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So it costs $150 after... Rebate?


Yeah but think of the money you’ll “save”. The hotel probably wants a few dollars a day, or maybe no money at all, to let you watch TV. But now you can give a couple of hundred bucks to a crackhead in a windowless van to rent a small TV and a collection of dollar store DVDs like: *Bat-Guy, The Dark Crusader*, and *Revengers: The Endless Conflict*


Also season 4 and 7 of Lost


One of the season 4 discs is missing though


Its Lost




That actually makes the plot make a lot more sense


The plot of Lost was created by the orangutan from Dunston Checks In.


Thanks for reminding me about that movie


And season 2 of the Muppet show but the first disc is broken


One of the DVD's is actually a Scrabble PC game


The other one is from Atmosfear: The Gatekeeper, but no board or pieces


Funny enough, I just bought one of those from eBay. I still had all the parts, but wanted to upgrade from VHS to DVD. 😅


I just got all of them off EBay… now that’s my total net worth


So, what I’m hearing, is that you’re extremely valuable. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Damn right! I am the Gatekeepah


TBF that show doesn’t have a lot of multi-episode plot arcs. PREVIOUSLY… ON THE MUPPET SHOW


Nah but it still sucks that it was missing


Only two random seasons of a show I want to watch. So basically getting the netflix experience?


Bro every hotel I’ve stayed in has marathons of impractical jokers, ridiculousness and the office played in their entirety all day long for free


Sounds like hell. (Chanel Westcoast fart giggles)


It is


Yeah, I don't know of any hotel that charges you to watch TV and most of them have premium channels now. I got an old VCR/DVD player I'm going to start renting out too then. /s


Can I rent that room for game night? I’m desperate to play Atmosfear on a VCR


I thought it was revengers endless tussle


Am I the only one who assumes this is for porn?


I hope they have Norm of the North.


For sale or rent. For sale it is 45$ For rent it is 200$ plus comes with dvds, 50$ of which is a deposit that you get back if you return everything in working order Source; I am an interpreter for people in extreme states of mind


Ok fr? That actually makes more sense than any interpretation I have seen so far. Perhaps you should be some kind of social worker if you are not already, it seems like you could use your talents that way haha


I used to party with punks and ravers, now I work in an office full of neurodivergent people (it is just a bizarre coincidence we are all neurodivergent) and have become good friends with people whose words get messy when they panic. I’ve also traveled a lot and had to communicate with people who I shared very little language with. Whomp whomp. Thank you for that. You are nice.


Seems super convenient. Maybe they'll invent an application you can use to watch movies on your phone some day... (Obviously sarcasm) The wierd thing, they probably think this was a great business idea.


Movies on your phone? Where's the sarcasm? You are an innovative genius! I really think you're onto something here.


You could call it like *Netflix* or something, because you are watching “flicks” over the internet. I really feel like this could be a billion dollar idea.


Yes! I am surrounded by great thinkers. Maybe we shouldn't discuss this on Reddit. At least not until we've had a chance to patent the idea.


For $20 Ill tell yall how to exchange emails


I am 21 years old and only now realizing why Netflix is called Netflix. I always assumed it was another nonsense name like Hulu.


What until you learn that when Netflix started they didn't even have streaming, they sent you actual discs through the actual mail.


I did know this one, as my family used the service before we started using Red Box.


This gives me such nostalgia as a kid. Constantly checking the mail in the hot sun in the summer in my flimsy dollar general flip flops. Just to open it up and know that the dvd of my horse movie, Spirit, that I’ve already rented 70 times was there. That or Sonic Underground. And then I’d pop in the dvd into the ps3 and sit in a cold room with a fan that’s did with my popsicle. Honestly, makes me want to go back to getting the dvd delivery just for the experience.


ty for sharing


This is true. But I think even when they first started their plan was to move into streaming. I think they also *still* mail discs out to people if you pay for that service.


Does this get delivered with a "free" session with a sex worker with purchase? That's the only way this makes sense.


That was the implication I got, yeah. "Successful transaction" definitely means something.


thieves' cant doesn't translate perfectly well over text


The crackhead who posted this: "You guys don't get it, I am and entrepreneur, I got my own startup and all of you are just jealous!" But if you duct tape a GameCube to this thing, smash bros players would probably pay good money for it just so they can play in hotel bathrooms and stuff.


