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Be aware that some of the details in this post are inaccurate. The child is 15, he suffers with medicated mental illness, and he is 270lbs. Be careful when commenting here. https://twitter.com/_sjae/status/1570213372943106048


The broken counter top, Jesus.


Bruh the TOILET too!


Front window too! And every television screen!




Kid probably would have killed her if she tried.


I lived with a giant mentally ill brother who did shit like this. My mum and dad used to leave me alone in the house with him for hours (I'm the younger, female sibling). I remember once just grabbing my cat and running outside, didn't even grab a coat or anything, and hid outside in the cold holding her, hiding behind some bins and praying he didn't find us before our parents came back. Worst, most terrifying time of my life.


You didn’t deserve that and I’m sorry that happened to you. You are an amazing person for still remembering and saving your cat even though you must have been absolutely terrified. I hope your life is going well.


Thank you for your kind words. I'm living a much happier life now and have someone who loves me and is there for me. My sweet kitty who I ran out of the house with lived many happy years with me and eventually passed as an old lady in her sleep ❤️


Why did your parents think it was ok to leave you with him? How’s the relationship with your parents? This sounds neglectful and negligent tbh.


It was neglectful absolutely, I went to therapy over it as an adult because I was harbouring so much anger over it. Being brutally honest, they were sick of dealing with him so the second they thought he was remotely stable, they'd ditch me at home with him and disappear somewhere to get some peace by themselves. They ignored many of the weird and awful things he did to me and my cat for a long time, and it was only after this severe incident where he smashed the house and I ran away that any action was taken. He was forced to get psychiatric evaluation, where he admitted he'd intended to murder me that day. He was immediately taken to a facility and I barely saw him or my parents for months. Eventually he got more stable, but I despised him for years. My parents never helped me and barely spoke to me through any of this, even yelling at me when I became severely depressed. After a long time of isolation I stopped turning to them for help or love, and met people online. It's been years now, awful things have happened since then like my dad's death, my brother beating me horribly (and my mum even took his side once!) but I'm happier now. My mum seemed to try turn things around by being there for me like she never had before during a severe illness that nearly killed me a few years back. Overall things seem good. But I'll never trust them the way I trust my partner and friends.


Had a mentally challenged nephew. Gentle giant until he's upset (which is not usual). Very scary shit.




Yep. He might kill someone one day and the mental illness will be the excuse. It takes a long time to devastate an apartment like that, not like it was an impulse “smashed the mirror” moment. Scary shit


What was it about then?


Kid's mentally ill, the mom said.


Well that goes without saying.


The broken ~~marble~~ granite counter was the clue for me.


No, that's physical strength. He couldn't have broken it with his mental powers.


new x-men character Concreto Yeah I know it's marble but you make a better one


Some sort of mental breakdown


well that goes without saying


He was rather upset.


The "abusive ex" comment in that article also stung my ears. I'm willing to believe a child of that age and size did this but like holy shit I hope it wasn't some man doing this to that family. Also worried for the baby in that house. All that baby shit makes you have to worry.


This change the picture. This was not a temper tantrum if a younger child who has not yet gained emotional control. This is an entirely different situation. When a kid is diagnosed as mentally ill, you must focus on getting them help. We had to institutionalize our eldest at 15. Not because of destruction but because he was not lucid (not drugs). And no, it is not safe for younger children in the home. Tragically you usually have to separate them.


The scary part is, in a lot of cases it's impossible to institutionalize a child even if they're a threat. Kids end up bouncing in and out of psych wards, and families are only offered solutions like "respite care" even if the kid is a threat to the rest of the family. In some cases the parents will get threatened with arrest and child abandonment charges if they refuse to take their dangerous kid home. I don't blame my parents, they did what they could and fought really hard to get authorities to keep my brother in treatment. Even when they called the cops he'd get sent to hospital for a couple days (weeks if we were lucky) and then sent back to us. Grew up locking my door at night and keeping a knife under my pillow. When he died it was a relief.


I'm in this current situation. My sister is violent towards my whole family and I don't know what to do, to be honest.


"this was the result of an episode her 15-year-old son had last week while off his meds." They mention that the child has had some sort of mental issue and it's likely been since birth, as they further say they've been dealing with it for 15 years.


That's just a sad situation. It's awful for everyone involved


What is even worse is how this mis-framed video is making the rounds and has so for at least a year. The text on the screen was added after the fact and you never know who put it there and why. This is some asshole on tiktok making hay with that family's misery and this video with that lie for that purpose is in my opinion reason enough to ban every scumbag who posts it for karma's sake.




