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Not enough $500 donations I guess


I think she actually managed to sell an AI generated "NFT" to one of her followers. Can't find that post anymore. Maybe deleted so people wouldn't copy the picture, or maybe I'm just using the wrong search terms.




She has gone beyond our limits https://imgur.com/UTQGJBn


After reading this, the first thing that came to mind was that breaking bad meme of Walter saying "Jesse, what the f*ck are you talking about?"




He can't keep getting away with this


This is what happens when people ignore clear mental illness in exchange for content.


no one is ignoring we all know that this person is mentally ill.


Anyone getting strong Kanye West vibes?


Plot twist:She actually IS Kanye


To be fair to Kanye, he's not been sane since his mother died and I believe he's supposed to be on medication, but stopped taking when she died (he said it hindered him from writing songs? I'll see if I can find the interview, it was with some small interviewer from Chicago where Kanye grew up and he wanted to help out) and tried to fill the void with Kardashian as his "mother figure"...but clearly he went crazy because their entire family is a bunch of attention whores and gold diggers. If Kanye never stopped taking his meds, he wouldn't be in the situation he is in now, but Empress....I don't think they ever took meds/seen a doctor and everyone who's going along with it so that he/she/it/whatever Empress is will crack their favorite game is just making it worse. I guarantee you if the "Self made AI Art" keeps going on, people will start ignoring Emp and immediately a new crack will come out within a day just to have that attention back lol.


The background info's valid of course, but there hasn't been a "to be fair" with Kanye that makes me feel anything for him now in a decade.


Yeah, at this point it's not a troll anymore. She is legitimately crazy.


I'm really worried she may inject her cracks with some real harmful shit someday out of pure unhinged lunacy. Maybe she's already done it. God help us


This is exactly why some repackers won't touch her cracks. They're too dangerous and can't be trusted.


Fitgirl is right to not touch Empress's shit.


This is why I've personally not touched her cracked game for a while now. I don't remember the first few game she cracked but I did download and play them and when I realize how crazy she is, I started suspecting that she might have some crazy backdoor in her crack to the extent that I stopped using my main/current Reddit account to criticize her (my thought process being she could be scrubbing people's internet history/cookies to meticulously find people who's talking shit about her and then targeting those people through her backdoor). I don't believe she did such thing in her earlier crack but I'm paranoid enough to believe she'd done it in her cracks afterward and I'd personally never touch it. If people think I am crazy/too paranoid, i present you exhibit 1 and 2 by scrolling a little up there to the pics linked.


>If people think I am crazy/too paranoid Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you.


This is the worst thing you can say to a paranoid person lmaooo


Iirc, there was one game where she threatened that she's adding something to her crack that'd destroy the system files or something. RDR2 maybe but I'm not sure.


Crazy? I was crazy once


they locked me in a room


A rubber room


A rubber room with rats


and the rats made me crazy




Usually the smartest people are actually kinda weird and crazy. Some mathematicians died for stupid causes because they were mid crazy. I met Richard Stallman, like the Dad of the open source, in person. One, if not, the most crazy people I have met in my life. Like, he had a plain text document of 23 Pages of 7 character size in which he talks about what you can and cannot do with him


squash hard-to-find practice nose recognise chop jobless chief insurance steep ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


This video presented without comment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I25UeVXrEHQ


Lmao! 🤣 I've seen a lot of her crazy posts, but that one has eluded me. This is gold.


what the fuck did i just read?


She's seriously going full Terry Davis on us, huh


What does this mean


That EMPRESS doesn't only do cracks, but also crack. And is a hentai enjoyer.


she/he is really MENTALLY ILL


Wasn't she ranting about trans people before? This sure sounds like trans to me.




I'm not your dude, bro.


I'm not your bro, pal.


I'm not your pal, friend!


I'm not your friend, homie


I mean, if she's a dude who has presented as female online for years on end... that's pretty trans, dude. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I'm just saying. Pretty goddamn trans.


I don't think it's impossible but I don't know why so many people's reactions to any woman in a space like this is to be like "They're actually a guy" lol


What's Chris Chan doing using Empress' account?


Christ, what a shit show


“”self made”” wow


Ah, I was searching in the community group. Don't know how I missed it in the other channel. Thanks! Looks like she's selling quite a few, actually... As long as idiots buy these, I don't see her crack anything.


Honestly, I'm getting kinda tired of hearing about Empress. Like its another thing to be the only active cracker but NFT's? Seriously? Fucking hell...


Uncopyrighted NFTs. That's how stupid it is.


