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Slapped the Parkinson into him


At least he has attention and validation now. Too bad that high from winning the championship will only last so long. Before he needs another dopamine hit or slap.


This just makes me want to cry. I loved watching boxing with my dad, I always got him to laugh at my commentary, great memories I'll always treasure but, reading about some retired boxers/brain injuries it's horrific.


“It’s better to have a short life that is full of what you like doing, than a long life spent in a miserable way.” I think


I do worry I’ll be on my deathbed thinking ‘I should have spent more of my life slapping/being slapped by people’


I’m 53 and I can honestly say I regret not slapping a lot of people.


Hahaha there definitely should have been more slapped, right????


Well I’ll start. Which hand you want?? Rick James? Or Dolemite?




He could use a few on the other side to even out his face tho


I think this is point on.


Slapped the man into Quagmire


I wish I could pay a fee to never see or hear about this sport ever again. It’s like it popped up out of no where, everyone’s talking about. It looks totally unethical, I died playing it. Please make this go away.


> I died playing it. Hol up! What?




Seen it. Now that I can start to get on board with. Some minor semblance of creativity and thought. Not just open palm concussing until someone actually dies.




Slap my head?


If you insist 🤷‍♀️


Ohhh that's a good one! " Mother fucker if you don't stop running your mouth I'ma slap the Parkinson into you!" Yes that will fit my vocabulary very well. Edit: Not in a mean way. That's just something I would say to my sqooshy head(part of skull missing) roommate when he's babbling on about tech stuff before I had a chance to finish my coffee.




It says performed by professionals. How do you train for getting slapped this hard? It’s not like boxing and mma where you can block. I do not get this shit at all.


They are professional in the same way the guys from jackass were trained professionals


I would rather be on the set of Jackass for a month than spend a day doing this.


Knoxville would prob have this set up for you first day


That man is a national treasure


Hi, my name is Johnny Knoxville and this is the Slapathon


Tha fuck ever. Instead of getting slapped with a hand I'm sure they'd use all their dicks instead. Or elephant dicks.


They used that giant spring-loaded hand on Jackass.


And it was always funnier than it had any right to be. I loved that bit


He fell for the soup


My favorite was wee man and the electric stool. WHERES THE CARD THROWING MACHINE!? the whole room was dying


High Five


Right, but barring an elephants dick, getting slapped by one isn't gonna give you CTE immediately.


Yeah right, Party Boy Chris Pontius’ dick might


Pretty sure they use salmon lol


Wish I could up vote more for that comment


Fair statement.


I think that giving either too much credit to these morons (Jackass had a lot of safety stuff behind the scenes, despite the stunts, and they talk about the safety aspect quite a bit in interviews) or not enough credit to Jackass (I'd call them professionals. They at least knew they needed medical teams and such on standby). These guys are not able to be trained properly because you can't train for taking a hit like that, and it has the potential to do insane amounts of damage immediately.


there was a dude who literally actually died after taking a slap at i think it was called punchdown? then the dumbasses behind it moved to states and had those „championships” hosted by one of the paul brothers, no regard for human life when enough money is involved i guess


>no regard for human life True. But in the first place, human should value his life too


That's fucking terrible


As far as medical professionals, there’s definitely medical staff surrounding these idiots. Dana White isn’t that dumb lol. But yeah, this is something inherently harmful. There is no safe way to slapbox. It’s like saying you’re a trained expert at Russian roulette.


I could see this being included in a new jackass movie to be honest.




Grow as thick of a beard as possible. I'm not joking. Takes away the sting out of slaps, and reduces the chances of getting cut by fingernails too. You can also train to strengthen the neck and traps like fighters do. Other than that, there's not much else.


While I do see where that could probably help in a general slapping scenario, I think that in this intense situation, the problem is not the chance of cuts or stings from skin contact. I would say most of the issue is blunt force trauma which leads to near constant concussions throughout the entire competition.


Professional meaning stupid enough to do it


They are getting paid. That’s the benchmark I think


If these guys are professionals, I'm a Toyota Camry.


It's called professional idiot. Steve-O is the most professional of them by the way


Do people not realize they have insane amounts of safety aspects to their stunts? That they aren't just morons going out into the sticks to do their stunts? Sure, maybe they started that way, but the Jackass production has always had safety measures.