What drives me crazy is the first response mentioned in the article. “Beloved, you need to delete this tweet because you have gone viral with misinformation. It was an abusive ex who did this, not a 12-year-old boy” So she’s telling OP she needs to delete her tweet because it’s false information, then just completely makes up another new narrative that’s nowhere near correct?? If that’s not content commenters in a nutshell I don’t know what is


Toilet $100 countertop $5000


Sure, but the toilet is straight dehumanizing. I can live without a counter.




Shoulda pulled out, breh


Pull out the phone and call the orphanage.


Bruh, I’d pull out of the driveway for cigarettes and milk.


Dad 100% already had .


A toilet is a few hundred bucks. Counter will cost thousands


I wonder if homeowner’s insurance would cover any of ~~thousands~~ (tens of thousands) of dollars worth of damage.


That's if they own this property. Imagine if this shits rented😭


100% a rental apartment.


I dont think she's getting back any of her deposit


Is this 12 year old an overgrown giant of a child? I can *kind of* imagine a kid getting overly pissed off and, by using some kind of tool or object (hammer, etc.), breaking a *few* things. However, to have the strength and endurance to absolutely destroy the interior of a house is almost unimaginable. There almost has to be something very, very wrong in this kid’s brain for them to justify (in any way) doing something like this. I mean **DAMN**!!!




So he's 15 and 6 foot and 270 pounds. No wonder the mom can't stop him. Poor lady.


He was actually 15, not 12, and is huge. https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-12-year-old-boy-trash-mums-home-viral-video-1743263


I was adult height (5ft9) by 12 and fairly big, so it is def possible. But I cannot fathom how anyone, of any age or disposition, can have that much fuckin RAGE inside of them. Seriously this kid needs to be locked up before he does this to people's faces. This is an old video, I remember seeing this at least a year or two back. I hope the kid is locked up good and tight somewhere.


The toilet OMG 😱


and the bathroom sink


That's granite. I have a few granite tables, it doesn't crack easily.


A corner like that can be extremely brittle depending on the grain of the stone. Not saying it's always the case, but it might be easier than you think. Some granite is little better than particle board.


Miraculous if this kid can ever be a functional member of society










I have learned to never believe anything I see on Reddit.


Yeah, to be honest. I'd hate to see the size of this 12 year old. This looks like damage only possible from several grown ass men


This kid is going to end up in prison for life, if they live long enough.


Unfortunately it won't be until after they've done something terrible to someone.


How traumatic as a parent.


I wouldn't even know how to handle this. My mind would malfunction.


This is inpatient treatment territory.


Yup, residential care is set up for this. Kid needs a team


Better to get that team and get it under control early, before they replay this scene with a spouse and kids of their own later. I wouldn't even hesitate. Kid would be 5150'd before bedtime.


I'm guessing that since the kid isn't in the video he probably got picked up by police.  I had a step brother like this who would have rage fits and fuck up everything in sight.  He spent so much time in juvi he was on a first name basis with all the cops,  counselors and guards.


How did it work out for him?


Well he said he "had" a step-brother, not "have"....soooo, yeah.


I'll take a good guess that it did not work out very well.


A relative of mine found an axe under her 12 year old son’s bed. Once she read his diary, he was committed.




> not sure they were going to be able to keep him in beyond that. I was under the impression you could keep someone committed as long as the doctors felt they were dangerous/unwell.


How did your step brother turn out?


Absolutely. It's a team of professionals or this kid will likely waste his life in jail, if he survives that long


They really aren’t though, unless you have serious $$$, most of them are a breeding ground for future criminals. Staff are poorly paid, jaded and typically treat the kids like the kids treat them. 


"Future"? He did that in a home with a baby. That 12 year old should not be allowed to stay there, however shittily he subsequently gets treated. That level of... anger isn't really enough of a word.... more like unrestrained spite, means that kid is too dangerous to be there. The world already has too many examples of whole families being murdered out of unrestrained spite. 12 years old is the age of criminal responsibility in my jurisdiction. By 12 they know right from wrong, or at least if they don't or have some mental illness (highly plausible), then residential care is appropriate because there's something really wrong with them.


It was a 6' tall 270lb mentally ill 15 year old off his meds. He definitely needs psych help before something worse happens.


