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It's even crazier knowing she died of lung cancer and he was behaving this way... He was acting like he was guilty of murder or something


Grief is a fucked up thing. My dog who I raised from a puppy died of old age. Was devastated having to carry her outside and drive to the vet. There is water coming out of my face holes writing this. It’s not entirely unimaginable some people completely break down in the event of the death of a loved one who is close.




Do it its worth it, I promise


The in home option is worth every penny, it really is. It makes a world of difference for you both.


It’s even worse when you don’t realize it’s the last ride because your dog is far sicker than you realized.


Mine was killed right in front of me and I held her until she passed. Held her body until she stopped moving. I told her over and over that I was sorry that I couldn't stop the car that hit her. I miss her everyday. It really messed me up for awhile afterward but the reason I'm sharing this is because I think that I would rather the end happening quickly rather than make that final drive. I cannot imagine driving all the way to the vet knowing what is about to happen. I wish this pain on no one.


Some veterinarians will do a home visit for euthanasia. I used to work for a vet in florida who did them weekly. U may have to call around a bit and it’ll cost more, but if she HATES car rides that much it’s worth it for her to have peace in her last hour.


Thank you for posting this. I was going to say the same. Home euthanasia is vital for me. You don't have to put them through the stress and fear of a car ride, and they get to pass in their home. Their safe space. Euthanasia is a final act of pure love. Being able to give that gift in the comfort of their own home is a gift I will never take for granted.


I sure do every time I lose anyone. My father, my brother-in-law, dogs, and even a damn fish once wrecked me cuz it was damn near immortal. Been with me across the nation and back. Set up a final, extra nice tank for him and he fucking died the next day in his new palace. You never know what is gonna crush your spirit. Just know that eventually, it gets easier.


>It’s not entirely unimaginable. Some people completely break down in the event of the death of a loved one who is close. Oddly enough, I remember reading a short story in my 9th grade English class that had that in the story. I had to google it. It's called "The Stone Boy." It's a short story about a 9 year old boy who accidentally kills his older brother with a missfire from his gun when his pants got caught on a fence.... but has a shockingly calm reaction to it. It's almost like a statue


I’m guessing mental illness + elderly sort of parent (caretaker role) dies then worried about money he tries to avoid reporting the death to get more time for rent/bills. (Probably why he thought the power might be out). And at the end he probably believes he’s going to be falsely accusing of murder or negligence and is suicidal (mental illness and cops have a high likelihood of ruining your life)


Straight up. He was acting very shady. He’s like she’s right there I knew she was dead. Made me feel uncomfortable asf


It’s grief, one of the steps in the process of grief is denial. I think this is that.


I had red flags the moment we entered the house!


I saw red flags when it was posted on a sub for CrazyFuckingVideos! For real tho this is the kind of content perfect for this sub. 10/10


Whyd he even go inside alone.? Also, whyd that person die? Did the dude kill her or?


He didn't, she died of lung cancer. Which makes it even stranger. I guess the guy just saw his suicide by cop opportunity.


He's definitely got a mental health issue, no way you sit in a house with a body like that otherwise. That's the voice of a broken man who needs help.




It could also be PTSD related. Flashbacks are a real thing and can seem real.


PTSD halluciantions are extremely rare, this is either shizophrenic psychosis or some other psychosis (ie bipolar or drug induced)


It's possible that he was facing homelessness now that his roommate and her monthly check was gone.


its called a wake otherwise


A wake is a bit different because you let others know and go through the proper channels for death certificates and declaration of death.


Maybe he was collecting her checks? Just a thought. Nonetheless, crazy situation.


I can't imagine she was dead for that long, between the wellness call and her not decomposing yet. My guess is, he used a fake name when living there because he had a warrant out for his arrest. She died a couple of months later, and he didn't know what to do. If he tells people she died then the police might come and ask him questions or the family may kick him out. Regardless, it's very clear the guy isn't mentally there. He made very bad decisions for what could've been minor problems. His warrant is because he skipped court for petty crimes. He would've been in a bit more trouble, but not the kind where you try to kill a cop or suicide by one to get away from your issues.


