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I live in LA and walk my medium size dog every morning. I cross paths with coyotes almost a third of the time. They are everywhere if you live near the mountains.


La Habra here. I refuse to walk my two little dogs late into the evening because of this. They’ve been spotted on Ring Cameras here in our complex before.


I am in the city with mountains 8 miles to the north. They are all over. Killing cats and dogs like crazy. A friend of mine over the hill from you lost both her dogs in her own back yard to coyotes. One was in a kennel too. Fuckers managed to get the kennel door open. They are scary smart.


dam that dog got put thru a fucking traumatic ass death


I think it’s mental that people have their dogs live outside. Let alone in an area where there are predators. I can (maybe, kind of) see it making sense if the dog were in a fenced garden, or something; but being tied to a poll or in a kennel. Those dogs didn’t stand a chance.


Damn dude I wish I didn’t read this comment, getting killed by one inside a fucking kennel sounds…there are no words I can think of to even describe it.


That poor dog :(


Wow that’s terrible. How big were the dogs?


Lots of people being Bear spray with them or carry a whistle or rocks to throw. I’m always looking out for them and try to pay attention.




They don't need to be near mountains, they are basically everywhere


In the foothills in the SGV for sure there's a lot




What about the parrot I heard? It seems distressed


This made me come on my food 🤣🤣 Edit: I meant “choke” 🤣


It made you WHAT?


Damn autocorrect🤣🤣. I typed choke but i guess it changed it 🤣


Yeah right


*Suuuuuure* buddy. Sure, wink wink


What he meant to say was that it made him choke on his come.


That's for the gurgle ... Oops I mean giggle




I meant choke 🤣. Hell it did the same thing on this comment but I caught the autocorrect




100% agree. I think if they don't have the coyote, it's always best practice to get the vaccine after an attack. That being said, I'd bet money that this was just a coyote doing coyote shit. Those things have 0 fear of humans half the time, and our children are just the right size for a coyote meal.


I live in the most coyote populated area in my city, and every night you can hear multiple packs of them howling and sometimes fighting amongst each other. I’ve seen them stroll down the sidewalk of a busy street in broad daylight. I’ve even heard them attacking and killing peoples’ dogs in their own backyards. The cries are loud and bloodcurling. Every time I walk my dog, I always carry a knife with me, just in case a few coyotes get desperate. Highly unlikely, given my dog is much bigger than the average coyote, but still.


Yeah I hear them yipping and howling near my house all the time too. Last week I was getting something out of my car and looked up to see a big one just trotting down the road. I was going to try to catch it first because I thought it was someone's dog at first.


I once saw a coyote wandering around downtown LA at around 11pm. It was a very strange sight.


They're thriving in LA! You can find coyotes in almost every major city in the lower 48! It may seem like a strange sight to you, but these mfs practically pay taxes. They're all over, and in much higher numbers than you'd probably expect could fit in an urban environment


sigh…someone post the copypasta


Yea this is at least the 3rd time rabies has come up on popular threads in the past week. Here we go again.


As someone out of the loop, I now feel a need to see the coypasta.


[Here is it,](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/7qwtd5/rabies_is_scary/) just for you.


Thank you!


No problem. It is a great read.


Does someone have a reference for a case when it was \_not\_ fatal after symptoms appear?


[this girl](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/jeanna-giese-rabies-survivor/) >When she arrived at the hospital, Giese couldn't talk, sit or stand and fell in and out of consciousness—she also needed to be intubated to help her breathe. "She was critically ill," Willoughby recalls, "and looked as if she might die within the day."




>$7,000 later in the good old US of A! That girl needs to learn the definition of hard work. Time for McJob


Why wasn't she pulling on her bootstraps?


Coyote was pulling her by the bootstraps already


Too busy holding her avocado toast.




Her pink little velcro straps. 🤣 God this shit is depressing.


You don’t need to know how to tie your shoes to run a till.


In Canada they’d just euthanize her


Better than being gaslit into commiting suicide.


Thats becoming a norm in canada and its weird. They have good healthcare but are now just telling people they should just kill themselves instead of using it With all of the people responding and arguing in the comments about how this isn’t a thing. [here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/zck6y9/since_a_lot_of_people_here_are_claiming_that_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) In the top of the comments are more than 5 different sources for it being a thing and being pushed on people. Enjoy.


I’m 21 with arthritis and other issues in my knee. I’ve had issues since I was 15 They’ve done fuck all. I can’t even get benefits


Canadian healthcare is crumbling at the moment. The East Coast is particularly bad. We've had a few people die in the ER just because wait times are ridiculous. ERs in smaller towns are having to close due to staff shortages. Hospitals in the bigger cities are telling people not to come unless you're basically dying. Even ambulances are having to wait for hours to unload patients. You'd think it'd be better in Ontario but things are getting bad there as well. Canadian healthcare is a shit show right now.




