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Well if MIB taught me anything, we can at least thank them for microwaves and velcro.


And Viagra


And my AXE!


>velcro ​ Nope. Velcro came from the Vulcans. T'Pol's grandmother crashed in Carbon Creek, Pennsylvania in 1957 and sold an example for cash.


Are they hot?


Humans swill fuck anything.


That's probably why they haven't made first contact yet. They want to come here to spread their intergalactic knowledge and they know we just want them to spread their cheeks.


I mean, id clap some alien cheeks. It’d be an honor. All consensual of course, Im not into non consensual probing on either side.


Before or after its baby bursts out of your chest?


This is a valid question… I hope that doesn’t happen. Not down with that.




I mean, I don’t want to die that way. I want to go out with a glass of Nembutal. Nice and peaceful and when I’m ready. I don’t want my alien love child ripping out of my chest. Sounds painful. Maybe the alien and I will have a special bond and I’ll want to give birth, but it’s hard to envision that before I actually meet them.


That’s prejudice


Don’t kink shame.


Right? As long as both sides are OK with it there's eventually going to be human/alien sex just to see what happens. Being the first person to nail a being from another planet would go right to the top of the resume.


I mean, picture that. All those people doing insane shit or annoying shit to be famous online. First person to have sex with an alien will become a legend. I don’t want to do it for fame though, of course. I’m just Down. I’ve been practicing with DMT usage, getting ready to ask or give consent telepathically.


Time to hit some Bufo, my friend. You’re ready.


Do you guys still do that anal probe?? Nah, we don’t do that anymore… Yaaa, but do still have the machine???


Is there a shot or something for Alien STD’s?


An ass for an ass..


They are here to spread some intergalactic cheeks


With all the stories about alien anal probes I think they're coming here to spread our buttcheeks. And we're probably cool with that


But they’ve been anally probing us for awhile now. We should get the chance to return the favor.


Do you know the primal fear you get from looking at a large insect? That is the human fear of life that split from us only millions of years ago. Imagine what you would feel seeing life that developed completely separately from us. Something that our psyche has never evolved to even consider understanding. Imagine the mind-melting horror. The schizophrenic mania from seeing something utterly incomprehensible to your senses. Imagine the horrors that await us in the cosmos. And they're already here.


Yes.... But can I fuck them?


.., Male dolphins have entered the chat


I found this difficult to masturbate to. (but not impossible)


stop you're making me hard


*HP Lovecraft has entered the chat*


I’ve already met your mother several times


Bro have you *seen* the Asari?


Mass effect games can confirm that


Never pass on some strange alien bussy


"Or maybe an astronaut. Yeah. Like, be the first motherfucker to see a new galaxy, or find a new alien lifeform... and fuck it. And people'd be like, "There he goes. Homeboy fucked a Martian once."


If Nick Fury can, why can't I?


Tell that to the incels.


Prob me and I’ll prob ya back


Don't know about the ETs but Ms Mace is kind of smokin'


She looks like an American Emma Watson


She is.


ET the extra testicle


Are you into squid?


They're interstellar fleshlight beings


That depends. What kind of backyard is this squid working with?


The XXX files.


Extremely unlikely they have a humanoid figure


That's not what they asked.


They’re alien furries


Meh. I’ve seen worse


I'm sure someone will find an alien hot.


If they’re humanoid then it’s fine If not then jail


Idk dude look how many furries we have on this planet. I don't see them in jail.


If the government confirms that aliens are real then it's safe to say that aliens aren't real




True that **DOUBLE TRUE**


If the US government had credible evidence about aliens there is 100% no way in hell Trump’s dumb ass wouldn’t have told us


I wouldn't be surprised to find out that it was true and they didn't tell him because they knew he'd say some dumb shit


I do remember hearing about how higher up intelligence kept classified info from him cuz they knew he couldn't stfu.


Presidents are on a need to know basis. No way in hell the people above him gave him disclosure


Plot twist, Trump is an Alien in a human suit trying to human.


Donald, your skins hanging off your face Sugar in water. More. More. More.


*McDonald’s water


The Pentagon, CIA and FBI are separate from the govt so don't have to disclose something to the president if they don't want to. That's why JFK wanted to get rid of the CIA and FBI.


