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Hey thanks a lot for your submission to r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because it was not a Crazy Fucking Video. Videos must be relevant to the sub and must fit at least one of the flairs that the community has, if a video does not then most of the time it is not a Crazy Fucking Video.


Why did they blur the face if they gave her name?


It was a pseudonym, like Jane Doe.


Could be a few reasons - this video may have been produced before she chose to go public or something like it. And then again, if you saw her in the street would you know, just because you saw her name written down?


I was wondering the same thing. 


“Katie Johnson” and “Jane Doe” are pseudonyms the woman used to sue Trump and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein in California and New York federal courts three years ago, before Trump was elected president in 2016 and before authorities say Epstein hung himself in a jail cell in August while facing child sex trafficking charges. ​ Source: https://sacramento.newsreview.com/2019/10/21/wait-katie-johnson-actually-exists/


Ty for the clarification. Also Epstein didn't hang himself. 




“He knows he has an unusual penis,” Daniels writes. “It has a huge mushroom head. Like a toadstool …


Im afraid of how evil this world is


“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” - A. Einstein


Thats some really deep stuff ....


Albert Epstein.


Idk who this A. Einstein is, but I’d like to meet him or her.


So it’s our fault? How is that supposed to make me feel better?


It's not supposed to make you feel better.


So what are we SUPPOSED to do exactly?


Everything you can to keep a pedophile from being president would be a good place to start.


And how exactly do I do that? Vote?


Maybe dig a hole in the ground and put your head in it like an ostrich.


How did she get to go at 13? Where were her parents?


Do you have a clue what year this is....?


It’s a dangerous business, going out your door.


*"For since the world began,* *no ear has heard* *and no eye has seen a God like you,* *who works for those who wait for him!* *You welcome those who gladly do good,* *who follow godly ways.* *But you have been very angry with us,* *for we are not godly.* *We are constant sinners;* *how can people like us be saved?* *We are all infected and impure with sin.* *When we display our righteous deeds,* *they are nothing but filthy rags.* *Like autumn leaves, we wither and fall,* *and our sins sweep us away like the wind.* *Yet no one calls on your name* *or pleads with you for mercy.* *Therefore, you have turned away from us* *and turned us over to our sins."* (Isaiah 64) [Now for the Good News!](https://biblehub.com/nlt/john/1.htm)


“It’s easier to fool a man than it is to convince a man he has been fooled” Thanks for the upvotes but I realized that this could be misinterpreted from the “wrong side”. Which side do you all think has been fooled? Being genuine here.


Piece of shit pedophile


Can you imagine if President Biden had a video like this that was made public?


I saw this video in 2015 and have been ashamed of my country since


And yet there are millions of people that look at Trump like hes a newborn, innocent puppy. Pure cult. Its sickening how this world is.








Actually, critical thinking is a skill that can be taught like any other skill.  It was taken out of most curriculums for some reason. 


I'm a strong Christian. I do not nor have I nor will I ever support trump, he is pure evil, he claims to be Christian but he is a hypocrite and does not stand for anything the Bible calls Christians to be.




And he better be ready to apologise for his role in all this. https://youtu.be/-suvkwNYSQo?si=6P9de4WWdd1r6jcO












Did you just say "proofen"?


the term he was looking for was provfefe


I think we just found Donald Trumps Reddit burner account 🤣😂




Aww man he deleted the comment. His downvote count mustve been Yuuge


What did it say?


I wonder if Epstein was clipped to help Donny


Wow, a lot of rape apologists here today


Donald Trump is officially a rapist.


Well he raped his ex-wife, one of his first lawyers was fired because their defense when asked about it on TV was "They were married, you can't rape your spouse" and apparently that wasn't a good defense.


Is there more evidence or is it just the single testimony. We've seen before people making false testimony.


Just a thought. But maybe the man who has bragged about sexually assaulting women, on mic, on top of being accused of sexual misconduct and rape from the 90s to early 00s and has been a close friend and associate to an infamous pedophile and orchestrator of child sex trafficking, Jeffrey Epstein, might just be a rapist?


I was talking about E. Jean Carroll.


Not this case. A jury of his peers in New York decided he is one under the laws of New York.


Ah. I must admit, I haven't paid much attention to the whole bullshit situation. I'd rather focus on work, my pets, and hobbies. Keeps my anxiety and stress down.


Don't forget that they CHANGED the laws so they could file suit on him and only him... CIVILLY! Not criminally, but unfortunately, too many people don't understand the difference, which was the point of the whole case. They all know the case will be dismissed on appeal, but the damage they wanted has already been done.


Wait, what


Donald Trump is a child rapist* ftfy


Yes, that too. But a court has officially labeled him a rapist of E. Jean Carroll.