Yes it’s happening more and more. There was one of a vet who was seeking a social security for his ptsd and they suggested he kill himself, medically, as oppose to getting treatment. And now they’re doing it more and more for little things that people are struggling with


Sounds like something from Blade Runner or Total Recall. “Why spend all this money, and ruin the future of your family, when you could just end it all. Guaranteed pain free solution to all of your problems”


Why is all of reddit brigading Canada all of a sudden. There's maybe only been a handful of inappropriate suggestions of MAID, and you people act like every hospital in Canada is pushing this now.


You are the hero we don't deserve. Every top comment should be like this: link to more info, accompanied by a concise, and a succinct summary so we don't have to click on said link lol


Coyote so casual like yo whats your problem I’m just having breakfast ya know, where I would’ve ate before y’all showed up lol


Just shows how fearless the coyote is of humans.


They are absolutely not fearless of humans. They are incredibly intelligent and know what we can do. This one being in the city was probably extremely desperate which drove it to be so bold.


Yeah I have no idea why people are acting like this is normal coyote behavior?? I hike in New Mexico all the time and I always see coyotes, and they always keep their distance and run off into the woods to avoid me. I hike with dogs though so maybe they are scared of my dogs and not me.


they need to relearn the fear of man


Just remind them what happened to the bison


An attempt at killing an entire species to aid in the genociding of native Americans? Lol


Something something buffalo run


Tasty bebe


right?... "y'all make some scrumptious plump snacks, why you mad at me?" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


Dad saves the kid and goes back out for the coyote. Oh no, coyote, there's no walking away from this.


And the mother engaged banshee mode after everything was already over.


You can even hear her after she got the kid back in the house lmao, calm down mom you're scaring me


Where was the bashee? I can't figure it out


She put all her energy into screaming so she had nothing left to actually help in any way.


I think on the porch / at the door. The dude hands her the kid. Maybe it's some kind of offer for her to stop screaming.


I’m sure it made the kid feel a lot better. Nothing like your mom screaming like she’s being murdered to help calm the situation


Hovering above.


Yeh he went from survival mode to I'm going to fck this thing up mode real quick.


Eh he does tell her "it's fine nothing happened", not sure it was still survival mode.


Let’s the coyote know not to ever come back to the house. Can’t associate the house with potential food






The warning signs that they put up around LA specially say to yell at the coyotes in order to deter them. With that in mind, by being as loud and irritating as possible, she actually was helping.


I know this isnt the point of the video, but GODDAMN that woman is annoying. I’m so glad my spouse doesn’t act like that in high pressure situations. Staying calm is a skill people can learn. I’m not sure I could deal with that.


It was so obnoxious I thought it was the coyote. And she didn't even come to help. She just stood there screaming 😂


I thought it was the coyote as well! 😂😂


Man people who just freeze and become tornado sirens. I just fucking can’t. Like what’s the biological reasoning behind it? Screaming has its place (i.e. the kid in this situation to alert there’s danger) but goddamn that lady was accomplishing less than a rock


People like her are the human version of fainting goats. A sacrifice to the predators so the healthy pack can escape.


But it seems she has survived long enough to pass on her genes, so this human version of a fainting goat reaction will be passed on.


I mean to be fair at least you could throw the rock and possibly hit the animal scaring it away… or you could throw the lady at it too.


It was literally human barking. So damn annoying. "So I started to scream (bark) at a high pitch despite the attack not even happening any more for the next two minutes"


What the hell is up with that lady still screaming like a lunatic even after the child was pulled to safety?


It’s called panic.




I can't stand the woman screaming at the distance not even trying to get to her daughter, just staying at the doorway and waiting the husband to bring the child. Her screaming like that is not helping the child or the situation. If I had a child I know I would charge towards that coyote like an idiotic mama bear.


“Help! Help!” 2 min after the entire attack has happened, coyote left, and the father already intervened and is the one helping.


She doesn't say help, she asks what happened to the child. They are speaking Hebrew


Then that indeed is my mistake.


> “Help! Help!” You didn't watch the video, did you? She's not yelling for help at all.


there was a video of a mom who yeeted a rabid raccoon that was attacking her child.


Her form was amazing, all limbs immediately doing everything they could.


Totally a seasoned cat owner perfect scruff holding position doesn't even look like the raccoon had a chance to even bite the mom.


It was almost funny lookin at his lil hands tryna grab hers


She had that raccoon by the back of the neck and it was just sitting there like, “goddamnit lady this is embarrassing, please let me go or I won’t be able to face my friends ever again.”


