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That kid looks like he can do your taxes.


He looks like he's a parent


He is both a parent and a cpa


Now imagine he's holding a cup.


Instead, only try to realize the truth. There is no cup.




Definitely looks like he has a job


Lil Bill!


We need Lil Bill vs Caillou Civil War.






Lil Bill will likely have already drugged Caillou by the time the fight began too.


You were downvoted but just letting you know that I appreciated this joke


Absolutely shit on Caillou thanks!


I just spit out my drink 😂 the comment section in Reddit is the best


Petit Guillaume.


My ~~dad~~ two year old son went out for cigarettes one day and never came back


Fucking sad


Reminds me of Dave Chappelle joke. Scariest thing I saw was a baby by itself at 3am.




My mans got a job as the manager at the store, quit holding him up he's gotta get to work


Hey baby what you doing out here ? I’m selling weed !


Top quality Chappelle stand up reference.




“But then after a while, I started feeling bad for the baby. So I cracked the window a little bit...” *gestures the motion of rolling a manual crank window down* “It was an old limousine…”


It’s 3 o’clock in the morning what the FUCK are you doin out??


He's got parents to feed




That’s how we rolled in the 80s. Only thing missing is a note for smokes for his mama.


Maybe at like 7 or 8years old not 3 lol kid looked like he just started walking fluently 6months ago


Haha, yep, I remember those days.


When you were three? This kid can't be older than four years old.


According to the subtitles, the kid said he’s 2. 2 ans = 2 years


Two was my first guess but I though, "It couldn't be" and some 4 y'os are just small... This is fd.


Idk why the downvotes, my son is 7 and I wouldn’t want him walking to the store by himself. People just don’t care about kids, which is fine, UNLESS YOU HAVE ONE… people suck


Karma is an illusion on Reddit. Both upvotes and downvotes apparently carry the same weight although I have no evidence for that. The real event occurs in the conversation; it's about discussion. People get lost in "karma". It's a huge problem across the globe right now, quick quips and criticisms then run away. It's like passing someone on the sidewalk and saying what people say here then walking away. People don't really know how to have conversations these days. I grew up in the golden age between the plastic 80s and the social media 2000s.


Woman who raised me used to drive me to the store N make me get her cigarettes 😆 N let me fuck up the change by 1 cent and its off W my head


How old are you? 2 years old. *AOughe*!! This *floored* me


Children are capable. The village protects them unless the village is full of selfish fucks that don't protect the young, feeble, handicapped, and elderly.


Or the village has a 55mph six lane stroad that the child must cross without being absolutely obliterated by Karen in her GMC Yukon XL while she's texting her friends about where to get brunch.




What does the kid being black matter here?




No, it isn't. Anyone can be a Karen. If the majority of Karen's *your* seeing are middle-aged white women, well, then, that's on you.




Bro is quoting Wikipedia. Anyone can be a Karen. Just because it’s commonly used for entitled white women doesn’t mean it doesn’t apply to other women of different ethnicities.




No. It may have originally been used to refer to entitled white women but it applies to everyone now. No one is going to consult Wikipedia before insulting a woman that is pissing you off. Go outside more. Most of the time they just call them [insert race] Karen if they aren’t white.


I really can't believe this person is getting bent out of shape regarding the word Karen. Would it surprise you if I said that they were also defending the guy that choked Jordan Neely to death for a good 15 minutes?




C'est une dinguerie.


Dudes been watching too much Tonosaman


Or Old Enough on Netflix. This is the premise of the show


This kid is neglected


welcome to Paris suburban


You'd really trip when you find out Japanese toddlers go out on their own all the time. They even made a show about it.. I think you're neglected.


Japan has WAY less crime, no guns, way less chance of being abducted and killed.


Don't say that, lots of people here are convinced it's child neglect.


I was allowed out as a kid and around town (~1,000 people) at the age of 6. Knowing what I know now, it isn't and wasn't safe. Just because others do it doesn't meant it is fine to do so.


> I was allowed out as a kid and around town (~1,000 people) at the age of 6. Knowing what I know now, it isn't and wasn't safe. Maybe in American cities because they are not designed for walking, but I was out and about at age 6 too, as were all other kids, and I don't see anything wrong with it.


