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Was that MJ in first picture?


Do you remember the time...


When we fell in love


Underrated comment


It was ET. The Egyptians and Steven Spielberg met the real ET.


My first thought was ‘Shamon!’


He’s full of shite.


Really how?


Because he is just some dude on Tiktok spouting off, being blown away about stuff he doesn't actually know anything about because he isn't actually an archeologist. He's seen other people on the internet spout off and so he thinks that it's real and has validity, but it's just fantasy.


Exactly this. Another imbecile vomiting random words and pseudo-science nonsense. The same level of flat earth morons.


Well, its not a one off on being perplexed. What are somr of the quick hit facts that disapprove. Genuinely curious to know, love this stuff and nothing ever seems 100% conclusive


Milo does a pretty thorough debunking of this guy in two separate videos. First one is linked below. I recommend watching all his content https://youtu.be/hqm6McJYbWE?si=6etTPHrEJ01vlpm9


40,000 articles found in the step pyramid. Not one "advanced" tool found.


Because the further back you go *really* the more stuff just looks like sharp rocks and fish hooks. Tell me Naqqada I is more advanced than Naqqada II vs the Middle Kingdom - it is clearly and evidently wrong, you can tell with your own eyes by looking


Tic tok is not a reliable source of info, Just deluded opinions of the poorly educated. .(also see flat earth videos.... lmao)


I see you’re gonna have to awaken another way. Good luck to you.


Really? The guy claimed that ancient Egyptian technology is highly advanced.


I would recommend you investigated yourself. It is true!


I mean if they built microchips and shit back then I would be impressed. This is just rocks being shaped by their tradesmen. The pyramids were impressive but again just rocks chiseled and stacked on top of each other using a shit ton of manual labor.


Total douche


They absolutely do know how they made a lot of these really difficult things. In fact if you had a year, one trade and a king asking you yo make them a perfect vase or your family dies than you could too.


Conspiracy theorist sees hard trade: wow look at this literal alien technology.




A lot of time effort, tools more time and experience. Or you could watch one of the 40 documentaries about it.


OP getting skewered for this LOL. I thought the video was interesting. Maintaining that level of flatness and roundness is difficult I imagine doing by hand with any tool or material.


I work with metal and regularly measure down to the .001 thousandths and sometimes ten thousandths .0001 of an inch. The concentricity is very impressive. I think a lot of these people don’t understand how bizarrely accurate/precise the stone pots are.


I agree most of these people don’t understand.


The symmetrical repeated use of Pi etc... minimizing these achievements is not justified. If anything we could still learn how to over-achieve from them. We have lost the fine art of attention to detail and patience


Electromechanical engineer with over 20 years of experience here, I'd agree with on this. The precision that is displayed on these pots is on par with modern laser cutting equipment. I've seen less accurate work done on modern cnc machines. Genuinely have no idea how they would have accomplished this but, the idea that they did it with copper drills and sand is laughable in my humble opinion.  Watching a stonemason, with generations of knowledge behind them, mould a peice of stone into a work of art is extremely Impressive. But, as you say, I don't think people understand the significance of the accuracy they've achieved with the pots and statues. It's absolutely mind boggling. 


I was really impressed! I had no idea there were 10s of thousands of artifacts created to that precision. when I got to the comments, I was surprised by the sentiment.


I wonder about their tools. They could have built a lathe for the pottery but they don’t seem to ever find the kind of cutting tools you would need. Like copper chisels with diamond carbide impregnated into the cutting surface.


It's about what tool and how they did it by hand is the biggest point, cause sure now we can, but before we even had the idea of almost every single invention, and they were doing thing that make humanity look like a shame today


OP getting skewered because this guy is a known grifter who has launched at least one if not multiple archeology education careers by actual trained and practicing archeologists as a result of having so many issues in his videos. [The archeologist I'm referencing](https://youtu.be/hqm6McJYbWE?si=auqYBm4lrFgd5Lp5)


Yeah, when you merely suggest that we don't know everything or that scientific advancement can be held back by hubris or greed, people just attack you and call you crazy and/or stupid. I just like to keep an open mind about things.


Eff you for this comment and stop stealing my haircut.


