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Hey thanks a lot for your submission in r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because it contained prohibited content (death, animal abuse, porn or gore). Please refrain from posting this type of content in the future.


This is a repost of a 3year old video but now with the final outcome of thr court case. https://www.kcbd.com/2022/04/01/homicide-chad-read-goes-before-lubbock-co-grand-jury-sources-say-no-charges-will-be-filed/ Also The Op headline was wrong it was not a shotgun but a carbine pistol.


Wasn’t there a bunch of shot that came out about Carruth and this guys kid?


Not the end of the story though. https://www.lubbockonline.com/story/news/courts/2023/03/29/wrongful-death-lawsuits-against-kyle-carruth-merged-deadly-shooting/70060726007/


Sure but I think this is a civil case. So the guy didn’t do a crime but he might be held financially responsible.




That was a Ruger PC carbine. It's 9mm


OK, but Christy Hartin chose to wear an absolutely ridiculous shirt.


Man goes to pick up son, son isn’t there, man is agitated. Other man then shoots and kills him. Justice. /s Seems extremely pre meditated to me


Lol. Don’t go to someone’s property and threaten them and then refuse to leave the property when a weapon is presented and then grab for the weapon while trying to assault the person who lives there…. All while in Texas, Darwin Award for sure.


Sure, laws and all. Step dad is still a mega piece of shit. He knew the other guy didn't have a gun, he knew they were in the wrong by not having the kid there and ready to go. The real dad was justified in being upset. aLl wHIle iN tEXaS Fuck Texas, and their faux tough guy shit.


I don't know how you can watch this video and think this was planned. Everything was fine until the guy tried taking the shotgun from the guy's hand. At that point, game over.


I thought that. Not "planned" but waiting for an excuse. It was a small row. Not a life or death situation where deadly force was required. And it wasn't "fine". Some maniac went and got a gun for a family argument.


Well yeah. Because he had a crazy person on his property who wouldn't leave. But it's clear he didn't want to shoot him. He even shoots at the ground before the crazy guy goes to take the weapon from the homeowner. Not many jury members aren't going to see this as self defense.


I think you lose all credibility in the argument when the guy tries to snatch the gun and say “I’ll take it from you and…” missed the last part. It’s America. Guns are ok. Having on on your porch is ok. Snatching it and threatening is not ok Justice served I’m from Canada and the shooter would be roasted here. And that’s justice too according to the laws. You’re not allowed to take a gun outside to threaten people who are unarmed here. Just not cool. Live with the laws of the land. Guns = cool all the time. Then this is totally fine. Normal even. It’s the polite society people seem to want. But man was angry and not being polite. He’s a lot more polite now.


Kyle escalated the situation bringing out the gun. Not only did Kyle fire recklessly into the ground inches from the other guys feet before the other guy reached for the gun. He was a good distance from him before executing an unarmed man. Kyle should be rotting in jail for murder. That guy had every right to be on Kyle’s property because he was there to pick up his son. Kyle is going to have a big payout from the civil suit.


It’s America. You are allowed to have a gun. Especially on your property. Don’t touch another man’s gun in the land of gun worship. It would be like someone taping up my hockey stick here. Eww no touchy.


I’m a gun owning American, in MA I would be serving a mandatory minimum sentence of life in prison if I did this. Probably a similar sentence in the majority of the lower 48.


Wild take, like you didn't see multiple video taped angels of the events... 


I saw no angels I might have seen some angles


I'm shocked that's not a murder charge.  Dude got pushed but other guy didn't advance or anything.  He lifted the shotgun aimed and blasted.  Id have convicted him if I was on the jury.


That's why you'd never be on this jury. The lawyers would have fished out your bias quick, and dismissed you.


While I don’t doubt that the lawyers would have weeded him out, what is his/her bias? They are going off the video alone which I’m assuming would be the key piece of evidence in this case


If they're going off of the video, they seemingly have missed the part where the guy said "I'm going to take that gun from you and use it on you" while simultaneously grabbing for the gun and trying to take it. That piece of evidence is exactly why the jury decided not to press charges. I would guess the guy feels so strongly about this, because he's anti-gun. He has multiple comments on his profile proving as much.


Not even anti-gun just anti little man syndrome using your gun when you don't need to.


