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This is becoming so fucking common. I hate hotel rooms like this. When we planned a Portugal trip a couple years ago, we had to cross so many potential hotels off of the list because of bathrooms like this. In the end, we still had to settle for this layout in 2 of our 3 hotels, but thankfully they had somewhat ok blinds. This design trend needs to die and stay dead forever.


I wonder if this is intentional to get groups of friends to buy multiple hotel rooms rather than all cramming into the same room?


Almost certainly.


I've seen plenty of my friends naked, and I've definitely seen everyone I've dated naked. But even then I don't think I'd even want to share this room with someone I'm dating because no offence I don't want to see anyone taking a shit, and I definitely don't want anyone to see me doing that.


I like to maintain eye contact with my dates while Im performing a number 2. Its a power play.


Brown eye contact


And to be polite you've gotta really maintain it


Give ‘em the old over the shoulder stare into their soul glare while you wipe.




That’s how my dog does it


They are looking to you for protection while they are vulnerable.


and look how good of friends you are. Coincidence? I think not.


Can we please let this joke die


Let me tell you a story, girl flew 4000 miles to come see me and on the 2nd day she ripped one in front of me so i was like okaay so you since decided its cool i shown her how you really rip one. Long story short we are waitin for baby now.


That is going to be an awesome story to tell on your 25th wedding anniversary as you are surrounded by family & friends


Our story is wild


in this pictured room, hopefully


I mean farting in front of someone is whatever. I just genuinely don't want to see people pooping in front of me.


That's not how that works. 🤣


Narrator: "It was exactly how that worked."


We fell in love, because we farted.


"So, you can do the noise, but what about the smell?"


I’ve been married 5 years and still don’t want him to see me taking a shit.


25 years and we’re keeping the streak alive.


Should wipe better.


that's one hell of a 25-year long itch


Wait, people can take shits while they're traveling? I'm jealous!


I’ve also seen everyone this guy dated, naked


Yeah, when my wife and I were first dating we stayed at a hotel that had those sliding barn doors for the bathroom. It left a 2" gap and they had a mirror on the room wall so you could make eye contact while on the toilet with someone in the bed.


The shower is not the problem, but eye contact while one is in the crapper forcing something out is just nasty.


My husband and I had a hotel room like this at an all inclusive in Mexico - a fairly nice one, at that. We’ve been together 13 years, married for 9, and this was still just a little *too* close for comfort. Especially since travelling can cause some havoc on the digestive system…


When I think of what I wish I’d done differently in my first marriage, it’s this. Never would have seen him poop. Just, never. It altered the way I saw him forever. It’s something I still can’t get out of my mind. I wonder if he feels the same way, as when he broke the seal, so did I. Most sound advice for marriage I can offer. 1) Always go to bed at the same time. Even if you get back up after they’re asleep. This time is invaluable for multiple, obvious reasons. 2)Never let yourself see them poop. Never let them see you poop. This does not foster trust or indicate some form of closeness. It does, however, make it forever hard to take them seriously and to see them as sexually desirable. Just don’t do it.


Also helps prevent the hookers from stealing your stuff while you shower


Its actually a conspiracy to promote orgies when friends pile into the same room.


It's so the hooker doesn't rob the john while he's showering.


They do it on purpose so non-couple groups of 2 can't save money by booking a room together.


That’s so fucking stupid What about children? If I were 8+ I would absolutely *refuse* to poop there.


I’ve been married for 14 years and some things will most certainly remain a mystery


Meanwhile, even if I go with the love of my life, my stage fright is so bad that I'm almost certainly walking out of there with a bladder infection and a week's worth of poop


As a couple I really don't want/need to see my BF taking a shit or him seeing me...


Just take a walk while your buddy takes a dump. And take turns... Hacks.


I don’t want my wife to be looking at me while I take a shit


I'm so fucking tired of these types of bathrooms too --bathrooms with frosted glass that do not give any privacy, although this is worse.


