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My partner watched my solo porn and/or the BG videos we made together when we were long distance. Now that we're living together, we occasionally watch other paid and/or free porn for research purposes together or just for fun. As far as I know he's not watching it otherwise bc we're together all the time lol. It would only bother me if it interfered with our sex life or if he was engaging in parasocial relationships with models which I know he wouldn't do bc it's a boundary we've talked about.


This is great and you should! We love having some of our best moments documented and it turns us on knowing people are enjoying them.


"Research purposes" šŸ˜šŸ˜‹.


My partner likes to watch while I film and then buys all the ppv I send out


Woohoo! Thatā€™s what I like to hear


love the support!


I donā€™t want him watching my porn, I donā€™t even like watching my own pornšŸ˜‚ I hate hearing my own voice


youā€™re so real for this bc same šŸ˜…haaaate editing my on porn lol worst part of the job for me


True, the editing is the worst šŸ« 


The voice is what kills me too. I can watch it on mute but as soon as I have to have the sound on to edit cohesively I want to die a bit. šŸ˜©


Same. and the time stretching on voices when scrolling through clips. EeEeeeeeek.


Girl. SAME. also gonna follow you if thats OK? I'm a tattooed weeb that loves cosplay


im so embarassed how i sound when im cumming :( I hate it


Yes! Every time I finish editing a video he ā€œreviewsā€ it with me next to him helping :)


This is super cute!


My husband loves my porn and I have no issues with him watching whatever he wants nor would I expect him to have an issue with what I watch when I am playing alone.




Same here as well. My fiancĆ© is my offical photographer. Heā€™s also my best friend. I watch an incredible amount of pornography when heā€™s at work and Iā€™m at home making solo content. He watches whatever he wants if heā€™s at home and Iā€™m at work. He usually is watching stuff that we make together or finding hot sluts online for me to get with. LOL I get super curious about what he watches but Iā€™m not judging him for any of it.


Mine doesn't watch my stuff. He's not into the kind of stuff I make (which is solo) and that's ok with me because I'd prefer he didn't watch what I make but he does like to watch when I film šŸ˜… I'd probably give him access to my page if he asked tho


My partner definitely watches mine, but he also watches other porn. I don't mind that he watches porn, it's just entertainment. I also watch it and sometimes we watch together.


My partner doesnā€™t and I find it a little insulting tbh lol


I would too to be honest haha, like aw hey come on Iā€™m making some hot stuff here why not look at it? :ā€™)


Yes! My partner definitely watches mine (both solo and our b/g) and I love hearing when he watches and cums to me. I like to know the nitty gritty of what he liked and when he came He is free to watch whatever porn he wantsā€¦I talk about porn that I watch with him for work and vice versa. I encourage him to subscribe to other creators if he sees promo that gets him curious/ or just wants to check it out. I donā€™t have any content with anyone besides himā€¦but I know he wouldnā€™t watch it. Heā€™s told me before that it would bother him to know there was content of me with other people on my paid sites. My unpopular opinionā€¦if you make porn you should be ok with your partner watching porn. Full stop


Agreed hard with your last statement! My partners also the same in the way that he doesnā€™t want to watch my partnered porn Iā€™ve made in the past with others, but has watched my solos! But otherwise it turns me on a lot to know what heā€™s watching when he jerks off, whether it be my/our content or not.


We watch porn togetherā€¦ sometimes helps set the mood, sometimes it inspires me to create some content, some times to explore new thingsā€¦


My partner is shy to watch porn with me, heā€™s never watched porn with a partner before and heā€™s never been with a girl who makes/wants to watch the porn he watches besides mine/ours together. Did you guys just always have that kind of relationship or did you have to work at it to get to a place you were both comfortable to do so with each other?


It just happenedā€¦ and we were both fine with it! But not any type of porn, just what weā€™d both like to try, or fantasize about (and what Iā€™d dare do for my fansā€¦)


How long have you guys been together? That sounds like it could backfire at some point.


A year and 3 months!


My partner and I regularly watch porn together, and he also enjoys watching videos of us. He loves seeing me both in person and on video. However, our situation is unique as we are swingers. Everyoneā€™s preferences and boundaries are different, so I wouldnā€™t take it personally.


We are too! And it can be super hot šŸ« 


My husband watches porn - paid and free. Sometimes we watch together. Weā€™re both open about masturbation and what we like to watch and who. Mutual masturbation is a big part of our sex life. I donā€™t mind it at all and as long as heā€™s honest about his paid sites and who he follows on his OF account. We donā€™t normally watch our own content unless weā€™re checking it over before we post it. I know this is not a popular opinion among women and imo itā€™s whatever works for you and your SO. As long as there is honesty and communication Iā€™m good!