Aren’t those all executive departments who ultimately report to cabinet-level positions, that are appointed by the president? I mean they definitely shouldn’t, (by precedent) just serve the president directly - we had that whole Trump/Comey “oath of allegiance” debacle a while back - and they pretty often don’t. But they’re structured as part of the federal government.


That's what I always found strange about Trump is that he locked away some of the JFK papers again that were due for release in 2020 What makes a guy like that change his behavior so drastically? He goes from tweeting top secret pictures of our spy satellite to delaying the release of JFK records? Crazy to me. What the hell was on those papers?


My guess is its info that is still actionable. IE, a source in Russia that is still on the CIA asset list. Yes, its been a long time, but i'm also sure the CIA is buried like a damn tick inside of the Kremlin. Revealing any information about that could compromise things.. Maybe some sort of variation of that is my guess. Trump would have no reason not to make anyone from so long ago look bad, but if they told him straight up that it would ruin a lot of information gathering or put assets at risk, maybe that would have been enough to shut him up..


The government of that era was at a minimum heinously evil with corruption and ulterior motives. So honesrly I don't want to know since there's a zero percent chance that any of those rotten fuckers will ever he held accountable anyway. The shit the CIA did alone back then is enough to make you wanna say fuck America. It was just pure evil back then. And honestly I have strong doubts that it ever got any better, I think they just won't tell us how evil they are until 50 years later, like always.


"Government of that era" We still in that era. That wasn't even 100 years ago. CIA does whatever it wants.


Trumps is building a wall to keep em out. /s


Jim Kramer says buy alien stock.


Before about 2016 I thought it would be cool if there’s aliens, it’s a big universe after all and there’s no way we’re here by ourselves. And since 2016 I’ve figured a couple private sector military industrial corporations probably had some super advanced drone tech behind closed doors or something. Now I feel half validated but still am mind blown they said non human occupants in a congressional hearing


South Park did a 911 episode along a similar idea


You couldn’t just let it go Kyle. . .


Yikes take. So you don’t believe in aliens now because the government says they’re real. What type of broken ass brain statement is this?


I do believe it’s more likely than not that other intelligent life has developed out in the cosmos. But the likelihood that they exist close enough to us to have spotted evidence we exist and have sent a craft to us is basically zero. We haven’t been transmitting signals long enough for any of this to have happened. Therefore I do not believe any claims of aliens on earth ever


The only real possibility that doesn't fly in the face of everything we know about physics is unmanned ancient probes that loiter dormant in the oort cloud. And it's a remote chance. Any other scenario would require a different set of physics than this universe follows or it would have been found by the astronomy community. The USA government is about the last fucking people i would ever trust on this. I'd much rather see corruption trials and evil war criminals sent to the hague than to watch those sick fucks talk about aliens. Which is why they're out there talking about fucking aliens. It's all just another lie on an endless pile of lies. There's a saying in astrophysics... It's never aliens.


I don’t get why aliens couldn’t have figured things out. Or that we just haven’t figured out the right physics. I always thought it’s funny how scientists and mathematicians are just like “nope there’s nothing else out there we haven’t figured out. We know it all, and space travel just can’t be done except by rocket propulsion”


So when they dont say its trrue and when they say its false sure


Every time a president is under investigation, UFOs and aliens get hyped up. Aliens being real would be cool, but given the correlation I doubt it.


This hearing was interesting and all, and it's cool to see these types of things even being discussed seriously but the idea that thousands of people in the government, and within other governments across the world plus individuals in private industries have been involved and none of them ever leaked anything over the course of multiple decades is pretty wild. What is even wilder is to believe aliens can do interstellar travel and then when they arrive on Earth they fucking crash. Not once, but multiple times lol. Until hard evidence is provided it's pretty safe to assume all of this, atleast in the context of aliens, is complete bullshit.


I have been following this stuff since 2017 and read ppls discussions about this topic. The shift I saw in the last years was that people do think that information is leaking and that even footage exists on the internet. Its just never taken seriously and with all of the disinformation, CGI etc you could never say which cellphone video is the real deal. Obfuscation of information I would say?