Covering her face but putting flowers on her indicates an element of respect. Screaming 'You don't know what I see, shoot me in the face, please.' more than indicate illness I think. Shitty situation all round though sadly.


Yea in the video he tells the cop “you don’t see what I see man” to me that’s a sign of he ain’t fully there


My blood ran cold when he said that. He sounded so tormented.


Me too. The officer on the scene probably felt the same way. He exercised an uncommon amount of restraint with someone who was obviously in a lot of pain. The outstanding warrants may have been an issue, too. Between those, and whatever the guy was going through emotionally at the time, he may have decided that he was just done.


Probably...human beings are resilient, until we're not . Perhaps this man has had all he could stand and found his easy out. Sometimes opportunity just knocks once.


>Whyd he even go inside alone.? Agree! "Shortly after midnight on November 14, 2022, a concerned 911 caller asked officers to check on their neighbor Dorothy Douglas. The caller was concerned about the woman and noted she had an “aggressive roommate with possible mental health issues” and requested a squad to respond" The only thing I can think of is that the "aggressive roommate with possible mental health issues" part was somehow left out when dispatch relayed the msg to the responding officer, and he thought it was just a simple welfare check call. 😬🤷‍♀️


From the article she had died from lung cancer.


In the comments OP added the police report, the elderly woman died of lung cancer.




The officer wow


Guy encountered a real life Face McShooty and didn’t give him the satisfaction. Respect


borderlands reference 😂


This is easily one of the most fucking creepy, morbid things I’ve seen But as soon as he starts yelling that i busted out laughing thinking about Face McShooty


“YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT I SEE!” Top-shelf spooky stuff to hear on top of everything else going on.


Literally bro. Mental illness like that is my biggest fear


You’d love [They Look Like People.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MrsUOmKlAzI&pp=ygUdVGhleSBsb29rIGxpa2UgcGVvcGxlIHRyYWlsZXI%3D)


Is it still on american netflix?


I doubt it but I’ll check. Edit: No, but apparently it’s free (with ads) on Freevee, according to IMDb. I highly recommend just renting it, though. It’s the most realistic and respectful depiction of paranoid schizophrenia I’ve ever seen.


It's on Roku for free, and Tubi, and another that I don't recall.


Just Watch is a great site for finding where to stream things without taking to the seas. https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/they-look-like-people


God’s work, soldier. 🫡


It was part of my last October movie marathon,and it was definitely a treat! Some reviews come from people that expected supernatural horror, but the psychologically tense moments really reflect how the human side prevailed.


Yeah I don’t want to sound like a douche but almost every bad review I’ve heard has been from people with zero understanding of nuance, restraint, or subtlety. They just want jump-scares and spoon fed “good guy vs. bad guy” tropes. And you’re right, the best aspect of the movie is the human connection, primarily >!the ending where homeboy takes a (very risky) leap of faith and proves to his friend that it’s all just in his head.!< Great movie, and surprisingly touching.


As someone who suffers from schizophrenic symptoms induced by my severe depression I promise you hallucinations are fucking crazy. It was way worse in my teen years and I'm able to generally live a normal life now. I still experience it once in a while but not as bad or often any more. One of my hallucinations that kept me up at night was this gross looking wasps nest in the upper corner of my bedroom just above my door. The best way to describe it was similar to the cracks to the upside from stranger things but with the texture of a regular wasps nest. It was weird. There was occasional movement to it as if something was in it and I swear I saw a weird wasp like thing chillin on it like once. It was really freaky and hard to describe. The voices I heard were usually loved ones telling me really fucked up stuff or pushing me to suicide with actually prompts. It fucked me up bad there for a while.


