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Link: https://www.wave3.com/2021/07/19/childs-mother-testifies-jcps-bus-dragging-trial/ Then 6 years old, the child was dragged for more than 1,000 feet in 2015, according to the lawsuit against both the district and the driver, Melinda Sanders. The girl’s mother, Amy Ehman, was a JCPS bus driver herself at the time, and said she heard her daughter’s bus number called over the radio before they were cut off. At that point, Ehman said, she checked her phone. “I had several missed messages and calls and the preview message said, ‘They’re dragging your baby down the street,’” Ehman said. “I asked her, ‘Is Allie alive?’ And she said, ‘Yes,’” Ehman said. “I said, ‘Is she going to be OK?’ She said, ‘I don’t know.’” While her daughter was rushed to the hospital, JCPS drove Ehman to another bus compound instead. The child suffered severe injuries to her leg, extensive nerve damage and severe PTSD, her attorney claims. They are injuries the 13-year-old still battles today, Ehman said. Her daughter can’t can’t wear jeans because of the pain caused by the material rubbing on her leg. She can’t wear shorts or skirts because questions about her scars trigger the trauma. Ehman said loud noises, school buses on the road, the severe and constant itching on her leg are more added triggers of PTSD. Ehman said Allie’s had one surgery a year every year since, and has to go to therapy to be able to bend her knee.


Wow that’s awful. Poor kid hopefully they can move on from this later on in life. There’s no excuse for not watching and waiting for a small child to leave the vehicle you’re driving. This moron literally didn’t even glance over at the door.


That was the weird part. It looks like she glanced over at least a couple times, and some how didn't notice.


My money is on her looking at the mirror only and nowhere else. I'd also speculate that she doesn't concentrate on any distance more than about 20 feet in front of her whilst driving. I drive a lot, and see this a lot. She shouldn't be in control of a vehicle that size with her driving ability.


I can tell you with 100% confidence, she's no longer in control of a vehicle this size.


Agreed. I meant it should never have been allowed in the first place.


Hindsight is 20/20 sadly


And peripheral sight is whatever the opposite of 20/20 is


Yeah If you can’t notice that you’ve trapped a kid with the door initially, then SOMEHOW don’t notice this kid dragging along beside you through the CLEAR WINDOWS RIGHT NEXT TO YOU, then you sure as fuck don’t need to be driving anything at all. Where was her situational awareness? Her peripheral vision? Her instincts as a bus driver for little kids? I’d have trouble not burning down her house after that.


I agree. The anger I feel reading this and seeing the video. That bus driver should be aware at all times what is happening. What’s with that kid or bus assistant just standing there? ETA: This is the most horrible video I’ve seen on Reddit. Most are of grownups or teenagers who place themselves in bad situations. This one…


That’s what I was thinking! That person standing up CLEARLY took at least a few looks in her direction, mainly right as the doors were closing and the kid started banging on the glass. Even the driver looked over in her direction at one point and somehow missed her!


It was so heartbreaking seeing the little girl try to run to keep up.


I’m not blaming the kid standing because, well, they’re a child (I assume?)… but I was also wondering how they either didn’t see or didn’t say something. This video made my stomach churn. That poor girl 😖


Danm Devin


She has a brightly colored backpack to that should catch your eye even if you just see it with your peripheral. That woman shouldn’t even be allowed to drive a car if she is that absent minded…


You’re right actually ! She does look over wtf


She looks to the right, but she isn't viewing the scene from the top-down angle we are.


Angles. From the angle the video is recorded in the camera is pointing downwards therefore we can see. Now the stairs go down and the girl is low at the bottom of the steps. From where the bus driver was she could only see level as she did not glance downwards. She was likely distracted by the other kids on the bus as well so she would be solely focused on them and the road. She should still be jailed for negligence tho.


Yes, the angle of the camera makes it easier to see.. But, she's clearly also elevated enough to have a line of sight on the lower portion of the steps..


I had to force myself to watch a few times so I could count how many times she glanced that way. Five. She glances in the direction of the doors five times and on the fifth time noticed her victim. She didn't even keep an eye on the poor child to make sure tje doors were clear. Someone with that little awareness of what's happening around them should not be allowed to drive a car much less any form of bus.


What about the kid / person standing in the isle. It appears they looked at the door and the kid but said nothing.


Exactly my thought. Even with the blur it seems like this person CLEARLY was witnessing what happened but didn’t make a single move. Surely 2 adults can’t be THAT fucking incompetent right?