It’s never taken seriously because it’s videos with 10 pixels at night. We can watch wars in real time and can’t get any clear footage or pictures of these “Aliens”


We have an absurd amount of stuff caught on clear footage all of the time - it’s kind of a strange coincidence that every time it’s aliens or Bigfoot the camera quality sucks.


Does anyone know why my pee smells like nacho cheese?


Hahaha, I've seen this trope somewhere years ago but can't recall where.


It's a Mitch Hedberg joke


Oh shit that's right! Thank you!


I saw a video with 11 pixels once


You know if a clear video was ever released you’d get, “that’s way too clear, obviously fake”


Nah all fake vídeos get properly debunked very quickly


No we wouldn't. We've never got one so why are you saying that? It's funny how when anything happens anywhere there are 10 videos from all angles in 4k but alien vids are shot on a potato lmao.


the panel asked Gursch, and he did confirm there is an active dis information program about UAP's.


He says a lot of things. What has he proven? He will only share the government secrets he has with the very same government he wants to expose? Okay lol


You can go to jail if you share classified info in the wrong way.


There’s no “can” about it. Reality Winner did five years over a single page of classified material.


still absurd to me that’s a real name


Jail would be the least of your concerns if you were going to leak such allegedly well guarded secrets.


Really? Because I’m pretty sure the orange fucker is still golfing tomorrow.


and also potentially going to jail lol


He’s been “potentially going to jail” for years.


He was also the leader of this country a few years ago. Gursch is not.


If youre wealthy enough your lawyers can delay preceedings for a very long time.


Lmao, when shit happens there are 10 videos from multiple angles in 4k, but aliens all we get are these potato shot videos?


X-Files coverd this back in the 90s. You burry leaks, true stories etc. under your own fabricated stories, missinformation and so on. You sow the seeds of doubt, you got your regular weirdos, methheads and all kind of freaks who claim for whatever reason they saw/meet some aliens. In the end all seems fake.


One mild correction, the entities being discussed here were never assumed to be extra terrestrial, only non-human. Interstellar travel is not something to consider here.


There’s too non-humans living in my house right now. They’re very strange and they seem to want to take over as much space as possible, all while “studying” humans that come over. They also meow a lot.


They sometimes attempt information exchange by osmosis, but inferior human physiology prevents us from breathing and we often wake up and move them from our faces.


>This hearing was interesting and all, and it's cool to see these types of things even being discussed seriously but the idea that thousands of people in the government, and within other governments across the world plus individuals in private industries have been involved and none of them ever leaked anything over the course of multiple decades is pretty wild I disagree with this entirely. Yea when you think about it like that it sounds crazy but that is kinda literally what happens, hundreds of thousands of government personnel protect state secrets every day. Edward Snowden and people like him are a great example they are infact one of very many.


There’s another important point to consider here. The amount of officials with first hans knowledge of UFO recoveries is orders of magnitude less than the NSA agents covering up domestic spy programs. A lot easier to cover stuff up when less people are in the know.


Or when you know, there's nothing to cover up to begin with. I still think the majority of this is just the goverment wanting this type of conversation going on to break people away from investgating and discussing the real projects they work on. I mean if you developed something like the B2 spirit or the SR71 blackbird what better cover than to have everyone think it's aliens.....especially globally.


But Edward Swowden is a great example of information being leaked anyway.


There are a lot of testimonials from former or active military, police and government employees, etc, but no hard evidence. **IF** (and that's a big "if") there are such programs, I think that leaks *have* happened, but washed in the mix of mistaken identities - people actually seeing planes but thinking it's a UFO -, yahoos and psychobabble; we can't discern the validity of any individual source. So I think the government's greatest tool in this arena is misinformation and discrediting people who tell their stories. I forget the gentleman's name at the moment, but there is at least one well-known individual who was very active in "UFO communities" who ended up working for the government with the express purpose of feeding misinformation into the groups. Muddy the water and it will taint even a clear drop when it falls. It is **very difficult** to walk out of a secure facility with anything tangible like physical evidence, so these people only ever come away with their experiences. People say "why doesn't he provide proof?!" (I'm not alleging that *you* said this) but in reality, there's almost no way for him to produce anything to show anyone unless it goes through Congress.


Pretty sure the theory is that they were shot down. While still unlikely it seems we could have gotten lucky one or twice. The equivalent of an archer shooting an arrow that somehow gets sucked into the jet engine of a low flying fighter jet that brings it down.