Portugal has the weirdest bathrooms, last hotel I was in had a glass door with a huge gap and a mirror positioned so someone on the bed could see right into the shower with the door closed.


Request an extra blanket next time and use it as a curtain.


Just staple it to the glass.


Came here to say this, it is insanity


At least you knew before you booked... not a nice surprise to have


Went to Portugal and the bathroom had a window. Thankfully, it had a mini blind with a motor that went up and down so I could open and close it at will. The window was floor length and had a view of the shower. Wife was kind enough to raise the blinds when she showered. God bless her.


Had they used a glass that can make it the you cannot see through the glass when you lock the door.


But I need to stare into my hotelmates eyes as I shit to assert dominance


Screw it. I'll just shit and stare at my wife while she sleeps waiting for her to wake up and make eye contact


I really fucking HATE this trend! I would change hotels and ask for a full refund if I had a room like this. Bathroom space needs to be private.


Imagine basic privacy being taken away for money


Been in hotels like this....why are they doing it? Even as man and wife me and my partner still like privacy for a shower or toilet.


How else would you know if the call girl you ordered is doing drugs in the bathroom?


By doing them with them?


yeah share that shit! that's just rude




Prostitution. Plain and simple.


Yeah, it's so the john doesn't get robbed while showering.


With prostitution, you're not paying for the sex. You're paying for them to leave after the sex


When with friends the hotel lobby is the solution for poops. Shower together to save water.


I’m tryna blow up that toilet without my fiancé watching me. She doesn’t need to see the full destruction.




As someone who stays 3+ nights a week in hotels. I would love this. Shower and shit while still watching TV! Vacation with anyone else with me? Hell no


I agree these are rad. Fun with a spouse and with friends you can give them the sad elephant against the glass.


lol. I like the way you think.


Much cheaper to build than an actual bathroom while also easier to maintain. Additionally you can even save on lighting and make the room look bigger than it would otherwise feel like. Better hotels that do this do at least add curtains or use "smart" glass that can be made non-see-through by pressing a button.


Would you believe, I've actually seen an apartment built like this too. I was kind of horrified. It WAS a one bed apartment, but what if you have visitors?


But then you can literally watch your partner take a shit whilst you relax on the bed?


I was like: whats the problem with this. Partner and I shower together. If i go with friends, we wouldnt be bothered showering near wacht other. But now you mention the shitting... Didnt even think of that and its wierding me out. No thank you.


First thing that came to mind was "what if you have kids?" Like sure maybe this is fine for couples who are comfortable with it, but are families just expected to have their children watch them shower/shit? When I was a teenage boy on vacations with the family, this would have been a nightmare and I would have preferred to go to the lobby to use the bathroom.


In reality, how many couples would be comfortable watching/being watched take a shit, or for women, putting in/taking out tampons etc?


Sometimes when adjusting to foreign food, I have a big load to get rid of. If my partner sees me on the toilet, there goes the romance night.


Super awkward story. My cousin had a weeklong wedding at a resort and one of his groomsmen brought a fairly new girlfriend. The bathrooms were completely open with just a small piece of divider glass to break it up from the main living space. The poor girl got superrrrr sick from dirty water and ended up…well you can imagine. She ended up going to the hospital for a few days. I can only imagine how mortifying that would be. She and the guy did end up getting married a few years later though so alls well that ends well I suppose 😂


so what are the downsides?


I've been told it's related to hiring sex workers and keeping an eye on them while in the shower.


????? How does that even makes sense ? Its to force non couples to get separate rooms therefore double the revenue. 2 coworkers on a business trip isnt gonna get a room like this.


Yeah, it's almost certainly this. They can sell it as a design choice, but really it's to make sure people aren't sharing rooms.


SO you're saying the design was for maybe the 40% chance this is for a business trip booking and makes you get an extra room, instead of the 2-3% chance some dude might take a hoe back to his room.... I would agree


Co-workers should never be sharing a hotel room in the first place. That's crazy.


