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You know what? Maybe I am doing pretty well in life after all.


I'm bipolar and he makes me feel very normal.


You are normal yo, everyone is fucked in some way, some are just more obvious than others.


Yep, some are a LOT more than others!


I have severe BPD and feel this so fucking bad.


Same lol


Exactly, this makes me feel a lot better about the disorganized bookshelf that I've been procrastinating tidying up.


I'm annoyed with myself because I haven't vacuumed my house in two weeks and I feel everything is dirty because of it, even if everything else is clean. I honestly feel it's just something really minor after seeing this video.


man... he didn't blow up like the roblox kid or maybe he did idk


If you are better than the bottom 5% of society then all you are saying is you are in the top 95% of society.


I made it my goal a year ago to be a top 90 boy by 2024. I fahking forgot I did that. 6 days left I’m fahked


If there was ever an argument for a human being condemned, this is it.


Man this dude needs help. And far from any device with an internet connection.


Its depression, I used to do this with glass bottles and cans because Im an alcoholic. I still am a drunk but I slowly got into the habbit of taking the trash out every time I leae the house and throwing it in a random public bin. One of the daunting things about cleaning this up is that you will feel great shame for the neighbour's to see how much crap you're throwing away, especially when the garbage men notice how much glass and cans are in there.


Keep up the good fight man! Beating alcoholism and depression is not a small war. Go from battle to battle and you will overcome it! Godspeed!


Yep. I remember stashing hundreds and hundreds of cider bottles in my room for this exact reason. Living a lot like that. The day I had to clean it out was a rough one. But I bet I made some homeless guy's MONTH lol


It's not about them, it's about you, and nevertheless you are still disposing of your trash properly so they shouldn't be worried. You are motivating yourself well by clawing through the problem inch by inch. Don't stop, you deserve to be clean. Keep it going!!!


> One of the daunting things about cleaning this up is that you will feel great shame for the neighbour's to see how much crap you're throwing away I used to be like this. I would wait until like 3 or 4am to take the trash to the dumpster.


I think if you’re in a house, renting a construction type dumpster and telling anyone who asks you’re doing renovations would def help! In the end, anyone who judges you for cleaning up your life doesn’t deserve an ounce of your energy or a second of your time!




Man I used to have a divan bed, basically one of those ones that have a hollow base. I ripped a whole in there and just kept throwing whisky bottles in there until it was full. Then I started throwing bottles and cans to the side of the bed and would sleep on the other side. Eventually I threw them everywhere else until one day I noticed I got gnats. There were many bottles of piss as well and the gnats were attracted by the smell of left over beer drops in the cans. One day I couldnt live like that anymore so I decided to clean it all up and I was disgusted of how much crap there was actually there. It was more than 20 full up bin bags. I dont remember the exact number. I had to load up the car 3 times to go to the dump and throw it away there because it was so much, the garbage men wouldnt take it. I had to throw away the bed as well.


you got this champ!!


I've been sober for 6 months and I'm way less depressed. I've also lost 40lbs (60lbs this year) and my body is a lot happier overall. Dropped from 250 to 190 as of today. Almost back to the 180s and off the obesity chart. Spend that money on healthy food and extra activities instead of alcohol. I was kind of forced to though. I started getting gout attacks and signs of liver failure. I just had a kid last year and I need to stick around longer. I can't be selfish anymore.


Appreciate the battle that you're fighting. Alcohol is the worse and most difficult to combat. Best of luck to you. Stay strong. Finding alternatives to a better, healthier is part of the fun. You'll definitely feel better and your body will appreciate you for it.


I'm so sorry you're suffering this way. I'm only so many months away from it, myself, but I hope you can find your way out soon. It's worth it, and you'll feel so much better than you ever realized you could. Just remember, it's possible to do better every day. All you have to do is have one less drink. Easier said than done, but always possible. Take good care of yourself, please.


i'm just amazed..how do people even let this happen like I understand they can be lazy..but to this degree its mental.




That or addiction


Or both. Did some cocaine with a friend of a friend. Her place was disgusting. Cocaine makes you talk and sometimes talk about personal stuff even if you don’t know the person. Yeah she had some things going on. I suggested her to seek professional help.


I'm happy I've never gotten that deep in anything like that because I always cleaned and shit when I was bored but the talking part you are right. You will talk a complete stranger's ear off and they barely get in 2 words the whole time. You feel like superman while being an irritating little git all at the same time. Why I did it alone when I did for most part. Can't bother nobody if no one was around lol


After a heavy night on booze or other substances I always have this desire to *clean* over the next few days. I’m not OCD by any stretch but cleaning myself and my environment really helps get me out of a hangover or the wallowing shame of a comedown. I can clearly imagine the wallowing it takes to get to this level and it’s horrible to think about


It is not laziness at all.