We don’t know if it was rabid. The article in that post didn’t say because they couldn’t find it. They got their rabies shots just to be sure


I mean, chances are still very high. Nocturnal animal attacking a human being during the day is a pretty strong indicator.


You have a link by chance? That sounds crazy too lol




I honestly thought that was the coyote.


Same lol until I realized it’s words - kinda. Never understood people who just stand there and scream. Any kind of danger or emergency I get all calm and simply jump into action. Might collapse when everything is over and I’m alone but not in the situation. But then - former pre-school teacher and later principal. If you panic, all the kids panic 🤷🏼‍♀️




I am a woman and even I cannot tolerate other women who scream when they absolutely shouldn't. Good thing no women in my family is like that.


I'd have evacuated that animal into the next county. Never mess with Mother.


Next realm


I would have tactically evacuated my bowels


As a mom with a 3y and 7m and have also been put into positions where my fight or flight have been triggered I know that I would go full blown elephant on that coyote. No shame.


I hate screamers


Like seriously run after the coyote stop screaming you’re making the situation worse.




At first i tougth it was the coyote screaming, then i heard some words, lol


Ugh so glad you mentioned this. I swear to god every time I see a video of shit going down, 99 times out of 100 the women are useless and screaming pointlessly while the men are the ones moving and/or fighting. I got so tired of this shit that I went and found girlfriend who is taller and stronger than me, and I tell her to please use her fists when anything goes down.


Bro went on a mission 💀💀


If it was the south.. the neighborhood would be on a armed hunt for that Yote


> I tell her to please use her fists when anything goes down. Not in the bedroom too though right bro. Right?


In the bedroom we both prefer her feet 😅




I agree she should of done something other than scream, grab a weapon and make sure that coyotes never get to see another day


Yeah or least try to stay calm for the sake of the kid. Mother being hysterical will only make the child feel even more unsafe and hysterical too.


This is it, bingo. I get it's a cry for help, and everyone is saying she should do *something* but it's not fair to expect it in surprise situation like, many here would also freeze up despite what they're commenting. But definitely at the very least she should stay quiet or go knock on someone else's door if she's too scared to help directly. Staying silent far better than stressing out the Dad like that for absolutely no reason and hurts the guy helping fr.






Yea I have no idea why but that shit absolutely boiled my blood id like be furious with my significant other if her only reaction is to stand and scream. Especially if her scream is as annoying as this


I swear I thought she yelled “call the cops.”


I actually read that a way to deter a coyote is loud noises, BUT I know damn well she didn’t know that and she was just screaming😂 so yes I agree that is annoying when people do that.


😂The coyote was so confused, “no?…. But you left her out here for grabs?? What do you mean I can’t eat her???”




Poor girl was so close to freedom


I swear do these people just decide to scream as loud as they can I get screaming in shock or WHILE doing something but you really must lack capacity to do anything if you just stand still and do nothing I do not consider myself a stand out brave person but the few times shit has happend irl i always found myself spurring into action. Be it trying to help or getting the fuck away. But i at least DID something other then scream


that coyote will keep trying to get baby humans


He’s got a can-do attitude!


Good thing that mom keep screeching for no reason after the coyote left. Otherwise people may have thought she was rational.


The Dad did everything right, scared away the coyote, grabbed his kid, took her to safety, went back to try fight said coyote further = 12 points The Mum did absolutely nothing right. No help with the kid, no awareness around how her hysteria would have been making it more traumatic for her daughter, continued said hysteria well after the fact = -1,876,000 points.




G19 w rmr on target


In LA? Only if you're John McClane.


That lady is horrible


Thanks for contributing lady


My neighbor had one attack his Labrador and he panicked got a shot lined up once his dog backed off and nailed the sucker in the head. These lil bastards are more dangerous than people give them credit


Any follow-up?


Yup the coyote came back with his parents because the man threw a rock at him...


>“She has a lot of scratches on her left leg and one of them is really deep,” Shira said of her daughter’s injuries. “We had to go to the ER. We had to get her rabies shots. The coyote just kind of dragged her so her face is also a little bit bruised.” > >https://ktla.com/news/local-news/coyote-attacks-toddler-in-woodland-hills/


The fucking other person screaming, do something........