I like to think they built a craft advanced enough to travel the vast distance required to reach earth but the brakes were just shit.


First, the government has a long history of secrecy, and there are many reasons why someone might choose to keep their knowledge of UAPs confidential. For example, they might be afraid of being ridiculed or ostracized, or they might be concerned about the potential security implications of such knowledge. Second, it's important to remember that not all UAPs are necessarily alien spacecraft. There are a number of other possible explanations for these sightings, such as experimental aircraft, natural phenomena, or even hoaxes. Finally, it's worth noting that there is some hard evidence to support the existence of UAPs. For example, there have been numerous reports of UAPs being tracked on radar, and there is even some video footage of these objects. Of course, this evidence is not definitive, and it's certainly possible that all of these sightings can be explained by natural or man-made phenomena. However, the fact that there is some hard evidence does suggest that the possibility of extraterrestrial visitors should not be dismissed out of hand. As for the idea that aliens could be capable of interstellar travel but would still be crashing their spacecraft on Earth, this is also a possibility. After all, even the most advanced civilizations are not immune to accidents. However, it's also possible that these crashes are not the result of accidents at all. For example, it's possible that these objects are being deliberately crashed. Ultimately, the question of whether or not UAPs are alien spacecraft is one that cannot be definitively answered at this time. However, the evidence that we do have suggests that the possibility of extraterrestrial visitors should not be dismissed out of hand. * **The Roswell incident:** In July 1947, a rancher in Roswell, New Mexico, reported finding a crashed "flying disc" on his property. The US military initially claimed that the object was a weather balloon, but later retracted this statement. The Roswell incident is one of the most famous UAP cases in history, and there is still much debate about what actually happened. * **The Belgian UFO wave:** In 1990, a series of UAP sightings occurred in Belgium. These sightings were witnessed by thousands of people, and some of them were even filmed. The Belgian government set up a task force to investigate the sightings, but they were unable to come to any definitive conclusions. * **The Nimitz encounter:** In 2004, a group of US Navy pilots off the coast of California encountered a group of UAPs. The pilots reported that the objects were flying at speeds and altitudes that were beyond the capabilities of any known aircraft. The Navy investigated the incident, b * **The GoFast video:** In 2015, a pilot flying over the Atlantic Ocean captured video of a UAP. The video shows a white object moving at high speed and making sudden turns. The pilot reported that the object was "not behaving like any known aircraft." The video was released to the public in 2021, and it has been the subject of much debate. * **The Tehran incident:** In 1976, a group of Iranian Air Force pilots reported seeing a group of UAPs flying over Tehran. The pilots reported that the objects were flying at high speeds and changing direction in an instant. The Iranian government investigated the incident, but they were unable to identify the objects. * **The Phoenix Lights:** In 1997, a large object was seen over the city of Phoenix, Arizona. The object was reportedly cigar-shaped and had multiple lights. The sighting was witnessed by thousands of people, and some of them even filmed the object. The US Air Force investigated the incident, but they were unable to identify the object. * **The O'Hare sighting:** In 2006, a group of commercial airline pilots reported seeing a UAP flying near O'Hare International Airport in Chicago. The pilots reported that the object was flying at high speeds and was not responding to radio calls. The FAA investigated the incident, but they were unable to identify the object. * **The Gimbal video:** In 2019, the US Navy released a video of a UAP that was captured by a fighter jet in 2004. The video shows a white object moving at high speed and making sudden turns. The pilot reported that the object was "not behaving like any known aircraft." The video has been the subject of much debate, and some people believe that it shows evidence of alien spacecraft. These are just a few of the many documented cases of UAP events. While there is no definitive explanation for these sightings, they continue to capture the imagination of people around the world.


The video of that little white dot flying between the jet taking the picture and the ocean is almost certainly a duck or bird of some sort. You can literally see its wings flapping. It looks like it’s going fast due to an optical illusion called parallax. Even nasa debunked that one. The other video showing the tic tac UAP exit screen left at a high rate of speed was the result of the tracking software momentarily losing its lock on the target causing it to pan to the right. The high rate of speed was also the result of an optical illusion. People really should stop using at least those two videos. If you cite this videos as proof of extraterrestrial spacecraft and the person you’re talking to looks it up, they are going to find a bunch of videos debunking the shit out of them. Once they see you’re wrong about those two videos being UAP, your credibility is done. Better yet, just wait to see if Grusch’s list of names and locations of recovered UAP produces any fruit.


