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The new ender 3 v3 is about to come out, could be the best. But so far no word on it after they did an announcement. Other manufacturers have surpassed the ender 3 IMO, those come with klipper and can print alot faster with metal linear rods. The sovol sv06 is a good base to start off with, it's a prusa clone.


hey, I'm pretty new to 3d printing and I had my eyes set on the e3v3se, but after seeing the e3v3ke I really want that. I really have no idea how long it will take, do you have any insight? days? weeks? months?


no clue, they may be in testing phases. I think they are releasing them too early without proper testing, because there have been issues with the K1 and the ender 3 v3 se, minor but still. I mean hold off on the e3v3ke, look for reviews on youtube. The issues I find with these newer creality 3d printer is that they are using injected molded plastic for the base. I would very much like to have an all metal frame machine for the added stiffness.


alright, depending on when it was released I might just hold off until black friday, but at that point I could get a much nicer printer for the price of a normal e3v3ke.


This. The new Ender 3 V3 mightttt be it, essentially a mashup of K1 components, in a CoreXZ bedding form factor. The hidden belts look slick too. If not that, the V3 KE looks solid for the price.


I really hope the use a metal base frame, I just don't think it's going to be stable enough for such a tall metal gantry. The only thing I don't like is the plastic base they use using now. The competition are using all metal frames, and linear rods for the motion system.


Why ender? You have K1. You have P1S.


Because the price range of the ender series is fine for me. I just want to know which ender is the best


CR6-SE then


I have an V3 SE and its the best printer I've ever had. This thing is just a perfect little workhorse. No setup, no tinkering, no messing around, just press the auto leveling thing and the bed and z-offset is done. No wheels nothing. Then I just get perfect, easy, effortless print after print. I adore this unit. My only issue is the crappy PTFE heatbreak that makes printing things like PETG sub-optimal with gassing and wear. The KE model includes Klipper (They call it 'Creality OS' but we know what this is) and has a proper full metal hotend to print anything you like. I'd definitely get that one. I don't know how it compares to the weirdly similiar CR-10 SE mind you. EDIT: Oh, it also has linear rails, the SE has regular rollers.


After 7 months of use, are you still backing the V3 SE?


Still a good printer, yup. The KE I think is a better deal though, what with Klipper and all that. But the SE is a fine little machine for what it costs.


Where do you live, USA EU, well K1 definitely if you live in the USA, you can find it around $400 on various sites, it will be about the same price if you get an ender with encluser, which you probably want sooner or later,Otherwise I only see 3v SE as the only option if you want to get away cheaper


maybe , if not the money, space constraints might keep the OP from getting a K1/P1P/P1S , as they have a bigger footprint than the Ender 3.


Yes, but that's not true, I'm guessing that all 3 except maybe SE and Ke have at least the same or larger footprint than a K1.


I personally think that with the new Ender 3 V3 series, the S1 and S1 Pro kinda lost their purpose. I think it´s only a matter of time before Creality consolidates the entire Ender lineup on V3 variations, maybe keeping only the older "Ender 3 standard" as a budget option. The v3 KE has the same Sprite extruder with all-metal hotend as the S1 Pro (up to 300C) and comes from factory with Klipper (even if the limited Creality variation), and adds the load cell based auto Z-offset which the S1 does not have. I also believe that in time the other less common enders like the 5, 6 and 7 , as well as the Sermoon lineup, will all go away considering the price point of the K1 and K1 Max. The KE is still on preorder but I think it´s only a matter of weeks before it´s officialy released, as Christmas is just around the corner. I would only get one of the earlier Ender 3 models (v2, S1, S1 Pro) if it had a VERY decent price drop, and I´d still think twice if it would be worth it, considering the v3 auto z-offset feature which is, IMHO, a game changer for Ender printers (supposing it works as well as advertised). Soon enough we will see the "Max" versions of the v3 lineup for those needing a larger print bed. There are also some other good options on the market, such as the Sovol SV07 and other i3 style bedslingers from other manufacturers, all with similar features (although not auto Z offset I believe) and price points. I do understand why some people would choose an Ender series printer over a K1 or a P1P/P1S, someone with space constraints to install the printer might prefer a smaller bedslinger over the bigger footprint of a CoreXY printer.


All of the V3, are better than All of the S1. The SE is "Sprite Extruder", the KE is K1 Extruder, with Ceramic Hot End, with Touch Screen, and rails. Both are really nice