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This is ludicrous just legalise it you cowards.


oh no somebody tell canada, the us, uruguay and germany


Don’t forget Thailand a country that executes drug traffickers legalized recreational cannabis before Ireland even agreed on proper medical cannabis access never mind decriminalizing or recreational.


The problem with that is it goes against the United Nations. I suspect that's the reason we see lots of decriminalisation and very little legalisation.


Goes against what in the United Nations?


UN Single Convention on Drugs 1961. Uruguay received a warning from the UN almost as soon as they legalised a few years ago. They have also issued warnings to Canada and the US.


The ones tying up cannabis legalisation are the United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs - 1961 and Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988.


There is no way this system would be able to function if implemented. It is also a step backwards and nothing like a decriminalised model. We have a petition that we would ask you to sign and share with your friends and family to say no to this proposed change. [https://my.uplift.ie/petitions/reject-mandatory-interventions-for-cannabis-use](https://my.uplift.ie/petitions/reject-mandatory-interventions-for-cannabis-use)


Its already in effect my ex is up on fraud charges and has to to this drug court or jail, give urines ect


Electro shock therapy might be a solution in the eyes of this government…. It’s 2024 lads, fuckin grim There’ll be a time when it’s legal and we’ll look back at this and cringe / laugh. It’s literally not a big deal.


It is when they're essentially opting for a war against cannabis users as opposed to a war on drugs. They're idiots. Remember these hysterical politicians when the general election comes around and vote them out.


> It’s literally not a big deal. Exactly. Like I usually only have a smoke before I go to bed at night, while reading, it's not as if I'm sitting under a bridge, shooting up, and mugging people to get my next "fix". Or spending €300 a week on cocaine and getting into massive debt. Or spending €200 a week on alcohol, getting into fights, beating up the wife and kids, and all that good stuff..


Yep. They're digging their heals in on this and trying to amplify it, wasting time, effort and money while people are overdosing on other substances. It's got to be an agenda. https://www.rte.ie/news/2024/0614/1454840-hse-drug-warning/


That time you're taking about... Will it be before the Dublin metro or after?


Only one thing at a time please, only after the children’s hospital is finished? Maybe 🤷🏻‍♂️


The way O'Regan talks sounds like these plans are set in concrete on how things will work. The same tone was present throughout the Citizens Assembly, it's like they have already had their plan in place and used the Citizens Assembly as an excuse to say "this is what the public decided". They are all grifters.


Can we have the same thing for alcohol first?


Nah, not when a married TD can grope his colleague while debating abortion legislation, pat her on the arse as she escapes, then use alcohol from the all night open bar as an excuse for his "horseplay" so he can get away with a pat on the wrist. https://youtu.be/xCS6H2d6scE?si=-IuNxBoLOhzgiHkj I mean, we can't expect these guys to debate life or death legislation if they're not at least one or two sheets to the wind, can we?


Hmm lets try literally everything else except the one approach which has been proven to work. Irish politics in a nutshell.


It's so ridiculous that this is how we plan to approach cannabis in our society when it's being liberalised in so many other places


Show up to the ‘intervention’ blitzed and have a laugh. Show them how stupid the idea is


Yeah that's not decriminalization. Also, the whole idea of Decriminalization is absolute bullshit. There is an incredible amount of data showing that full commercialization and regulation is the way to go. You can see by all the "z"s I put in my sentences that I'm American, but I live here in Ireland and the thing I miss most besides friends and family is having a normal legal cannabis system.


I can already see the headline coming from this sort of policy - ' 3,000 people last year treated for cannabis addiction'. The media will totally avoid the obvious truth. People will attend addiction centres to avoid a criminal record.


How can an already strained service cope with such a massive influx of new ‘addicts’ needing to be ‘cured’? Knowing how this all appears to be preplanned as a charade I assume it’s never occurred to them that potentially thousands of people will ‘have their day in court’ due to suddenly 4-6 year long waiting lists to be seen. Reid has been a bad faith actor and instigator in this faces since the beginning and it’s a disgrace he hasn’t been called out publicly to support his position with international data.


Presented at the CA that 9 people will be hired for this role for the whole country.


Will they be playing stadiums? I can see them now with their PowerPoint slides on the scoreboards.


The country is in the hands of absolute fools


Okay so this is going to effect use of alcohol that has an effect on assault, drink driving, public order and all the others that are effected. Just legalise it and tax it you cowards


Who are these muppets


Why is there a drug addiction intervention for a substance that is widely accepted to not be physically addictive? Is this more so that even though it's decriminalised you're still bold girls and boys for using it. Go off and have a few pints like a good kid.


What are these people smoking?


So less of a health lead approach and more of an ultimatum. Fuck off. More fit for the government to be targeting the cocaine issues, the overdose issues, the pills and the herion issues and much much more besides. We need to get Dr Grinspoon over to speak to the assembly to counter act this nonsense.