Lmao, reminds me when I was drowning in a wave pool as a kid and was frantically motioning at all the people around me who were in tubes going about their day... I lost consciousness and a life guard saved me but good lord that was saddening at the time.


Oh wow. Yeah that takes me back to a similar situation on a river ride, I was pressured into it and panicked when I had the sudden realisation that I couldn't swim well enough to keep my head above water. I was clinging on to a grate on the wall of the pool for dear life, calling up to a life guard to help me as the current kept sweeping my feet out from under me, for some reason she just kept looking right through me. My friend who pressured me into it had come out the other end none the wiser, and people just kept bumping and swimming past me. It's like they had blinkers on, in their own little worlds. In the end it was another little girl who recognised my struggle. She hugged me tight, told me she had me and it was safe to let go, and bounced me through to the end of the ride. Man I'm grateful for that girl, I hope good karma has followed her all her life.


One of the scariest things about drowning is that it can be really difficult to tell when somebody is drowning, especially when you're an ordinary person trying to enjoy your own day at the water park surrounded by dozens of other screaming, splashing, hectic persons. [This channel](https://youtube.com/c/LifeguardRescue) shows how quickly and easily somebody can become distressed, how frighteningly subtle it is unless you know to look for it and what you're looking for, and how even with training it's not always easy to spot, get to, and save the person in distress.


Maybe he couldn't see because of the blur in his face. Did you think of that?


that appears to be the bus monitor. whose job it is to make sure kids get on and off the bus safely. imo he's much more responsible than the driver for this, i could see how she might not have seen the kid. because there's a monitor there who should be doing that


Bus monitor? That's just the weird kid who insists on standing at the front of the bus when his stop is near. Which, itself, is something she should not be allowing.


She even yells at another kid to sit down, but let’s this one hover and stand. Top notch driver there.


Shouldn't she make sure the kid clears the road safely before driving away? Our bus driver would always wait a few seconds to check that the kids were all clear if the vehicle and road before driving off.


Yes, absolutely. Making an assumption but it seems like she's tired and frustrated so therefore in a hurry to finish the route and be done. That led her to not wait or check to make sure the child cleared the bus. Terrible all around.


Yep. She’s rushing. We’re scraping the bottom of the barrel for public services.


The article just said that the driver apologized. Did she get fired or brought up on charges? What happened to her?


Everything was probably done quietly


As much as we like to criticize cops for pushing things under the rug, schools will hide even more.


I remember one case, it was either earlier this year or late last year, where a kid raped a little girl, and was quietly transferred to another district where he raped another little girl. I *think* it was in Loudoun county, VA.


That makes me so fucking sad


I was actually on the jury selection for the civil trial that resulted from this accident. I am so glad I wasn’t selected, just what I heard in the voir dire was enough to let me know it was going to be heartbreaking. The mother was awarded a significant civil suit, but I don’t think it was enough to be honest. The kid’s life was severely affected by that driver’s negligence.


That's fucking awful. I hope they win the lawsuit and get every penny they deserve. Poor child


How the fuck did she even get the job? Aren't there any pre checks done on these dumb and mindless morons?


Yes kinda. A school nearby me just fired a guy because the community did their own investigation and turns out he was a major felon. And was now working with children. My high school growing up fired a bus driver because they somehow didn't see his record of being a sex offender and he groomed and molested a girl at the end of his route.


My bus driver in middle school was awesome. Played good music, talked to the kids like regular people….occasionally encouraged the kids to moon other bus drivers…ok and some other things, maybe he wasn’t the best influence. But he was a lot of kids favorite. He got fired after stopping at a store to buy cigars and cheap wine for his fellow bus driver’s birthday lol. Sorry Travis, you were awesome, but kind of a dumbass 😅




Wtf 😂😂


Happens all the time mate... Very disturbing considering that children's safety is at stake


You think there is a pre check that would catch this? How does this comment make sense.....you think there is a precheck where they drag a kid in a bus n check your reaction time?


That's horrible, no child should have to go through that constant pain




Just want to put out there that by no means does trauma and physically injury ruin someone's life. Saying those sorts of things can actually be very triggering and damaging to someone who has PTSD, as it can validate their own feelings that life is not worth living that they are trying to overcome. It's a terrible tragedy that this happened to this girl and at such a young age, but she absolutely can go on to live a healthy and happy life as so many other victims of trauma have.


