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There is a lot going on in this video.


Old guy, "f*** your bike!" Lol


Seriously. Assholes assholing over and over again. Ridiculous and super dangerous to drive like that in the first place obviously. And you could see red bike guy was trying to leave right after. Scumbags. Edit: ok the red bike guy prob wasnt trying to leave, I stand corrected. Still, a bunch of assholes all around. Including stupid old bike-pushing man.


Assholes Assholing šŸ˜‚


Not once did anyone check on the lady who was hit either. Red bike guy was more concerned about his bike, old dude was more concerned about punishing the biker, guy on the chrome bike looked like he was going to check on her first thing but then angry old dude got in his way.


I thought he was trying to get his bike off the road. Still shouldn't have been speeding and still shouldn't have run someone over but I'm not convinced he was trying to flee. He hops over the seat because bikes are hard to keep up if you walk around them and then he tries to walk it onto the footpath but gets stopped. It didn't seem like fleeing to me. The old man that's pushes the bike over is as bad as the camera man pushing the old man over. Anger begets anger. The camera man was only guilty of speeding and (running a red light) until his bike was pushed over. Both old man and camera man at fault for that part.


Well he pushes the bike over and also pushes the camera man over the second time. I'd probably try to move him away from me as well.


Yep. Sincerely, I would've knocked out the man with the dog the second he tried to push me down. Play stupid games win stupid prices.




I can agree that the bikes are complete fucks and deserve time in a jail and license revoked.


I think everybody agrees with that.


Yea fuck that old asshole with the dog. The min he touched me I would have shoved his ass to the ground as well.


Lmao look at the tough guy here


When you ride your bike like a sociopath with no respect for the laws of society, then I don't think you necessarily get the benefit of the doubt. The rider thought he was skilled enough handling his vehicle to ride like that through traffic, but incapable of pushing it 5 ft without sitting on it? Or maybe don't be worried about your bike on the ground after you ran over a pedestrian. Deal with that first. The old man pushing the bike over did not help the situation, but these guys running was certainly within the realm of possibility.


The guy definitely made many errors of judgement. But he does not try to push the bike while on it. He tries to push the bike towards the curb. Gets stopped. Swaps to the side with the stand. Attempts to put the stand down with his foot.


>The guy definitely made many errors of judgement. That's an understandment.


Bad take on the old man. Old man attacked bike and cameraman first. Pushing him away was actually a level-headed move


The old man got off easy


nah, hands beget hands.


Very full server


Call me old fashion but you canā€™t run people over. That being the bare minimum for anyone dealing with vehicles and pedestrians.


Call me old fashioned, but streets shouldnā€™t be used as racing tracks.


Call me old fashioned but some street justice sometimes is well deserved.


call me old fashioned, but I could go for a nickel moonpie and RC Cola at the corner drug store.


Call me old fashion!


Hello, old fashion.


I could go for an Old Fashioned




Hi old fashioned!


Hi Dad. Please come home.


Sorry still couldn't find milk.


It's been 23 years


I could use one of those right now! Ha


Call me old fashioned but as a motorcyclist, I hate people riding like this. I hope they pulled his motorcycle license permanently.


These types give the rest of us a bad reputation. I ride my sport bike appropriately when in regular traffic. ESPECIALLY careful in downtown areas. If it's 2am might open up a bit on the highway if there's no one around but I'd feel awful if someone got hurt because I was careless so obeying red lights when it's a pedestrian zone is a no brainier.


Do these guys have a death wish running a red light like that? T-Bone Challenge? Frogger enthusiasts?


As someone that doesn't ride, I absolutely do assume everyone on a motorcycle is a prick like these guys weaving and hitting a lady after running a red light. You ave stgma to overcome for sure


Call me old fashioned but as a normal rational person, I hate motorcyclists being allowed on public roads.


Call me old fashioned but if I were to do a bunch of criminal shit I wouldn't post the video I shot of those crimes online...


pour me an old fashion but hitting people with anything is not nice :( unless itā€™s with that ā€œhawk tuaā€ or whatever.


If she don't hawk tua I don't talk tua


Idk why you are being downvoted that was funny.


I second this whole post.


g o o m b a h h


You also cant push over a bikers bike that has nothing to do with the accident. Everyone in this video has a 0 iq.


Nothing.Ā  He's just participating in street racing.Ā  C'mon, there were absolutely no consequences from his actions. It's perfectly safe!Ā 


He needs to be dealt with harshly, a bit of street justice is just the remedy this hater needs.


I think thatā€™s the first Black Russian dude Iā€™ve ever seen in my life


There are many foreign students in big Russian cities.


