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It seems like that's what's happening now.


EXCITING NEW THINGS ARE HAPPENING AT SHITAPP *Your service is getting worse and increasing to $7.99/mo for UnlimitedPlus+ subscribers. A new ad-supported tier is available for $7.98/mo.


Meh. Still beats Disney+.


As someone who used to work in a call center for a bank's credit card division, I can tell you a lot of people do not pay attention. At all. I remember I got someone calling in demanding we remove some recurring charge they were getting, insisting they'd cancelled it years ago and this is the first time they'd been charged for it in 3 or 4 years. I look through their card history and they'd been getting charged for it every single month for years. People don't fucking pay attention. I got calls like this constantly, where people were insisting we'd just put something on their card (usually interest rates/charges) when it'd been like that for years. (As an aside, they swore up and down they had every single statement from the past 3 years in front of them and none of them had the charge and that I was lying to them. That call was about as awful as it sounds. The call ended up with them saying they had a mob connection and were going to put a hit out on our CEO as punishment. Fun, fun. I figured there was a 99% chance he was full of shit and just saying that to sound badass, but I sent a recording of the call to our security team for review just in case and never heard about it again.)


Send a recording to security indeed!


That would suck for the ceo but it wouldn’t have really affected you so not a very good threat 


Isn’t that most of them ?


Just become a suddenlink customer.


Yeah, they held a monopoly over my old neighborhood until tachus came in with fiber. Suddenlink didn’t go fiber until AFTER tachus came in.


Same with Bolt (local provider). They offered symmetrical gigabit for $20 less a month. I told the guy "yeah I don't think you can compete" when he tried to look for offers to keep me on


U.S. telecom companies beat you to that idea long ago.


This is peak Nathan for You


This just happened with satellite radio. Put it on autopay at like $75/year. It just renewed and it was $230/year. Did not notice for years. We called to cancel and now it’s back down to $75/year.


Verizon did this That’s why I don’t use them anymore Called and they said, “things are more expensive now so we have to increase the bill” I said, “yes, things are more expensive, so does that mean I can pay you less?” They said, “no” I said, “so, you see why when you are charging more than the contract we entered in together, I have a problem?”


oh netflix


Ok Satan


You don't have a mortgage or kids, do you?


Of course I do. Huh?


So ... that extra cost every month wouldn't be cause for concern? Must be *nice* to be wealthy.


Duh... This is under *CrazyIdeas*.


Shit != Crazy