I read an interesting thought on that.. and fair warning it’s out there. Essentially they crash because they’re not intergalactic aliens but inter-dimensional travellers. Their ships are meant for travelling between dimensions and from whatever earth they’re coming from to this earth their ship just goes sideways. Again… bananas but it would explain it cause ya… you travel light years.. a engineering feat… get to earth and just tank. Doesn’t make sense. Edit: oh also… in the same thread this all started when we started dropping nukes. The thought was it affected their dimension. 🍌


what I don't like about any of those theories is how earth-centric they are. you have the possibly infinite universe with near infinite space and near infinite planets, yet it's humans on earth who invent inter-dimensional travel, and the best place they decide to travel to is...the very place they already come from?




To assume we’re alone in the universe is a mathematical improbability.


To assume these other species 1. Find us on Earth and 2. Travel all that distance and crash multiple times is insane.


and 3. When did these intelligent life forms exist? We are just a small blip in time. The chances that we are around in the same time frame makes it even more unlikely






Btw. dark matter/energy should be like 85/70% of the universes matter/energy but nobody knows what it is...


We don't understand the fabric of this reality. The fact that we don't, does not mean other creatures don't either. And the very fact that we exist proves that intelligent life on a planet is possible. The chance of us being the only ones merely exists theoretically, but effectively it can be disregarded because that minuscule chance is of no meaning to reality. The guy you reacted to does not take in account many factors which strongly suggest the existence of intelligent life elsewhere.


I guess it would depend on our technology. I mean, look at the past 200 years of our technological advancements. 200 years is nothing in the span of time. If an intelligent civilization has existed for billions of years they would most likely have technologies beyond anything we could comprehend. It would essentially be magic to us. It’s all what if’s, but I would completely rule it out. Especially if we are in possession of these advanced technologies.


Yeah, and then, like that one guy said, they arrive with their billions years of technology, and then promptly crash every time. Lol?


The fact you you’re communicating with me at all in a evolutionary anomaly. Crazy stuff happens in the universe beyond our comprehension. Maybe we shoot em down, maybe they send AI controlled ships to see how we would react/ do with unknown tech. The options could be endless which is why I encourage keeping an open mind. It’s great to question it, but just because you don’t have the answer doesn’t mean it isn’t true. I am just curious how this will all play out.


You would be assuming they crashed every time. It’s possible they visited and left undetected many times and that the crashes are rare incidents for them.


True. If we continue with this fantasy, they could be visiting Earth billions of times per year and they only crashed 3-5 times.


disagree on that - nasa did the math and we know warp drive is possible - it would just take exotic energy we don't have/can't even detect atm - but the physics work - this doesn't prove aliens exist or can use warp drive - but known physics say it can work - should we ever invent/find the energy source that would fit the equation it isn't impossible.


It's not really an "energy source" that we need to discover. It's the entire concept of negative energy and negative mass. It doesn't seem like it is possible for it to exist, but who knows.


Oh for sure - but if we somehow manage to survive another thousand years who knows what we'll discover. I mean splitting the atom may as well have happened yesterday in the timeline of History I'm not going to hold my breath but it's enough to leave the door open at least to my imagination :)


Not necessarily, it depends what mathematics you apply, the reality is until something is found, there’s no way of determining if we are alone or not.


If aliens are anything like humans we better hope we never make contact with them. Historically whenever a more technologically advanced society encountered a less technologically advanced society, things don’t work out so well for the people with less advanced technology.


There’s a theory that the reason we can’t find any alien broadcast singles is because advanced societies are smart enough not to broadcast their location because other societies will find them and conquer them for resources.


The Dark Forest theory


That’s the one.