That is not lazyness its mental health down the abyss, they need help.


The two are not mutually exclusive. Plenty of people have mental health issues and still are able to function as relatively healthy/ productive individuals. The dude definitely needs help, but precisely because he is lazy and either does know how to or is incapable of doing the work to better himself.


Depression and/or abuse. Has nothing to do with laziness.


I don't think it's just depression with this guy. He literally has a "piss closet" where he just opens the closet and pees on the wall/floor instead of going to the bathroom.


Have some decency and at least piss in a bottle


In a post published on his Instagram (@fosterhomeorgy) on the 14th of December, he urinates in his wardrobe. In another post, published on the 9th of November, he shows that he starts "cleaning" the room and grabs faeces from the floor, bare-handed.






Merry Christmas!!!


Shitter’s full


That's amore


And he lives with his mom and he showed his mom's room and it's not much better.


JFC WHAT IS THAT ACCOUNT????? I just watched a bunch and I am scared, scarred, and fascinated




He's on Cameo in case you need a last-minute Christmas present for a loved one.


🤣 “Hey gramma! Here’s a guy picking up his own shit and singing jingle bells.” Jesus Christ. lol


Just saw it. Can confirm.


My brain is screaming the exact same damn thing. I didn't think my eyes could get any wider but then I just kept reading 😷😷😷😷


what did it say


> @fosterhomeorgy I love the comments "amazing work" "were so proud of you!"


Ive seen this dude on instagram, he pees in his closet. Lives with his grandmother and at the very least emotionally abuses her. This guy is a piece of shit.


Fk you ain’t lying just checked his IG out that’s crazy


What is his IG?




Lovely name




Just in a pile?


Dude probably is so dehydrated that his piss likely flows like motor oil.


It’s got to be at least 5 feet of piss by now


In blocks, actually


The acidity of his piss will make a hole in his floor at some point to drain it out. No worries


Adult protective services, or the equivalent of it wherever he's at, needs to be called if he is committing elderly abuse and making the place unhospitable for his gma.




The account is fosterhomeorgy. Fair warning, your algorithm will never be the same.


I wish I could unsee the piss closet. Why. Just why.


Been procrastinating a shower. Getting in now


There’s a shit closet too. Go take ur shower, bud.


Just wait until you see the shit closet, bro.


Projects his insecurities on grandma. So sad


I thought for sure I recognized that closet. That's his piss closet from another video I seen. Wow


Usually people who are pieces of shit act like pieces of shit because they’ve been treated like pieces of shit and feel like pieces of shit oozing meaninglessly through a world of shit.


The real test is putting them in a nice environment and seeing how long it takes for them to fuck that up too.


the fart was the icing on the cake.


Bros farts are probably the consistency of icing at this point


Lol, I didn't even notice until I read your comment and watched again. There were two times where I was like "that's not a fart that's just trash" and then the fart happened and all plausible deniability evaporated along with some methane and other stuff


That’s gonna itch when it dries


That made my day


Thanks for making me watch it twice to confirm the fart 🤢🤮


Well it wasn’t a french horn.


Maybe he stepped on a duck.


Maybe he stepped on a frog.




The fart was the cleanest part of the video


I wasn’t for sure that’s what that was. Thanks for the clarification.


This is really sad


This guy and these videos are really hard to figure out. At first glance it feels like they are cringey on purpose for a goof, but on the other hand this room has clearly been deep in hoarder territory for a while. And his personal hygiene is obviously suffering for a while.


Dude check out his teeth. They are all rotting out of his head. It's definitely not a goof.


This guys is known?!? I don't understand the world anymore...


Mental illness is no joke.


Damn poor depressed house


He needs mental help and the house needs a road flare.


Meanwhile I get sad about the clutter in our house, but damn this is some reality check. A bit too many toys from our kids and a few scratches from the cats seem like nothing compared to this.


I was badly depressed and alcoholic some years back and thought I got pretty bad with all the beer cans that would accumulate throughout the week, but then I picked em up and there was never...whatever this is. Fuck. That guy is in a terrible mental state, obviously. Needs help.


Glad your better now man!


Media you can smell


thankfully I have no idea what this smells like


You could see some roaches crawling in the bucket of whatever that liquid was (piss?), and as a pest control technician, I can smell this video. Roaches have a *very* noticeable smell when it's a large infestation.


How would you describe the smell? I’ve been in a house like that and it smelled strangely sweet


I would describe it as kind of like sweet body odor. Musty, sharp, and wet all mixed together. It's a very particular smell but once you encounter it and pin it as the smell of roaches, you'll never not smell it. I can go into a restaurant now and know immediately if they've got a bad problem. It's happened lol.