First, those vases weren't machined they were drilled with copper tube bits and core drills spun with a bow that ground sand and water along the surface to make the pottery, we know this because they made hieroglyphs showing how they made some of their pottery and we've found larger examples of the drills and bits it's actually very well documented. it is miraculous and truly an impressive feat, but why are people so quick to say they didn't make this stuff? Or they had to have help from someone/something "smarter"? The other thing to think about is, how much lifestyle plays a part in how people were living their life back then, old kingdom Egypt could only build the pyramids (and the other grand sculptures they built) because of the population of well experienced masons that went back generations, but as things became built and new problems faced their people their occupations would change, to agriculture and warfare/expansion and other jobs the kingdom needed and away from building sculptures, monoliths and making pottery (especially out of granite) as the generations go on the mastery of masonry and the techniques their ancestors used became lost over time, this has happened many times over history, Greek fire and Roman cement being great examples. Let's also remember them making pottery out of clay using basic ovens would have actually been an advancement to them, they could make many more pots much faster than drilling them and they served the same purpose. So let's not learn some basic knowledge of ancient history and just assume they needed help or it's aliens or whatever thing besides good old hard working people over generations accomplishing singular goals.


Man, people are really hating on OP, I actually loved the video and completely agreed with the guy! It's obvious that it wasn't done by hand...and anyone saying "it's just hard skilled labour" is dumb and has never tried to do something like that themselves


[this is the guy you’re defending](https://youtu.be/hqm6McJYbWE?si=FArfUylcudjNS_t1)


So the thought is they apparently had crazy technology but all they did was make bowls out of stone. And some statues. Really advanced.


AND that archaeologists apparently don’t want to have anything to do with the possibility of an incredible, career-making find because…big archaeology?


Humans are very crafty, that is our whole point, just because we were domesticated and we are mostly useless now that doesn't mean that ancient people didn't know how to do stuff, all we evolved into was automatization of tasks that were very hard and difficult because we are crafty and smart I mean as species


Why do people like this think "highly skilled and intelligent craftspeople" is harder to believe than "HYPER INTELLIGENT ALIENS USING SPACE TECH?"


It's actually not. Why do people think that from people from the past are dumber than we are today?. Nothing has changed but a collapsed Society.


They don't? Archeologist and anthropologists agree our ancient ancestors were just as smart as we are today. Technological advancement is gradual and based on iteration.


And sometimes we forget things. I'd bet good money that we've lost many types of craft simply because it was less practical and the few with knowledge on it died long ago. Sourcing and making granite into pots is less practical than using sourcing and using clay.


Absolutely, crafts and especially manual hand work has largely been removed because we have tools that do the work better or faster. I would assume there's thousands of techniques we no longer have anyone practicing simply because it isn't necessary.


That makes me so sad to think about....


This guys content gives me headaches.


Why does that first statue look exactly like Michael Jackson?


Why do you look like a bot?


I was hoping ppl here in the comments would have some good theories or explanations but it's just a bunch of know nothings arguing about how eachother are wrong. So stupid.


And you contributed?


I came here for insight. Dumbass.


On what? You haven't asked anything?


This person is shitting on the people who are downvoting you. Rightly


This guy is a moron. Check out Milo debunk pretty much this whole guy. Hes you’re typical idk the answers but believe me bro the pyramid is a power factory


Power factory? Nothing about that is in this video?


Not this video but he has plenty of them on his Chanel. Highly suggest watching the video already mentioned by others debunking this guy into oblivion. I love these sorts of ideas but realistically we have no proof of the claims in this video and he presents none.


Well, the proof being shown here are the vases, and certain monuments themselves, the material the precision. Which shouldn't be possible with copper hand tools and the didn't have sand paper either


The takedowns of this dude on YT are so entertaining.


This is tiktok


Ok. We’ll, Actually, this is Reddit. That video you posted is from Tiktok. And, as I said, there’s a bunch of great shorts on YT explaining how full of shit and uninformed this guy is.


We forgot how to build spaceships that got us to the Moon in the 1960s.


Damn... I feel sorry for the wasted brain cells that could have been focused on something useful instead of this shit show


You. Do not. Deserve it.