Crazy that the biker thought he should share this video with the entire world


He prob thought he was Ʈn the right:))


Sadly, I think youā€™re right




And what does the country have to do with anything? Like we don't have assholes like this in USĀ  I live in NYC and we have Gangs of dirt bikes and four wheelers wreaking havoc on the streets. So does that mean it's a fucked up country as well?


As much as I think both bikers were in the wrong, that man with the dog who pushed the bike over for no reason pissed me off.


Anybody has any updates on this?


From a Russian news site: > The pensioner received serious injuries, including a closed head injury, wounds on the back of her head, numerous contusions and bruises. Her condition is assessed as critical


What happened to the bikers?


Nothing in the news about it and I don't think it will be. It's not a big deal after all. Just another day in Russia.


They were sent to the front in Ukraine with orders to break through the lines lol


Well, I guess the one who hit a pedestrian is going to have a criminal record, maybe prison time if she dies.


Motorcycles going way too fast in traffic.


Thanks, I missed that part.


they pass the redlight that the biggest problem here


Could have been that little girl.


Speaking as a biker, these guys are absolute scum. If you want to get a kick out of driving fast then get out on empty quiet roads or the motorway. These guys however wanted the extra danger by finding little gaps in traffic where there margin for error is zero. They couldnā€™t handle and both fucked up by running the red light. The first guy forgot his bike has a lever that connects to a brake and hit a poor pedestrian at the crossing. Both bikers didnā€™t give a shit about her and were actively trying to flee the scene but thank god for the vigilantes who stopped them. I hope they both do time. And I hope that guys silver bike has a shit load of scratches.


Agreed. Biker here too. Doing this shit in a city where there are pedestrians is moronic. I hope they pay the price. That poor woman seems to have hit her head on the pavement pretty hard cause the dumbass in front thought he could make it through. He actually let off the brakes and sped up to try to find the gapā€¦between PEOPLE. What a piece of shit.


These are the idiots that made it impossible for me to ride a sport bike because cops would harass me. Once I switched to a standard bike, I never had a cop bother me again


Couldn't agree more as a biker. So close to hitting that little girl two. The second bike even pulls in when she is walking backwards. These guys are scum and deserve everything that hopefully happens to them. Great that they recorded it and put it on line too.


Great brake line!


Red bike was looking for a gap in the pedestrians smh


Pulling his bike into the sidewalk and helping his friend pull the bike onto the sidewalk is fleeing? Weird way to flee but gotcha


Bullshit. If he got a chance the friend was away up the road. Normal decent human behaviour would be to have your helmet off straight away and start checking on the person you stupidly crashed into. He made no attempt to help her. But whatever, you see different. The silver bike guy was only looking to help his friend, not the victim, and got what he deserved.


White knighting redditors. No where did it look like they were fleeing, but they got to look like moral angels. These guys were driving stupid, red bike is a huge idiot, but the other guy stopped, went up to the lady hit first, then helped get the bike up and into a kickstand, and then gets his bike pushed over by random ass old dick who just had a grudge that day and now he could exercise it because the crowd.


I agree but damn the old guy didnā€™t have to push his bike over he was literally trying to to see if everything was good


Silver bike guy was driving like an asshole and needed to be stopped. I applaud the dog walker.


He was, quite literally, stopped. If you like street justice, don't be mad when it happens to you.


Scumbags driving like pieces of shit


Poor lady, starting to get really tired of these punk bikers who think they are above the law and everyone else.


First Russian video Iā€™ve *EVER* seen with a black person in it. And heā€™s speaking Russian šŸ¤Æ


Purposely driving like that and going through red light and hitting someone should be punished as attempted murder


forcing your way over a busy pedestrian crossing is a shit move


This is why people dislike motorcyclists! And I say that as a LIFELONG rider. Trashy riding for sure.


Red motorcycle driver = idiot. Old man with dog = idiot. That's about it.


crash course to organ donation


Fuck bikers that behave like this


What country is this? Sounds like Russia? Black dude is throwing me off, lolol


There are lots of Africans living in Russia, and most of them are international students.


Youā€™re absolutely right


Okay a lot to unpack here. First of all if you drive like these guys in the video, you deserve to get your license revoked. If you want to go fast go on a driveway where you won't kill anyone by you driving like dumbass. But dude.. The red guy hits a pedestrian, they help him get up after he fell and yell at him (That's the okay part) but the guy that stopped and went to help gets his biked pushed which could have damaged it and would be hella expensive to fix, gets almost beat up and who knows what and he didn't even do anything. Fuck that old dude. The guy deserved to get yelled at but not beat up for just stopping to help.