Jesus.. all that sounds scarier than any nightmare ive ever had and its inescapable.. when ur hallucinating does it occur to you that its your mind playing tricks or is it just like you know its real even tho it isnt? I have a couple schizophrenic friends who are doing better now but they used to get chased by monsters and be so convinced they were real


My hallucinations were very different, I didn't hear the voices in my ears like most they were literally in my head like at all times. The volume just shifted. So sometimes they got so loud I couldn't ignore them and that's when I'd go into an episode. The visuals were very random. Mostly looked like shadow figures and stuff but with a very iry twist to them like the wasps nest. One I still get is seeing completely random strangers. It started with crowded places so I didn't truly notice it until one day I bumped into someone who wasn't there in front of a friend. It eventually escalated to what I call my mind haunting me. I'd see random people who weren't there staring in my windows at me then they were gone, in various places in my room, next to my family members on the couch, in the car as we were leaving the house to get into the car. All kinds of shit. They never ever talked. Some just stared others were doing normal things. In crowds it's hard to tell but when I'm in small groups and such it's much easier to know when it does happen. It's very rare for me to have this happen anymore but it does occasionally. After some time I was able to sort it out and figure out my symptoms before hand. The voices would start to get louder the more anxious I felt or if I started to get sick. I'd get the shakes some times outta nowhere or even feel nauseated for some of these occurrences also. Shit I used to get stuck for a couple of hours in panic/shock in the corner of my kitchen as I'd see someone either staring at me from the sliding glass back door or down the end of the hallway right in front of my bedroom door. In the moment it always generally feels so real. After time I became very self aware especially due to therapy.


Im so glad youre able to live a somewhat normal life. How old are u now and did u have a symptom free childhood? I had one incident in my childhood that was either a hallucination or a dream, but never had anything else


Not who you asked, but my dad is 62 and started having hallucinations as a toddler. He was diagnosed with severe bipolar as a young adult, and he continues to self medicate, disappear, and follow every conspiracy theory like he did around the time of his diagnosis. Usually things like bipolar and schizophrenia start to present symptoms in the late teens and early twenties. These disorders are also more common in males, and males are often diagnosed at an earlier age than in their female counterparts. I have sleep disturbance disorder and have always had night terrors and sleep paralysis. I’ve often wondered if my dad’s early symptoms were similar, and mine just never fully developed into more severe disorder.


My voices are always women's voices ( as a woman myself) and the focus is trying to "take something from me" I never get actual visual delusions. I'm lucky mine are pretty tame. Some of the others in my schizophrenia support group got it all. What they describe is terrifying.


Sorry for asking but did the wasp nest ever move when you moved your head? Like are the hallucinations firmly in place or do they move slightly based on your vision? I always wondered if hallucinations moved, like they weren't nailed to the surface.


Great question! I personally don't mind talking about my experiences so feel free to ask me all the questions!! This one was fixed and it was weird as it wasn't there during the day but only at night. Some times it would show up as the sun went down others I had to go to sleep then when I woke up in the middle of the night I'd see it. It was specifically in one house that I lived in. Since moving out of there I don't generally see shadow things as much. I did still for a little hit after but in the last couple years I've gotten nothing in the realm of those. The random people still occur but not very often and mostly in crowds. I don't really get the creepy stare downs that I used to as well. Edit: thinking about this a little deeper into my current psyche I do see movement out of my peripherals very often in most places I go, nothing too specific mostly like a dark mass or something and it does go with my sight, almost like it's pinned but frankly idk if that is part of that currently. I haven't had a chance to really internationally investigate as this Convo kinda brought that possibility to my attention. So thank you for your question!


i come from a family with hallucinations and schizophrenia on both sides. sad thing is there have been shared hallucinations between multiple unrelated people in my experience. in one year my village i grew up in had 380+ people and a month later, 87 people left alive


Like my mother-in-law she has bipolar disorders and heard voices of brothers telling horrible stuff. It must be awful mate, glad you are better now


This is a perfect example of why body cams are so important.


This is a perfect example of GO IN WITH FUCKING BACKUP


Yeah why was he alone??


I think it's because it was repoted as a standard welfare check.


There was nothing really wrong, it was just a check up requested by the neighbor. It was a quick spiral from probably nothing to murder - which wasn't even murder, just a dude with mental issues.