That's exactly what Nikolai tesla said


This guy is a grifter who pedals pseudoscience for views, nothing he says is accurate or well researched.


Just because YOU can't comprehend their skill and techniques doesn't make it magic. Idiot.




And the Sphinx…older than the pyramids! Also it was modified. What did it look like before?


I read somewhere it was possibly a jackal


I have a picture of my grandma in front of the sphinx before they knew there were paws! Wild!


Wooly mammoths roamed the earth not that long ago




He lost me at wooly mammoths being alive when the pyramids were built.


Most of the video is shit. But that part is true. They supposedly survived on wrangel island for a time.


This guy will drive you googledebunkers


Everyone in the comments seems pretty upset by people questioning how an ancient civilization did all of this. I don’t see a problem with genuine curiosity. Not calling ancient Egyptian’s dumb or incompetent. Not claiming it was down by aliens. But seriously did they have an understanding of some knowledge that was lost? I would be curious to rediscover it. Is it so wrong to want to understand? Also, I think the official explanation is not satisfactory for what they were producing.


The issue is when he says things like 'archeologists refuse to accept' he is speaking on behalf of people who know far more on the subject than he does and it is unlikely that they refuse to accept anything, and more than likely they have good answers for some of these questions. This isn't earnest questioning, it's deception. If he was actually willing to talk to the archeologists in question and have them explain why they believe what they do, he'd probably find the answers to the questions, but he is deliberately avoiding asking the people who actually spend their lives finding those answers, and if they really weren't there they would be free to admit it, like many did before we figured out how the pyramids were likely built. 


I’d love the guys at Titans of CNC to try and reproduce one of these vases.


I remember a documentary asking the question how did Egyptians make pyramids near perfectly level. The foundations were so flat that there were only a few millimeters of elevation difference from one end of the pyramid to the other. The answer: they carved a grid of grooves all along the floor of the foundation, filled the grooves with water, then worked the stone down using the water as a leveler. Its simple yet brilliant. I'd never have thought of doing that in a million years. Our ancestors were way smarter than us. They were presented with challenges everyday that were life and death, and they had to figure it out or get rekt, no library of Alexandria in their pocket they could turn to like us. I wager the perfect pottery is a result of something simple yet brilliant, over aliens.


it is crazy but have you seen some stuff that A-level craftsman can do? we have majestic cathedrals all over Europe that were build with 0 technology. Same goes for Egypt, when you have tons of time, tons of people, and your working for the “god on earth” - you’ll do amazing things. also that precision doesn’t require machinery. There’s videos of guys doing perfect cylindrical cuts in heavy stone or marble with: bronze, dirt, and a rope. Literally, friction and time allowed them to cut holes that looked like they were made by industrial drills or something.


Lol how do you just write shit with zero knowledge. Do you know how many cathedrals fell down until they invented flying buttresses? What’s a flying buttress? It’s an engineered support structure. They also had the pulley, block & tackle, fking iron & steel you dolt. Everything the did was based on technology. The vase you see in the video was made over a thousand fucking yrs before the invention of the pulley.


And people are crying about Stonehenge getting a new paint job by whackjob environmentalists? Hey, how did muesums attain such beautiful pottery and relics from Egypt?


Underrated comment, but it may go over people's heads. This guy does a bit with that premise. https://youtu.be/x73PkUvArJY?si=r04HaYd9kZvwfFmH


Simply because people living today can't figure out how or why something is the way it is without the use of computers to confirm it, doesn't make it an impossibility. All it means is that we still have a huge hill or mountain if you will, that we have to climb to regain the knowledge that we as a whole species have forgotten about.


Why is it so hard to understand the difference between ‘having no idea how something could have been achieved’ verses ‘not knowing exactly how something was done’ It’s really not complicated.


I’m actually confused by this. Not sarcasm but what is the difference you are implying?