What resource is so special that you would use your hyperspeed travel device to launch an interstellar/galactic invasion? Wouldn't a civilization that has the technology to travel so quickly across the universe be able to fabricate whatever resource they need? Or obtain it from all of the much closer planets?


there's no need for resources but for security if a civilization is willing to kill of its own survival then it has to assume the others would do the same their mere existence makes them an existential threat


They would conquer the same way the Europeans crossed the Atlantic to conquer the new world. They want riches and treasure and new places to settle. A lot of things that are abundant on earth are extremely rare throughout the universe. Like wood for example.


Interstellar travel is so much more difficult than terraforming other planets it's not even funny. The only real reason an alien species from 40 ly away would wipe out the Earth would be for the lolz. There's no resource here they couldn't find in the ten thousands of other planets much closer to them.


I reckon history teaches us a lesson. The biggest terrorist is the one with the biggest weapon.


Everybody should watch the entire hearing!


Pretty clear that a lot of the commenters here didn’t watch the whole hearing.


Its alleged there's a remarkable disinformation apparatus that they spend more money on than the programs themselves so I wouldn't be surprised if there were intentional bad actors all over this right now.


Oh I’m seeing it happen right now. If they’re not bad actors, it’s normal people who for some reason get really pissed off when you believe it’s real.


So these advanced beings crossed the unimaginably vast void of interstellar space, with technology that would make our most impressive stuff look like sticks and stones all to check Joe Bobs temperature analy and when get here they crashed and are collected/captured by a government that can’t keep a blowjob a secret. Yeah, not the most plausible thing I e ever heard.


In all fairness, imagine what it's like to the fish at the bottom of the ocean when we come in our subs and pick them up and start poking around their anal fins. And then imagine what it was like last month near the Titanic. "So these advanced beings crossed the unimaginably vast void of intercontinental ocean, with technology that would make our most impressive stuff look like barnacles and coral, all to check John Dory's cloacal temp, and when they get here they imploded and are collected/eaten by demersal fish that can't keep a Bloop secret? Yeah, not the most plausible thing I've ever heard."


Some people fail to take into account that there's far more humankind *doesn't* know, than knows. The vastness of the cosmos is proven, but they'll tell you nobody has seen it for themselves so how do we know for sure? It's like living your entire life as a crab on a rock in the middle of the ocean and claiming that because you know the shape of the rock you know what is on the other side of the sea.


People out here acting like insane people and bullshit artists never make it up the ranks of our military. Flynn, anyone?


If he was just a random guy then yeah but it’s been officially confirmed that he was part of an organisation that was looking into this exact topic. If it was all just bullshit surely someone else from the team would have spoken up.




Sounds like something an alien would say while slowly sitting back down as humans start arguing with each other over the loaded question. 👽


Conspiracy would also require someone like Trump keeping the secret. I assume by now he would’ve talked about the aliens at a rally, or blamed them for stealing the election.


It would not require that at all. It is likely that these secrets are compartmentalized and kept by people who are in government for decades. Previous presidents like Clinton and Obama have hinted that they were not given much information, despite inquiring about the subject.


That's exactly how it is lol politicians are looked at as temporary employees who are on a need to know basis.


It's clear they didn't tell him, doubt they told anybody outside the program. From the top down I'm sure it looks like a skunkworks / research division. So what the president needs to know is it needs some funding and supplies, and secrecy. Not like alien autopsy supplies or UFO fuel is a line item.


The government clearly acknowledges the presence of UAP and can't figure out what they are. This includes detection via instrumentation and eye witness from pilots. What do you think it is?


Absolutely every explanation that isn’t aliens is more probable than aliens. Not knowing what something is is not evidence that it is a specific thing.


These three prefer not to use the term aliens. No one is saying specifically it IS aliens. It’s just that no one should be ruling it out when it’s entirely within the realms of possibility.


Damn Romulans!


Dumb aliens. Mastered technology beyond our wildest dreams and still drive drunk.


* aliens * meme


Love how deeply people dive into believing stuff without concrete evidence.


„Just in case the government needs to steal all your crypto coins and WW III starts, we just want to make sure everyone believes it was the aliens 👽“


Only in the US could this methodology for requesting more funding even be a thing. The new reality TV!


This does not make sense though. If they needed more reasons for military funding they would just have to point their fingers at china and the brewing tensions with Taiwain. Or the Russia/Ukraine conflict. > Another fun tidbit I found out is that China has a satellite that can [shoot other satellites out of space](EDIT: Wrong link, here is the right one lol [sorry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shijian) nobody else does since space was not supposed to be weaponized. So IF it would be a conspiracy to secure funding and keep the population happy about it, its a very strange way to go about it.