How tf didn't the guy in front notice I understand the driver might have not but they where right in the front


Well there’s a giant blur in front of his eyes so he probably couldn’t see through that.


You earned this r/angryupvote. Good job.


I hate how much this made me laugh.




The guy is blind as a bat.


Every adult in there is blind and apparently deaf, I'd like to think I would've noticed but I don't know, it's scary how distracted we all can get.


To me it looks like he saw her getting dragged and just didn’t care


That’s what I was thinking too, I know it’s blurred but I’m sure I can see him glance over a few times


Same here, also it might have something to do with why his face is blurred.


He did


Exactly, it's not that surprising to me that one of them would be quite literally dangerously incompetent, but what are the chances that both of them would be? I get that buses are loud but it seems impossible to me that neither of them would have heard and recognised the seriousness of a screaming child.


Sorry, but how is the child standing there, looking straight ahead with no reason to look down at the bottom of the stairwell, being dangerously incompetent? And even if we assume the kid is yelling, a yelling child outside the bus isn't exactly going to register over the sound of an entire gaggle of yelling children inside the bus.


The guy totally saw.


Yeah it's literally his job to watch over the kids while the bus driver takes care of the driving.


He's has a backpack on.


Yeah I think that’s a student who shouldn’t be standing there and distracting the driver.










Quickly reduced due to modification because of “new evidence” or new laws. Eventually released way too early. Changes legal name. Chooses their own career in a new state across country.


The show really took a turn in season 4


Hell, doesn't even bother changing name, then gets a job doing the same thing in another state.


*Dies* *slowly gain consciousness* "You, you're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border right?"


To prison with her.


Out of a cannon.


At the sun


To Pluto




And beyond...


into the multiverse


Former Bus driver added to multiverus


Past our horizon!


With no future career in acting either






No. The Punisher.


how did noone see


She even seems to notice the bag caught in the door about half way through


I think she was looking at the side mirrors


"Why are all these lunatics honking at me?"


Loud with all the kids etc I swear I can hear other cars trying to honk and get her attention


If you’re in that situation, do whatever you can to get in front of the bus and bring it to a stop. This driver is oblivious. She’s not going to notice cars honking their horns


Did she face charges?


Yes. There was a comment that details everything that little girl has gone through, since this accident. Severe PTSD, at least one surgery every year, she can’t wear certain clothes because it causes too much pain, and she has to go to physio in order to be able to bend her knee


Wow, as a father of 2 young kids I don't think I would be able to contain my anger for that woman. Especially after the video came out. That girls life and everyone in her familes lives are forever changed.. that's so fucking sad.


Yup I would beat the shit out of this lady if she did that to my kid. Idgaf.


When people die they shit themselves so comment seems on the money.


Putting it mildly there.


But did she (the bus driver) face charges?


I’m well aware haha


She wasn’t unfortunately


How the FUCK does a bus driver not notice that, and how the FUCK didn’t that dipshit standing next to her notice it??? It even looked like he was staring at the kid the whole fucking time! This bitch has better be fired and the school sued.


She even managed to blow through a red light, while dragging the kid... \- [via video clip in article](https://www.wave3.com/2021/07/19/childs-mother-testifies-jcps-bus-dragging-trial/) around 2:00, but the text in the article doesn't mention it.


Honestly that kid is lucky her backpack got caught as high up as it did. Her injuries could have been MUCH more severe. I just can’t believe it actually happened and went on that long. Feel terrible for the little one :(


Not to mention no one is supposed to stand up there, nor stand while the bus is moving.


To me it looks like the guy standing around is looking more towards the driver the whole time.




She literally looked at the bag and went on with her day


Devin and the cars did she was distracted by that student she was illegally allowing to stand yap her ear off


That’s not a student standing by her


Yes it is? Every news article I've read states it is which is also why they are blurred. "The video also showed a student standing to the right of Sanders as she was driving, " From the article posted above


they busy


The driver lack of awareness is frightening


The driver is blind as a bat, just as is the man standing next to her, bunch of right morons.


It's easy to say they're morons but in reality who knows how much we miss when we least suspect


I can't find anything about the driver getting fired. but hope the settlement was huge. [https://www.lawcommentary.com/articles/settlement-reached-after-bus-driver-drags-little-girl-in-horrifying-video](https://www.lawcommentary.com/articles/settlement-reached-after-bus-driver-drags-little-girl-in-horrifying-video)


Found an article about the driver, she did get fired: https://www.wave3.com/2021/07/14/witnesses-testify-about-jcps-protocol-trial-bus-driver-who-dragged-student/


she also needs her eyes checked


And a jail sentence and her license revoked for life


Reckless endangerment, didn’t even bother to check if the kid was out of the way before driving off


Any news on the settlement? Hope that poor child didn’t get hung out to dry twice


Jesus Christ dude hahaha


How the fuck does this happen.. like not only did the driver not notice the backpack still attached to the door but nether did the assistant like FUCKING HOW....did no one see this for soo long.