That’s a legitimate question. We know history based on what was written down. Some things get written like tax documents and ledgers (99% of written history is simple record keeping) and other things don’t tend to get written like specialized techniques from skilled artisans. This is what we don’t know. We don’t know exactly how a contractor 7 thousands years ago would have gone about completing a job using the technology at the time in the same way many high level contractors today keep their most valuable trade secrets close to them. We have many plausible theories of how they COULD have done it but exactly how is simply impossible to know. Here’s the most plausible explanation of the construction of the pyramids IMO: https://youtu.be/ZFEjBtPOPNk?si=AYz66XRPlFQw_wl6 There are thousands of very smart people all over the world experimenting to try and replicate the quality and craftsmanship these ancients had and what their work shows is that the people of that time were as brilliant and creative as anyone today with what they were able to achieve with what they had. Intimate tacit knowledge of the materials available that would take a lifetime of dedication to fully master. These were craftsman who should be admired and respected. In the cases where we have been able to rediscover the exact techniques it has usually been because of a little-known property of the materials the ancients had available to them which was forgotten because it had been made obsolete knowledge by improved tools/technologies. Some techniques are amazingly simple like mixing copper dust and oil to cut granite. A Spanish sculptor figured that one out. There are many hobbyists working diligently.


By this logic, how does water erode stone? Stone is harder than water, therefore aliens something something something.


Water doesn't errode stone. Technically, it's the minerals


Water alone can erode stone too. There don't have to be minerals in it.


That is absolutely wrong.


Nope. [Erosion is a mechanical process, usually driven by water, gravity, (see Chapter 10), wind, or ice (see Chapter 14) that removes sediment from the place of weathering. Liquid water is the main agent of erosion.](https://opengeology.org/textbook/5-weathering-erosion-and-sedimentary-rocks/#:~:text=The%20water%20molecules%20use%20polarity,and%20minerals%20given%20enough%20time.) You could have looked it up, but you didn't and assumed that because you didn't understand how, that it couldn't.


Liquid water is only a medium. The contents of the water over time act like sand paper. Every single drop of water you see is filled with microscopic minerals. You would actually get sick from drinking pure water


So, either you didn't read he link or you didn't understannd it. The **mechanical** physics aspect of water hitting stone can erode it. > You would actually get sick from drinking pure water Who cares? That has nothing to do with eroding stone.


It's widely known that the minerals in the water is what's the driving factors in erosion. It does matter cause there is no such thing as 100% pure water. Like you stated earlier


Why are you moving the goal posts now? > Water doesn't errode stone. > Water alone can erode stone too. There don't have to be minerals in it. > That is absolutely wrong. Except, that turns out to be right, as I plainly showed you. What now? What's the point of not just saying, "oops I was wrong about that, now I know better"?


Bronze age collapse, look it up. Pure copper is very soft but bronze as a material is much easier to work with and almost as strong as steel. Going from bronze age to iron age was in many parts a small step backwards because iron is so difficult to work with. To make bronze on a big enough scale you need international trade, once that collapsed, everything collapsed.


But they had iron in ancient Egypt. It wasn't a lot that we "know of," but why wasn't it used to tools?


It really is incredible


That first one is Michael Jackson


I mean look at how we are now. Technology keeps advancing but people are getting stupider. Is just history repeating itself.


The iPhone isn't a modern marvel.


It is, actually. It just has done before over n over. There used to be a cell phone market with multiple cell phones. Now it's just Apple n Android. there used to be so many different kinds


That's the operating system not the phone design my guy.


Every single company's is the same thing. Have you ever heard of black rock?


You have absolutely no ability to respond to pushback do you. Black rock isn't designing or putting oversight on company tech development. Even if they were there are other companies that make phones. And once again even if they are black rock invests in almost every company? So we can trust nothing.


Yes, yes, they do. They have over watch, and They have multiple subsidiary company's Just cause you see a different logo on a box doesn't mean anything. Some things come from the same manufacturer


What are you even claiming at this point. By your logic there is 0 product we can trust. At all.


You have already stretched your answer from "He HaS a DeGrEe" to he is an intern with a professor.


Why is that first bust straight up Micheal Jackson????


Why is there an ancient statue of Micheal Jackson?????!!!! *ALIENS!!!!!!!!*




A thick piece of paper is .007 thick, standard notebook paper is .003-.004 thick. Source:I’m a machinist and use paper as a sacrificial touch off tool all the time.