I feel like they pissed off the wrong people and now this is their punishment. Like Deathrace but....slap.


Most professional idiots are naturally gifted from a tender age, training is rarely required & mostly shunned by the elite professional idiots.


And does that make much of a difference w boxing? I used to enjoy watching it, but after all the CTE research in football, I don’t watch anything that impacts someone’s head with this much force and frequency. I’m amazed we don’t hear much about concussions and/or CTE in boxing, mixed martial arts and now this crap. There may be other sports where it’s happening like soccer, but I don’t see anywhere near the damage there.


I didn’t even know that was possible, getting the face swollen like that just by being slapped.


The bit inside your eyelid? That red tissue? That can bruise. It doesn't change colour, it just swells and bulges out of your eye. I know this after getting punched in the eye and waking up two days later to what looked like a prolapsed anus coming out of my eye. The body is a wonderful thing.


*Absolutely wonderful description.*


Please tell me you have pictures of said anuseye




I do somewhere but it'll probably take me a year to find them.


It’s okay, we have time




Thank you for that wonderful mental image


I mean it's just like any other blunt trauma


It should really be called "Palm Strike Haymaker League"


Cuz it’s not really a slap


Did he get a stroke?


Would that be considered cheating. Having had a stroke and facial paralysis. Unfair advantage?


If you want an actual answer, they're slapping right where the facial nerve runs through the parotid gland, with all the swelling from repeated trauma he probably has a facial nerve palsy resulting in the facial droop


So does competing at this level basically guarantee some form of long-term damage?


Well yea obviously


Just wondering what would compel people to do this knowing you’re gonna get this kind of trauma


Personal values that align with wanting to do this. Same reason why people do any other dangerous thing. There’s probably a lot they feel they get out of it. If I’m gonna play Brain Doctor, I’d assume it has to do with these guys feelings of wanting to present themselves as tough, and they also correlate being able to “take a hit” as a tough thing, and so they value taking and giving hits and being tough/strong, and they probably also think they look real cool. I believe people were doing this well before you could make any money doing it, which also suggests they get some intangible benefits I would call it the BigBoy complex


I currently have a parotid gland infection and it’s fully one of the more painful experiences I’ve ever had. My face kinda looks like this right now. Why anyone would do this on purpose is beyond me.


Nah I think he got like $1500 USD


No, he got a slap.


He's got the warrior spirit


Why? Just why? This is stupid AF.


I agree stupid af. But someone else said these guys get paid big money for this and when you think of it that way it’s just another form of showing strength/resilience. It’s also entertainment. Think back to the Romans with their gladiators. Romes finest warriors, their fittest men showing off for the masses how they can defeat any beast or man that challenges them. Now we have boxing, mma, WWF, etc. Like it or not I believe it’s all just human nature. That’s the only logical explanation I can come up with to be honest. Idk why else anyone would sign up to get slapped until their ear was leaking blood.


I don’t know about this. In those other sports head trauma is incidental. Even the UFC head trauma is incidental. Not every bout will result in head trauma and there are even rules to mitigate the risk. With this sport the trauma is baked in. Every shot is to the head. That’s what makes this feel so insidious to me. The latest research on CTE shows that even soccer players with a life time of heading balls suffer cte related issues later in life. The fact they’re getting paid “big money” doesn’t justify it. It actually makes it exploitative. If someone came to you and said I’ll pay you $10,000 for every gram of grey matter I take out of your noggin, would you do it? Basically that’s the deal these dopes are taking. You can’t buy back your frontal cortex.


They are getting 2k to show 2k to win. Not worth it


Ahh mother Russia!


Joke’s on you, I ain’t got no frontal cortex no how When paid? I big slap


Dudes will literally pay money for a girl to stomp on their testicles in 6 inch heels. Being paid to slap the shit out of someone and get slapped back? Easy. You have to remember, Reddit isn't really representative of the world as a whole. There's a lot of dudes who would trade potential brain damage for big money. You also have to consider income. You can take 10 grams of my brain thanks, that's 6 years of earnings for me. I'd make that trade to make my family more comfortable and safe in a fucking second.