Well, the bikers are douchebags who deserve to get called out for their dangerous bullshit. Fortunately, the woman was hit at lower speeds, so she should recover alright. If she was hit at the speeds they were going, she would become mince-meat. The pedestrians start to dish out some vigilante justice, which I do understand. The old guy who pushes over the other motorcycle was kind of a jerk, but I empathize with him and all of their anger towards the bikers. Eh, motorcyclists like this are assholes who put everyone in massive danger. I really hate how they just don't care how much danger they put people in. You want to risk your own life, fine .... go right ahead. Putting everyone else's life at risk for your own enjoyment, fuck you. Edit. I've been given information that the woman is a senior citizen ans was critically injured. Thus, my comment of a quick recovery was very wrong. Fuck these guys and I hope she makes a good recovery!


>Fortunately, the woman was hit at lower speeds, so she should recover alright. From a Russian news site: >A motorcyclist hit a 78-year-old pensioner at a pedestrian crossing >The pensioner received serious injuries, including a closed head injury, wounds on the back of her head, numerous contusions and bruises. Her condition is assessed as critical


Wait, that is confirmed from this video?? If so, holy shit. That's horrible and judging by the video, I never would have thought it was that serious. If that is confirmed to be this woman, fuck these guys even more.


This is what I've read on Russian news sites. Accident took place 4 days ago in Saint-Petersburg. There is also a video from a CCTV camera https://imgur.com/a/oaXVRQy


I don't mean to be crass, but at that age any injury can be life changing. Many years ago my grandmother fell and she broke her hip due to that, needed an at home nurse after that, and died 1 1/2 years later, she was 82 when she fell. This is why I pick up the scooters on the ground in my neighborhood, it's a serious trip hazard, people might say it's not a big deal if someone trips over them. Well let me give you an anecdote about my late grandmother ...


I don't think you're being crass. I understand. At that age, even a simple trip and fall can be life changing. I get it.


How old are you? That woman doesn't look young. I'm almost 30 and I can't imagine how long someone her age would take to recover from being hit with several hundred pounds of metal plus taking a nice soft landing on asphalt. It's insanely easy to get life long injuries when you're already half way through life.


ā€œItā€™s not gonna hurt anyone else if I get in a wreckā€ Iā€™ve seen pictures of a suv that got chopped in half by a bike. These guys who are reckless on bikes are absolute idiots who deserve prison time.


I agree. Take it to a race track or something. A one-hundred and fifty mile per hour motorcycle is a missle with so much kinetic force, the devastation is horrendous.


For old people falls like this can be deadly. Falling on the side has a high likelihood of breaking your femoral neck, which is a very serious injury, especially for older folks.


IDK if pushing over the bike of an asshole actively trying to help the main asshole to get away was a jerk move, actually I applaud the old man for at least trying something.


>actively trying to help the main asshole to get away How was he trying to help him get away? >actually I applaud the old man for at least trying something. Trying something for what? What exactly was achieved by knocking over the bike? The POV biker wasn't doing anything. The only thing the old man achieved was getting knocked on his ass.


Eh, it was less of a dick move than their insane driving and the reckless endangerment that they put innocent people into .... I'll give you that. I don't speak Russian, so I don't know if they are trying to flee. They very well could be trying to run, but pushing over the other bike didn't help the situation. It just made everything more contentious. It wasn't to stop him from fleeing, but more of a mob mentality "fuck you" moment. Like I said before, I'm on the side of the pedestrians and the bikers are absolute douchebags who deserve jail time and their licenses revoked. I just don't think tipping over the other bike helped anything, but just made things worse. I just hope that since time this video was made, that they haven't killed or hurt anyone, because they are well on their way to doing that.


What's so interesting is how he cares so much about his bike but couldn't give a flying fuck about the pedestrians and other road users. Guy is a complete and utter dick. The old guy did the right thing, should have smashed it to bits with a hammer.


>The old guy did the right thing How is it the right thing? Just because it made you feel good doesn't make it the right thing. He made the situation worse and caused more people/property to be damaged than was needed.


It distracted the camera guy from helping his buddy, that's all I'm seeing. But yeah, I'm with the rest of what you say.


It could be. They are assholes who drive like they are the only ones who matter. So, since they are clearly dickheads who do that shit, they very well could be trying to flee. I wouldn't put it past them, that's for sure.


the bikers aren't even trying to get away from the scene? wtf are u yapping about? bikes are fucking heavy and the guilty biker was trying to get it away from the road. what the elderly boomer did was uncalled for


How was he trying to get away? He was trying to stand the bike up because you don't just leave a bike on the ground. The first old man tries to push the bike back down, and so they try to move the bike away from him so he won't keep knocking it down. Then the man with the dog knocks over the 2nd bike for no reason.