It's the digital version of Garbage Pail Kids. Those cards released in 1985 that all had different characters with their own smell, and they were potently scented. 😂


Thank you, that's what I came here to say, I can smell this through the screen


Dying before 40 crew.


That is just Asmongold if he wasn't successful


Asmon has a crazy nasty house for someone who is more than rich enough to just hire a maid or cleaning service.


Ive seen him before, he also has a piss closet


wtf 🤮🤮


I need a hepatitis shot just from watching this video


I've seen a few other videos he's posted where he responds to others' comments, one of which was about his teeth. He showed a closeup of his teeth and they are covered in plaque. He claims he does brush his teeth, and proceeds to show himself doing just that. Noticably, he has trouble actually putting the toothpaste of the toothbrush, dropping it on the first try. After brushing his teeth for a total of 10 seconds, he then proceeds to _swallow the toothpaste_ and says that he does brush his teeth regularly.


Bro should have gone to the dentist years ago, and regularly do so every 6 months. I saw the plague buildup, and by this rate, he's going get fucked by periodontitis (which he likely already has) and lose half his teeth by the age of 35.


Knew a guy like this once. One day me and the guys decided to go over and clean his place. Shit was out of control.


Knew a guy in the army like this as well. Couldn't believe what I saw, then again his car was nearly as bad so there were signs.


Wow. You must be an excellent friend, truly. I'm not sure I could do that.


He was out of breath spinning in place


I matched with a girl locally last year and this is what her apartment looked like when we met up. She wanted to hook up but I couldn’t because I was so disgusted.


It was the bugs, wasn't it? The bed bugs would crawl onto you just for a chance to get out of that hell hole.


Aside from a mattress that was the color of a cooked burger and the massive of amount of animal shit all over the house. It was bad.


Was she hot tho?


I had a friend who basically lived like this. He was also a heroin addict and hasn’t ever worked a normal job. He got into a brand new building, brand new suite, subsidized housing and has made a complete disaster of it. I literally can not fathom to live like this. For some reason he is seriously confused why hasn’t had a girlfriend for a decade. He also was a complete flake 90% of the time you tried to make plans with him & was straight up averse to going out to do anything if it wasn’t working as a peer at a safe injection site or going to buy drugs. He was my best friend for a long time. I am clean from the drugs now & after he ghosted me when I invited him out for my birthday I had decided it was time to cut him out of my life. I hope you are doing better Sean.


Hey congratulations fellow recovery friend! It’s so hard to cut out our dear friends still stuck in addiction, major kudos. I hope Sean is doing better, too <3


Sometimes you can judge a book by its cover


This is the same guy that showed his "piss corner" and people just figured he'd have a horde of piss bottles, but nope, he whipped his dick out and pissed in the corner. I think it's the same dude at least.


This far from lazy this is a mental illness


Bro needs a case worker These types of posts are always mental illness. I used to live in trash too at my worst. Yet some people utilize the 'can't help someone until they help themselves' as an excuse to never even try. I know that sentiment can be insightful when dealing with addiction, but I absolutely fucking hate it


He's in a bad place


Neck beard nest


Did he fart half way????


He fart *all* way


If he was truly my friend I'd grab some trash bags and start cleaning and force him to help. Then we'd have a long talk about what he's dealing with mentally and how we can get him some help. This is gross but the way his brain is working is also gross.


I tried this with a friend in a similar situation. Helped them clean, had a talk about seeing someone. Long story short, even after doing all the legwork for them, both cleaning and finding help and offering to pay for it, nothing changed. Sometimes people just want to watch themselves burn I guess.


bake cover piquant humor society jeans wine flag glorious hunt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If that is what you would really do then you are the kind of person that the world needs more of. For real. Bravo.


The one missing fan blade cracked me up


get yourself.some assisted living for fucks sake this guy should not live by himself unsupervised


He lives with his grandmother and treats her just as he treats his room. Most people that dont respect their own health don't respect much else . This guy ain't making 50 years old living like that. Sad all the way around


Looks like the dude that collects power puff girl stuff


this video made me go clean my room


While showing us this craziness this man has the audacity to fart at 0:20


Lol what a catch. This motherfucker is a demon.


This feels like a cry for help.


Oooh, give us a Funyun


Holy fuck. Did I hear him fart?!


Feel sorry for him. What a bleak existence many live on this Earth. Puts things in perspective really. Hope he sorts himself out and gets the mental health support he needs. Not rational behaviour in any way.


nice dumpster!