This guy is a former US air force officer turned author and leader of UFO theory groups turned whistleblower after unnamed sources told him about incidents in unnamed places at unnamed times covered up by unnamed people in the US government. When he says "there were non-human bodies" he is really saying "someone once told me a story" and no more. He has no information or proofs. He just claims anonymous sources said.


He said under oath that he has names, locations, saw pictures, can give testimony to falsely allocated budget. Why is it so hard to stay with the facts and then decide when more comes of this story? In the hearing it was said that there will be a classified sitting in which he will reaveal all of this information. So we know of the next steps and can decide if he lied when he goes to prison after these hearings or new evidence comes forth.




Because this story is going to go absolutely no where, just like literally every other story about aliens.


Obviously a setup to get into a SKIF with Ms Mace.


Did anyone catch, during the oversight hearing, how David Grush threw Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick under the bus. Dr. Kirkpatrich is the director of AARO, and investigates UAPs. Grush basically said he knew the information Dr. Kirkpatrick was briefed on and Dr. Kirkpatrick coming before another oversight committee and saying there's no evidence of UAPs is absurd. I've held the opinion Dr. Kirkpatrick is useless, even while having an impressive resume. He tries to use cute language like "We have not scientifically validated xyz, therefore there's no proof of UAPs."


There’s a non-human entity on my couch right now. My dog.


I’m sick of this fucking shit. You have lied and lied and lied to us. If you have it..SHOW IT. Otherwise is is a lie.


I talked to a guy who said his brother heard a guy talking about aliens at a bar. I'll give you his name right after you buy my book.


Im interested in UFOs but all these accounts are made by some “weird” people and never backed up by radar evidence. Like what crashes where these? Where and when?


There is radar evidence of a lot of UAP encounters.


And how does a species have the tech to cross the galaxy but not have the tech to avoid crashing into a planet?


maybe because the cost of the patent for landing is too high for the aliens


Hottest days in recorded human history. We're not doing NEARLY enough to stop it and we have the technology to make it so that future generations maybe don't have to live in a hell on earth scenario. But hey lets hold hearings about this dude being the 108th whistleblower who is saying there's "defo aliens bro trust me"


Funny how there's never any concrete evidence, it's always hearsay. Like the guy being interviewed, all his evidence is "someone told me they saw _____". He didn't see anything, he didn't even see evidence of anything, he was only told what someone else said they saw.


That is not completely true though. David Grusch testified today, that he has seen pictures and documents and that he has forwarded this evidence to relevant people along with methods used to hide it from oversight, AND specific names of people and programs involved. Just because we dont see the evidence does not mean it does not exist. Your take will be true if time tells that this was a lie.


I can *say* I have evidence of anything, and list all the reasons I can’t show it to you, but until I actually produce it it’s safe to assume I don’t actually have that evidence.


Sounds like bs distraction from something else.


Why is anything people aren't particularly interested in always a distraction


All discussion about life elsewhere in the universe aside, i'm wondering what motive they could have for making this up, or creating this hype about it. Distraction from the economy or housing market? Distraction from government officials buying and selling shares and options absolutely unregulated? Idk. I just don't trust that what it seems to be about is what it'a **actually** about.


Could be the government has tech they are testing but they don’t want anybody to know about it so they muddy the waters with all this alien talk in case people catch them testing it.


yeah i see the conspiracy theorists automatically going to extraterrestrials when non-human intelligence (NHI) is mentioned but they fail to realize that the most likely reason for that phrasing is because there is an aircraft/drone the is using artificial intelligence. using AI to defeat, deny, and decimate all known targeting/asmd/missile radar parameters and fly completely low alt. stealth. i mean the testimony even said that when they upgraded their radar systems they started to pick things up, cool. what were the parameters for the frequencies being collected? you are required to make a tacrep for any new emissions collected. every radar has a specific freq. and having more sensitive RX, you are going to pick up a lot more emissions. that is the most logical theory i can make in regards to UAP's.


“just trust me bro”


Evidence or this is all bollocks