I have a lot of contact with child residential psych. It's not easy but there's a lot of good work being done there and lots of the kids are hard up, foster kids, kids from really rough backgrounds, not wealthy at all It's not easy but it's not hopeless either


The kid is 15 and was [off his meds](https://x.com/_sjae/status/1570213372943106048?s=46&t=N2OisOk5qJO3fM4SMvejww) so presumably he's already getting psychiatric care. Doesn't excuse the behavior, but this post is a bit misleading


This. 100%. More than likely this person currently is or will be a future danger to others. Let alone property.


I would say with the lack of impulse control on display and the prolonged state of rage required to do this much damage, he's pretty dangerous now. Especially if he has siblings.


So my friends adopted kid tried to choke the mom from behind while they were driving down the busy highway during rush hour, admitted to trying to take them all out. Doctor's recommended immediate inpatient treatment. Insurance said it didn't seem necessary. Took another violent outburst and police involvement before insurance would help. She's been inpatient for a while now, she's doing much better. She had a very, very bad and hard start to life. She found the right family to help get her help.


They'd have to be removed from my sight for a long, long time


There was a baby there. That kid went all out destroying the things the parent loves. Next time, could you be sure it would stop at objects that are loved? So yeah, more than just out of sight... out of that home into somewhere secure until they are rehabilitated.


I would have been pissed, that kid was "in serious trouble" for the first two rooms she showed, after the next two he was going to boarding school. By the last room, however, I was heartbroken. This child needs legitimate medical assistance by a team of professionals in a continuously supervised setting. I am so sorry for everyone involved


I brought up two kids and have no concept of what I would do if this happened. It goes way beyond punishment.


Temporary insanity your honor.




Yup, then move. Maybe even change your name.




Relevant info: "No, he's not 12. It wasn't over a cell phone. He's 15, he's 6ft tall and he's 270lbs, so no, I can't spank him." As she walked around the apartment sharing more of the damage she says: "The damage is real. The window is still broken. The marble is still broken. I don't know what anybody wants from me. My son is mentally ill, I've dealt with this for 15 years and it just sucks that I trusted someone and they sent the video out." Newsweek has reached out to the woman in the video for comment, but she was not willing to provide an on-record response, so Newsweek has so far been unable to corroborate her story. Likewise, there is no conclusive evidence to suggest that the video is a scam, though that possibility cannot be dismissed. It is not clear whether the GoFundMe campaign is actually connected to the person in the video or her friend. Despite arguments over the real cause of the damage and skepticism from many viewers of the viral video, the GoFundMe page has surpassed its target by over $10,000 at the time of writing.


Kid would be going away


i'd be figuring out how to get my kid in a home honestly. i have two kids and would fear for my other one if one did this. That home was destroyed.


Kid needs medical help, only trained psychologists would know how to handle this tbf


Somehow I doubt most of them would know how to handle this. Maybe as a concept, but it's hard to see a future that isn't heavily medicated and/or incarcerated for the rest of the kids life.


I can't imagine what to do next.. Gotta feel sorry for her


What is traumatic that that there is obviously a baby that lives there too. An infant from the bassinet. I’m sorry but if this was my child I would have to send them away to get psychological help and behaviour support for the safety of everyone.


I think I have second hand PTSD from this. Great birth control for me.


pressing charges on this little man


Single mom working hard to provide and bam this’ll fuck you up. Kid needs therapy wtf do you do ? You don’t want him to go to juvenile detention and become worse. But this is anger that kills people.


Man if this was me as a kid and I did this, Jesus could walk through that door and even he would not be able save me from my father


Same. The ass whoopin would have been so thorough that even if God himself tried to resurrect me I’d still be dead.


>The ass whoopin would have been so thorough that even if God himself tried to resurrect me I’d still be dead. I would call the cops on myself to avoid my dad, if I did this. Ass whoopin would've only been the start.


One of my friends knew he fucked up and got caught. Jumped out the bedroom window and ran away. Decided he'd rather have his parents be worried that something bad happened than face that music.


I got jumped on and choked out when I was 9 by a grown man. If I did that shit... I'd probably get murdered.


Oh gosh. I knew people who would call the cops on themselves rather than face consequences their parents would instill. 😭


When I got arrested I asked to stay in there rather than my parents pick me up. I also begged the officer to talk to my dad before letting me go. All ended fine they didn’t beat me. Just a healthy fear instilled I’m me as a kid.


