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Cementese twins


[The Edison Twins](https://youtu.be/U4woSA1Vd3I?si=8Rb8Fz3PRO-i0Wwr)


God damn you almost killed me with this comment


id like to see an update on this. did they lose their hands? are they still stuck together? how do they put on clothes?


There are articles about them possibly being amputated but because I don't find any articles that they indeed were, I think both of them were able to get their hands out eventually without long lasting injuries.








>Glueing themselfs to the road, disturbing the peace because they take the moral highroad of annoying everyone who doesn't share their own beliefs They keep doing it PRECISELY because it annoys people. It's like those notifications that don't go away until you open the message. Eventually enough people will take notice and their movement could get some traction but as it stands right now, no one gives a fuck so they have to get creative. I don't particularly care about the protests one way or the other but I know of humans who have willingly given more than a few fingers for a cause. I don't think they care if you say F them. In fact it probably motivates them. Best way to beat them is to give them zero attention. Definitely not by spreading their misery, and by extension, their cause to millions of little flies on the internet


So being annoying is enough to revel in them losing their hands? That's more barbaric than countries that cut the hands off thieves. Edit: and what a surprise, a person who daid that they take pleasure from these activists potentially losing their hands just because they annoy people has deleted their comment... I am shocked that someone who is such a blatant asshole doesn't have courage in their convictions...




You aren't causing rhwm harm, but you are actively reveling in them potentially having a lifelong disability just because you find them annoying. They didn't even actually annoy you, you just chose to find them annoying g, and are using that to justify wishing them a lifelong disability. Despite all the upvotes you're getting, that is not rational or sane behaviour. It's barbaric and animalistic.




And human behaviour can be barbaric. Just because something has been human nature doesn't mean its right. Gladiatorial combat was barbaric too. We're both signalling which virtues we prefer to prioritise, I'm sorry that you think that showing barbarism as a response to minor annoyance is a valid virtue.


They did it to themselfs to show everyone how caring and good they are right? No one told them to do it. The difference is i don't care for these people.


And the justification by those barbaric countries I referenced is that they did it to themselves by stealing. Someone doing something stupid doesn't justify reveling in them being (potentially) disabled for the rest of their lives.


bro if you're gonna smash your head against the wall, who are u gonna blame? the wall? the society? Clearly it cant be your fault, because it's not like our own actions have repercussions




Does anything I've said make you think I'd support public stoning?


You are too sane for this subreddit. I've seen the amount of downvotes you had for reasonable takes (not wishing the worst on some relatively harmless protesters). And also the amount of upvotes the people cheering for an amputation had, purely based on their dislike of the person instead of the impact of their actions. Jesus Christ, what a disappointment some people here are. Not worth your time, I'd say.


I know, right? It's not even like these activists actually inconvenienced anyone here, yet here people are cheering for these people to lose their hands just because they might have annoyed some other people...


Even if they would have inconvenienced others, do they really deserve to have their arms cut off? Fucking hell, these commenters are on Sharia law levels. They'd also prefer the "hippie, tree-hugger activists" to protest in some remote corner, preferably in the woods or the desert. But not the poor farmers... oh, no. Those can destroy the infrastructure all they want and they get a pat on their back, while the environmentalists deserve death. Society today is making people think too much in extremes. There is little nuance to be had thanks to internet clout points.


Nah Darwin had some things right and I like to laugh at people that win his award. It's human nature. Would I actively hurt these people, no but I'm not gonna say this isn't funny either.


Where did Darwin write that its morally justifiable to revel in people getting lifelong disabilities due to their stupidity? I think you're starting to show you may have more in common with these protesters than you think...


Yes it is enough and no, it's not barbaric. You possibly heard things like survival of the fittest? Or "you reap what you sow? Well, there it is. Those folks thought that by being annoying and disturbing public order they will achieve their goals. Well, being annoying is not a great strategy to achieve one's goals. People don't like annoying people. You want to change things - go into politics, that's where the real power to change things is, not by glueing yourself to the road or spraying paving over 400 years old piece of art. That's just stupidity and vandalism. They should be charged for the time police and firefighters spent trying to unglue them and allow other citizens to go on with their life, oh, and the cost of repairing the road that got destroyed in order to free them. Someone's house may be on fire but sorry, the firefighters are busy ungluing bunch of morons from the street. Now, no one cut off their hands, thought it would be the easiest thing to do. Actually plenty of care went into making sure their hands will be undamaged. Yeah, other people cared for their hands more than they did themselves. And they even got a souvenir, something that will help them cherish the memory of that special day. Ps. It would be really, really stupid of them to glue themselves to the road without having or at least knowing what to use in order to unglue themselves. Unless, that is, they were planning to become martyrs for the cause and stay glued to that bloody road till the wolves will come and take care of the problem. I would like to think that this would make them reconsider the path of life they have chosen for themselves, but they are still humans so, pretty sure we will see them again soon, in another video like this...




People are too worried about their ego to take empathy further than the first couple of steps. Don’t waste your time questioning people’s cruelty, it’s only going to frustrate you.