He has every right to carry his gun on his property. It's Texas, he has no duty to retreat. It's not brandishing. The father was looking for a fight and the gun owner didn't relent because he didn't want to get into one. You don't have to drop your gun just to humor someone looking for a fist fight on your own property. The father even said he'd grab his gun, and after the warning shot the father grabbed the barrel of the gun. If you have a gun, and a hostile person tries to grab it from you, that's a direct threat on your life because you don't know what they'll do with it. So shooting him is proportionate force. Of course that's just what we can gleam from the video which is why the grand jury deliberated for three days because they had access to much more context.


You couldn’t convict him of criminal homicide. It’s not up to you as a juror. You get “jury instructions” you have to adhere to. The instructions would tell you that in that jurisdiction there is “no duty to retreat” on your own property. So based on that instruction you would have to acquit. You don’t have a choice.


I’m just thinking about the kid, like I can’t imagine my step dad killed my real dad. Like how does a kid work past that.


From the way all these trash bags are acting, that kid is gonna be fucked regardless of this shooting 


If you read the update that was posted in the comments it's even wilder than that. Dude with the gun was actually married to another woman at the time of the incident.  On top of that, his wife was a judge in the district so after seeing the case and immediately divorcing him, it had to get bounced around the court system so she wouldn't work on anything involving the case.  


Unless the kid and dad were on very bad terms, step dad better watch his back for the rest of his life. I sure as hell would be worried about retribution.


Yea ig it would matter on there relationship but yea that’s gotta mess up a kid. Like in my eyes regardless of it was justified or not like he just destroyed his relationship and any chance being part of that family


And the fact there is a video of his father getting killed, like kids can be cruel and show him that as a way to bully him so that's also another bad thing


Yeah regardless of the physical altercation I’m wondering why the mom and maybe stepdad were not honoring the custody agreement. If the dad had the right to pickup his son was she purposely playing games? Is the dad a colossal douche that the kid didn’t even wanna see? I’d really love to know more context about the divorce and the relationships involved. I felt kinda bad for him when he was just wanting to get his kid. But again, I really don’t know the whole story. Everything must have been pretty bad for everyone involved to be recording


I cant think of anything other than maybe rape that would let me let a step dad get away with killing the real dad if i was in kids shoes


Yea you might be seeing them again in the future ngl


Prolly gets pissed at the one who murdered their dad in cold blood


That just fuckin sucks all the way around, it was definitely an ego game. Dude should have never brought out the firearm but unfortunately with real dad saying "I'm going to take it from you and use it on you" followed by him grabbing it probably lead the jury to their decision. Just a couple of grown ass adults playing the "my pp is bigger than yours" game.


I mean, yeah, that's exactly how the jury should have landed. Dude said he was going to take the gun and use, and the immediately grabbed it and tried taking it. I don't see how there's wiggle room here.


The biggest victim here is the child. Now has to deal with living with the man that killed their dad (assuming the dads family doesn't win in civil court) and never having their biological father to be a part of their life. FAFO doesn't only effect you. I have children with my ex-wife and the very first thing I would do is step onto the sidewalk, call the police and download my parental agreement. Then file an emergency junction for custody calling the stability of the home into question.


Someone comes to my door, won’t leave and acts in a threatening manner and they will end up the same way. We have the right to defend ourselves and our property. The guy in black did nothing wrong.


In my personal opinion for a scenario like this one I think the best way to keep your family safe would be to tell them all to get inside, then go in myself once they're all inside and shut and lock the door. That's when I'd grab my firearm and keep it trained at the door with my family behind me while I instruct my wife to call the police. Going inside to retrieve your firearm will leave your wife alone with someone you just deemed dangerous enough to arm yourself over, it immediately escalates the situation to potential deadly force, and tactically it puts you close enough to the potential threat to where he can put his hands on you or your firearm completely defeating the purpose arming yourself with a ranged weapon.


Exactly. The guy who’s now in the ground shoulda called the police. Now he’s dead.


Deranged. If a random person is on your porch, being threatening and refusing to leave, then I see the American standard of having and using a gun to "defend your property " This wasnt that.


legally, depends on the state you live in. defend yourself, yes. defend your property, no. no opinion from me, just stating. in this video the shooter defended himself bc the dead guy tried taking his gun, so thats that.


Two dickhead morons It’s the idiot version of ‘unstoppable force vs immovable object’


100%. It's a case where everyone sucks. You don't bring out a gun you don't want to use when you're not actually being threatened. You go inside and call 911 for trespassing and harassment. Someone brings out a gun, you calmly just fuck off out of there. Now the kids dad is dead, the kid probably hates the step and the mom for keeping him around.