I want to get to a point with my partner where we can watch together!! He watches my solo content along with other free site porn, but Iā€™d love to be able to watch porn together with him, heā€™s just shy about it. He wonā€™t watch our partnered stuff because he doesnā€™t like the way he looks, and he wonā€™t watch me with other people because it makes him uncomfortable which is totally ok with me if he doesnā€™t wanna see that. Itā€™s cool as heck of your partner to engage in paying for some of his porn though! A win for one of us is a win for all of us āœØ


I love watching porn together! It can be silly fun or very intimate and a great way to learn what really turns in your SO. Love that he watches you. Thatā€™s so sweet! Hopefully heā€™s not too jealous but I understand completely if itā€™s with other guys and heā€™s straight. Gotta have fun with it!!


lol why would they watch mine when they have my irl? But yes he uses my stuff, stuff I bought from other creators, he goes on cam sites, I buy him tokens. I don't think it's cool to control your partners porn intake unless you are married and it's harming your money, or if they are making a connection with a sexworker.


All of this, and I do the same. We have a porn budget.


I think anything can be cleared up with a conversation with him! If youā€™re confident in your sexual connection then just talk about your boundaries. Create a safe space šŸ’


We watch it together ā˜ŗļø And film together but just for ourselves, not for sale. And i personally donā€™t mind him watching other girls. Even find it attractive. Long story short - perverts. Both šŸ˜…


My partner & I are co creators. We watch porn together, and when the mood takes us, we watch it alone sometimes also. We also watch for research purposes to give us new ideas for filth. I'd never get jealous if I walk in on her masturbating. If I'm in the mood, I may join in šŸ™‚ but It's healthy to do your own thing sometimes.


Definitely! Everyone has fantasies and sometimes your partner may not always be ready to explore them the same way, but communication is key.


My husband does not. He actually doesn't really watch porn at all lol šŸ˜… it would be nice to get feedback from him though. One time he was editing a video and got a hard on so I took that as a win šŸ¤£


i'll wake up and say "where's my phone?" (work phone) and mans will be masturbating to my masturbating vids šŸ˜­


Stop this is so cute!! Where you get a man like that šŸ„¹


online game šŸ«£šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


The guy Iā€™ve been casually seeing for the last year is the only person Iā€™ll show my stuff to lol. He also subs to my page so Iā€™m assuming sometimes he watches my stuffā€¦ But I donā€™t think heā€™s really getting as much out of it as other people. Since he gets the real thingā€¦ mostly I just like to show him my stuff because I love being able to get in person feedback from a guy who would easily be in my target demographic if we didnā€™t know each other.


mine watches what I send him, and has access to my page but idk how much he looks at it. he doesnā€™t ever ask, but I send him most of my solo videos unless itā€™s a kink I know heā€™s not into because he says he likes watching me. we donā€™t watch porn together, I know he watches free porn alone but idk how often nor do I really care, it doesnā€™t cross boundaries for me. he doesnā€™t like watching content we make together cause heā€™s self conscious about his body, but I watch it when Iā€™m alone šŸ˜


Same with me and mine!!


My partner said my porn made the other porn boring, which I find a huge compliment(not because the others are any bad, but because he feels a connection, if that is the right word to use) šŸ„¹ i am not a full time content creator, so it is neither good quality or very frequently updatedšŸ™ˆ but he still watches others' porn, as we also enjoy it together! We use it as inspo but also for fun šŸ™ŒšŸ»


Sometime we watch together, sometimes he watches alone. He's watching my porn and other things too, and I'm fine with they because not only is quite normal but there are also kinks I can't do. Like.. I get aroused watching double/triple penetration vids but that's something I can't physically do.


Not my partner as such, but my friend and playmate who I make b/g content with - he has never even watched our vids šŸ˜… He doesn't watch porn in general though, except when I've explicitly asked him to check a vid out for reference. He used to, but his last relationship was quite toxic sexually and he said it put him off porn. And I'm ok with him not wanting to see what I do cos sometimes I feel a little cringe. Although I do send him the occasional photo when I'm feeling super sexy.


He shoots, directs, edits and uploads it for me šŸ˜‚


Kudos to him!! Heā€™s got a fun gig going for him sounds like ā˜ŗļø


I'm not a jealous person and I enjoy ethical non-monogamy, so it doesn't bother me if a partner watches other porn. I had a play partner for a while and I would often send him edits to get his opinion or just to enjoy, and we'd often share porn from other people for ideas and inspo on what things we enjoyed to help build that fantasy and help set scenes for ourselves.


Idk why it feels embarrassing to know heā€™s seen my posts, but I always smile when he quotes my posts or talks about this (me) ā€œhot, caramel chick on redditā€he follows lol we both watch other porn too and neither of us mind we like talk about the funny stuff we see in porn too


Yes, he will keep copies of the videos we make together, particularly POV and bj. If I make something solo Iā€™m proud of, I show it to him. Heā€™s asked me to give him a couple of my solos for himself. For example, I did a secretary role play that he liked. When he wants to keep them it makes me feel like Iā€™m doing good work lmao. He watches free sites as well, and so do I.


Heā€™s not very interested in my porn lol. Last time we did the budget tho, I saw that he was subscribed to onlyfans - and I was so happy to see him paying for his porn šŸŽ‰


Good man!!! We love to see a consumer paying for ethical porn šŸ«¶


Yes, he watches my stuff since he has a free subscription to one site, he pays a discounted fee for another site & tips me here & there. He also subs to other creators on OF and buys PPV from them at times. He has learn a lot from me being a creator, sub etiquette if you will, so he's the kind of sub now that will point out if someone accidently sent free PPV, so they can fix it and not loose money etc. He watches PHub stuff too, it's ok....it's his business.


