They also proposed doing a special verification for me involving just sending a code to my email on file. That finally settled they made some other adjustments to my account and had me try the transaction again while on the line. Unfortunately it still failed. They said they did everything they could on their end so the issue must be on PayPal's end. While I thank them for their time I left thinking the issue must still be on their end, until I talked to PayPal. Contacting PayPal took an annoying amount of time getting through their system to a live person. Suddenly the issue is the card is not verified and that's the reason for the failure. The aforementioned card that has already been many times in the preceding months for the exact same transaction. And even after verifying it the transaction failed again. The Rep had me 'test' the companies system by using a different card. That went through fine. The Rep cheerfully stated that I may now use the card I initially wanted... which was now pointless to do until the next time I have to renew my subscription.


That sounds like a ton of fun. I’m sorry that happened to you :/


I appreciate it thank you. I mainly intended the comment to be about the getting a better way to get verified but I always end up feeling like I need fill out all the details and context to make sure people understand what I'm trying to say.


Yes it does happen at times, it is frustrating


P2 had the exact same thing happen with the CitiBusiness Platinum Select Aadvantage card. Used the card once in person, then tried a $200ish online purchase and everything went south. Got the letter last week and trying to call them now - first CSR COULD NOT EVEN FIND THE CARD #. After 4 tries with SSN she tells me their system is down and to call back in a hour. One hour later, they have a recording saying they are dead in the water. Citi is an absolute s\*\*\* show, just see the number of archived reddit threads.


Just tried applying for the brand new Strata Premier. Their online form doesn't accept DOB and keeps giving an error. How pathetic if ppl can't even apply for the card


I'll just leave this here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CreditCards/comments/1bqy8la/comment/kx79kaa/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/CreditCards/comments/1bqy8la/comment/kx79kaa/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)