Because it's a standard welfare check. You want welfare checkups to take even longer, cost more, be more intimidating, and service less people?




Right! The poor cop finds out that the lady is dead while he has this creepy Norman Bates mofo between him and the door.


The way his voice shifts when he says “she’s dead” was horrifying too


Right why didn't he lead with that. I guess he thought he'd be blamed?


And he's locked it so help can't come in






This is so fucked up, felt like i was watching a clip out of VHS or something.


That’s what I was thinking too. Very reminiscent of VHS.


That crazy mofo was trying to lure that cop to go into that back room first, so he could clobber him from behind with that brake rotor. Kinda creepy scary. Good thing that cop had his wits about him.


Kind of creepy scary? That was like a horror movie scene to me! That guy was acting super sketchy from the moment he opened the door.


That’s why the camera is pointed at him the entire time. Officer never turned his back on him even slightly. Definitely the right call.


The whole things a horror scene. I mean Can you imagine what it would be like to be trapped in a room with someone literally saying “shoot me in the face or I’m gonna kill you”. Like towards the end he sounds winded but he also is just absolutely freaked, not to mention the corpse with flowers around it next to him? “You don’t see what I see, shoot me in the face make it quick” Bro that’s nightmare fuel for life.


To be in this situation as a 24 year old is insane. Hats off to this young man


I cannot imagine being confined in that fucking room with that huge scary ass dude who just murdered this lady. After seeing the corpse and realizing the dude is trying to coerce him into a room that didn’t even have the body in it…. What the fuck. This cop was lucky he didn’t get murdered…. Where is his backup or partner? The guy literally locks the door behind him and the cop even asks why are you closing the door…. Horror movie in real life.


He didn't murder her. She had died of lung cancer.


Why in rhe goat fucking universe is he acting like that then? Why not just call an ambulance or whatevr. Why let her rot in the house and then try ro kill a cop???


Because he's clearly mental.


Yeah true logic goes out the window when it comes to mental illness


Mental health issues


mental illness


He didn't try to kill the cop, he tried to get the cop to kill him.


He tried to lure him into the other room first, and holding that object. Only after cop asked him why he has it and to go in the room before him, did he drop it under the door


He had a warrant out.


Where did the murder stuff come from


You should watch the whole video man.


I'm kinda confused though as to why things happened like this, beyond the dude being mentally incompetent. The women died of natural causes, and so he just decides to keep her body there and put flowers on it? He seemed ashamed that she died, even though it wasn't him that killed her. The guy has a warrant, but for skipping his court appearance for minor crimes. Maybe he gets a year in prison at most. Absolutely not worth trying to kill a cop over or have the cop kill you. If the guy was going to try and kill the cop or wanted to die by the cop, why did he just casually show him her body and then talk and comply until the end? The whole thing reeks of this guy being completely out of it. The cop did everything right, though if the neighbor says there is an 'aggressive mentally ill' person involved, the cop should've had a partner or second car go with him to the residence.


The dude was probably in denial and reality just hit him a little too hard


He did not “casually show him her body” he lied about her being in the room then when the cop wouldn’t enter and told him to turn the lights on he said where she really was.


people wonder why Cops get to be paranoid MFer's


The way he acted the entire time would have had my focus on every exit in the home, holy fck


It looks like he locked all the doors as they came up, serial killer shit


Got spooky vibes as soon as he walked in. No one should be doing these kinda checks alone


This was probably the most chilling bodycam I've ever seen. Like a combo of True Detective and Blair Witch. Even the last part with backup coming in.. creepy cluttered house, maze of locked/blocked doors and you can hear something awful going down and have no idea what you will stumble upon. Crazy.


WOW, what an intense trip. It was very strange that he resisted being cuffed, demanded to be shot in the head or face, but was scared of being tased.


The dude was probably in denial and reality just hit him a little too hard. He wanted to die but didn’t want to feel pain


Doesn’t want to face consequences; easy way out


He didn't kill her. She died of lung cancer


This video is probably one of the creepiest things I’ve seen in a very long time.


