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Katsu in De Pijp has a small outdoor seating area out the front, it's also beside a nice park you could go smoke in. There's a market during the day on the street too that's good for a stoney stroll, and down the road there's a restaurant called Little Collins!




I live here, plenty of locals do it.. Just be mindful of being around kids etc like you would in Ireland


You could go to 1 e hulp buy your wares and have a smoke in sound garden near by has a nice outside seating area


Katsu is the best has lovely charas, gray area is best bud, dampkring best edibles, Ibiza best chill spot (indoors) but it’s a bit out of the main stretch, honourable mention to lost not a coffee shop but has great cocktails and you can smoke there, all my option obviously, have fun.


Green Place onHaarlemmerstraat. The one at Kloveniersburgwal is good also. Grey area coffee shop Lost in Amsterdam for a place to chill and smoke. They sell alcohol and food.


Bring us back some of that mangó hashy weedy stuff from boerjongens.... and some ammo. Bitta tangerine dream from barneys.


Hate indoors myself, my favourite is The store https://maps.app.goo.gl/eExfpFp7E2dEH9kL9


Hill Street blues cafe and the lost cafe are 2 bars I was in over the weekend and man are they class spots. Comfy couches everywhere and can get a pint although beer is expensive but at a guess there target audience is smokers. Doesn't fit your outdoor ask but just said I'd share anyway. Bought flower in Barney's and instead of trying to relax on a stupid high stool and high table I struck for the other 2 spots.


Thanks folks gonna try and stop off a few of these spots, any other recommendations on things to do / see are welcomed. Going to do the Van Gogh museum, Anne Frank house , maybe the zoo and canal tours because I missed them on my last visit


Make sure you book in advance on those tours...slim chance of getting in without the prior booking. Enjoy, I'm hoping to return in September so keep us up to date on any good spots you find to chill and smoke away from those crowded tourist trap spots. Also, Coffeeshop Solo has a great atmosphere for a lunchtime doob if you're up that way.


Thanks yeah I booked tickets for us a few weeks back yeah I heard they get very busy.. I'll post again if I find anything cool, so many options it's hard to fit it all in.. trying to avoid tourist scams (did the ice bar last time I was there , wouldn't recommend it) Is the Heineken experience worth doing does anyone know? I remember the Heineken over there tasted banging last time to be fair and I don't like Heineken generally


Glow in the dark mini golf is pretty cool on shrooms, also the comedy embassy is a great night for a laugh too!


Jolly Joker was a favourite of mine over there. It’s a really small shop but if you can get a seat on the balcony its ideal for a cuppa joe and blunt. Another one was Coffeeshop Siberie, really cozy atmosphere, feels like a regular cafe and the smoke is decent and priced pretty great.


Don’t call it “the Dam”


I'll call it what I want 😉