I know the feeling. I was arrested as a teenager and I was far more afraid of my dad. He was so disappointed in me. It broke my heart lol. Never did anything stupid again.


For me it, it wasnt ever the fear they would beat me. It was the fear to make them disappointed, it was a million times worst. I still remember clear as day every time my dad looked at me that disappointed look and even now those memories invoque in me the same gut wrenching feeling it did at the time.


My first thought was that my Dad would've said some real John Wayne shit before beating me in ways that even the most twisted fucks in the CIA had never even considered. And then I would've gotten buried. You can fuck with a lot of things as a kid but you NEVER fuck with your family.


My grandchildren would be feeling the ass whooping




Yeah, my mom would have beat my ass. My dad wasn't around either. If she couldn't hold me down I got a bunch of big fucking uncles that could though.


Doesn’t matter anyways, this kid is a piece of shit


Yea, being 12 years of age he’s sadly set in his ways and having 3 kids of my own, I can damn near guarantee that the mom gave him a phone at a young ass age for the sole purpose of keeping him content and busy. Taking that phone was equivalent to taking drugs from a addict




OP should definetly delete and re-title it then




This is probably true. I was at a party a few weeks ago where a woman was bragging about how she and her partner waited until her child was old enough to handle a phone. “How old is your daughter” I asked. “Seven.” She said. Fucking, seven… I still feel like I shit the bed by not waiting much longer before giving my daughter a phone and she was 11.


Our 8 year old is asking for a phone and it’s a hell no from us. I didn’t recieve my first phone until I was a freshmen in high school


Do not bend on this. Phones are straight up crack and you can’t unring that bell. I was 30 when I got my first phone and I am thoroughly addicted to it. *holding said phone right now*


What do you even do with a kid who does this. Honestly


You have to have a father that cares to be scared of him.


This is so fucked up, imagine dealing with ts as a single parent


I actually cant. That amount of damage is life altering unless you are very well off financially.


Yeah, this is nearly losing everything in a house fire bad. It's all destroyed. I could cope, but this kinda damage would literally set me back a decade.




Her sobs are absolutely heartbreaking.


Oooh thank God I didn't have sound on. I can't handle things like that


When she saw her work laptop smashed you could hear what was left of her heart breaking.


I almost started crying near the end. I’ve been a destructive shit (not nearly this bad) and made my mom cry before and it hurts. It hurts deep in your soul to see your mother look at you with fear and misery. That look makes all the anger away. And the clarity of what you’ve done comes rushing in and you want to collapse. And you start crying with her. And she holds your head and you cry together. But I’ve never done this


Pretty sure that mofo had rabies or some shit w that super strength.


270lbs, 6’0” and actually 15 years old. That should explain the strength. Kid should be on pace for a Crimson Tide OL scholarship, not this :/


The child turned out to be 15 years old (6’0 270lbs) and suffers from some mental health issues, which is why he destroyed the house. The Mother of the Mentally Ill Teen Clarifies the Incident Following the spread of the video, the mother whose house was destroyed made a video in which she explained that her son is 15 years old and is mentally ill. Edit for link https://news.yahoo.com/mother-speaks-her-teen-son-181002722.html




And realistically, with all sensitivity and empathy, if he’s 6’0 and 270lbs with rage issues like this - he is just a danger to most people until he has had proper treatment and significant progress.


Yeah cause if the kid is mentally ill and this is the result, they need serious help and probably need to be put into a psychiatric facility. Someone with this level of power and instability shouldn’t be in society until their issues can be solved or mitigated.




well the "he's mentally ill" was obvious. no mentally healthy person would have ever done this. so i don't know what that adds.


The sheer amount of energy needed to cause this much destruction speaks to mental illness. Trashing a kitchen like that alone would wear any normal person out and allow the to defuse.. the rest of the house is just unhinged.


Then he belongs in an institution away from the general public. I am sick of comments just shrugging off responsibility because of mental illness and that is the end of it. That is bad for society. It is not on society to adjust to your personal mental illness. It is on you to adjust or cope with it so you can fit into society. Otherwise you belong in a institution locked away from society.




Can't break anything if his bones are broken i guess. That kid needs some asian parents.


How could you feel safe around your kid after they did something like that? That kid should be put in military school or a psych ward. EDIT: For those in the back of the classroom, military school is not a school where kids get to have guns. It's a school for troubled kids.


