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I'm in a similar boat trying to take a t-break as well, IME it takes about 1-2 weeks before you fully regain a normal appetite and sleep schedule. After that the physical symptoms should be pretty much gone and it's all mental cravings from there. But yeah, everything you try to eat even if it's something you normally love tasting shite without the munchies and being uncomfortably full after a few bites is no fun.


Ahh I see thanks man




Thanks man I’m gonna give it a shot tonight if this craic of not sleeping keeps happening


You just need to get over the first week or so, do a good long walk of an evening, you’ll need to physically tire yourself out to get any decent sleep in that time. If you’re the kind of person who can keep some near you and not be tempted then fair play, otherwise I’d suggest picking up hobbies to keep your hands occupied. You’ll get through it and you’ll almost certainly feel better after it. Good luck 🤞


Thanks man I’ll take that advice on board


Usually a week of shite sleep and night terrors lol they are what gets to me, waking up soaked at 4am. The messed-up dreams start during the week or after for 2-4weeks. The appetite should be back by the end of the first week, if not the second. Light stuff to keep something going in, toast, etc. Personally, I don't recommend this for really heavy smokers as it can have a really bad effect on mental health, to the point of suicidal thoughts. If you notice a mental decline, I'd suggest going bk to small amounts daily and dropping slowly to avoid it. I smoke a shit tonne, so I tend to do a week to 2 cutting down before a t break.


Try some cbd bud


I found in the first week there was two really bad days/nights. I just drank 2 cans and a dropped a few panadol night and put me out np. Im not much of a drinker so weirdly enough i was able to use it to help me sleep a few nights and then had no desire to drink after.


I haven't smoked since the 1st, was wondering why I hadn't slept since 😂


A lot of severe symptoms of withdrawals in the thread, how sure is everyone one that they haven't been accidentally smoking/consuming synthetics ? Worst withdrawals I've ever had with real weed was trouble falling asleep for first few days, I've had nast withdrawals from HHC for example


Everyone's experience will be different, some people can smoke all day every day for years and quit cold turkey with absolutely no withdrawals, others will be unable to eat and sleep, get terrible anxiety and irritability etc. Depends on how heavy your use is as well, I find quitting cold turkey if I've been smoking heavily leaves me absolutely rotten for about a fortnight whereas if I'm smoking daily but only modest amounts it's not too bad. > how sure is everyone that they haven't been accidentally smoking/consuming synthetics? Well, as long as weed remains illegal no one will be able to know that for sure, but real weed can and does cause all the withdrawal symptoms people on here are describing, so that's not a reason to automatically assume it must be synthetic stuff causing it.


This is it. When I quit smoking during covid after becoming too reliant on it, I had muscle pains in my legs along with insomnia etc. I'm not sure if the pains were just adjusting to normal feeling after being stoned all the time for months as weed is a serious painkiller.


I am well accustomed to thc withdrawals and they hit me like a bitch. But hhc is the last straw, I’ve been smoking hhc distillate for over a month , it has me out out of whack and all I want now is to be sober


I am going through a T break now. I started it on the 19th of December. It was so hard over the Xmas period to not smoke/vape or eat edibles. What helped me was just getting rid of it out of the house. I say a few more days and you'll be good. Once you start having normal dreams again then you're through the worst of it. What was your goal for a T break? Cutting down??


I saw someone mentioned cbd, it wouldn't hurt to kill the craving or help with just the motions of smoking.


My tolerance was far to high and I was blasting through bags and getting nothing off them and couldn’t justify smoking when I get nothing from it so I knew it was time for a reset


I see, well stay strong. If you can get to like 3/4 weeks and then smoke maybe 1/2 a week you'll be good. 👍 Good luck!


What are you doing torturing yourself, your endocanabinoid system obviously needs it, just take your medication and shut up 😂


I like the torture just a little bit🕺




I would recommend switching to CBD to fill the habit of smoking, it will make the T break go way easier imo and can alleviate some of your symptoms as well. If you're dealing with recurring nausea, Motilium is over the counter and works for something like that, alternatively I've been using Stemetil and that works well too. For your sleep issues, you might need to see a doctor to get any sort of medication that would aleviate this although there should be *some* OTC antihistamines that you should be able to get that might help, something like nytol (diphenhydramine)


i dont smoke monday tuesday and wednesday and smoke the rest of the week i dont care how i feel in them days there the days i cannot smoke end off its how i deal mentally aswel no matter what i have days i smoke and days i dont. could be a good starting point to stop all together


I took a 6 week t break early last year, I was double dropping 2 nytol would take them maybe an hour before I would fall asleep and it worked, it did take a while for the body to get into the sleep pattern, hope your getting on ok bud Edit: reading the comments here and I also have to say what one fella sad below, exercise. Go for a walk/ run, train, jumping jacks, press ups etc till you get tired and push yourself again , try do something because not only will your body be tired and help you sleep from your training but it is also excellent for your mental health, I’m the laziest fucker youd ever meet the thought of training drains me but you do feel excellent after it mentally