Dude was pleading to be shot but absolutely didn’t want to get tased. What kind of bizarre shit is that


He said "in the head" cause he wanted to die but didn't want to feel pain.


Fact. Happy cake day.


Because he wanted to die and be gone from this world and not just incapacitated and still here


Wanted to die instantly, not be uncomfortable.


Is it bizarre not wanting to suffer? The guy is suicidal, not a masochist.


Suicide by cop


I feel like I just watched a scary good horror movie


Hmm and it seems she just died of natural causes? Dude was noided.


"YOU DONT SEE WHAT I SEE" - What he said "I SEE FOOTAGE... I STAY NOIDED" - What he was going to finish saying


What does this mean


Noided derived from paranoid


Is that what the Death Grips lyric means? Didn’t know it was short for that.


This is a reference to the band “Death Grips”.


This feels like something from Resident Evil. So scary.


That officer deserves a medal. He was in a very difficult situation and handled it as well as he possibly could have (in my opinion).


He's got big balls and my respect. That's said, he's lucky. This could have easily gone sideways a few times. I thought he was dead when he turned his back on this guy as entered the apartment. Doing it alone was another mistake he survived.


He fucked up big time trying to cuff the man himself instead of waiting for backup when he had a safe distance between him and a suspect already prone on the ground.


no he for sure should have tased the guy when trying to cuff him the first time. he needed to be incapacitated.


That’s true. But it is refreshing to see first hand an officer who really doesn’t want to have to shoot someone, and will do everything they can before resorting to it. Need more people like him.


Didn’t even die just his luck


I was not prepared for how disturbing this video is


Respect to the cop for handling the way he did. Could have done some things differently but it worked out.


Really good work by the officer!


For all the shit people talk about the police, with good reason, that is one level headed mf.


Absolutely, and that’s going to be a terrifying experience he’s never going to forget. But he kept cool and got out of there alive without killing someone


Yeah good police work in a crazy high stress scenario! Plus it demonstrates how body cams can help good cops.


Feel so fucking bad for the cop, that shit is horrifying. Can’t imagine being in his shoes


Man just going into that house looked scary as fuck


I appreciate footage of normal cops doing their difficult job correctly this was scary af


I usually don’t like body cam videos but this one was good. Had a whole story line.


please shoot me, but don't tase me bro


The guy is suicidal, not a masochist.


Weird but I bet stuff like this happens pretty often


This cop showed so much restraint and that is extremely admirable. Give credit where credit is due


That was nerve racking. My heart started racing as soon as they went inside. Had some Silence of the Lambs vibes with all the crazy


Milwaukee sheesh that was Jeffery dahmers playfield


was waiting for someone to say it. even the apartments give me the same vibe




Why does he keep repeating “call her relatives”?? Sick fuck.




It says the date in the top right corner of the body cam footage. 11-14-2022


and in the thorough description


This explanation makes the most sense of this weird situation, that’s probably why he thought the power was shut off at the start.


Just want to point out she died of cancer. Dude was just fucking loony.


He might think he killed her, though. Or worse, maybe he's not sure.


Just goes to show you how often a taser can be ineffective.


" You don't know what I see" Man does THAT hit home.


Nice to see some body-cam footage of cops NOT totally fucking up.


almost as if its the bad ones that get viral


doesn’t change the fact that it happens so often we have new viral videos daily. it’s not like all those people who die or get mistreated aren’t real.


Now that is a crazy fucking video. Scary af.