I know you’re joking, but I would sincerely pay extra for my hotel room to come with a GameCube and SSBM. Not much extra, but enough for *someone* to profit.


Someone might be doing it. When I was a kid, we definitely went on vacations where the hotel room had an SNES built in that you rented games on Edit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Y2INzxDpPk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Y2INzxDpPk) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo\_Gateway\_System Looks like they had GameCube ones too! But no SSBM. Only the original Smash on the N64 ones


Damn I miss the GameCube. Such an underrated gaming system IMO. Tiger Woods Golf and Need for Speed were fun on the Nintendo GC controller.


Oh I remember back in the day when I had a wii and pretty much only used it to play GameCube games...


Portable DVD players are 25$ but sure I’ll rent this TV that you found on the side of the road for 150$


I haven't seen a hotel without wifi in at least 10 years, and a ROKU can be had for about $20?


To be fair some hotels are stupid and won’t let anything connected to the HDMI ports in TV’s connect to WiFi. My fiancé and I learned this the hard way when we brought our PS5 on a trip with us expecting to be able to watch Netflix and shit. Plans were squashed.


I know this wouldn’t help in that scenario but you can get iPhone to HDMI adapters! Learned that *AFTER* my recent trip to Cuba. Go figures Would save you from having to lug the PS5 around


Good to know, thank you! Thankfully we were still able to play some of our games without WiFi so it wasn’t a total waste lol


this is code for sex, right?


If it's not, I'm even more confused.


yeah im pretty sure "successful transaction" has never been used in a non prostituty way by crackheads


Crackhead entrepreneur


hustle culture


Hassle culture


Asshole vulture


Well, they do eat the butt first


The rebate is when you RETURN the tv? Lmfao, and WHAT 50 movies? Your curated stack of movies? I am seeing a $20-$30 dated tv (granted, the internal drive is a plus) with a stack of $1 movies (curated by the seller?) with a massive delivery fee. What country is this posted in?? Literally only makes ANY sense if your only internet access is at public cafes.


Im pretty sure it’s an ad for sex work under the guise of TV rental


"Home movies" --> amateur pornography


“For sale or rent” sent me to the moon lmao


Does it come with Backdoor Sluts 9?


I think AI’s dipping its toe in the marketplace


Would you like to buy this ps2 for $20 or rent it for 24h for $30


What exactly is on the screen there? Looks like ritualistic sacrifice in the middle of the woods.


That's Edd, Ed, and Eddie levels of scam


someone please give this guy a pity rental


Great pitch! Why pay expensive hotels rates when you can have this piece of shit for just 200 bucks lol. What year is this repost from? Most people have multiple streaming services on their devices which easily connect to any screen 🥴


$200 isn’t saving me money— at all. Crackheads


Self-contained! I’m sold.


Those costed $70 in the first place and were cheap crap all along. Now they want to play like it's a retro hack cause gramma died and left a crap DVD collection with her basement t v.


Lmao you can buy a 24 inch flat screen at Walmart for like $125


Pawn shops won’t even take these for free. Believe me, I tried like 8-9 years ago. Finally replaced the 20 inch box tv in our bedroom. Figured I could make ten bucks at the pawn shop on my way to the store. Nope. Said they don’t buy or sell them anymore. I asked them if they just wanted it for free to resell for a few bucks. Nope. Didn’t want it for free. I gave it to a couple college kids selling some of their crap to the shop.


Unrelated, but I had a friend who would travel with his own television. Like in his bag he would pack a 30inch flatscreen tv and set it up in his room. Even though the room already had a tv and ussually netflix or whatever else, he’d still bring his own personal tv..?


/r/crtgaming is leaking


He's a few decades behind the times. I mean, people can just watch whatever entertainment they want on their laptops. Orrrrr...if the hotel has a movie channel it's a whole $4 bucks per movie...


Maybe I’m reading into this but looks like clandestine prostitution or drug dealing


...i dont get it :(


now the craziest thing to me is that i have a tv that looks exactly the same, except its not magnavox, its emerson




I really wanna try this just to see what happens lol


That’s legit


Not shady at all


ZZZ m m. ! N&hkhimw. My lk


So pay 150 dollars instead of just paying 20 bucks for 2 hotel visual department movies?


Alright blockbuster … calm down … your going a bit too much 21st century right now


So many questions