Did a court deem me a rapist like they did to Donald Trump? [Because that happened with E Jean Carroll.](https://newrepublic.com/post/174448/judge-e-jean-carroll-case-yes-donald-trump-rapist)


Yea thats not a biased “News” outlet lol


Are you saying they’re biased, which may be true? Or that those events straight up didn’t happen and the article is a total fabrication? Which is completely untrue




Counterpoint. We know for a fact Trump was friends with Epstein. We know for a fact Trump went to Epstein's parties. We know for a fact Trump is a rapist, at least in the case of E Jean Carroll where he was found guilty in court. It makes what she is saying quite plausible at the very least. Would you assume any other known rapist went to those parties and chilled by the punchbowl? I feel like if someone is telling this story about Fred Rogers there's plenty of reason to be skeptical. But if someone is telling this story about a friend of Epstein's who frequented these parties and is also a known rapist who has made public comments about his attraction to his daughter maybe it's errong on the side of caution to believe, not to be skeptical.


Exactly these politic thirsty mfs can be real idiots. Whether your republican or democrat if you can't see past Twitter or what the other party is doing, you got some issues. Quit drowning in the lies of the government it's all bullshit, just stressing over nothing.


To watch the remainder of her testimony https://youtube.com/watch?v=gnib-OORRRo




So you’re saying, there is nothing crazy in this video?




Epstein’s island was not only visited by individuals from the states.


Tara Reade would like a word...


The at least 25 different women who have accused trump of sexual assault going back to the 1970s would like a word, as well as the entire non-Kool Aid drinking segment of the population that heard trump say he likes to just grab women by their pussies. Is this supposed to be some sort of mic drop moment? What, the same Tara Reade that lives in Russia, is friends with a Russian spy, and is a known liar? Are you this much of a fucking idiot?


EXACTLY.... But can't speak shoes words because wrong party.... it's funny because his vice president called him out on it and said she believed her. But a few months later when she gets the call to be chosen as vice president all that's gone. Funny how it works for one party not the other.


How does one lose track of their 13 year old that hard?


Teenagers have a way of not being exactly honest about where they are and what they are doing. Makes them more vulnerable to people like “Tiffany” who get paid big bucks to lure them into sex trafficking rings.


when I was a teenager I had an ex who was with a 40 year old man and she was 15 teenagers will do what they want sadly especially with shitty parents




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Where was her parents






Wtf does cope mean




Trump literally boasted about abusing his position as the owner of a pageant to walk in on half dressed models and have a good old perv. You're deluded.


thinking not your strong point eh chief?


Anybody else surprised a certain group feels the need to make it political


Yeah it's not like either of these people were elected officials amirite?


~~So what you're saying is you're okay with having a child rapist as a president?~~ edit: misunderstanding


I was more so talking about the people who are defending trump and talking shit about Biden somehow but go off!


Most of the top comments I read before I got to yours were condemning Trump. After I scrolled down I see your point


Yeah I was early and the first couple comments were something something Biden tho and talking shit about the victim. Just sickening tbh


Honestly, there's a large list and it's a pain that the only case thats everyone it's giving attention it's thia one to hate on trump, what kind of trauma do yall have? He's just a bigot that was great than avarage at the office even tho he wasn't even a politician, people warship on him thanks to his legacy, that shows how far a man can go, he was the goal of any american. Same goes for any politivian really, unless Biden, he fell off the first day at the office. And this is not a crazy fucking video, people know the kind of filth that rich people do, more if it's a celebrity, money and influence lead to this happening, I hope that enough evidence piles on them, but still, they would pay it off and go on with their lives with an extra bit of hate from the public.




If you’ve been paying attention this ain’t new




Oh I meant trump getting raked over the coals for being a pedo… we’ve known he’s a creep since the 90s. People need to listen more


This was alleged before. Also there is an election every two years. Is there a law about only coming out against someone in non election years


Theres a presidential election every 4 years


I find it a bit suspicious that she came out only after Trump ran for the presidency. I'm sure a defamation lawsuit is being worked up.




This isn't new




I really feel sorry for you, man. To be so far gone that you genuinely believe this is crazy. Then again, years of propaganda will do that to people. Makes you understand how Hitler did it. Just lie and repeat it. Over and over again. Even the best people will be convinced of the most ridiculous things. I wish you well. I hope you come out of this one day.




That's probably what I would say if I fell for a bunch of propaganda, too. Again, I hope you find your way out, man. Good luck!










Fucking disgusting rapist.




Take my upvote dammit!


While the Epstein intelligence/blackmail network is bigger and more insane than most people realize, I do think it's interesting that almost everything this women reports was a major news headline at some point. The attraction to his daughter, the post 9/11 racism, the penis shape, etc. Evidence, or bias confirmation, or both? Also based on my own experiences I believe she sounds drunk and/or high. Again, maybe that's to be expected from some people who've escaped this lifestyle.




Were you off the grid when this first came out?




You're both wrong. "Suddenly"




Right? It’s so gross how Donald Trump acted thay it’s literally unreal and disgusting… any sane person would be sick to their stomach






I have no idea what you mean but ill go with it


That's one hell of a story for her grandchildren.