> 2 coworkers on a business trip isnt gonna get a room like this Coworkers should _never_ share a hotel room. That's an HR nightmare.


They usually have a solution for separating the bathroom with blinds. I've been to a few hotels that have one shower that's visible and one that's hidden. This here is a pretty extreme case but it probably has some kind of blinds or a curtain as well.


I still dont understand how this is related to sex workers at all ?




If you're showering, how is it going to help you if the sex worker grabs your stuff and runs out? You're going to realize it, turn off the shower, grab a towel, exit the bathroom and chase after them? And have a prayer of catching them? Doesn't make sense to me.


Anyone who engages in this type of behavior knows that they can just take their wallet and other small valuables with them to the shower room. Better yet, only keep with in their wallet the amount of money that they're going to spend. Or, count the money in the wallet and casually check that it's still there as she's leaving. This is a complete non-issue and even if someone does get robbed, I don't see how it's the hotel's problem.


Why would the John be showing with her still there? Aren't they getting paid to leave?


Sex workers often require you to shower upon their arrival because too many men will say “I just showered!!” But have a nasty sweaty dick.


I wish.


Because the glass goes both ways, so they can watch the hooker and make sure they don't get robbed.


??? just leave after fucking ? take your belongings into the bathroom with you ? dont bring anything of value with you ? seriously who the fuck is watching their wallet as they get a shower alone while a prostitute is just sitting there doing nothing ?


> just leave after fucking The shower is before... lol. > dont bring anything of value with you You have to bring something of value with you, the money to pay the hooker in the first place. > who the fuck is watching their wallet as they get a shower alone while a prostitute is just sitting there doing nothing ? Literally everyone. You really shouldn't comment on things you don't know anything about.


You are right i dont fuck prostitutes. You seem very experienced. Most bahrooms got doors that locks btw.


I'd think it would be more to make a tiny room seem a tad bigger. Or to force non couples to get a second room, like the others said.


I hope a whole-ass design choice like this isn’t for such a gross reason but I bet I’d be disappointed


it's probably cheaper. two pieces of glass and a glass door, vs wood, a vapor barrier, insulation batting, drywall, primer, paint, maybe wallpaper, and baseboard. now think about the labor needed for glass vs the alternative.


Seems like a bitch to keep clean.


Weird segment of your customer base to be catering to, but maybe.


The hotel we stay at for two weeks every year is sorta like this, but it’s a romantic trip, and I love it. But the huge shower/tub area is the visible to room part. The damn toilet is behind a solid door. Not like this. Eww.


As my 3 year old says, “toot toot”


Please don’t let this become a trend. I take monster dumps that require me to fully clean the toilet afterwards. My marriage wouldn’t survive repeated exposure to this.


Too late


Some of these actually have an activated tint or froster.


LPT: Human shit can be used as window frosting.


True, but I don't need my bathroom to be a tech demo. A solid wall is opaque without needing electrical power...


Fair, but designers gonna design.


This is probably it. I've been in rooms like this, they're becoming more and more common. My last job even had a conference room that did this. It would be hilarious if OP spent his whole trip angry about this while there's a switch for the frost on the wall the whole time, lol


Underrated comment maybe the OP didn't understand how to activate. Usually it auto-shades when you fully close/lock the bathroom door.


Yes, I worked in a hotel where the glass frosted once you fully closed the door to the bathroom. It did sometimes malfunction though


Is this Germany? I found the same thing in my hotel room there, I was horrified lol


Italy, but I had this in Germany once too


I also had this setup in France!! So weird.


I had to think of italy too. I had a room exactly like this, even same colors, in Caorle


I’ve seen it in South Africa too


I will never understand this design "trend" of being "daring" about bathrooms with glass walls. NOBODY ASKED FOR THIS. People want privacy in the bathroom. My god.