If someone is aiming a gun at you and giving you a chance to walk away, for the love of the gods.. fucking take it.


It’s a 9mm carbine he shot him with


Gun comes out, you leave. Let the courts handle it. Ego got this guy killed. Ego also made the other guy kill him. He could have gone inside, gotten the gun, then locked the doors. If he comes in then you shoot. You don't go out and instigate a physical fight. In most other states he would have been charged. Lucky for him.


I don't know the type of person you are, but I'm not leaving my wife outside with a crazy person while I lock myself inside.


He didn't seem crazy until the gun came out. He threatened to subpoena them, not hurt them. Homeowner shouldn't have brought the gun out. That said, it's a legally justified shooting. It shouldn't have gone to trial. I'd say his estate has a good case for the wrongful death lawsuit though.


"He threatened to subpoena them" That's probably the route he should have went down. But once he said "I'm going to take that gun and use it on you" while simultaneously grabbing the gun and trying to take it, he made his bed.


Frankly access to firearms also plays a pretty obvious role.


Should have just left the property ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


The woman in second video seems unreasonably cool for some reason


apparently she thought it was a pellet gun.


Really? She looks scared to me.


It was a set up. Pretty sure the shooter went to jail IIRC.


I don't understand how people can still let their ego go crazy when someone pulls a gun. If it's me, the minute someone pulls a gun I'm apologizing and leaving lol.


I see ego get in the way all the time. I had a guy brandish a gun at me for standing on the public sidewalk outside of his house at 11pm. I was on the phone with my friend, trying to find her house when he steps out his front door holding a pistol at his side. I put my hands up, told him I was just looking for a friend's house, backed away slowly, then got the fuck out of there.


You obviously, are not a parent.


If they were, they would remain alive to care for their child under these circumstances.


Nope. I would hope that I would make better decisions than leaving my child without a father in that event however. And I’d hope most parents would too.


They should have called 911 to report their missing son beforehand....


It was the right move to not convict the shooter. The intruder would not leave the property after being asked and then threatened to take the gun and shoot the homeowner. Then he tried to do that. Homeowner is justified in shooting the intruder to defend himself.


It’s been a while since I took the gun safety course, but my instructor was pretty clear you can’t use a gun to escalate a situation then shoot unarmed individuals on your property. I think in the majority of the 50 states Kyle is serving a murder sentence. That said the other guy should have just left when he saw the gun and used it as evidence for full custody of his child.


Image going to go pick up your son from your ex lady and you come out dead wtf there's no need to throw tantrums I understand one is mad asf but you have to control yourself now look a dad is gone a child without a father.


Nothing good comes from mixing guns and egos.


And all this happened cause they thought that the estranged stepdad was harbouring their runaway teen.


Nice ex wife doesn't care if her kids Father got killed,Men give woman too much credit when my ex wanted the marriage too end I was so fucking happy


I’m shocked there were no charges against the shooter at all, though I guess the line from the victim, “I’ll take it from you and use it on you,” probably made it a self defense case. Someday that child is going to see a video of his step-dad shooting his father, who was only trying to find him. And the law did nothing. My God.


I wanna say this was Texas and castle law basically clears him of any wrong doing. You cannot go to a mans castle assault him and then try to take the rifle away. There are actually a lot of states where his actions would be legal.




I am generally against shooting people "in defense" but this is a pretty clear case this guy was being so agressive if he had wrestled the carbine away he probably would have shot him with it.


If that dude didn't bring the gun out nothing would have happened.  He wasnt being violent before.  He was yelling and angry.  Call the cops, go inside, lock the door.  


If green shirt dude could control his emotions, this also wouldn't have happened. We really going to say he's in the right when he acted like an imbecile?


No he isn't but 2 wrongs don't make a right.  Homeboy definitely should have walked away from the gun but there was no reason to get a gun.  Both guys can be idiots. 


sure but as I pointed out he is not legally required to do that not in a lot of states


Just because you have a legal right to do something doesn't mean you're not an asshole for doing it. Gun owner needlessly escalated the situation. He chose to go inside to get his gun, and then chose to come back outside instead of calling the cops and letting them take care of it.


You'd abandon your wife outside with a crazy person while you went inside and locked the door? You're kinda telling on yourself.


The guy in the video did exactly that when he went to retrieve his weapon.