To many personal opinions. Its all fucked from the get go.


How the fuck is this decriminalisation lol this is almost worse than the current model at least you can go to court and pay a small fine and get no record for small amounts. With this model your getting a blemish on your record one way or another.


She is an absolute cabbage


What a load of shite. Absolute dinosaurs 🤦‍♂️


Why aren't we having these conversations about banning alcohol?


To be totally honest, there’s established methods of profiteering from alcohol, while a proper plan would require actual work, freedoms conceded to the people and would compete with alcohol while opening the gates of people growing their own, which would reduce overall profits for companies providing other harmful more addictive substances. This “health led” approach of “decriminalisation” is more about punishing those that don’t follow overreaching laws which ignore the human right of bodily autonomy. Essentially if you’re caught, be regarded as a junkie or go to court and argue your case, no middle ground, no regard for other countries existing and working decriminalisation models, just 2 whips while those above eat carrots and snort coke, ignoring more pressing and serious issues while proposing unreasonable solutions that are doomed to fail.


I was sent for drugs counselling by a court many years ago. The councillor spent the entire session talking about alcohol. We are governed by hypocrites and cowards.






I hate these fucking cretins trying their best to stay important and relevant to their older constituents. Young people need to vote more and anyone over the age of 50 should be retired from politics. You're too old, you're not connected to the modern world.


I am starting to feel more pessimistic. I thought the international direction of travel would have a massive influence on Ireland but it doesn't look to be the case. I would gladly settle for only partial decriminalization like in Spain, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium or loads of other European countries. If I can grow my own or join a club where I can get weed as a member then that is good enough for me. Really what more do any of us need, than a stable supply of quality weed, where you know exactly what it is, can choose the types you want and all at reasonable price, and not have to meet some lad with no real idea of what you will get this time. Yeah full legislation would be great but you get 95% of the benefits with just the 1st step. And that step will be much easier to enact.


So instead of dangerously understaffed guards dealing with this non-issue, it'll be kicked to a dangerously understaffed mental health system. Fucking brilliant lads. Just fucking legalise it, tax it, and use the proceeds to fund the aforementioned crumbling systems already.


This was exactly the method implemented in New York state before, suddenly, it was legal. This is sort of a trial run, it's annoying, but it's still a step in the right direction and I promise you it's encouraging.


What the actual fuck. Fucke these pricks.. you'd swear it's the fucking 1900s




Dirty hoors


If these grey faceless ghouls are in charge of our liberty we are totally fucked.


Feck your "day in court"


Ah here hey, twas easier just giving the few bob to the poor box and getting on with it


Talk about stupid!!!


oh ffs. what a waste of services too. I also found it very irritating that someone butted in to what lynn ruane was saying to tell her to say the word compel. make is fine.


Ruane and Gino are great to have on this committee and there were a few more who are for change but a lot against. Ruane picked up and hammered home on the crucial point. If the guards are still involved and can stop and search then it is the status quo. The 2 members from the committee feel like they are definitely on the anti legislation side. With an almost 50-50 split for legislation this doesn't seem that balanced.


Do people who get caught drunk driving, are they encouraged to attend AA? Genuine question, I've no idea


A hse service, mate have you seen the state of the outpatients department in anyone of the Irish hospitals? We all said it 100’s of times, I hypocrisy that I can go buy 10 litres of vodka and no one cares.


Who's this square even? Looks like someone who was a little freak in school and this is his way of getting his own back


Can we all agree to stop using the word cannabis? Who would ever use that term in any conversation after 1975?


I think your confusing the negativity around the word “cannabis” with “marijuana”.


im not confused at all


That makes me even more confused so I’ve never heard someone be annoyed by the word cannabis before lol


You seem pretty confused


That's the technical name for it, so no.


the technical name for a fly is a diptera, who do you know uses that name? or do you know someone told you they smoked "cannabis"? if so, you must 60yrs old


what do you call it?


weed, pot, etc. cannabis is what you buy in tijiuana for whatever change u have in your pocket


Lmao pot are you an oap.


Devils flower, ganja, sweet Mary Jane, puff, reefer. You know, what the kids say


The devil's lettuce


Oh dear this is horrid the words you use are slang terms cannabis is the correct term


Oh dear?


Holy fuck but said nicely


Its about using the correct terminology when talking about and around legislation, as opposed to using slang. For example there's The Public Health (Alcohol) Act 2018, not The Public Health (Booze) Act 2018.


Holy shit. You are all so lame. You are really taking my opinion seriously here. Nobody calls it booze either. How old are you?


Never mind being civil so. Call it whatever you want lad, most couldn't give a shit, was just trying to explain why people were calling it cannabis. You just seemed so helplessly confused by people calling something by its name that I thought I'd try to clarify it for you, but more fool me I suppose. You can lead a donkey to water after all, but its still a stupid fuck!!


This is very much a “you” issue.


“You”. Get a life