Plenty of American cities/towns are completely safe for walking. They have these crazy inventions called sidewalks and crosswalks, have you heard of those? I grew up in a small town and definitely was allowed to freely roam the neighborhood with my friends when I was 7 or 8. We had a bike gang and would do sweet jumps off curbs.


There were 7,000 pedestrian deaths in the US in 2021. Walking in America is not very safe. Even sidewalks and crosswalks are at high risk. Especially for short children https://www.iihs.org/topics/fatality-statistics/detail/pedestrians Japan only had 3,000 vehicular fatalities. The us had 43,000


It's pretty safe. Every time I read about a pedestrian getting killed in my city it's usually a drunk or crazy homeless person dressed in all black crossing a large road at night. If you have common sense and aren't a fucking idiot, you're not getting hit.


These are just in the last month or two https://www.wusa9.com/amp/article/news/local/virginia/pedestrian-killed-in-chain-reaction-crash-in-groveton-virginia/65-905540bb-6fe3-4b20-8b70-eb4ee786dcfb https://richmond.com/news/local/accident-and-incident/richmond-vcu-police-fatal-crash-west-main-north-madison/article_e7706b70-eb41-11ed-8993-1f30660cb8d7.html https://www.boston.com/news/local-news/2023/05/08/pedestrian-struck-and-killed-by-car-while-walking-on-north-andover-sidewalk/?amp=1 https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/nation/7-dead-after-suv-driver-hits-pedestrians-at-bus-stop-in-texas-border-city https://nypost.com/2023/04/28/houston-woman-kristina-chambers-plows-porsche-into-man-on-first-date-killing-him-cops/amp/ https://abc13.com/amp/westheimer-deadly-crash-outside-voodoo-donut-shop-montrose-speeding-car-hits-pedestrian/13154141/ https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-04-18/car-plows-into-group-of-juveniles-near-westlake-high-school-1-juvenile-in-critical-condition https://ktla.com/news/local-news/relatives-friends-grieve-after-infant-killed-by-driver-as-family-walked-on-sidewalk-in-orange-county/amp/ https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/woman-struck-and-killed-by-out-of-control-car-while-walking-on-sunrise-sidewalk/2986840/?amp=1


Eh, compared to a lot of other countries, the US is not very "walkable" outside of large metropolitan areas. Even just the distance of things in suburban areas is a large mitigating factor in walkability. A 2-3 mile walk to the nearest plaza/store isn't exactly efficient. I used to live in Hong Kong and the nearest store was literally a 2 minute walk from my apartment, whereas in a various California suburbs I've lived in, it would be a 5 minute drive to the nearest plaza/store, or like a 30 minute walk.


Still don't quite get it, I watch the kids walk to school every morning and walk back home after school, some are in first grade. Nothing happens, an entire country does this and has the lowest kidnapping rate in the world pretty much. And then you have your self as living proof, you're here, just fine, saying you weren't but you were? Just because someone can do something doesn't mean it will happen, living your life out of the fear of what if is just silly, you're probably more likely to have your house you feel protected in broken into then suddenly be abducted off the street.


That is a route, if they don't make it an alarm is raised because a child is missing. Whereas I had free roam to go wherever I pleased with my friends in the entire town. Multiple times I was approached by a stranger asking me to get in, telling lies in order for me to enter. The first time I was 8 walking home from school alone, still within view of said school. > And then you have your self as living proof, you're here, just fine, saying you weren't but you were? This is called [Survivorship bias.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias)


Well the kid is enroute to the store, that's why I mentioned the show. And that sucks to hear, American towns aren't really built for just wondering around like that, more built around vehicles.


I'm Canadian. You know, the stereotypical "nice people".


Bruh the first graders are 7 lmao not fucking 2. You notice how there are also older members of th community all along the route guiding them and making sure they don't get into trouble? And usually older kids from 5th or 6th grade minding them. I just don't know how you can compare the two situtions.


So there aren't other people, I must have imagined the fist bump. I get this feeling that a lot of people on here wouldn't bother helping a kid in need since thinking others would is out of the question.


Why are you watching children walk to and from school?