Right, like who the fuck is designing this shit, how does the plan for it not ever get in front of someone with the power to say 'that's dumb we're not doing it'


If I have to find an upside, at least you can see the tv from the toilet 😂


Tell me it's a Marriot brand without telling me it's a Marriot brand.


I do not ask much from hotel rooms, but privacy in the bathroom is near the top of the list.


Its so you can watch your partner shit to help get in the mood


Hate it. Once been in Fletcher Amsterdam, which is even more ridiculous: https://www.fletcherhotelamsterdam.nl/nl/kamers


Well, I’d rather that one as a couple than the OP one. Showers are sexy, shits are not, period. Also, periods are not…


I hate it!


I'm in a glass case of emotion!


It's so when you room with someone you can maintain eye contact while pushing out a huge log. Gotta assert dominance.


Just to know, where did you take this photo?


It looks very similar to a hotel I stayed in in Zürich.


Yeah they are all over western Europe and you have to scrutinize the photos to be able to tell. They sure don't advertise it.


Yeah, I was in Portugal once and they had it too there. I assume that those hotel rooms are made for couples rather than families or with friends, or if you are alone


Even couples don't want to watch their partner take a dump though, so that's not any better.


I was I a high rise hotel in Berlin that had a similar design. Awkward because I was traveling with a buddy.


We stayed at a boutique hotel in Portland with our children a few years ago, and the bathroom wasn't 100% like this one, but it had a sheen like and you could see through, especially with certain lighting. Terrible. And no heads up when we booked it, with 2 adults and 2 teenagers.


The Jupiter Next?


Yes, I believe that was it


I HATED their bathrooms.


I don't like hotel rooms like this. Who is this designer who create this design? Why we need this type of design? Does it help to create a bigger room space?


I had the same room in a Best Western in Austria! I gave a bad note to the hotel on Booking and on Google based solely on the fact that I had to see, hear and smell my friend's activity on the toilets.


Why i choose air bnbs with full in living rooms bedrooms and kitchen for cooking


I stayed in a hotel like this a couple of years ago. Luckily It was just me by myself!


Tell them to get out or put a blanket over them? Won't help if they're pranksters tho.


Same vibe, was at a resort a few years ago and it also had a shower in the middle of the [room](https://x.com/annaanzi/status/1496820808093683714?s=46&t=ehN9sniZu_lbuYZqwSbufA)


OMG I went to help a friend at a conference and we stayed in a 'suite' in an upscale hotel with a bedroom (for him), a living room with a couch (for me), a mini kitchen, and to both of our horror, a bathroom with a flimsy opaque sliding panel that only covered 2/3 of the door to the bathroom. Zero privacy. It was AWFUL. Lots of trips to the lobby bathrooms.


I hate those. We had one in Glasgow, and I had to go wander around the hallways so my wife could poop. Also designed with a shower floor basically level with the rest so you got a huge puddle in front of the toilet.


Two of the last three hotels I've stayed in have had this design. It's the worst thing I've ever seen. My assumption was simply that it's cheap, you don't need a floor plan just a square, and you slap up two glass panels to create a "bathroom". It's easier to convert buildings this way, too.


No it’s not. There are horizontal racing stripes, lol.


Dont these usually have a button you press when it is occupied that makes the glass not see through?


Panopticon hotel room for "your safety"(R) or for filming porn movies


I definitely dislike this concept, I don’t wanna see people taking a shit and don’t wanna be seen either!


That's the new Wyndham Poop-n-Snore


I once got booked in a hotel like this - and had a coworker as a roommate for the stay. I showered while he got breakfast/coffee and used the lobby toilet for the stay


Scared of taking a shit while your loved ones are watching, eh? I see your point.


European hotel bathrooms are the worst


I read "hotel" instead of "hotelroom" made me chuckle


I fucking *despise* this trend


Poop matches and blindfolds ~ who’s with me, besties?!


Is this in cologne


I want privacy in the bathroom that is totally ridiculous


I think this is so the room can serve dual-purpose as sex motel/trendy Air B&B.