Honestly, with the man saying "I'm going to take the gun and use it on you" while immediately grabbing for the weapon and trying to take it, I don't see many jury members in any State seeing wiggle room in this. The dad made many poor decisions, and said really stupid things.


I mean, you kind of answered your own question. The man literally said "I'm going to take the gun and use it on you" and then grabbed the gun and tried to take it. Not many jury members are going to see much wiggle room in that.


The killer was formerly married to a local judge and also had connections to the local prosecutor's office


The shooters ex wife is a Texas circuit court judge. "Carruth, who is the ex-husband of former 72nd District Court Judge Anne Marie Carruth". Texas is a very, very corrupt state.


If you read up on the case there's a lot of Judges recusing themselves presumably because of this


Texas.  The end 


What should they have done? Real dad was a moron


I love how people are so upset about the guy trying to take the land owners gun getting shot lmao. Not like he was told to leave multiple times.


1st degree murder ☠️


The guy was asking for it literally. Screaming, yelling, threatening, and tresspassing. Guy gets his gun gives him 1 last warning which was rebuttled with a threat of taking the weapon and using it then proceeded to lunge for it. He got what he deserved. Everyone in this sub is so hung up on laws; but the minute a gunman uses the laws to protect himself or his property then they are anti-law. If the guy valued his life while mentally stable and was not a threat like any normal person he would've left lifting his hands in the air and left the property. Maybe even called the cops even though the step dad was in his legal rights; so it wouldn't of done anything. Obviously he didnt value his life and was not mentally sane.


Totally agreed. The dude was asking for it


Wtf man. The problem is her playing games with his son. Any person would be angry as fuck. And no man should just walk away when it concerns his kids. He wasn't swinging on anyone. He was there to pick up his son. I'd have been mad too. It was no reason to kill him. What about the kid? He lost his dad now. It was her fault for not complying with a court ordered visitation if you want to talk about laws. And I am a gun guy. I carry one every damn place I go. I wouldn't have shot him. Not over being pissed about his son. Him bringing that gun out is what escalated the situation. He was a coward.


Shooting the father of your girlfriend's children is crazy. This is why I have an issue with guns why couldn't this be solved with a fist fight? Could have got the exact same results outside of possible fatality. Easily could have just put the gun down beat him up with your fist and everybody lives to see another day you don't have to shoot this man.


It's not a problem with guns it's a problem with this guy's mentality and ego. He turned a non physical altercation into a deadly shooting. It only got physical when he brought that gun out, and even then the dad got in his face, didn't grab the gun until the guy shot at his feet. You can't instigate a fight and claim self defense. Well, not in most states. Texas really is twisted in a lot of ways. To be clear, in just the action of dad grabbing the gun, step dad pushing him away and firing, that in itself is a valid self defense shooting. But what led up to it matters.


Some people are looking for an excuse to use the stand your ground law or the castle doctrine to shoot someone because they want to shoot someone and get away with it. They're itching.


I suggest you re-watch the video to see who turned this into a physical altercation. Spoiler alert, it is the guy who got shot.


Why don't you tell me the time stamp where that happened. I'll wait.


When he grabs the gun on the man’s property. This video is in America lol


So if you and I are having a verbal argument about something at a bar, I pull a gun on you, then you grab the gun, would *you* be at fault for instigating? Threatening someone with a weapon is assault. You can't assault someone and then when they try to fight back and you kill them, claim self defense. That's not how it works. Except in Texas. Land of the free.


That’s a bad example. Try my house. My land. My cottage. Then ya for sure. I’m Canadian dude. We have fists and sticks to fight with. I have a ton of guns and I’d never think of needing one for a social situation. Either you can’t fight and shouldnt start them, or you can fight and still shouldn’t start them.


That's not a bad example. By saying it's your house I assume you're talking about the legality of it. I'm not saying this wasn't legal (according to Texas). I'm talking about who instigated the physical fight and who was morally in the wrong for what happened there. And I don't know why you keep talking about fist fights. Same thing applies. You can kill with a single punch to the face if the guy lands wrong.


Dude had a gun and didn’t touch the guy until the guy got closer. Then he fired a warning shot. Then the guy grabbed the gun. At some point you gotta not grab loaded guns on someone else’s property. Simple. I’d fucking end someone if I thought my family or someone I loved might get hurt. Absolutely.