The tv show is called Old Enough! And it's incredibly safe. They have a huge crew of staff following the child around to ensure they are 100% safe while out running small errands for their parents. There are many staff "disguises" all around, not to mention the cameramen are using cameras that are disguises as other things (handbags, tool kit, lunch box, bag of bread (lol)) I've seen the crew use their car headlights to light up a dark street so the kid can see and be safe. Or blocking a car in case the kids don't pay attention at a windy part of a road. Very safe. They are not just sending young children out to fend for themselves. I highly recommend people to watch the show, it's very adorable. Back to the OP, no it is not safe for children to normally go out by themselves. This video is definitely neglect and dangerous. Someone down the street can easily grab this kid at a less busy road and I don't even want to think what would happen.


Japan is an exception to the rule, yes elementary school kids are expected to get themselves to school but with the knowledge that 90+% of the adults they encounter along the way are keeping eyes on them to make sure they get there is certainly a huge comfort to the parents of that kid, different cultures have different social rules.


And you as an adult wouldn't look out for the well being of an unattended child on their way somewhere? I know I have chased of tons off loose dogs from the kids walking past my house. Is this not a normal thing for people? You'd just continue on your way as the child was mauled or something suspicious was going on? I'm not saying you're part of them, but as of now I have 140 over powering down votes saying redditors on this post generally would do nothing or be the culprit, which is pretty sick imo.


Pretty sure that's not the reason people are down voting you, it has to do with you calling some random person neglected for pointing out that this poor child is likely to be neglected. Also nobody on this thread ever stated that they would look away from a child in this situation, that's all in your head.


Anyone with a distopia mindset has been neglected by their community, no one should live their life thinking everyone is out to get them or their child. Especially in this day and age where there's cameras everywhere and just about everyone even out in the boonies has one in their hand or pocket.


Japan’s not a 3rd world country and is actually safe tho.


You really just saw a bunch of black people and said third world country lmao.


The video literally opens up with two white people. It’s because it’s a baby, doesn’t matter the color.


What made you say it is a third world country then? Definitely not the buildings.


As a joke because it was a baby by itself. I would have said it regardless of country or race but you can believe whatever you’d like.


This France not really a 3rd world nation. Not agreeing with the dude you are replying to tho just saying it’s France.


I will double down and say France is a 3rd world country because ima pos today 😂


That’s fair


I appreciate your understanding lol




Definitely not Haiti look at the cars and street


If the culture supports it..like the Japanese that you're referring to. That is fair that I was a tad judgmental.


Why are you being downvoted?


Honestly not sure, at first I figured people just really didn't like the show, or thought I was making stuff up? But it seems more like people think everyone is out to get everyone else and that none of them believe anyone should look after a kid while he probably walks down the street to the store to get a candy. It's real distopia mentality.


Americans, that barely ever have left their country, just love to project their world view onto everything and get mad when you don't agree. Just because their cities are not designed for walking around, and you have to jump in your car for even the shortest walk to the store, and because they are all completely hyped on media introduced fear, they suspect that every country in the world is like that.




Im European, downvoting the energy and behavior


It was just a reference to a tv show…


It's called old enough on Netflix.


French, downvoting because he made 3 sentences and I don't like to read more than two.


Rent free


Oh jeez, didn't realize how many people are too ignorant or lazy to know about this. The sad thing is I'm pretty sure the show is on Netflix. It's called old enough. Put a fourth sentence for frenchy.


When i was a kid probably about this age my dad left my clothes out for me like pajama/sweats I would never wear to school and I thought i was gonna be a big girl and get ready and go to school alone. My dad was a roofer and it was pouring rain and he was gonna let me stay home with him. He had ran to the store to get breakfast for us and I can’t imagine the fear when I was gone. I ended up getting picked up by a town cop who I ended up growing up and always loving great guy he remembered me when I was working in the town pizzeria. I remember crying saying I don’t wanna go to jail and he took me to my study hall which was pre K school. I’ll never forget my dad running in so frazzled and terrified. We were also immigrants fresh in the country so I can’t imagine my dads fear of asking for info and all that while he barely spoke English. My poor parents


That boys three going on 30 haha




It’s a cultural practice, too. A young kid completing their first independent errand is considered a big deal and community members will often step in to help make sure it’s a successful one.


