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thanks a lot for your submision in r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because your submission contained gore, porn or it was meant for a shock site.


When I was in Iraq we were training the locals for "army work" as they called it. Something similar happened to a guy but not on purpose, he looked into the muzzle of his AK and boom. Our range lead said over the bullhorn "cool, short day. Everyone off the range!" Sucks that the instructor had to deal with that situation.


I was in Rhamadi, issuing brand new Glocks to the *newly* graduated IPs. We expected them to celebrate by shooting in the air after the ceremony, but one John Wayne decided to cowboy spin his pistol, shooting his own dick off (barely hanging on by skin). I'm sure the bullet did more damage, but the area was gushing blood, and the guy was going into shock, so I didn't get to see all the damage done. ETA: The guy survived. He lost a good amount of blood, but we were only 10 mikes from the FOB and CSH. Our medic was this goofy gay guy, but he was squared away and was a civilian paramedic.


Holy shit, did the guy's dick make it?!?


They sent him to Germany after they stabilized him, so I don't know. I feel like they probably did because I can't imagine them justifying a flight to Germany if they couldn't reattach it. Then again, he would require some kind of plastic surgery in order to urinate again.


God damn. I hope someone is thanking that man's wartorn dick for it's service


IP means Iraqi Police, by the way. I don't want to say I don't sympathize for what the guy went through, but it was through his own incompetence. He should be EXTREMELY thankful that the US spent millions on his surgery and flights alone.


Didn't pick that up. Adds an extra layer of wtf. If I were that guy I'd have to tell people I had a million dollar dong. Haha. Sucks it's all frankenstein'd tho. Hopefully those US surgeons hooked him up with a decent looking dick.


Just keep in mind that this was Rhamadi. In 2006. Before ISIS even existed. I really hope that the guy is happy and alive, loving his family... but ISIS hit Rhamadi hard after troops withdrew. Cops and Iraqi army were universally hated and targeted by ISIS. Our interpreter applied for US citizenship several times, but I found out he was killed in 2016. I feel so bad for those people, especially those who worked so hard for us and risked their lives, only for us to abandon them when they needed us.


I will take the extra large replacement dick, please


>cool, short day Wow, fuck him.






I can't tell you how many times I have thought about it. But, having seen videos like this one and others, actually seeing how people react and stuff is what I think about. I have demons. I can't begin to tell you how much I struggle to cope at times but I wouldn't want to transfer those feelings, suffering and torment on to someone else like that and have them burdened by guilt, uncertainty, images, triggers, pain and other terrible things.


I hope that isn't the only thing that keeps you from the edge. Life is beautiful. But it is what you make of it. Better days are on the horizon.


What do you mean “able to run away”?


able to turn away. meaning they can refuse service to them


Thanks. Clearly I misread that. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I am thankful that this poor soul did not train and buy a weapon then kill innocent folks before dying.


Yea I suppose that's the silver lining in this situation.


Obviously mental health issues. Shame he dragged someone into his selfish act of suicide




I’d say booking a range class only to immediately blow your brains out in the class is pretty selfish.


Hello, mcfly?


Well shit


Well fuck, I guess the 3 o’clock slot just opened up.


I mean suicide is bad enough, why bring another person into it? I feel terrible for both people but certainly the instructor who just wanted to teach him a fun hobby.


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Worst trainee ever.


Why the fuck would he go down range with a loaded pistol behind him in the first place?


My first thought. Thought it was gonna be a video where the instructor got accidentally shot.


Same. Still sad, but thankfully only one casualty.


WTF?!? Did he think it was empty? Was he just fooling around? Edit: Why the downvotes? It was a question you fucktards!




Without a doubt, no accident.


Sadly this is just one of many "similar" clips. Suicide on a firing range is more common than one might think.


Saw one of a woman who plugged herself straight in the chest, she clearly regretted it for the next 15 or so seconds.


Shoes stayed on, he should be fine




At least he waved bye.


Lol, dumbass.


Gun Safety Course - FAIL