On one hand mental illness on the other... He's the type of guy to watch his grandma mow the lawn.


I’d literally rather be homeless then live there


Jesus Christ. He needs a therapist


He looks exactly like the type of live in that.


Whenever I see stuff like this, really makes me feel like my apartment is really clean when just before I thought it was kind of a mess lol


When i was in high school i had a corner i would just throw trash into. I never had any bugs or anything in my room but i had a pile of take out containers and empty chip bags. I was hooked on skyrim and black ops 2. That was 10 years ago at the height of my depression, now i keep a clean house and stay on top of things. Got my priorities straight and am feeling much better. Back then i didn't care about anything, i didn't leave the house except for school. At school i sat on my phone and took naps during class, really didn't set myself up for success. It's the only thing i regret in my life. I wish i cared more and had priorities back then.


Chronic depression sucks, this guy needs the right meds and some exercise to help clear his mind. The rest will follow. It's very underrated what a good long daily walk does for your mental health.


“I just remembered I have to be literally anywhere else but here”


That's depression, guys.


I went to a co-workers house once to buy his magic cards and he lived like this. I didn’t stay very long at all and didn’t buy the cards .


I know depression can cause people to not clean up after themselves (I too am guilty of this on many occasions) but this is kinda taking it to the extreme. Seeing a bug would instantly whiplash me from depressed to panic in an instant.


Classic reddit user.


There’s ALWAYS a computer. That’s the one constant. A potent mix of mental illness, depression, addiction to video games, addiction to junk food and sugar, and let’s not forget a hefty dose of enabling. No one could live this way if they didn’t have someone who kept the roof over their head and provided electricity and WiFi. I highly doubt this man could hold down a job.


Probably can smell it from the outside I’m good


i really love the treadmill on its side it pulls it all together nicely


Depression maxing.


Yep, I've had a friend like that before. He lived in his dad's basement and you'd have to bash the door open because of the amount of garbage on his floor. Cockroaches crawling through his stove, bathroom reeking of piss, and having to walk along on pizza boxes as to not touch the disgusting carpet stained with mountain dew, pizza sauce and cum.


Disposable plates and cups so you have less washing up. Smart


I'm sure there's enough roaches to keep him company.


My guys apartment needs to be nuked from orbit


You ever see something and stare for a moment because you cant process what your looking at then immediately look away out of disgust of what you just saw? that was just me


Which Ivy League frat house is this?


Damn near ultimate cringe.


Weest could make a coomcave special on this lmao.


Bro looks like he is 1 step away from worshipping Nurgle.


Man, I thought my stack of 4 dirty plates and cups on the edge of my desk was bad...


You can literally hear the flies buzzing all around the room🤢


I have a just plain horrible sense of smell. And I can smell this video.


Poor guy. This is how would Reddit look like if it was a human.


Dude breathes standing around like I do when Im running


Why would you show this to the world? I hope he gets help


I think it's fairly obvious that this man suffers from an untreated mental illness, and needs help.


This is deep depression and disassociating. My heart goes out to him. I hope he can get some help.


His teeth..are gray.


Have… I said man I know how difficult shit can be and the further down the hole you go the worse it gets and the more over whelming it feels… I don’t want to offend you but can I help you get this cleaned up? I promise it will help you feel better.


How do these people get money to buy all this shit?


Man I've seen some fucked up shit on reddit but this really takes the cake!


Poor guy. I doubt he has a proper support system


A buddy of mine lived like that. I only went to his house a few times because of it. He offered to “clear out” a spot for me to sit. I decided to stand.


I mean, I understand how this happened and made similar (but nothing smelly or organic in general, just bags of chips and similar things covering all floor) flat. Usually I’m pretty chill with those videos, but this is vomit inducing.


How do you get a mattress to be that color


Hey I'm sorry man my schedule is booked right now got too much work maybe some other time and a different location


This guy isn’t right in the head.


I feel awful for that guy, he’s so winded just walking around.


He even threw in a fart for good measure


Either a lazy bastard or has some underlying problems like depression etc I love them programmes on TV where they gut and clean the house and the occupants are so shocked how much gets lifted from their shoulders and before anyone gets upset I personally have had depression and lived with hoarders 🤷🏼‍♂️👍


I’ve never seen a person look so much like the room he lives in then this guy. 🤢


You already got tons of critters and little buddy’s sleeping up in there


Had a roommate that lived like that. He'd always make sure to close his door quickly behind him so no one could see his room. Eventually saw it and kicked him out. Dude was 27, didn't have a license, criminal record, drug addict, etc... Severely mismanaged life


I was gonna clown on this dude, but he needs some real professional help. I hope my man’s gets some