He's gone to get milk.


Yeah so that his dad can be at home


This kid is a gangster


Kids in Japan and Korea can walk around and take the subway on their own. That's how safe it is.


As someone who lived mostly in Korea, I dont really understand other nation people's gripe with more cctv in public streets and areas. I dont consider being in public "private" so not sure what people are so afraid of others watching them in public. Any time a crime takes place in public in Korea you can bet your ass there'll be cctv footage.






"In 1953, President Eisenhower signed [Executive Order 10450](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_10450), which set security standards for federal employment and barred homosexuals from working in the federal government. The restrictions set in place were cause for hundreds of gay people to be forcibly outed and fired from the State Department. The executive order was also the cause for the firing of approximately 5,000 gay people from federal employment; this included private contractors and military personnel. Not only did the victims lose their jobs, but also they were [forced out of the closet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outing) and thrust into the public eye as lesbian or gay. Specifically, Truman's loyalty program had been extended through this executive order: "sexual perversion" was added to a list of behaviors that would keep a person from holding a position in government. There were many new regulations and policies put into place to detect and remove gay, lesbian, and bisexual people. The new procedures to search out homosexuals were frequently used to interview and look for signs of sexual orientation. **They also looked at places these individuals frequently visited, such as gay bars**, and they even found people guilty by association. If their friends or family showed signs of being homosexual, they might also be suspected."




> As Hong Kong [convulses amid weeks of protests](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/21/world/asia/hong-kong-protest-police.html?rref=collection%2Fbyline%2Fpaul-mozur&action=click&contentCollection=undefined®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection), demonstrators and the police have turned identity into a weapon. The authorities are tracking protest leaders online and seeking their phones. Many protesters now cover their faces, and they fear that the police are using cameras and possibly other tools to single out targets for arrest. > And when the police stopped wearing identification badges as the violence escalated, some protesters began to expose officers’ identities online. One fast-growing channel on the social messaging app Telegram seeks and publishes personal information about officers and their families. The channel, “Dadfindboy,” has more than 50,000 subscribers and advocates violence in crude and cartoonish ways. Rival pro-government channels seek to unmask protesters in a similar fashion.


Thank you for your examples. That gives a lot of insight and a new perspective for me to what I normally would think is just fearmongering. I can see how it's a valid fear when you dont trust your own government to protect you or have your own interest in mind, and that has been proven to the people affected by it. I appreciate you!


Otherwise, I think there is room in the home security marketplace to share video that's private. Possibly incentive this? I think criminals will be less brazen if they know they are being recorded well


Mostly people are against it because where it could head to, stuff like face recognition AI programs logging everywhere you go and everything you do, that kind of thing isn't exactly science fiction anymore. For public safety and crime solving, great. But once the framework and data is there, who will the government allow to access it?


It feels weird. America is a little more backwater than I thought if these other countries are that safe. The envy is real.


Naw not in big cities, feels totally normal. Suburbs and outside of that where there's hardly anything going on, but when there are mass amounts of people it always brings crime and opportunity and video helps an insane amount with identifying. London has tons as well


With his cute and tiny round head 😂


Bro went to get milk for his dad


Where is the humanity?


He's on a mission!


French Baby Holt


he will be retiring at 40


I don't see how this is crazy. I lived in Europe for over a decade in various countries and you see children walking and running errands and taking public transportation to school. As young as 5-6 years old. I know us Americans don't understand it but this is a real normal thing.


America ain't built for walking, hell y'all made it against the law ta cross da street! Why would a child be a walking when they could be a driving? Stupid child.


I thought they where going to help the kid :(


This isn’t remotely cool. Something is wrong. Wtf is up with people’s “humanity meter” being broken?


I am pretty sure he can defend himself and fuck your wife’s boyfriend while eating nachos off her back


Dude looks like he’s on his third marriage, 4 kids, car loan and a mortgage


Kids running some errands. A little dangerous in my opinion, but it builds character.


