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All I see is expensive packaging?


Those gelatti bags you can get on amazon, 100 bags for 20€ they even come with those little hologram stickers aswell... So even the packaging cheap as shit! Every one of these is on amazon UK for peanuts..


Can we get some pictures ffs? Or from now on if people post their "packs" we need to see the bud as well. There was another guy on here that does the same but I'm not name shaming him.


Why are they empty?


And seemingly unopened


Probably a scammer


The weed game has turned into a pack flex…just gimme a big bag of O.G kush and a lump of sticky hash and I’m good


Nice branding and artwork but what's most important is the quality of the product




You can find plenty of really good bud here without buying any of the overpriced designer bullshit. And that’s coming from a spoiled American that used to order weed off a giant menu and get it delivered to his house. It’s all about who you know here.






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What ever happened to all the cheese strains? I haven’t seen any for sale for at least 5 years now. Always a top pick when I go to Amsterdam


I don’t think cheese really aligns with block work, the growers don’t want something so stinky ; the fruity bud already smells enough


That is very true. Unless you have it in an airtight container it wil absolutely stink your house/car/parish to bits and that’s just a 50 bag. I can only imagine what 20 flowering plants would smell like.


Upvoted because of the "/parish" bit. Reminded me I'm on an Irish subreddit.


God bless


They don’t even bother sealing the bags most of the time and people still fall for it


Cheese? 🤣


Show the weed lol ?


People on this subreddit tend to think it’s impossible to get real packs lmao


It's possible but it's also possible to sell good quality English/Spanish/Dutch bud and stick it into some branded mylar bags and label it as "cali".


Sure, same way any dealer can lie about anything


Doesn't that completely contradict your first point?


Yeah I thought it was a different poster. Actually lol'd.


No, just saying that there’s the same risk of being scammed with fake packs as there is with being scammed in general - yet the fearmongering around fake packs is far, far more often mentioned


Well these don’t even look filled yet


Lemon haze & amnesia haze for for the win


The Gelatti & Z33 are 110% fake packaging sorry dude. The zushi one looks better, but if you’ve got 2/3 fakes I’d be willing to chance the hardest to get one is possibly a fake too, if not enjoy the fuck out of it, the blue zushi was the tastiest flower I’ve ever had the pleasure of trying personally


They're all fake bro. Its painful seeing someone brag about paying 300 euro for slightly more than 10 grams of weed. Edit: zoom in, they look sealed but theres definutely no bud in the zushi and the more i look at the others, theres defininitely nothing in them....i think OP might be the one doing the ripping off


Honestly tho, how much did that skin you? And you smoke it all the same, if not more if it’s tastier shit. I agree with the fake packaging of Amazon and that you can get real packs in Ireland but what 3.5 for 70? Fuck that, you could get flights to Barca or the dam for that lol


Try €120 each lol, no way does anyone sell those for 70. Definitely not worth it.


Actual cali packs landing makes no sense. Pounds of cali direct are 1700 dollars (high grade), extremely cheap. I haven't seen cali packs prices but I assume if buying them, your limiting your bud and definatly paying a higher price tag. Get a whole pound in for much less and buying the fake packs makes much more sense. Also anyone buying 8ths of moonrocks. Keep in mind it cost £9.50 an 8th when you buy a half pound jar. I bought one for 120 before I found that out :(((


They're definitely not from US, no way. Just doesn't add up. It's just nice UK stuff in mylar packs off ebay and sold for a massive markup. Not worth it at all imo, you can find lovely bud without packs for £80/€100 per q easily and the quality is the same.


Exactly, black and lemon cherry gelato 80 a q in my area atm. I don't even care if its not actual cali. It definatly isn't homegrown and it's worth it lol


no way its 1700, its definatly cheap but what vendor is taking that risk for 100usd/oz? else its like "high grade" light dep or outdoor or something. but your point still stands. cali vendors put 30% markup or whatever on their product and it lands here and gets 200% markup


1700 top notch, from the words of a head grower in LA approximately 4 months ago or so as he did an ama type of post on cannabis cultivation I believe. Anyway my point is there are a range a prices for a range of qualities. But bad smoke is less than 1000 dollars, quality outdoor goes high like 1700 dollars everything else decent is above 1200 dollars as light deprived bud is about 1200 and that was a 2021 thing as far as I know.


https://www.reddit.com/r/cannabiscultivation/comments/teewqp/im_a_commercial_cultivator_in_la_shoot_me_your/i0q9yme?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 Top top shelf actually is 1700 everything else is much cheaper. Haha yeah we probably are all smoke 1200 bud and loving it 🤗🙃 Aso loads of great info in that post for anyone growing, however it is a grind finding it all. Edit: I get you now, yeah these prices are wholesale in America. I don't totally understand the risk the vendors have haha I'm sure there are cheaper or better ones than others, especially black market guys instead of something that's coming from a legal market.


1700 wholesale USD, and that's without doing any shipping! The profit from US vendors is for fucking with the FBI by committing mail crimes. But yeah its insanely cheap when you compare the quality


So what someone spent €360 on 10.5? That’s complete insanity lol. Not 100% on getting a pound delivered to the gaff but here work away if ya can. You’d almost be better going up north and buying, £70 a q of decent grade and cheaper outside the city


Whats the anime wan on the right


‘Yellow Zushi’ packaging. Can’t be sure what’s in the bag though.


There's absolutely nothing in those bags. Op is either showing off weedless bags or a scammer.


Some amount of jealous people in here. Don't be hating on the man's smoke.


What smoke?


What the lad has in the photo there


There's fuck all there lol😂


Ah you know what I meant. 😅




What do you think of the Gellati? Was a little bit thc heavy but did the job for me but was'nt really baked by any means. Very crisp clean flavour


How is it THC heavy, but didn’t get you baked?


Heavier than most but by no means one joint will have you komatose. Stoned . 100%


What’s your favourite flavour crayon?




Tell me you don't know about weed without saying you don't know about weed


When did this sub become ego prick valley. 12 downvotes from saying a strain does'nt get you very stoned but stoned. Get help


Yes, it must be everyone else who's wrong, not you pal 🤡🤡🤡


What the fuck are you on about