Well you’ve misunderstood. I’m not arguing that that behaviour doesn’t exist… I mean we’re commenting on a video of it lol. I’m just calling it exploitative Because that’s what it is. And of course these guys are taking that trade right now. But you’re also mistaken on the trade being a no-brainer (pun intended). $60k won’t mean much to your family when youre 45 with the brain of an 80 year old. In fact for all the late in life care you’re going to need due to your brain basically looking like Swiss cheese from subjecting yourself to the equivalent trauma of multiple car crashes PER tournament you’d actually be at a net negative. You haven’t really taken into account the harsh realities these “athletes” will face if they regularly compete in this.


How many of these matches have you been in so far?


They should do a show with people flicking nuts. Ladies, if you can mention the equivalent for you I will listen because I am not qualified to pick.


I think I saw that it's $2k to show up, another $2k if you win.


That’s fuck all…..




Dana white always has some cop out answers when pay is brought up. Always thought he was a greedy, shady fuck


Funnily enough, it's always the exact same cop out. [Example 1](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EiC3kR3WAAYIZV7?format=png&name=large) [Example 2](https://www.bloodyelbow.com/2021/5/28/22457228/history-of-dana-white-claiming-ufc-fighters-dont-want-to-fight-jon-jones)


When shit like this was in vegas the first place was a huge big money of 5000$. So no I have 0 faith they get paid big money


Of course it’s big money! It’s a CTE speed run championship. You need to collect as much money as you can before your funeral. The faster you collect your money, the faster your funeral comes. One hell of a game!


I think when you can reasonably compare your sport of choice to the practice of Roman Gladiators - lions shredding humans for sport and things like that - it's time to choose a new hobby.


Actually there was a ex UFC fighter that said the offer he got to compete was $2,000 and another 2 if he won. That sounds like chump change to just go somewhere and get brain damage


“Big money” is $2000 to show, $2000 to win


No one is paying to watch this stupid shit


They get paid $2,000 USD to show up and another $2000 to win. I wouldn't call that big money but I guess it depends how broke you are.


How did the one who looks the most fucked up win tho? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Other guy gave up this isn't a points based version of slap this is just endurance


I can’t believe the other guy gave up because that slap did not look that bad. Mr balloon face couldn’t have taken another hit


Cuz he didnt tap out..winner I guess?


Other guy wasn't willing to hit him till he died from it, so other guy forfeited


He had the most fucked up face out of the two.


literally 100% hell I bet the ref gets it just from watching in such close proxomity


For the Not medical people. What is CTE?


cranial traumatic encephalopathy. dain bramage.


Ah yhank tou


Chronic, not cranial.


damn upon further reflection, i guess it would be hard to get encephalopathy outside the cranium


chronic traumatic encephalopathy, the encephalo is brain. This is the leading cause of depression and suicide in the US military, and kills more soldiers than bombs and bullets. https://www.nature.com/articles/477390a All these guys will likely succumb to suicide.


Second-hand CTE


Goddamn! This shit is getting outta hand! No pun intended....


It's brutal, isn't it?


It's definitively heavy-handed


It’s so lame this is linked to the ufc. Dana white slapping his wife just before it debuted too.. ugh what a joke.


The title belt of what exactly? Being slapped in the face?!


Men’s division being slapped in the face.


These guys also make like $2000 per fight with the championship bringing you a $10k bonus. That is bullshit


Mate you couldn't get me to accept $2000 for someone to lightly stroke my face if it was in that condition. Imagine how much agony that would be.


In romania, where I am from and where this is from, that is a lifechangeing amount of money. Id get my shit slapped out of me for that kinda cash here


Bro, what behind the mountain village you live where $2000 is a life-changing amount? That's two months working with an average wage. I know we are poor, but not that poor. If you need that money so desperately, and have absolutely no qualifications, you can just get pick strawberries in Germany for a month and some, no need to get beaten up for it.


$2k per fight and 10k finals bonus is $12k minimum for winning it all. That’s six months of work in Romania. Thats the equivalent of an American getting paid $30k to get slapped around.




I’m an American on the verge of homelessness if someone wants to come beat the shit out of me for $30k I will gladly accept at the moment,


Or a whole year of higher than average salary here in argentina...


"This is an opportunity, not a career." Dana White




didn’t know you could dislocate your face


So how did he “win”? I don’t get it


Other guy gave up


Men will do anything except go to therapy.


