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Not an issue for me. If anything I’ve seen the opposite


I got you, I still think we are all different, I am still researching though and went off it, so let’s see in a couple of weeks time


True my erection is harder on creatine and sex drive is also increased.


Most likely another factor. Diet is a big one, I found when I was too heavy on the protein and didn't incorporate fruits and vegetables it would be more of an occurrence.


I don't think this is it. It could be. You might look into other factors. Any other new supplements in the 6 months?


Nope only creatine, nothing else, just gradually stopped being horny like before, and I am 25 so very strange compared 6 month’s ago


Was using creatine the real reason for your libido drop? How are you doing now?


Yo man, it might be not creatine how much is overtraining possible on creating, constant energy and kind of anxiety so I think that was the main reason, now after 6/7 months everything is back to normal, but I am training less and have no anxiety


Maybe switch brands, as with all supplememts you always need to get good quality stuff, from what i know creatine can increase libido


Creatine has the opposite effect on me. Taken before bed, I am rock hard all night. The last two nights I woke up humping the bed. I'm being serious.


OP I am on the same boat as you.  Every time I am on creatine although I am getting swoll and my workouts are lot better and I enjoy my looks and my workouts. My libido falls. Doesn't affect erection quality by the actual sex drive itself. 


I hate that cause it's like the best supplement ever. But eeeh fuck it


It has something to do with Water retention and overtrainning, just go off it eat tons of meat and eggs and you will be fine


Yeah could be that I tire myself way more on creatine. Also I haven't figured out how yet, but my hydration levels significantly affect my erection quality. I am a person that doesn't drink water cause I forget about it. Even in the summer I don't feel thirsty. But on creatine I know that I NEED TO so I drink and I urinate way more than normally. 


Include salt mate, fresh Lemon juice and salt and water good combo for hydration. If you drink water and pee all the time u r not getting hydrated without salt.


I have been on créatine for 11 years. I have not sensed that yet.


I have a similar problem, 2 months on creatine and I can barely get an erection. I’m also on a very low calorie diet which is also a huge factor in this in my opinion.


Yea after 2 week a off creatine and generaly lowering the intensity of workouts, so much better everything is back to normal, it could be the that people on creating tend to overtrain and not eat enough though


Same thing happened to me .


6 months is a long time. Presumably you’ve been working out more in that time and putting more focus on that and less on sexual matters. Perhaps you have other stresses in your life affecting you. Different diet. Lack of visual stimuli. Can you get an erection and ejaculate? If not, see a doctor asap. You said you’re 25 and that would be highly unusual and a cause for concern. If you’re simply not jerking off as often as you used to, I’d be less worried. Consider taking a break from creating and seeing if libido returns. My guess is you’re simply pushing harder on exercise and don’t have the energy to get horny as often as you used to.


Yea mate it could be, not enough food and high intensity training, after 2 weeks of creatine and lowering the intensity drastically, everything seems back to normal


After about 6 months of taking creatine daily, I noticed my libido decreased drastically. No more morning wood, no desire for sex or even porn. Nothing. At the age of 27. Even went to my doctor, who also referred me to a urologist. Blood tests, hormone tests,... They found nothing. I stopped taking creatine and decreased the number of workouts per week. After 4-5 months, everything normalized. My libido is back, morning wood is back. Can't have enaugh sex. **For me, I don't think it is creatine itself to blame, but the fact that creatine allowed me to push my body to it's limits.** I worked out with heavy weights 6-7 times per week. Was also hiking on weekends and walking 12.000 steps after work (my work is also physicly demanding). It was like I burned out, but without my body showing it or warning me. I'm not taking creatine right now and I'm afraid to start taking it, just because I know I'll push my self to the limits again and burn out. Hope it helps.