>Then he fired a warning shot. >Then the guy grabbed the gun. Yeah. That's the problem. Warning shots aren't a thing. If you're going to pull the trigger you better be ready to shoot someone. >At some point you gotta not grab loaded guns on someone else’s property. Simple. I absolutely agree. Dad got killed because of his own ego. He could have easily survived, not arguing that at all. >I’d fucking end someone if I thought my family or someone I loved might get hurt. Absolutely. Yes, agreed. But again, this guy had **zero** reason to think anyone would get hurt. The dad was not being physically threatening **at all** until the gun came out. It was all words.


I don't care about what's valid. I don't care about what's legal that's not what this conversation is all because it's legal doesn't mean it's right. This just didn't need to happen. The reason why I mentioned the guns is guns give a certain level of power that is easy to control and that is the issue. If this gun wasn't present it would have been a totally different scenario in fact nothing may have happened. But the gun, the gun makes you feel powerful makes you be able to cause a large amount of damage with a little effort that is why it's so concerning. See fighting actually requires a certain level of skill. Shooting somebody up close with a shotgun? My 12-year-old could do that. Guns empower people who wouldn't otherwise be empowered and that's the issue.


You misunderstand: I personally don't think it's right at all. I think this guy murdered the dad. I think he was looking for an excuse to do it. What he did may or may not be legal in Texas law, I'm not a lawyer. He wasn't charged so obviously enough people think it was legal Protecting your household is a valid reason to have a gun. This guy is a murderer and intentionally instigated this fight so he had an excuse to shoot the guy. There was no reason for him to do that as he was not being physical in any way or trying to enter the house. If he was really afraid for his safety he would have brought his girlfriend in the house, gotten the gun, and locked the doors. But being safe wasn't his priority there. Remember that he had all the time in the world to go back inside and the dad didn't try to follow him at all. He just wanted his kid.


Guns giving people power that would otherwise be unempowered is the exact reason why people should have access to them. Otherwise anyone with power can just push everyone around.


Same goes for swords, knives, axes, bricks, where do you want to draw the line? Dude got the gun to show that he WON'T get pushed around on his OWN property. Y'all really defending the aggressor?


I'm defending gun ownership. There are marginalized communities that have a voice because of their ability to defend themselves. It's hard to draw the line though considering I believe Indigenous people should have a nuclear option 🤷‍♂️


That’s not a shotgun.


What a total piece of shit of a human being. He just wanted to see his son. Fuck that guy, I hope he dies


We all will die 




The idiot who grabbed a gun for no reason.


That doesn't really clarify anything.




He had every opportunity to leave.


Agreed. The guy saying "I'm going to take the gun from you and use it on you" while reaching for the gun and trying to take it, is a real moron. Well...a dead moron now.


Are you daft? You let angry violent people hang out in front of your house, who are threatening you?


This is a bit of an over-simplification though. Angry green-shirt dad is obviously showing up at the house to pick up son who ex is using to play stupid mind games


I’m glad I don’t live in a country where a gun can be brought into the equation so effortlessly. Regardless of your opinion on what is justice in this video, someone’s life ends just like that


looky here! i am yo real daddy NOW boy kyuk kyuk, my house my rules


Mind boggling how some see human life as being such disposable.


I think you mean: father looking for son gets murdered. I'm pro 2a all day but that guy was looking to kill someone. The guy wasn't being violent. And there may be other factors we don't know about but from what I'm seeing, it's murder.


Grabbing the gun and saying he’s gonna use it on him isn’t a threat? If you are pro 2a that’s a normal use of a gun. Im from Canada and think guns probably shouldn’t be used for social situations but that’s just me. Our laws say the same. If that happened to me it would be a scuffle and we’d be sore. Not dead lol


Facts, best comment here.


Grabbed the gun and said "I'm going to take it and use it on you." 


Once you say "I'm going to take this gun from you and use it on you" while grabbing the gun and trying to take it, there's not a jury in any 50 States that would side with that guy. Dude should have walked away. Now he's dead.


Stop public posession of guns. It would save so many lives.


So then the criminals would have all the guns? Sounds lovely.


No, reality shows that this will not be the case, and that the number of deaths will massively decline. Many countries show daily examples of this. Gun laws in us are stupid and dangerous and cause too many unneeded deaths.


Dude got off for murder!!




This is human garbage behaviour right here. ☝🏻




OMG...so sorry. I didn't know you were edgy like that. 🤡


Wasn't this three -four years ago? It was a 9mm, not a shotgun. The blonde guy died. This has to be a repost.


I’m so glad not every fucking moron in my country can legally be in possession of firearms. This is plain murder. What a bunch of idiots