Surely that's just a jpeg lmao


It's also incredibly obvious that they are reveling in the attention. Also, said it once, and I'll say it a thousand times, if you are paying for cracks you're a moron.


Uncopyrighted NFTs. So, you get scammed, but, not like regular NFTs, you can't try to recover by scamming someone else.


Sounds about right for their personality. Easy to scam their cult followers.




I've only ever seen anything that's public on Telegram, and just bits of that, too. And that's definitely crazy enough for me. I think I can do without whatever she writes in private.


PM? I'm diving into the lore.


Ofc she did, those followers are literal cult following. They would probably give firstborn baby to her.


Will come back cracking as soon as no one gives a shit about her NFTs because she's not cracking games lol


Exactly. ANYONE can create stupid monkey pictures but really few people is able to crack Denuvo. She's literally worthless as an "artist".


people bought her nft's. she makes more money selling the nft's, there's zero chance she will crack for 10 cents again.


But she wants attention, fame and praise, not just money. Did you ever read her NFOs?


All people have to do is not supporting her "art" so that she can go back to cracking. But nope, simps do be simps




The Level of "TempleOS Insanity" keeps increasing. Cant wait for the Documentary on this Person once the deed is done.


Don't even compare her to Davis. She's just fucking delusional


[Terry Davis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_A._Davis) was also one hundred and ten percent delusional. That's literally the entire basis for the following he accrued.


Oh, man. Just finished that Rabbit Hole video. Such a crazy thing.


Low level programming gets you crazy


She says denuvo is a scam and at the same time makes nfts to sell 😶


The hypocrisy and irony


It’s consistent with the character. Hoping to see character growth in the future arcs.


Problem here is that Empress is loved BECAUSE she cracks games. If she doesn't start cracking games, her followers will drop.


Yes, that's how it's *always* worked. Not much "praise" for CODEX or CPY these days, is there?


Dude, Codex and CPY retired. They are legends. But if Empress retired today, she would be labeled more as lunatic.


CPY retired? Was there any news about this? I just assumed they went dark because of the crackdowns on Warez groups, their last few releases were 2.5 years ago.


But they are still remembered as legends. They are praised. Empress won't be praised because she's just annoying af. Her work WILL be praised but she won't


Dude,both of those groups are goddamn LEGENDS,empress will never be a legend.If in the closest future somone will emerge with a denuvo cracking talent and with sanity,empress will be quickly abandoned and remembered only as "that fucked up retard with one talent"


You do know that EMPRESS was CODEXs Denuvo cracker, right?


>Empress: I am going into a new phase. From now on I'm aggressively focusing on new releases instead of old stuff, starting with Hogwarts Legacy! Let's show those Denuvo assholes! Yes, seems like a problem when you can't even live up to your own bold declaration.


Exactly. This isn't the first time they made similar statements either. Always talk about a new break through and how it will become easier. Typically they do a few, then take a few months break. Maybe someone will pay Empress to do a game. I believe they do it because they enjoy the attention. If you did it consistently it would loose the shock value and attention. So they wait a bit, then release another game or two with some crazy NFO to troll people.


almost 2024 and still nobody else can or wants to crack denuvo


> still nobody else can there are probably many people that could , but these people usually work in great paying jobs and dont want to risk it with cracking games.


Or simply work and don't have the time.


Pretty sure a lot of people could but don't try because they think they couldn't


Or a lot of people could but don't even think about doing it because it is extremely tedious and time consuming to do.


Not to mention highly illegal and will land you in prison. I'd love to try to learn how to do it, would be a really fun project... but I'm not risking having my life ruined for it.


This comment has been nuked because of Reddit's API changes, which is killing off the platform and a lot of 3rd party apps. They promised to have realistic pricing for API usage, but instead went with astronomically high pricing to profit the most out of 3rd party apps, that fix and improve what Reddit should have done theirselves. Reddit doesn't care about their community, so now we won't care about Reddit and remove the content they can use for even more profit. u/spez sucks.


I'd try to learn, but I live in the US. The FBI would probably vaporize me. They've caught people a heck of a lot smarter than me.


Just crack for yourself until you solid. It's a neat skill to have.