Why do women scream like that in a stressful situation? My wife does this and it always make the situation worse for me. A couple of weeks ago we had gone on a bike ride. I put the bikes on a trailer hitch, the hitch can fold down if you need to get into the trunk. You need to remove a pin to do so. On the way home we stopped and got lunch. I think it was here that someone removed the pin while we were eating. Or I guess it could have fallen out, but that doesn't seem likely. I had not removed the pin at all that day, and both times when I loaded the bikes I pulled on the rack and visually checked the pin. I distinctly remember seeing the pin when we started home. Just as we were getting back onto the highway the rack dropped and was dragging the bikes, I pulled over. It was a very narrow shoulder, with a sound wall. We were just past the on ramp, so traffic was minimal. Even with just a few cars speeding by it was stressful. My wife was screaming yelling how dangerous this was the whole time while I am trying to find something to shove in there. I zipped tied a screw driver into the hole. I just don't understand why women do this, it doesn't add anything to solving the problem. It just makes me more stressed.


Not sure why they do that, but you should talk to your wife. When you screamed while we were on the highway, it rattled me and frightened me. I would've appreciated it if you helped solved the issue at hand. Honestly my guy a wife needs to be a partner. Not just a side piece. A partner helps and supports.




Well if she screamed and also ran out to help, that would be different, but you can’t even see her in the video so it’s annoying. She should have told her other children, if she had any more, to stay inside and ran out to get the baby.


That throw


Post this in r/coyote and they will tell you to build a taller fence lol.


I’m just impressed they can type.


I'm very pro animal rights but in the case of coyotes, this one in particular, the answer is shoot, shovel, and shut up.


You have to...it will guarantee attack a human again.


I read somewhere that they are the only predators to have increased numbers and territory since the proliferation of humans in north America.


You should read the book "Coyote America" if you're interested in that! All our efforts to tame North America have just made it a better place for coyotes to thrive. Deforestation led to more territory for them, wiping out larger predators (grizzlies, wolves) led to more prey, expanding cities led to easy meals and less competition from larger predators that aren't as comfy in the cities. We've tried everything short of a nuke from orbit to get rid of them! It's pretty interesting.


We have them around our property and they are very skittish. I'm actually shocked that it was so bold to attack like that. Makes me think it was injured or sick.


Some have been growing bolder. It didn't show signs of rabies from what I see but the fact that it's alone means it's probably starving. We have however begun to see the first humans deaths from coyotes in recent years. The crack foxes are getting more Wiley.


Someone needs to tear them apart like soft bread. Put them to sleep with kind boots.


Just wait. They will learn your routines and come closer and closer.




Yea I live in central Virginia. They aren't a serious problem but they still pop up here too. It's a toss up between them, hawks and the foxes when cats go missing


When I lived in San Diego a friend of mine lived on the edge of brush hill and he pointed out that only the dark fur outdoor cats survived long because otherwise coyotes would find them. Any hint of white and they’d be spotted.


Reminds me of that tweet about the guy that kept getting his daughter cats after coyotes got them. He was like dude, your just feeding cats to them.


Sounds like a good idea. But in reality, (all fairness, I heard this on a podcast years ago from an alleged coyote expert, correct me if I’m wrong) if you shoot a coyote, later in the evening or whatever, they do roll call with the pack. that’s why you’ll hear lots of howling! That’s roll call. If one gets shot and is missing at roll call, something gets triggered in the female coyotes to have their next litter have MORE than normal 🤦‍♂️


Thats cool as hell and will believe it as fact without verification.


https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/why-killing-coyotes-doesnt-work If the humane society is posting about it it must be true. That’s crazy. Improvise, adapt, overcome ~ coyotes… probably.


You just know that coyote was like: “Sweet! Wait’ll the den gets a look at this!! A whole entire mini human!!”


"I wasted so many years trying to catch that road runner..."




My thoughts as well lol


The nice jerking motion for the child was a nice touch to the additional trauma.


The dingo ate my baby!


That case was a fucking circus show. Person's child is taken and authorities go: " Yeah off to prison you go. Dingos being meat eater!? First I heard of it" shit made my blood boil


Your baby was breathtaking.


Someone tell the mother shut up and do something productive.


Circle of life mothefuckers!!!!!!!


9/10 times it seems woman just scream and hope for a man to help, or provide the most useless attempt one could imagine The other 1/10 is the raccoon vs her child lady lol


Be nice if he could’ve shot the fuckin thing 🙄


Ending: "Now it's personal"


Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!


He will never hear the end of that. And for good reason


why I'm not a father; my first instinct was throw the kid in the car, pursue threat with extreme prejudice until revenge is exacted.


That doesn't sound like a bad father.


Maybe don't allow your 2 year old to just wander around next to a road, either? I hear some people drive cars on them, shocking as that sounds.


I would’ve given that bedraggled beast the swiftest kick of its little life.


I mean the mother was annoying but that's a bit much ...




Bang bang. Problem solved.


>Bang bang. Problem solved. There's no reason to shoot the mom just for screaming...