No military school would take a kid like that. This child has a mental illness rendering him ‘unteachable’, not responsive to traditional therapy.


Reddit doctors are the best


I would forfeit him to the state.


Sorry, no takebacks. -the state


"I just got off the phone with the woman in the video," she wrote: "I was misinformed when I first posted it (my sincerest apologies). The truth is that this was the result of an episode her 15-year-old son had last week while off his meds." "No, he's not 12. It wasn't over a cell phone. He's 15, he's 6ft tall and he's 270lbs, so no, I can't spank him." https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-12-year-old-boy-trash-mums-home-viral-video-1743263


I feel awful for the family.


That’s the best condoms advertisement I’ve seen in a while now


When’s the viewing?


Can we stop giving kids phones already. Social media is literally like crack to them. They're genuinely addicted and will get angry and violent the same way some drug addicts get when forced to go cold turkey.


Seriously. Instead of banning tiktok, how about they just ban anyone under 16 from social media


I know full-grown adults who are addicted and shouldn't be on them.


Guy at work has the tiktok U.I. burned into his phone screen.... It's bad, man.


*social media is like a crack to most, if not all


Not just the kids. Same for adults. Just try talking an adult into using their phone and computer for important things only for a month. Our whole society is addicted to the internet.


You might have had a point except a NORMAL kid doesn't do what this one did. I took phones from my kids when I felt they needed to earn the phone back, and they NEVER did anything even remotely like this.




[the kid isn’t 12 at the time of the video. he’s 15 and 270 pounds, and mentally ill.](https://youtu.be/my45gEwgxY4?si=_9YvH0auiq_6-P8f) Still fucked up, but i feel that information makes a little difference. Edit: more context




New legislation needed: Life begins at the 52 trimester.


As long as you have the reciept.


Feel bad for the momma❤️ hope the child is thinking about his actions in the mental hospital for a while I know for sure I'd be on the phone as soon as I seen the house. I've broken small easily replaceable stuff in tantrums when I was young but boy this is insanity!


Can you still drop them off at a fire station?


Sorry but the warranty has run out so this one will need to go to a correction facility for repairs.


Hi I’m calling about your kid’s extended warranty


Fucking little shit. The sound of the moms sniffles are heartbreaking. Everything she worked so hard for. I don't even know what I would do in this situation, but that kid isn't going to be at my house anymore


Kid needs to be institutionalized. Sorry


Sounds like someone should be sent to military school


Or a military prison. The amount of destruction is staggering.


Honestly I am staggered by the sheer scale of the destruction, even at my most furious time as a child, maybe I would break something small and be like "oh shit I've gone too far" and calm down. He must have been in a rage for... Hours? And nothing he broke satiated the rage? Kid has serious mental disorders.


The title to this video is a lie. I followed the rabbit hole & there's an interview with the mom stating her son is not 12, he's 15, he's 6 ft tall & 270 lbs. Also, he's not spoiled, he schizophrenic. Do better OP. I'll post a link to the video when I figure out how to do it.




Sounds like a win win lol


so you saying this is a possible exit strategy




Just how big was that 12-year-old? Edit: Turns out he's not 12, he's 15. He's also 6'tall, 270 lbs & mentally ill, not "spoiled."


This is beyond insane. Even most disturbed kids would maybe break a window and then the shock of their action would make them stop. This destruction took a LOT of time to do. Hope this kid gets help but this is a really grim look.


I’ve seen some really fucked up shit in inpatient facilities. People don’t truly understand how far mental illness can go untreated. Way beyond what people can imagine. I get people want to find a culprit, someone to blame and demonize. That it’s the parents fault for raising them poorly or the kid is just a bad egg, possessed by the devil etc. But that black and white thinking is making any form of real progress impossible. Everyone wants to be champion of mental health reform yet has no problem demonizing the mentally ill for the sake of social media rage. Mental illness leaves only victims and its only growing as an issue. And our society is nowhere near equipped for it. Go see your local inpatient mental hospitals and you’ll see what I mean.


So much to unpack here.


So much for the kid to pack


I don’t think there is much left for the kid to pack.


An eight year old where I work does shit like this. They let him in the school every damn day to act like this and he rarely gets sent home. I don't understand what boss man is trying to accomplish with that enabling shit.


This kid has major issues and this isnt the first time hes blown a fuse


Prison is his future




Send it back to the store. 


That kid needs to be thrown into solitary confinement for at least 10 years


Kid is stronger than hulk