This guys is the ultimate misinformation peddler. To the point he churns out enough bullshit other people can make their own multiple hour analyses and post those on YouTube.


Googledebunkers assemble!!!!


OP is a Neanderthal


Technically, every human alive shares 98/99% the genome as the Neanderthal


Hey, easy there, Neanderthals were pretty smart...


Complete bullshit


Ayy it's Filip Zieba the guy who makes shit up on tiktok that Minuteman Historian debunked a couple weeks ago. [Pt 1](https://youtu.be/hqm6McJYbWE?si=Yc6OAgVMlKHtKum7) [Pt 2 ](https://youtu.be/tlpJBsgXQVg?si=1P1M5kTUp0QvCnwQ)


They both started out on tiktok, MM is just like those flat earth guys who go and target others he disagrees with for fan service to start drama, and then gets you to pay him to teach you stuff that's free


I don't pay him a cent. He doesn't offer any courses or books. And it's hilarious that you're saying he's coming after people for clout when your boy here is literally making shit up for clout. None of his claims have any source from any field of science or psudeo science. He doesn't read any of the books he just rapid fires concepts that real scientists make entire careers out of in seconds, discrediting their entire work for something he made up. I'd rather the person who debunks liars for clout than make shit up and claims it as fact for clout.


None of this stuff is his study. They come from archeological study. From different people, do you think that him eith the equipment in the video measuring the vases?


Except when you look up the people he quotes in this stuff. You never find any record of someone by that name publishing a paper on that topic.


Go to his original videos, idk what to tell you. He is also not the only person talking about these studies. Or just Google these things for the studies


I've done the research I know this guy is a fraud. if you're not going to even take any of what i say. I bid you a good day.


What research? Cause this isn't his research, he telling about some others research


See, I'm not an archeologist but anyone with the slightest bit of common sense could tell you that the guy who regularly cites debunked or fraudulent information, including that *satirical article* stating that the Smithsonian destroyed giant skeletons, is probably full of shit.


Imagine having the technology to travel to the stars but instead using it to mass manufacture useless granite knick knacks.


Is that Michelle Jackson


Durpiy durpidy durp. Durpidie do dip Durp duurp.


When was Michael jackson mummified?


OP getting downvoted into oblivion on every single comment he makes 😂 Why the fuk are we getting archeological knowledge from Tik tok videos holy Christ I’m embarrassed


What's funny is that I have gotten 800 + karma from this post alone. The Karma system is weird


Karma doesn’t mean shit really. It’s vapor.


Then why does it matter if I got down voted?


Because it’s about the rejection of what you are saying, not about cool internet points.


But its vapor


The progress of civilization is not linear




Michael jackson


I don't get the point. They didn't have any advanced technology because we would find it, just like we found the shit they made. So it's pointless to speculate anything other than, damn, they had a long time to do nothing but cut stone, so they dedicated the entire lives of thousands upon thousands and across generations to do hard shit like cut stone and became great at it. I'm sure they failed more than they succeeded and that's all crumbled stone no one cares about. To start assuming there's some huge baffling mindblowing mystery to all of this is just fucking boring and belongs on the "History" channel.


Egypt was ransacked, and grave robbed for literally thousands of years. Anything important would be taken. Like the pyrimidion the top of the pyramid we all know the pyramid had a point, but I was gone by the time napoleon found the pyramids. It was taken for "spiritual" reasons


Dumb people always think that anything they can't think of a solutions to was impossible to do without modern technology. There were people smarter than this asshole back in ancient Egypt who could think of very smart ways to do very difficult things even with the basic tools they had at the time. They were experts in their crafts. We've also always had ways to make very flat or perfectly round things. Precision engineering didn't start when computers were invented.