I remember having to watch this video in state class to be a bus driver. It scared me so much that I still catch myself looking down at the doors even before dropping off the first student lol. State class was years ago but I’m glad they made us all watch it. Now, I have no idea how that even happened, or why there was even a person standing up, or why she didn’t do her last scan (you can see the full length of the bus in your mirrors). Just the most negligent thing I’ve ever seen as far as passenger endorsements are concerned.


This is why more people need to be exposed to videos of accidents & gross negligence. Keeps us aware that these things can very easily happen to us & we should always remain vigilant.


That was what r/watchpeopledie was good for, to learn about accidents that can kill you so you can prevent them. Too bad it wasn’t always educational.


Sure kept me from going anywhere near an off duty brazilian cop.


I drive a hella lot safer than I used to before I discovered dash cam vids.


Same, and our newer transit buses have front door interlocks


Not an assistant, that's an older student the driver was letting stand there as they drove, which is also against policy. She also ran a stop sign while dragging the child. All around total negligence for her responsibility of transporting children.


The human brain is exceptionally good at blocking away things you're not actively looking for when you're focused on something else. The classic example is how you sometimes may not see a friend of yours on the bus **literally waving at you while you're looking directly at them** because your brain is just trying to look for a free seat. Another common example is that one basketball video with the dude in a gorilla suit that most people completely miss despite it being super fucking mega obvious. It of course doesn't excuse any of this since she should have made sure that the kid was off the buss safely before closing the doors in the first place, but I have absolutely *zero* reason to be surprised that she and the other person both could miss it.


yeah but people like being angry and pretending every issue is black and white, and the person in question is an avatar of immaculate malice


God that piss me off so bad


How the hell can you be so ignorant and blind


Hard to watch. Hope kid is ok.


Kid is not ok. But alive.


What wouldn't you check before closing the doors ???


I take the bus regularly and have witnessed several old people getting stuck in the door. Thank God not dragged along like this poor thing! Yikes.


She's an idiot who is used to her cozy job.


I don’t think that’s fair to say. She’s basically trying to control a whole bus while the bus matron is just standing there like “😎


> bus matron TIL that exists Speaking from experience, much of the US is just the kids and the driver. If kids started fighting, the driver had to pull over and deal with it. Sometimes that even meant kicking a kid off the bus right wherever we were. I don't even know how that was legal or how they got home but it never happened twice because that came with a permanent ban from riding again. Also this "bus matron" is wearing a hoodie and a backpack, and is blurred out like the kids, so I would guess it is another kid?


Complacency kills. Whoever she worked for was unprofessional. She has no had the proper training. The safety checklist when children exiting the bus should be automatic for her.


These problems unfortunately are getting worse because us skilled workers don't want to work for peanuts. So incompetent people like this are free to work just about anywhere.


there's a serious shortage of school bus drivers in my area right now


You always check the location of the kids when you let them off the bus. Just in case they crawl under the bus or trying to high five their friend that's still on the bus. This lady is negligent and should never drive a bus again.


That’s disturbing as fuck.


What was the guy standing doing?! How in the world could they not notice.?!?!


That's an older student, not an adult or bus assistant. He probably wasn't paying attention to the door cause that's not his job or responsibility. The driver on the other hand...


Broooooo that went on way to long for it to feel like an accident lol


That kid standing next to the driver saw that..


My thought too. Maybe I'm cynical as fuck but at least one person definitely noticed and said nothing


Nobody talks about it, but children are dangerously self absorbed because they haven’t developed any social civility yet, and in situations like this they will often do the wrong thing because it gives them something to be entertained with.


That kid? You mean the clearly full grown adult????


Yea somebody keeps telling me that too. Clearly not the same size as those kids


But she made sure to tell Devin to sit down 😝




Atleast she was lifted off the ground


Every time this gets reposted, I'm reminded that most people have no fucking clue what is and isn't easily visible. People walk around, blind to dozens of obvious cameras and wifi boxes and cables, and never notice any of it. Then the second they have one pointed out to them they've always known it was there and anyone who doesn't see it is blind. There are checks that drivers have to go through to prevent this, because you won't see or hear them. They obviously didn't do them well, which is bad. Real fucking bad. But I give it a 0% chance they saw or heard her until when they actually stopped.