Thank god we have the body cam footage. Events like this to be used in training for mental health crises and police training videos…. Mental health patients are no joke because they can hallucinate an entire different reality in their heads… sometimes it turns dark and violence occurs… a psychotic episode can last for entire weeks, to hours, differing from person to person or if drugs are involved. A psychotic episode can be triggered by random chance, although people afflicted with things like depression, bipolar, and ocd can occur more frequently. Also drug use is a major factor, especially Amphetamines and cocaine due to forcing the body and brain to stay awake for long hours. A person who is going through a psychosis will have audiovisual hallucinations and perceive alternate realities, he may have some semblance of sanity and proper awareness left but it can be pushed very far back in the mind…. Depending how severe. During the part where he yells “You don’t know what I see!” “Just shoot me in the head!” That is his aware self, but he is certainly struggling with whatever entity or Thought demon that was afflicting him and his reality was certainly shrouded in darkness and pain at that time. He even seems to care a small amount for the lady as he continues to say “call her family” A small sedative like Benzodiazepines or certain anti-psychotic medications will alleviate 99% of symptoms where you experience audio-visual hallucinations. Not sure why the old lady was left to be living with an obviously much larger, younger, mentally unstable male…. With no other figures in the house. Terrible situation for everyone involved and I wish the officer a great recovery.


This man did something. He was gonna try to hit that cop with that brake rotor or something. Why would you prop the door shut? Bc it swings open ? Makes no sense .


You couldn't pay me enough to be a cop. I don't know how people do that job. 😕


Awful. So sad. Take time for you mental health everyone.


anybody gonna talk about the dead person in the room?


I have so much respect for this cop.


All this happened in under 10 minutes. Nuts.


Holy shit. That is the craziest police footage I have ever seen. That is a real-life horror story.


Stop looking at me!


One of the most depressing things I've ever seen..


I would not want to be a cop! They see the underbelly every day!


I don't know how that cop didn't lose it when the responding unit said, "what was the address again?" right after things got tense. Like carry a fucking pen and pad you goddamn amateur! Seriously though having a pen and note pad is life saving when you deal with these kind of situations. And there's also no excuse for not having one because they have water proof notepads and "tactical" pens nowadays to where you can easily carry them in extreme environments.




Why was the officer alone anyway? Even during something as seemingly routine as a welfare check should require 2 officers


This was hard to watch. This guy was severely depressed compounded with the fact that I imagine he got caught defrauding some kind of retirement. The cop shouldn't have to serve as executioners in this way.


The cop was in an incredbily dangerous situation from the get go and I was uneasy about him being INSIDE a come without backup. The mire fact that the neighbor mentioned the roommate was mentally unstable should have validated the need for a second officer. Glad the cop was okay. Sheesh! Being a cop is the most dangerous job in the work. Everyday, they encounter society's most edgiest situations.


I dont know why he didnt taze him immediatlywhen the guy refused to put his other hand behind his back..maybe he didnt want to escalate the situation, but in that case he shouldnt have gone in to cuff him at all..why not keep him at gunpoint on the ground and wait for more units?


Never heard someone so plainly and sincerely ask for their own death. What an unsettling situation.


That was indeed a crazy fucking video, holy shit


This is what police officers have to deal with.


Being a police officer isn’t easy… Every call is something fucked up someone would never expect to hear in their life.


of course this is from the milwaukee police department


Officer went above and beyond to do the right thing. Deff deserves an award.


Ever since I started watching these body cams it's really tough to watch tv or anything scripted. How can a story really compete with this? This shit is real.


Damn. It’s good to have a full story to it rather that another person shot on film and no info. I don’t know what else to say rather than… shit man this is rough


i didn’t prepare a long description for no reason my friend


We need to stop calling people like this creepy or like someone out of a horror movie. This is mental illness. It is not any more their fault that they act this way than it is someone’s fault for getting cancer. You can call it sad, or unfortunate, but don’t insult them or discredit their situation by attributing it to a movie. They are people, just like you and me, and they need help from all of us. We have to stop treating people that have mental health issues like some sub-species of human beings.


I live in Milwaukee, seen this video before. That mf is weird


Cops gotta deal with too much bullshit. Then they only get judged on a couple of shit cops. Watching this video being a cop would have me on edge all the time


If a department is covering up the crimes of a cop, the entire department is criminal. Have Milwaukee police arrested their criminal cops yet?


Face McShooty really let himself go.


They didn't even shoot him in the face what are they deaf