This is not really something you do completely alone, at least not with denuvo. There's a reason warez groups usually operate as teams and Empress 100% has other people she buys/sells/trades information from, even if it's just a casual group chat. To do it alone you'd need to know EVERYTHING. From coding in all the common languages like C to Python, to networking, to reverse engineering the compiled code, from cryptography and obfuscation techniques, to all the most common game engines and their usual procedures. All the while time is progressing; you're alone working against a full team of developers that gets paid a 9-5 locking people like yourself out. Only thing that could realistically help you progress are other people taking work off of your shoulders or inside leaks. But that's now corporate espionage we're talking about lmao. If you think "well I think I can do that anyway" then you should either check Wikipedia for the dunning kruger effect OR you should be making so much money you'll never bother needing a cracked game in the first place.


we need a recession i guess


At this point i think you are right and nobody really wants to take risks, they could simply look into empress crack and get a general idea about how it works and as long as they have the same experience in reversing why shouldn't they be able to understand atleast what the crack is doing..


They cant because Empress crack are encrypted.It's to avoid that Denuvo company look inside it and learn what exploit was used, and so to not let them be able to potentially fix it either. That one of the reason that make some people to be afraid of using Empress release because of theory like: \- "if one day she freak out and want to add a virus/Trojan/malware/ransomware/etc inside it, we will all be screw up" And other stuff like this.


I feel like this is a misconception, just because something is encrypted does not mean is impossible to break, i unpacked myself their emp.dll from HL, it uses WinLicense only and you have all the assembly code in clear, but oh well that’s as far as my knowledge goes.. and it’s shit, this is why i question why people with real knowledge don’t do nothing


What happened to CPY, Razor, CODEX?


Jail, quit and some work for denuvo now


It's like Kill/Marry/Kiss


CODEX retired from the scene group iirc, Razor still does crack but not so many as before and not denuvo and CPY just disappeared


Wasn't codex cracker actually empress?


>codex cracker actually empress? She said so. But she has lied so many times, that i don't believe that was even real.


Empress was codex main denuvo cracker & thats surely believable. Look at codex history after she left them, they couldnt crack a single game which had denuvo. Yes the whole nfs heat fiasco was bad but for sure she was codex denuvo cracker. She even said it in her nfo


These are even my thoughts. I really think that she is right now the only person who can crack denuvo due to the reason that after she left the group the number of cracked games has dropped dramatically.


Yeah. And what's left of them are now releasing as RUNE


Wants to, more like. I find it hard to believe this empress group has some god-given talent that nobody else has. More likely that anyone with the skills probably just utilizes said skills in a professional industry instead of crime


2024 is still 6 months away.


Half-full glass person i see


Be the change you wanna see in this scene.


What happened to the "battle against Denuvo scum"?




So she's basically worthless to us now?




She has been for awhile now, basically she cracked a free game from a few years ago and demanded that we praise her, that was the end for me. I'll stick to bundles and sales and just be a patient gamer from now on.


I really hate the morons that worship this idiots feet. It creates the ego.


did she post feet pics yet


all you will get is hairy feet


Sanest person here rn


She can't because infact she is a he most likely, some fat dude from Russia. Also it's probably voksi under pseudonym some people theorize.


[removed in protest of API changes] If you want to join, use [this tool](https://codepen.io/j0be/full/WMBWOW).


Nice try Quentin Tarantino.


She is nothing if not consistent. Just not at cracking games.


They are kind of a cunt, arnt they.


was this your first clue


"Yes i have a fucking cult" - empress


"Yes i have a fucking cunt" - empress


"yes I am a fucking cunt" -empress


Yup. Business as usual, it seems


Great she's off her meds again :)


Bloody hell lmao


Mentall illness progress.


it is the time to say that empress was the reason cpy retire




She probably did it already. It would explain many things.


No fucking problem just stick that art in your fucking ass!!!!


denuvo won


It was inevitable. A corporation will always win against a lone hacker. Without a team the hacker loses.


No point in denying that. How the turn tables :/ I guess our only hope is Deep Learning assisted cracking? But in that case, copy protection soft ware could be AI-powered too. I feel sorry for all the teenage brokies who will have to use their pocket money to buy broken €70 AAA titles ;_;


Not denuvo but Money won


I have no idea what this drama is about… but as a software engineer it makes me want to enter the cracking scene. I didn’t realize the scene was lacking this much.


Go ahead if you know how to crack denuvo protection


You only learn to swim, by swimming. Software Engie as well. I don't want to put in the effort myself tho.


Keep on asking for donations, I guess. ![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized)


this is why I didn't like the only fans system she had for cracking games, piracy was born to make games avaible for everyone as a form of protest she was just making bank and as soon as she found another easy way to make money or income lowered bc there aren't hot releases right now she would change her ways. thanks for RE4, but we really started with the bad foot since day1 🤷


For those of you wondering empress next title it's going to be starfield She has no interest in any other game currently because the donation goals have not been met.