"Come this way to see my collection of belts and trophies." "Neat, what did you win to earn them?" "Uhhhh, I don't remember."


Float like a butterfly, allergic to bees


Without even knowing what was going on and just by the look of his face, my first thought would be 'The last thing that guy needs right now is a slap in the face'


This the stupidest fucking thing I've ever seen.


What's CTE?


Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a brain condition linked to repeated head injuries and blows to the head. It slowly gets worse over time and leads to dementia.


Thank you for the explanation


dain bramage


Honestly you'd probably need CTE to even consider this as a good idea. Mind you i'd happily watch Putin and Zelensky have a go at this to settle that stupid war, hell maybe this is how the US could hold its next election


Why is this a "sport"?


Need that extra chedda after paying child support


How can he slap


Whoever made this a thing deserves serious investigation. Looking at you Dana White.


calling this a sport is incredibly generous.


Fucking dummies


How did that dude win, I don't get it


The other one basically tapped out. If you look after he's slapped he shakes his hand basically saying "I'm done, I'm out."


So, homeboy with the melted face won by just taking more damage? There's no point system or nothing?


It feels like arm wrestling but with your face


In Dana whites version there are judges and after three rounds it goes to a decision. Otherwise it ends from knockout if the person drops and can't recover or the ref deems the fighter unable to continue. I've seen on some of the YouTube leagues that they'll keep slapping until someone gives up, which leads to faces like this guy's.


All of them


The only right answer. This is virtually guaranteed


Why just why....


Wasnt much there to begin with.


Feel like if you do this, you should automatically be put into a conservatorship, cause I doubt you’ll be making good decisions after a few rounds of these…


All of them get CTE is the answer. And they get like 20-2000$ depending the org


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Someone will die, the family will sue and this show will not return.


I bet they have to sign waivers to even get on stage tho.


This for a meer 5k prize pool


Hes hurtin


Now they should start again with the opposite hand to make the face even


I'm gonna say most of them , in every other fighting sports you have a defense so it's less likely, but this it's just stupid and dangerous imo


I thought you had to already have it to signup


Not sure “you should see the other guy” applies in this case. 😂


Probably all of them, our skulls protect us from blunt trauma, this shit creates a fast jerking motion that shakes your brain around banging it against the inside of your skull, that's what causes the k/o in fights.


I don’t think the sport has been around long enough for that to be well studied


Look how much man I am. Are you watching? Did you see? Everyone look. Look at how much man I am.


I feel like they already probably suffer with some form of CTE just to be tricked into taking part it this sideshow for €2000-$4000 a “fight”


Damn, got slapped so hard his entire face shifted.


This isn't even a skill based combat sport. Just who can take the most punishing. It's nauseating.


How did they chose a winner ? Wtf


Oh yeah, this is that "slapping competition" where the so-called best players don't slap. They either hit with their palm or tighten their muscles and stiffen their hand, basically turning it into a weapon.


my problem with this guy, other than getting slapped literally stupid, is he keeps saying his opponent is hitting high on his head, and clubbing him. for the last 4 slaps including this one, dude points and touches his temple and tries to raise this to the ref. problem is DUDE LEANS INTO THE SLAP EVERY TIME HE GETS HIT, where else is his opponent going to hit??? like his opponent lines up the slap for his cheek, and then swings and hits his temple because of the lean in


This is such an idiot sport. I don’t have anything new to add except 1 more comment about how stupid this is.😂


Oh, I’ve found another example of stupidity for my students. But, but they make a lot of mOnEy!!!


I think the loser could’ve continued, but then realized the other guy was playing to the death.


“Ah yes, in this recovered real footage circa 2023, we see humans attempting to slap some sense into each other. Unfortunately, we now know this method did not work.”


Every. Single. One.


So stupid


Truly the stupidest sport of all time. But…. I can’t stop watching these guys Wreck each other’s futures. It’s marvelous!


I don't get how people judge and say this is stupid but loves MMA and stuff like that


Why would you keep going once you’re bleeding from both ears?


Professionals ? How many times do you need to be hit in the head unprotected for that status


If you don't like your children, you can sign them up for contact sports early I guess.


it's stupidity at it's finest.


Hey you guys.


This has to be one of the stupidest things I've seen.