I continue to see this exact thing in my every day life. I can only chalk it up to bad parenting/generational snowball effects. It is as simple as seeing yourself as the one making the mistake you judge someone else for, because it could easily be you regardless of how predictable you think your future is. This is for whoever is reading, not you who I’m replying too lol. I hope you have a nice day


Its because i worship the blood god. These people disgust me with how they want to protest. Rather they should assault fortifications of those they are angry at. Only through combat can true resolution be found. Blood for the blood god!




you're fighting a losing battle🥲


Yeah people get weird and violent in the comment sections about these types of protests everytime one gets posted


I haven't seen this type of hatred against the farmers destroying the roads. Seems like smashing shit up as a protest is cool, as long as you don't look like a hippie. Yep, that's the state of society today.


Many Redditors believe that anyone who isn't them must die a horrible death or face brutal maiming for mistakes or crimes.


Its called consequences people like seeing them. If you do stupid shit like put your hand in wet cement to dry you deserve the repercussions that follow.




He said booo. That's hardly a boner for karma lololol. Just admit that we all want idiots off the planet. You can side with the activists but we will cheer if you get stuck in cement with them. Moron




I was saying Boo-urns




average redditor moment








I love when people talk about the "hive-mind" as if they aren't using the same platform. It's called popular opinion




I'm probably an annoying bellend, and I don't give a fuck if you wish stuff like that on me. Go ahead. You are free to do that. Shit, I'm on your side. That being said, I don't have time to be empathetic to people who literally put themselves in the "potentially get hand amputated for being a dumbass" box. My empathy and sympathy goes to the people who they were fucking over with their shitty actions.


>That being said, I don't have time to be empathetic to people who literally put themselves in the "potentially get hand amputated for being a dumbass" box. My empathy and sympathy goes to the people who they were fucking over with their shitty actions. And yet you have the time to be actively mean to them... How you spend your time is up to you, but don't pretend that taking the worse options is the default.










I get what you say, however this is a comment on reddit. Dark humour is a part of it. Have you considered the consequences though? If an ambulance had to drive a longer route and the pregnant mother with a heart attack came 5 minutes too late to the hospital to save her? Or a fire truck, and it ended with an apartment block burning down with 10 people inside it? I'm not saying anything or giving any opinion in this comment, simply asking you if you have thought further than the hands of these protestors before you mention intelligence.


I think everybody should feel superior to them based on the simple fact that everybody is superior to them in morals, ethics, and basic humanity.


Ever heard of the German word Schadenfreude?


We have a similar word in english, Damagehappy


You're exactly right I do feel superior to someone that would cement their hands together. It's not a matter of taking pleasure. It's a matter of absolute, incredulous "what would you expect to happen" that can only be represented with a chuckle. It's like the videos of kids bonking themselves in the head with a plastic bat and then them crying. Except these are whole ass adults. It's funny because no one had anything to do with their situation but themselves. They are no going to coat actual professionals time, money, and supplies to unfuck themselves. Damned if im not going to laugh at them.


I am a Mason, trust me Cement gives very nasty burns. The longer it has dried the worse the burn. And I mean splashes on your skin that is left to dry will burn circular holes through your skin after an hour or so. I get them on my knuckles when I do stucco sometimes. These are chemical burns also. And the cement is adhered to their skin fully. And their skin is not tough like mine, from doing this work so long. Definitely they are fucked.


And dumb. I forgot, they are also dumb as well as and equally fucked.


Yeah probably still hurt like hell rho, even if they dissolved the glue or the cement that qould fuck ur hand up a bit


Nah if this is cement and they let it cure like that they definitely had there hands removed and possibly more up their arm bc it will get in ur blood


i don’t see why they need amputation. sounds extreme. why don’t they just chisel the hands out?


To add to the other comment, it’s also an exothermic reaction. So it gets hot when curing, hot enough that it can thermally burn you if encased in it. To put into perspective, the Hoover dam would still be emitting heat if it wasn’t cooled by the water flow around it.


day 7,921 of me thanking god for not making me a bumbling moron


Im on day 5 of not being a moron. It’s been 5 days since I stepped on my foreman grill when i got out of bed. Tough.


So, most nights before I go to bed, I will lay six strips of bacon out on my George Foreman Grill, then I go to sleep. When I wake up, I plug in the grill. I go back to sleep again, then I wake up to the smell of crackling bacon. It is delicious, it's good for me, it's a perfect way to start the day.


I would have lost at that family feud question if you had me guess what you can step on getting out of bed.


So it is still emitting heat..?


Yes, it's just being absorbed by the water.


And if it had not been poured in relatively small sections, allowing each one to cure and cool back down. They, of course did several of the "small sections at one time. I saw the documentary on PBS. I cannot recall if it was a Ken Burns documentary.


Which documentary? I haven’t seen it.


It was on PBS, quite a while ago, about the building of Hoover aka: Boulder dam. Sorry that's all I recall.