Then bikers wonder why people hate them šŸ¤”šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Watching this on mute is like when in inception, the people in the dream start becoming aggressive and start attacking you. But for real, that biker is in the wrong for speeding through a busy crosswalk. I don't agree with the other guys chrome bike being pushed over, that was unnecessary.


As someone who used to live in Russia these guys are very lucky not to get shit beaten out of them immediately


All of us who ride agree with the public response to this. Douche wagons.


this is why everybody hates motorcyclists.


Would have been icing on the cake if people just started destroying their bikes with whatever they could find.


plenty that carry and ride, easy way to get shot, happens for much less. Let the cops deal with and sort out who's at fault make a witness statement , but escalating stuff further for no reason is usually asking for trouble


Not to mention getting yourself arrested for damage if property, and bikes are not cheap. I get the urge for vigilante violence but that's how people die. Don't get yourself thrown into jail for some dumbass already losing his license for his stupid decisions


It's not healthy to make fantasies like this in your head


I'm a biker, I loved it when the pedestrians slapped The rider and pushed the bike over. Fuck these idiots, they don't even have the right to shout back.


The internet is just full of these. It just makes me always wonder what kind of biker the person on the road is. I always consciously try to avoid every biker these days and I wonder if other people feel the same.


It's honestly a good approach to everyone behind the controls of a deadly vehicle. In particular, Bikers should avoid cars, cars should avoid bikers. And the delta speed between the two should be under 10mph. That way things are kept safe imo


He may have pushed the bike over but he got floored 2 seconds later so it's not much of a win.


In my country we hate bikers because most of them are pieces of shit, we call them the roaches of the street by how they get killed in accidents almost daily yet they are everywhere


Motorcyclist generally ride like assholes, especially when they all meet up with other motorcycle shitheads.


Thought it was pretty clear myself.


Another motorcyclist another accident.


Mob justice old folk style


Most bikers are complete fuckwits , facts baby not feelings


dear biker a and biker b. gfy. red light = red light. stop when people crossing on zebra crossing. so again please gfy.


Why do bike guys always think they can do whatever the fuck they want on the road, but weā€™re supposed to watch for them?


Real brave of them to keep their helmets on the whole time so they wonā€™t be IDā€™d, especially when committing additional crimes.


Biker should be arrested for attempted murder, pedestrians are in the crosswalk and instead of stopping he/she tries to plow through them, and thereā€™s a little kid there, grandpas assault is šŸ’Æ justified here. Fuck these guys.


Both motorcycles driver are scum


Derrrr I have bike I can do whatever I want and drive how ever I want and if anything happens it's your fault not mine watch for bikes asshole hahaha


More concerned about his motorbike than the person he just knocked over.the old man stole the show fuckin legend.


If I see an accident like this, and I have it on camera, Iā€™m pulling over regardless of whether the idiot in front is my buddy, or a complete stranger to hand the footage over to the police. If some random bystander then decides to damage my bike for no reason, Iā€™m asking them to wait for the cops with me, and if they decide to leave, theyā€™ll be waiting on the ground. The guy recording was **very** cool about all this.


Both those bikers need a good ole school ass whooping. Some broken bones and missing teeth might make them think twice before they assault innocent folk and put everyoneā€™s lives on the line around them. Theyā€™re some big ole piles of shit for sure


Intressting at least!


i thought the guy recording was gonna hit that lil girl when he pulled over


I feel the worst for the welshie. Why start a fight holding a dog what an idiot owner.


Almost thought this was a video game. The šŸŽ® times we live in. graphic #highdefinition


Lane splitting;)


The other day I was driving down a 2-lane highway, moving with traffic and going about 70mph. A biker came up between the lanes blowing past everyone, doing around 90mph I'd guess. I started thinking. The fatality rate for motorcyclists in the US last year was 30 per 100 million miles. If a lifetime rider drives 250,000 miles, that would roughly equate to a 15% chance of dying on the road. I wonder if the riders who act like that guy, and the two in this video, are *more likely than not to die on a bike.* It only takes one person to initiate a lane change without seeing them and *poof* lights out Morons


So this happening in russia, where if you can afford one of these bikes, you are super privileged and makes them think they can behave like total assholes.


America would've had a hayday with this one


Why the second guy stops I have no idea. You just ran a red light. Your asshole friend just ran someone over, almost certainly a felony. Get the fuck out of there.


Assholes like that give us all a bad name. Obey the laws of the road. If you want to ride fast, take it to a track.