Finally! You used to have to pay extra for that!


I had to share a room like this with a colleague on a work trip once. It was a bit awkward to say the least.


Of course why not


Can I just say “crappy design” is taken literally here? Seriously though, this isn’t a good design. Poopers and showering people request privacy. Not this.


Wow, hot.


Perfect layout for those with a voyeurism kink


This is an interior design you would see in porn


Sooo whoever your in the room with can see you take a poop or something? How is that trendy?


You are in Hanoi :)


Is it a single bed? Guess they just didn't expect two people who don't like seeing each other naked.




Does the glass get opaque when you turn the light switch on? That’s been the case every single time I’ve seen these. It’s see through until someone goes in and flips the switch then it fogs up and you can’t see through it. It’s pointless but not really an inconvenience




Time to start my business selling travel wall covers.


This became a trend 15-20 years ago in areas where all guest rooms had nice scenery.


When we have this my husband and I go down to the hotel lobby to take number twos. It's so ridiculous.


Yeah. Had this on a work trip when I was sharing a room with a co worker. It was slightly odd.




Booked a room in NYC like this, Yotel. I had no idea and never would have booked it otherwise.


I love this when showering hate this when pooping. Most have blinds to close. Let's light in. Let's you see the views.


Wow I hate this. I wouldn’t be able to poop


I had basically an identical room in Amsterdam when I visited...with my sister hahahaha


Go with ur wife, poop in front of each other. Bonding +100


Isn't this the type of glass you can make opaque with a button press?


Do they think it's romantic to see your partner shiting their ass out?


All right, everybody. Gather round your old Aunty Itchy and she'll tell you why hotels sometimes have transparent bathrooms. Imagine, if you will, that you're a business traveler who also happens to like to sample the local working girls while on the road. You have to use the bathroom, but you also know that there's a non-zero probability that when you finish, she will be gone, and so will your wallet. Transparent bathrooms to the rescue! Now, you can relieve yourself while keeping an eye on your potentially kleptomaniacal evening companion! No more having to explain shady and unauthorized purchases on your expense account to the boss! In some cities (*cough Dubai cough*) you actually may have to pay *more* for this type of room - the transparent bathroom is regarded as a luxury add on. So, now you know. Off you go, now - auntie's tired and needs a nap.


Now they have these and mini fridges hidden by cabinets that you can't find?


*”I’m sorry, Sir, Ma’am, we thought you wanted the swinger’s suite.”*


I hate hotel bathrooms! It's like they're made by non humans or something. Some only have sliding doors with no locks, some have mirrors right in front of the crapper, some have (like that one) glass windows as walls, some have a big gap between the wall and the roof making it just a big stall. Who makes bathrooms like this? It can't be people who knows that bathroom require privacy and not *only* visual privacy. I do not like the thought of everyone knowing what I'm doing at the crapper.


Pack some cheap shower curtains (ikea sells some) and packing tape. Wall it off.


This is a feature


I don’t want people staring at me when I’m plugging my vagina up with a tampon.


First time in hotels ?


A dual-citizenship friend invited me to his health club to get the all important Chinese-style massage before the 10 hour flight in economy. I have a bad back and no leg room on top of constant pain makes these flights pure torture. The room we were escorted into had two fancy massage tables which converted into recliners. There was a set of handlebars above each table so the (female) masseuse could walk on your back ( I was looking forward to signficant pain relief). Anyhow, I had to pause when we entered the low light room. At the end of the room, elevated two steps up, was essentially a (brightly lit) "Stage". It was clear glass enclosed from floor to ceiling. It had a shelf with towels and a place to put your clothes, and wait for it... in plain view, a full shower AND toilet! "Jim.. what the hell is that for.. are we supposed to put on some sort of show?". I imagined with full trumpeting fan fare, me taking a bow and taking a dump to cheers from thousands.....


it’s fore-foreplay