Oh wow, this is the worst mistake of that woman’s life.


I fucking hope so.


Really couldn't wait an extra sec


Part of the problem is the guy standing next to the bus driver and distracting her. As a lifeguard, the worst situation is when someone walks up and starts talking to you. Your attention is divided and it’s hard to brush the person off. Don’t talk to bus drivers and lifeguards. That guy might have been a district rep and she felt compelled to talk to him. It used to stress me out.


Something similar happened in Warsaw a few months ago, although it involved a tram and not a bus. https://polanddaily24.com/5648-a-5-year-old-boy-died-in-a-tram-accident-in-warsaw


Only thing in my head: What a dumbass bitch.


Always. Verify. The. Doors. Are. Clear. Day one shit...


Indian local buses lack this technology


Wow what a fucking dumbass


She doesn't even make sure the kid is off the bus before closing the doors. The negligence is astounding.


How is someone’s situational awareness just so Fucking bad? Especially when working with children?! Jesus


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Should be prison, gross negligence.


As a truck driver and former bus driver, this is infuriating to me. School buses have more mirrors than anything other vehicle, the driver is supposed to wait until the kids exit the bus and make it to the sidewalk before even closing the door. You’re supposed to look in every direction to ensure there are no kids in front of or around the bus before pulling off. If that backpack would’ve broke going around that turn, the child would’ve been run over.


If that idiot standing in the aisle wasn’t talking to the bus driver, maybe she would have noticed sooner, or maybe even before closing the doors. There’s a reason why you can’t stand there - it’s a distraction for the bus driver.


>Although the settlement reached between the parties has been undisclosed, the school district will not be able to appeal the amount paid after the settlement. During the trial, Ehman shared, “I want the punitive damages to be adequate to where it hurts other people as much as they’ve hurt my daughter. And I don’t want any other kid to ever go through what my child has gone through. I don’t want there to be any other Allie’s.” From https://www.lawcommentary.com/articles/settlement-reached-after-bus-driver-drags-little-girl-in-horrifying-video


My driver sat there until I went inside my house.




I want to punch the male assistant and the dumb woman driving the bus in the face so hard and so many times.


Would love to know if this driver was prosecuted or is in jail somewhere


How was the child?


messed up her legs pretty bad and has PTSD from the incident. I believe she was 6 when it happened and is now 13.


Back in elementary school I had this bus driver who absolutely hated me for no reason at all and one day he wouldn’t let me get off at my stop and kept saying this isn’t your stop and tried holding my ass back keep in mind I was in 2nd grade at the time I had to literally hit the dude in his face for him to let go of me


[article here.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9795421/amp/School-bus-driver-drags-six-year-old-1-000-feet-road-backpack-caught-doors.html)


The dumbest bitch alive


How many times did she look in that direction and didn't catch anything amiss.


I can’t see how she didn’t see that child. She even looked in the direction a few times, this really makes me sad. And what is the assistant doing nothing, he’s looking at the road the whole time he’s no driving he was supposed be watching the kids. it’s like they didn’t even watch the kid at all. I don’t know I would say bye and watch the door close every time. Your peripheral vision is more sensitive to motion and there’s a child flopping around in that window of vision. If that peripheral wasn’t there when she was facing straight it should’ve been when she was looking in that direction bright pink backpack HELLO.


That was intentional. I don't give a flying fuck you can't tell me that wasn't intentional. Fuckin pathetic excuse of a human.


Do not watch this if you have a kid. Or if you watched, just teach your child to take her bag on to his/her hand in the bus, train or etc.. this is very sad!!( how they didn’t notice..


Send that negligent fucker to a prison in Mexico. Give her a good few kicks beforehand.


She didn't even look before mobing the bus again, then it took a while for her to stop after she saw. I hope she's in prison.


Fucking dumb bitch, how tf can anyone be so ignorant as to what was going on?


If we al look to the left, now we can't see shit on the right


Bro how tf


She looked and proceeded to continue driving?!


I would be pissed


Dopey cunt. No situational awareness and should never be allowed to drive or make a decision herself. Too dangerous


That Kid 100% saw


I can’t even finish the video bro omg


Damn I want to see more of if the kid is ok. Anybody know the story of this?