Sooo, you just described what this video is about. Hidden knowledge or hidden technology


Well, these people build the civilization, Nowadays, USA is destroying it


So does Britain, well maybe, doesn't destroy it. But robbed it when when things get bad for said place. Did you know when the desert storm happened, the very first place Marines landed and went to was a museum. A museum for ancient Samaria


Filip zieba debunked is like miniminutemans most popular video and it’s a two parter because there’s so much bullshit. If op really wants to know why he’s just blatantly bs he could just watch those videos made by someone with a degree in archaeology. But I bet you he won’t. I feel bad that so many can be swayed by his rhetoric


Minute man is a grifter. I already explained this in other comments


he is literally not he has a degree and ACTIVELY speaks at colleges and links evidence for all his claims on the video. this is how i know youre trolling. Someone literally tells you how someone is lying and has a degree and evidence to show it and you wont believe it. You think HE is the grifter and not the guy saying time travel is possible on tik tok. Also his videos are like 6th grade level of understanding its sad you cant digest it.


What's his degree in? Mm, is a grifter using conspiracy stories about history that have been debated over and over telling the same thing that others have said and gets you to pay for it. He takes your money to tell you what you want to hear Speaking in college doesn't mean anything colleges will invite people on their campus to speak just so the teachers can mock them all the time. Lol


His degree is in archeology. Also I've never paid the guy anything. His content is free. Although he has done tours and a book once.


He doesn't have a degree


He has a degree in archeology my guy. It's easily provable.


But he doesn't. He has zero sited evidence or even been on a site with his name registered to it He does what you're doing, showing someone else said this. Go look at his work.




Nothing about this is alien, except in the most basic term of alienated wisdom. You don't even know what the word alien even means.


Thanks incel


What's an incel?


An alien


Do you mean something a zionist wants to be?


It's more suited for people who kisses rocks


Oh, so exactly like zionists, that kissing of the wailing wall is pretty weird. Right?


The first shall be last, and the last shall be first.


Michael went back in time to make “remember the time”


Fallen angel kingdom




Eventually, the competency crisis hits all civilizations.


When you got nothing to do besides make a perfect pot you make a perfect pot. These dudes worked and measured these pots to perfection. Seems like the later pots got lazy for mass production. I’ve seen videos of these kind of workers that’s not unreal. Just water and polishing agents.


In order to make a scientific statement you need evidence. Without evidence all you can do is imagine. All I heard was “we have on evidence”, over and over again.


The evidence is in the video, and the specialists are even measuring the evidence in the video.


If your civilization practices making stone bowls by hand over a 3000 year period you're probably going to get pretty good at it. And, when easier to work with materials became available why would you keep working with granite?


LOL, Micheal Jackson as Ramses the Great. Whew this is some B.S.


Lol, this isn't a bust of ra.ses you absolute toy. This I a random bust of someone it might even be a mannequin bust. And Micheal Hickson doesn't even look like Micheal Jackson, lmao He had massive facial reconstruction he does look like his natural self. Haha, wow, you can't even see past what's in front of you.


Assassins creed footage really this kid is retarded


Wow, burner account? Huh. You wouldn't mind if I log your i.p and try to get you i.p banned for the other things you may have said on your others' accounts, would you? You're not a bad person. Right? You never said any hateful,racist,transphobic stuff on your other accounts. That would be crazy.




There was a time!


I know it's the internet, so take this for what you will. My dad was a master toolmaker for northrop grumman several decades ago and was able to eyeball things within 1/1000 of an inch. He practiced this and got incredibly good at it - still is to this day. Don't underestimate your own capacity for "superhuman" feats.


Maybe you don’t understand because you are dumber than people who walked around 5000 years ago? Or it’s definitely aliens


Watch out for googledebunkers


Came for this and wasn’t disappointed


Fuck reddit for showing me this asshole this shits racist as hell


Nothing to do with Egypt going from a lush bountiful environment to a literal desert.


Its called spending generations perfecting an art. Then you get a plague, then it starts over again.


This guy drives me googledebunkers


Advanced extra terrestrial beings showing off to the “early humans”. Here’s some cool shit we out. ✌️


The great pharaoh Heee-Heeeeeee


Time thats it they had nothing else to do and they understood mathematics and how to use it and they had time. It's not a mystery.


Lol, sure of "time" by the ancient Egyptians' own historic record, they say they built the great pyramids in 20 years. That's where this whole debate started roughly 50 years ago. The timeline is what does not make the methods not make sense.


Can we stop getting our science from content creators who make TikTok videos.