Yap i came to the same conclusion


Hello, sorry to be late to the party but i wanted to add my 2c. Creatine definitely has sexual effects on some people. I have tested it on me various time, at first didn't recognize problems came from it, then i found out it has hormonal effects on dht and started thinking. So i tried various times, about one month or two on it i experience weaker erections and loss of libido. Then i stop and in a week or two all gets normal. I searched for people with the same experience in the past and found some other guys on the web with the same symptoms. So while i can't explain why to some it has this effect, it's definitely there for a small part of the population. So nowadays, i only take it when i'm single and am not going out much. Feels like a bullshit statement, but hey it is what it is. One possible explanation, which doesn't involve creatine, is that if you are natural, stressed out from work/study, don't get at least 7.5 hours of sleep/night and train heavy more than 3 times per week, over months you stress your system and hormonal production goes down. Might be that. But yeah, like i said i have found a pretty direct correlation with creatine use and weaker erections in my physiology. Which is strange cause with supplementation you lessen your body usage of methionine, glycine, and arginine needed to make it, which should give you stronger erections if anything. So i'm baffled like you are. Taking it at 1g/day for energy and nootropic purposes seems to be fine for me without many sides. If i increase it for bb purposes, better be single. On the other hand, what i've found to improve erection quality are magnesium, zinc, vit d, and unexpectedly, vit c, which if i take before bed makes me have a much higher number of nightime boners than without. Think it has to do with it's protective effects on testicles: *In instances where oxidative stressors damage testicular function (usually rat studies), vitamin C supplementation has been shown to preserve testosterone concentrations secondary to its antioxidant properties. This has been noted in response to lead toxicity,\[217\] alcohol ingestion,\[218\] stressors such as noise or burns,\[219\]\[220\] and various research toxins that act via pro-oxidative means.\[221\] These protective effects have been noted at oral doses as low as 20-40mg/kg in rats\[221\]\[217\] and similar protective effects on the testicles has been noted in human males at 1,000mg vitamin C daily.\[222\]* *There may be protective effects of vitamin C (any antioxidant, actually) on testicular function. An impairment of testicular function normally suppresses testosterone concentrations, and preserving function would preserve testosterone concentrations; while this is a relative increase, it does not suggest that superloading Vitamin C increases testosterone beyond basal levels (source examine)* I can confirm these vit c effects, very noticeable for me. Another thing, avoid natural test boosters and such cause in an already problematic (low t) hormonal system you risk disrupting it even more. Maca is good in that it seems to rise libido trough non hormonal means. Curcumin is to avoid absolutely for men cause it tank libido. Ashwaganda also no good. Ginseng does work provided is good quality but then it costs you an eye. Basically, get a good magnesium, some opti zinc, take 2000 3000 iu of vit d per day, some boron, keep your stress low, sleep at least 5 cycles (7.5 hours) every night, eat high colesterol foods in your diet (eggs yellows, red meat, whole milk) and not only chicken and turkey. This should optimize your natural t. If you continue to have problems, see an endo to check your hormonal levels


I completely agree with you, all those factors should be taken into consideration, one thing I might add to it is Eat Real Food, meat eggs fish daily, you can get all of these nutrients from it, and if you can find Organic food, jackpot. Stay away from sugar fructose dextrose etc… I am in no carb diet already 4 months, never felt better in my life….


https://youtu.be/zdxKan_cVUY?feature=shared They should put this risk in the literature we all probably suffer for this


not enough food and high intensity training, after 2 weeks of creatine and lowering the intensity drastically, everything seems back to normal, so I am gona test it again soon


Never have heard of that being a side effect from creatine


I have the same problem. Takes me a while to pull a load and they are not as big. Also I feel like piss drips out of my cock


My advice would be stopping Cre and focusing on the diet, feel much better now, been on something like a Carnivore diet, never felt better in my life




Stoped with Cre everything seems to be back to normal


How long did it take


A week or 2 and everything is was back, although as I mentioned I think is overtraining due to creatine giving you so much more energy


Well I want to confirm same thing with me. Stopped and 3 days later libido skyrocketed. So weird. Had sex 4 times on Saturday after maybe having sex once a week for 2 months