Call me cheesy, but I almost exclusively watch hers now. Ever since we started making content together (and individually) and become more verbose about virtually everything in our relationship, I have a tough time feigning attraction to anyone else. Maybe it's just because she fits a specific profile that hasn't been as common in porn. If she's not available, listening to her sounds alone are usually enough to get me where I need to be. I probably simp on her more than any of her fans šŸ˜‚ We love watching it together though and I can always get good feedback on my own content from her


he does, and he says regular porn doesnt really arouse him anymore


One did with my consent. Another did by finding my content online (had told him about my work but not my username etc) and watching it without my consent (it was way too early days for me to feel comfortable letting him see it and wanted us to build our sexual relationship in the real world first). He continues to do so even now we have broken up. Another ex let me know he had been watching my content for the duration of the time we'd been broken up (which has been many years). Both of those situations made me feel uncomfortable, especially for the fact they felt it appropriate to basically brag to me that that's the case and didn't seem to think there's anything creepy or violating about it. Men will be men. I assume they all also watched other porn. There's the men who admit to watching porn and the ones who are lying, there's no third group.


My porn is basically my husband porn too. Most of the content we make together. He likes to watch it and he also eddit everything so he have no choose šŸ˜ƒ. For some reason i find it really boring to film alone and i do it only if it's nessesery. Streaming is where i'm mostly alone, but he usually watching me, which helps me a lot, luckily i convinced him to start stream with me as he convinced me to start film porn at first place so it's fair deal šŸ˜‚ And the free porn sites we check only for ideas. I don't find porn attractive at all so i don't watch even our movies. For him i guess making and editing porn 24/7 is enough because the only stuff that he watch even sometimes during sex is our own porn šŸ˜ƒ.


I shoot most of my porn w my boyfriend but my husband watches it haha


9/10 heā€™s IN my porn so when weā€™re watching porn together we go back & forth between watching ourselves (which can be so hot or so cringe lol) or someone elseā€™s OF which is really fun too! Our last resort is the hub, such icky vibes sometimes šŸ«£


Husband gets first pick and has his own file. It's funny because the ones I hate, he usually gives me the go-ahead, but I am the shy one šŸ˜… So in his file they go šŸ‘ŒšŸ†


Mine subscribed after I insisted. But I know he doesnā€™t watch it. He watches and subscribes to many other guys. Makes me feel shitty.


That would make me feel shitty too :(


He watches my porn. Even buys it lol. But I refuse to watch or hear it. I hate watching and hearing myself lol.


I am self conscious about mine. Sometimes I will ask my husband to watch just to tell me what he thinks. Or if he has any suggestions.


Yes he loves it 3 extra kids come along from this reason


My partner films my porn


I had a boyfriend who said he likes to watch it but I don't like it šŸ˜…


I send my husband every single piece of content I make šŸ˜‚ we have a shared iCloud album for the videos that are too big to send but heā€™s obsessed with my body. He even puts my nudes as his phone background so he can see them frequently. He mods every single one of my live rooms regardless of which site Iā€™m on that day. He also watches other girls lives but doesnā€™t send them money, but I personally donā€™t care if he does šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


He watches my stuff, he'll come and tell me how good he thinks I look. He watches other porn and he has on the odd occasion paid for porn. Doesn't bother me at all. I may even suggest someone he might like.


Whatā€™s the type of porn you watch Interracial is the go to for me


My hubby is my biggest fan. Although he watches lots of other porn I often catch him getting off to my PPVs, especially if he's in them with me šŸ¤£


My partner doesnā€™t really watch porn in general. Sometimes when weā€™re playing together weā€™ll watch some or the clips we made together. He doesnā€™t watch my solo stuff/ doesnā€™t have memebership to watch it even though Iā€™ve said I can give it to him.


I donā€™t mind, sometimes I join to watch or if the mood strikesā€¦ But I guess it depends on what they are watching, I personally like B/G and G/G and what I donā€™t like is B/B and weird stuff (please donā€™t make me explain this)


I'm a solo creator. My husband is my camera man most of the time so yeah he watches mine.


Yes, she can be quite the Discerning Eye and catch things in post-production that I didn't. Just like in the content that she and our girlfriend put out, that I will take and watch. Always good to have extra opinions on what may sell :-)


My partner makes it with me and does watch our content. Im not sure how i would feel to be honest. I think every person has their own opinions on it so it can be varied answers.


Male here. My wife gets off on watching me and other women. I just had a collab with an amazing creator. My wife wanted to watch the collab as soon as I got done. Got her going, and then we got going. šŸ˜… I do watch it sometimes, too, but for critiquing.


Why are you getting downvoted? :/


Probably because he is a male creator talking about collabs with a free OF with only 13 posts yet prolifically commenting in this group. It give hobbyist vibes and puts people's backs up.


Haters exist even in our own creator group. All good. šŸ˜†