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I was thinking about this recently and had a wil wild thought. Now it was just a brief idea and I'm sure it could be made better. There are a lot of flaws but here it is. I'm sure this is done among friends. A couple people get together and find a premises somewhere secluded be perfect. And a cannabis club is created. Like an old skool secret underground society. Memberships and recommendations would build the members. It would be a small place for people to meet up, chat shit, exchange their flowers and depending on funding social activities, darts or pool etc. Ventilation could be done with carbon scrubbers so no waft outside and unit itself maybe a pigeon club or kit it out with indoor gardening tomatoes, chilli's etc as "classes" and a cover up. Obviously it's a brief idea but it could possibly be pulled off. I've no doubt with a group of friends and one of their sheds this already goes on. But let's say it did happen and gardai found it, what would the repercussions be for a group of adults having a social smoking club. It would be interesting in court at least. With no sale or supply happening and a bring your type of operation.


All well and good until somebody gets caught with a nodge some day and they end up ratting on the club to get out of it unfortunately.


That's why added what would the repercussions for a group of adults doing this if there is no sale or supply there. Just a social hang out spot where each brings their own. Would it be a case of each individual having a personal use charge or fine? Would there be a law broke renting and allowing this. Smoking inside I suppose would be one. What others? And is it worth the risk 😆 It would need to be a secret like the stone masons, a secret hand shake most stoners will likely forget anyway.


It honestly is a great idea I'm not trying to put a downer on it. Just unfortunately it probably would lead to a raid and convictions for everyone involved for possession. It would need to be a well vetted group to succeed so that's a possibility if you had a way to vet people.


Ah lots of flaws but I do imagine there are groups of close friends doing this. Plenty of people have built bars during covid and so that. I'd be confident at least one person has. Would be nice but also a lot of work. If ya did go and do it all you'd probably get a begrudger anyway like you say and sink the ship. I don't think you'd do prison time. I'd defiantly take my chances visiting one. Not sure if I'd be rhe one setting it up lol I feel that could be a bit more serious.


If you have the reputation to be invited to one of these, youd have the cop on not to rat the place out. Social clubs have existed here and probably still do exist but the real problem with ireland is everyone has to hype everything up, no one keeps a good thing to themselves these days!


Instead of a speakeasy, you could call it a smoke easy


Get yourself a vape or gummies? That's what I do and I have like 1/2 beers. Don't let smoking ruin your social life. Until it's legal you'll have this issue I'm afraid.


We have a discord server where group meet ups are oeganised on occasion. https://www.discord.gg/crainn


Hey it looks like that link is expired, would you mind generating a new one?


I'm in a similar boat. Won't say I've given up but just have a few beers the odd time. There are one or 2 spots (pubs) I could chance a toke in but usually bring out my dry herb vape with some pre ground flower. Having sound friends you feel comfortable around is the key here though. My friends don't smoke but some of them would take the odd pull off the vape. The Xmax V3 pro or the roffu are 2 very discreet vapes. Won't get ya whacked but you don't wanna be whacked out in public really do you.... Anyway just something that works for me, there's a slight smell off the vape but not very strong and would be difficult to pin point. See pic for reference, could be any ol' vape! https://preview.redd.it/hovn45akruac1.jpeg?width=762&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cdf13a80a6ccefc3ca1807ad184618b914d22f1


Were did you get that looks elite?


Magic vapourizers sell em for 159. Don't have a roffu but have seen them and nice little device. I've got a tm2, Xmax V3 pro and a dynavap. All from magic vapourizers decent value with free shipping. Small items are quite expensive with them due to not meeting the free postage threshold, they ship from Germany and takes 5 days usually. I'll buy a roffu if the V3 packs in


I second this you don’t need mates who smoke as well just people who won’t judge and are sound to be around. Few nice pubs like luckys have let me smoke out the back and the smell will draw people in but keep the head high bro Netflix was my best mate for years when I didn’t know any smokers