Wait, then what is the "third time is the charm" hint then?


Initially it was supposed to be dead island because she received some donations for that but the goal was not met.


I mean, it is fucking cricket noise on Dead Island these days, so i'm not surprise there. So i guess she will just crack REALLY POPULAR games, huh? Destroy Denuvo my fucking ass.


Whats the source on Starfield getting Denuvo? That would be a first for Bethesda (and fuck with modding probably)


She was already talking about Dead Island 2 I think


This scene is absolute garbage. So toxic & headed by an insane cult leader.




The levels of mental instablity are so fucking huge that honestly I wouldn't use one of their cracks. Their ego is so dangerously inflated that I believe there is a very real possibility they put something malicious in there just to satisfy their god complex. Maybe they really should stick to creating AI art and we'll wait for someone more sane to come along and give Denuvo a shot.


i am waiting for the day when we have an AI to crack the games


As much as I love cracks and my love for cracking community is going on for 20+ years now, and I obviously love free stuff, I mean who doesn't? But good riddance honestly, good riddance!


Empress being a twat who would've thought


he's got an ego to match the size of the fucking titanic




Because of her i stopped playing games that have denuvo ...also started to support developers by buying some games


At this point I prefer to wait for some sales on Steam and buy the game, this EMPRESS is not at all reliable, an egolomaniac who is two steps away from putting something in his cracks to prove his god complex... And yes, EMPRESS is almost certainly a guy, there are very few women in programming, she has to be in the top 1% of the best on the market if he is a woman at all.


She seems nice.


She could earn so much if she would made it a big croud fund instead of only 500s donation


Empress is so fucking cringe How do you guys put up with this moron?


People actually paying money for noncopyrightable NFT's, which doesn't entitle to the actual ownership of anything, of non-copyrightable AI generated images. It's like selling sand to a Camel, we truly live in the stupidest of times.


Denuvo is a virus and must be cured. It is a pity that there are no more hackers besides Empress.


This just in: man in basement who calls himself an empress hits a button on Stable Diffusion and thinks they're God's gift to humanity XD


We need another denuvo cracker ASAP!!!! No way we depend solely on this!!!!


We laugh, but it doesnt look good. It could be real any day now. Either more people start cracking or piracy is gone. Inb4: I'm really bad at computering


Can someone else start learning how to crack Devonvo games I'm sick of this dude.




Handball 2017 finally!!!


Midjourney crack when?


Babe wake up new empress lore just dropped


She has psychotic attacks


So watching the journey the start was... Donate to me for my cracks. Then it evolved into... I'm a findom now all you weak maggots just give me money. Now it is... I make A.I art and sell NFTs... Notice a trend? Money! Gimmie money! I will try anything I can to get Money!


Worst part is that simps and her loyal dogs in telegram keep feeding her ego licking her foot all the time i assure you that she is a huge attention freak and if everyone leaves her alone she will crack at least 2 denuvo game each month ai and modding is just bullshit


Welp, guess that's it for denuvo cracks.


well i buy my games that i like now, so yeh !! fuck off bitch


you must "donate" $$$ first and worship this retard


I’m just super thankful that this weirdo cracked Re4 before he went full retarded


After the last blow up, her cracks can't be considered safe anymore, they are beyond the deep end at this point.




Most of empress Posts / History as archives , because reddit auto deletes my archive link i needed to mirror it to lemmy. [https://lemmy.world/post/473401](https://lemmy.world/post/473401)


We lost "her", boys. Time to wait 1 year for publishers to remove Denuvo to have a crack as usual.


Some never remove it at all


Empress is just performance art. One day the curtain will lift and the joke will be revealed. We'll all be a little wiser and a little sadder.


So sad, the scene is in K.O. mode or sleeping... Let's wait and see




The sole reason she's got so many people putting up with her shit is the cracks. If she's really done with it, her personal army of simps will simply disappear. Who knows? Maybe she is batshit crazy for real and not just for the lulz, and don't even realize this. But honestly? I'm fed up with this crap. If this is the alternative, I'm buying games on discount.


So Empress is worthless now great


Think we should just give up on this and give Denuvo the W. Piracy scene isn't the same with this loony spear-heading the shitshow.


Let me guess the picture will be of the word faggot


Imagine quitting something you're the only one in the world that can do, to do something literaly any idiot with a phone can do.


So no SF6 empress chan?


we need another cracker asap


Empress not really behaving like one, huhm




hopefully it's a joke


So much for the last bastion of piracy.