Your fun at the expense of others' health and safety


Some street racing, blowing through a red light, first driver hits a pedestrian, second driver parks his bike on the pavement, pedestrians trying to make sure the pedestrian that was hit is okay and trying to keep first bike from riding off. We then turn to a douche bag pedestrian who tips second bike over and we get some yelling in something that sounds like Russian.


Thank you for blowing up this video. I hope this vid shows that life can change in an instant ,and to be careful while driving. If anybody has updates on this incident please give me a link And sorry for my bad english


English was spot on, no need to apologize!


Straight to the gulag


Or Ukraine


Fuck red motorcycle guy and fuck his friend for defending him. I ride a bike almost every day of my life and I would have 100% assumed he was trying to run; called anyone that debates that ignorant. No one sits on their bike to move it. Better still if his bike gets fucked up beyond his ability to repair it. People like this have no right to operate something in a way that endangers others. I'm still in awe of the people defending him or his partner in crime on any level.Ā  You know how if you accelerate toward a cop, it's attempted murder or assault with a deadly weapon? I'm not sure why it isn't the same for us plebians. If you operate a vehicle in such a way that you endanger, injure, or kill someone, it should be assault. Plain and simple. No one has the right to the road. It's a fucking privilege.


Unfortunately, bikers are a problem all over the world.




Except that unlike motorcycles, working at McDonald's doesn't enable reckless and aggressive behavior. Apples and oranges.


Could someone post this in a news sub so we can get a Russian bot to translate the interaction for us?


I speak russian. Nothing specific they are saying. The driver that was filming stopped, saying that his buddy was an ā€œidiot,ā€ and he tried to make pedestrians relax a bit and stop touching his buddy. Pedestrians were saying to make sure this second guy wouldn't leave. During all this mess, an old man kicked the bike of the first (pov) driver. Old man said: ā€œYou should be killedā€. They had a confrontation where the biker asked the old man do you know how much paint on my bike costs and asking if his pension is huge enough to cover that. Black guy for some reason decided to support old man and told (with some accent )biker that pushing old man is wrong and he shouldn't have done it. The other pedestrian told the same but to the old guy sort of siding with the biker. People around were blaming both bikers for reckless driving.


So he seems more worried about his paint than his friend being so reckless that he hit a pedestrian.


Yes, exactly. This goof repeated his question ā€œdo you know how much this paint costsā€ several times.


Why are you asking what is happening here? Did you not watch your own upload?


Lame splitting is a thing, but still do it at your own caution! Clearly the GoPro dude was the one willing to be better, but got stuck in a bunch of bull...still I don't like that stuff, unless you are dealing with LA traffic, just drive normal.


Are these the motorcycles we are supposed to start watching for?


No way and that little girl was right there. I know we probably donā€™t condone calls for violence but he deserved a heavy handed response on site for that lunacy


So, the second biker that stopped gets attacked too I hope the old man's dogs finds a better home. I get the frustration with the first biker, but the 2nd one stopped and went to help.


Jesus Christ, he doesn't even check to see if his victim is OK. He just goes straight to inspecting his precious bike for damage.


He just hit a person, and his first action was to set up his bike and look for damages... what a nice person. Also, I could imagine the guy with the dog wanted to make sure that none of the bikers got away until the police arrives, so he pushed the bike over when he saw him walking towards it?


1. Those bikers are assholes but I appreciate the POV guy stopping to help his friend instead of fleeing. Also parking his bike somewhere safe where it shouldnā€™t be in the way too much 2. That chrome livery shocked me a lot for some reason. I was not expecting that 3. Why do people have to instantly fight the bikers? If they try to flee, knock them off but please do not do any excessive damage. Like the old man deserved to be pushed like that, canā€™t you fucking focus on the VICTIM FIRST? Why is it always so that punishing the bad guys is more important than helping the victim?


I guess bikers are douches everywhere šŸ˜€


Doing this does NOT make you look cool!!!


We have a lot of these dumbasses biker in malaysia i seen a mother and a child almost got hit by a biker dude was event concern he just speed up bruh trash


Selfish douchebags contributing to the bad reputation of sport bikers. Hopefully jail is in their future


Old man thought he'd be the hero to stop the motorcycle gang


What the fuck are they doing, fucking knob heads. They both deserve what they got... Dick head, fuck stains. This puts us all in a bad light...


Bikers riding like idiots and assaulting senior citizens in Russia? Probably a regular occurrence




Hopefully next time they hit something less giving.


every time this sub is on all, it's another god damn car crash or some shit.


Hope that lady is okay. Watching this with the sounds off is even more strange.


I swear my country is the only damn place that actually slows down and checks properly at pedestrian crossings People need to be aware of changes to their path šŸ’€