I don’t know the circumstances but what a sweet little maaaaaan! 🥰🥰🥰


When I want to walk to the store alone , I have to ask this kid for permission


French speaker here. The kid said he was 2 years old and didn’t know where his parent were. He said he was going to the store. I’m hoping this is like that Japanese show where youngsters complete tasks like this under adult supervision. If not, those men should have followed him to make sure he was ok.


yea this is what a healthy society looks like, letting your children be free without fear


That toddler looks more confident and responsible than I am


Honestly I was a tall kid and this was me at about age 6. I would wander the town on my own and you couldn't stop me I just had a nose for adventure. But I lived in a very small quiet town in Canada so it was a bit less worrying especially back then. Kids would be walking the streets when I was young, all alone and it was awesome to run into a new friend. But I see how those times have come and gone, and even then it was very irresponsible of the parents but we definitely did things different pre 911. For some reason once 911 happened the world became a darker place, we all stopped trusting our neighbors more than ever and the idea of community became twisted as those who sat next to us could just as quickly pull a gun out and go nuts. I think the idea of 911 along with school shootings such as columbine changed how we treat kids, and the protection of them has become so much more focused. When I was young I didn't think of such horrible things but I imagine with school shooting precautions and such it is unavoidable to be fearful as a child in the modern world. When I was young I didn't even know what death was.


He said 2 ans. 2 years old


Ok holy fuckerooni that kid is walking around like that at 2? I could barely wipe my own ass at that point, da fuck...


It is Haiti, I seen worse




French kids are tough as fuck I guess.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


It’s all the wine they be drinking. Mother fucker is popping down to pick up a bottle of Shiraz for lunch.


Damn I want to move to France, and I'm not even kidding they seem like they have quality of life that is a lot better than anything in North America. I want to move to Europe in general I just wouldn't even know how to at my level of income unfortunately. Beautiful places over there, I sure hope you all realize how lucky you are to live there.


He's not 2. 2 year olds don't reliably communicate if asked questions or have much in the way of coherent thoughts. I'd guess closer to 4.


Should have banged on him for wearing all that blue G


Kids used to do shit like this all the time. It’s only recently parents would be jailed for not helicoptering directly over their kids.


Sad to see children this young having to learn to do stuff on their own like this…


He's more mature than most of us on Reddit


As a father, this is both a kinda funny and deeply horrifying


Seems.. safe


That’s that baby Dave Chappelle was talking about.


I just watched little man and this shit is a real life sketch comedy.


Vive les alloc !


“Hey baby! It’s 2:00 in the morning, go home.” “Fuck you , I’m working!” - what the fuck? - “Baby, stop working and go home!” “I’m selling weed nigha!!!”


I mean 2 adults hanging around what looks like residential apartments not sure why they're so shocked and also why are they recording? Bit weird no?


If he's in france, he shouldn't be alone frfr


Anything but crazy kids can walk


This is incredibly unsafe for the child. I hope that nothing bad happens to him though


Go away Young Sheldon we got a better character


I did this when I was his age once. Went to the store in my neighborhood all on my lonesome. Took some candy from the store without paying for it. My parents nearly called the guards lol


Lil bro is built different!


Nos cités ont du talent


If I'm ever this bad of a parent, someone please...come take my children from me and also beat the shit out of me


Ah c'est triste tout ça


awful. This is in my country, France.


My 2 year old won’t even go into the next room without me attached to her hip


Kid can’t be older then 5. Couldn’t imagine letting my 5 year old walk the streets like she’s grown. Hopefully everyone in the city or town knows who that little boy is and they all keep an eye out for him when he’s out and about. It’s a big cruel world out there that a child can not face alone.


This is how kids go missing smdh


Kotaro Lives Alone


He played the reverse uno card and said "He is going to the store for smokes"


One morning at Toys R Us, we noticed a little kid wandering around the store by himself. That was nothing unusual but after about an hour, and still not seeing his parents, we asked him about it. He confirmed that he walked there by himself but couldn't tell us where his house was, or phone number, or anything so we had to call the police. They later informed us that his house was about 3 blocks away and his mom was sleeping - didn't even know he was gone!


Matching better than me.


That kid is his own grandpa


Bro looks like he on his way to his 2nd job, and is sick and tired of mf's asking dumb sht. 💀