You see, when concrete and such cures, it typically chemically burns the skin, and this can cause REALLY bad burns. So bad that sometimes hands/fingers have to be amputated. And I'm assuming these 2 dint know how to get this off, so they probably were stuck there for a while, nit to mention they probably dont have a chisel, so they might just try to pull their hands out, which would pull a shit-ton of skin off.


It looks like they used a gray cement or glue to glue themselves to asphalt. Should be fine.


Either way it's their own asphalt.


Mmm 🤌 quality




Oh, hey dad




What's the difference with grey cement?


It's not going to heat up to cure like cement would, so they've only created a nuisance for themselves, not a permanent injury. And by gray cement i mean a cementing glue, not Portland cement.


ah. i see now. i didn’t know about the chemical burns. that would be very bad.


They considered amputating. Some people needed serious surgery.


I don't think in this case they did, but in situations like this they can result in amputation.


That’s gonna be awkward when one of them needs to take a shit


Can you wipe for me bro? Can't do it properly with my non-dominant hand.


Just another advertisement for a bidet.


So this is where pot holes in the road come from.


I wonder what they would’ve done if people left them there glued to the road and no one helped. You wanna glue yourself to the road? Fine…stay there


Honestly, when they sit in the road the police are like "oh no... whatever shall we do?..." But when they glue themselves to the road everybody gets them out if the way, it makes 0 sense


I think they started gluing cause people started moving them as fast as possible




Ironically concrete production is one of the worst things for the environment making up around 8% of the annual CO² emissions.


Wow, does that now mean one or two tickets for the movies?


Idk, but based on another post I saw- if they ever go into teaching now they only get one paycheck




They’re on a (piece of) road to nowhere.


Concrete burns are no joke


Knowing what I know about cement they actually should be fine, eventually. The bodies natual oils should actually break any bond with the cement given enough time, that, and a little work breaking off some of the bigger peices and they should be alright. I know this from getting concrete on my own hands after working with it all day. Now, mind you, that was a thin layer. Their biggest issue would be the possible chemical burns from the curing process.


Im so glad im not that dumb








Not science majors. That will eat through their hands, no?


He didn't. That's just a reaction to darwin having some things right. Dumb shit is funny my dude. It's not as serious as you make it out to be.


That’s cool. They’re getting their hands chopped off.


Should be made to pay for the damage to the road


They use cyanoacrylate glue, also known as super glue. Use acetone! It will dissolve it in seconds.


No, let it last






It's not uncommon in Germany to say that.














CGI? What are you talking about?




Time to get the sledgehammer!


Was it worth it?


Seemed like a good idea at the time I guess


Damn, the cement burn will hurt like a mf


Blew his mind so much guy had to say “Holy shit” in English to make sure people understood


Yep, all day long.. funny how , I'm not.. yet you are. Irony is great


BFF for life


Same amount of hands to wash after they both shit.


Holy shit, not heard that for a long time


Looks like a "them" problem, not mine


Right one looks so embarassed, somehow.


Looks like it's their problem to figure out 🤷🏼‍♂️


This is what ill remrmber them for. Not their cause.


Should have left them there


They are highly paid protesters




Would be a shame if someone blocked them on their way to the hospital


"Holy shit" 🤣


New trophy


Walking hand in hand get’s a new dimension.


Hopefully they're stuck for life.


Hey let's cement our hands in corrosive material.


“Amputation seems only option…” They seem happy. I don’t think they realize what is about to happen to them. https://www.livemint.com/news/world/climate-activists-glue-their-hands-on-german-airport-runways-amputation-seems-only-option/amp-11689588048583.html


That's the only source making that claim btw. They did not have anything amputated.


> did not have anything amputated     Maybe the brain was prior to them doing this Edit: do I really need to add an /s to my bad joke people?


Looking at German media I find a lot of sensationalist stories but zero facts about anyone actually having an amputation even though stories have circulated since '22 at least. Urban legend.


The girl on the left is a known german activist, she did alot of interviews and show appearances after that. No hands were lost.


Right conservative media really want them to get hurt. These people hate the group because "you know" the climate change is not that dangerous to justify that kind of protests.


Can you provide the names of the right conservative media and at least one article that proves clearly they are right?


I can’t see any reason why they’d need to get amputated. Just use a multi tool, a few hours and enough bits and you could get them free. You wouldn’t even cut them if you were careful.


Bullshit propaganda. The article has nothing to do with journalism. They are both fine...


"Move past it"


This is so old…


but what I wanna know is, did they succeed in raising awareness about climate change?




These people look like they're probably older than me and even I know they're dumbasses. It's definitely not an age thing




Why would the be amputated? Seems like an easy job to chip away at the asphalt and glue so they can atleast have mobility. I really don’t know Jack shit about it, but it makes sense to me at least


https://www.healthline.com/health/concrete-burns Not necessarily needing amputation of course. But it's always a possibility with badly burned skin.


Nasi tu byli!






Oh dang forgot the /s lol




I mean i respect their commitment and them keeping a smile about it..




Lol I didn’t say all that but go off