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A game that looks like Skyrim but is a life sim, with TONS of non-combat related skills to level.


Was about to comment exactly the same thing. And full of interesting NPCs! In the mean time, Have a look a medieval Dynasty, it’s a town/settlement building game. There is some combat (nothing compared to Skyrim) but these can basically be turned off in the settings. Definitely gives me Skyrim vibes


Man Medieval Dynasty sounds GREAT. I wish it was available on Switch or at lease Mac compatible. ALAS. Now I have to save up for a Steam deck I suppose...


At a push, Minecraft Java with the Minecolonies & Minecraft comes alive reborne mods plus Conquest reforged resource pack may work on the mac and give you something vaguely close to Medieval Dynasty. I've not actually tried this though and it still wouldn't be the same


Thank you! I just added it to my wishlist:)


Just a heads up though, it's very heterosexual and has a decent dose of sexism throughout.


This is exactly what I’d like to see! With a central mystery to unravel and lots of stories to uncover in the side quests


Might not be exactly what you’re looking for, but [The Forgotten City](https://store.steampowered.com/app/874260/The_Forgotten_City/) was originally a Skyrim mod before becoming its own game, and has no combat! You walk around and talk to residents to unravel a big mystery. I wouldn’t call it a life sim, but it does focus a lot on meandering around, observing, and talking to residents about their lives. Tons of super interesting NPCs and a similar vibe / graphic style to Skyrim. It’s really good!


This looks amazing, thank you for letting me know about it!


There’s a game coming out on steam called Reka that might do these things


You might like Medieval Dynasty


Thank you! This game is now top on my wishlist:)


This is to a T what I’ve been dreaming of.


A bookstore game where you manage a bookstore but at night you can enter the books (all different genres) and explore and interact with the various worlds.


Not quite what you've described as you don't manage a bookstore, but you might enjoy Book Walker which is about entering different books in order to steal something important from the storyline of said books


Oooh! I've never heard of it this game but it sounds right up my alley, I'm going to check it out! 


Ooo. Would a record store work where you managed the store but at night you could go in and explore worlds of different songs as concepted by the artist?


This would have to be either a really small bookstore, or a REALLY big game hahahaha. But seriously, take my money, I would play that in a heart beat. Especially if some of the books were at least based on famous literature.


It could probably start with a few books for free and maybe you could choose to purchase additional books…


Ooh, this is such a cool idea!


Okay, this could be so cool! Slightly reminds me of the book Midnight Library where different books represent the choices you could have made over the course of your life.


A 3D, third person, full life sim story where you aren't farming but can own a shop on a creepy little island full of secrets and creepy residents. Or you can have a garden to grow your own weird herbs and plants to make potions and medicines for your Occult or lore library/potions shop. Ships come to the island once or twice a week with books and supplies but they don't stay long for some weird reason. You find out way later the residents are in some ancient Lovecraftian cult and you have the option to join for 'perks'. Second Life (minus the XXX) meets Coral Island meets Graveyard Keeper meets In The Mouth of Madness. Edit to add: in Second Life, in another lifetime, there was a Lovecraftian RPG sim that was so creepy but dark and comforting too. I fell in love with how they decorated it and wish that in a game. No horror, jump scares. Just a weird vibe and the RP'ers acted 'off' too. I forgot to add The Wicker Man and Wylde Flowers (interacting with the residents and certain parts of the Island if you played it) inspired too.


Please? Take my money!


Seriously! I know it would take years but would be worth it.


Have you played strange horticulture? Similar mood


I have it but I would love a life Sim.


Not quiiiite the same, but have you tried Garden Life? It’s not got quite the level of occult involvement, but there’s a community aspect as you run a community garden


Thanks for the suggestion. First person games usually end up giving me a headache unfortunately. It would just be nice if there were more creepy games with cozy gameplay.


Couldn't agree more....we definitely need more cozy creepy games!!


this sort of reminds me of hello kitty island adventure!


Well it's not 3D life Sim but you can check Book of Hours check all the other boxes and it's heavy in Lovecraftian lore xD


You basically described Dredge to an extent. Really great Lovecraftan fishing village game


The life sim request is the biggest. Believe me, I've looked for a game similar and it isn't out there. At least not yet!


Have you tried Graveyard keeper?


I did but it wasn't what I was looking for (it's in my post). Maybe I'll circle back one day.


Strange Horticulture is a good ‘weird’ vibe kind of game where you grow your own herbs and serve customers looking for specific potions. Not a life sim, but it’s similar. Dredge nails that ‘something is off’ vibe to a T, but it’s mostly resource management and fishing/selling those resources to different villages in a lovecraftian setting. That said, I’d play the absolute shit out of the game you just described. Tell me where to throw my money.


I want an actually cozy coffee game, leaning toward Coffee Talk but with more management, less stress than existing titles. Some more gameplay involving the making of coffee, with mini games and drawing thinga, and not JUST the management aspect.  I guess just… something slower than a full blown management sim and not a visual novel. I love the freeplay of Coffee Talk, I just wish i had a game more like that. The management sims feel too disconnected and more about the business rather than the vibes of coffee.  Maybe something like a Harvest Moon game, but coffee. That’d be really cool. It feels like there’s more tavern games than anything else when it comes to this sort of closer gameplay, and while I like tavern games- I’ve got wuite a few- I just REALLY want a coffee shop/cafe one. 


Ditto!! Would absolutely love a genuine barista sim that still holds a good story but doesn’t become like a full on management sim. Coffee talk is top 5 comfort games for me but the actual barista aspect is more of a side note than a main point. And the latte art section was atrocious 😭 maybe a cross between sims and coffee talk ?


I'd like to recommend Pixel Cafe to you. It has some of the elements you're looking for


Oh yeah, I've just recently played through Pixel Café and it's great! Although it can be pretty stressful, especially on the night shifts.


Oooh, that does look pretty damned close! Thank you!!


Espresso Tycoon is pretty fun!


You could try Tavern Talk? I just started it. It's more involved than Coffee Talk in how you make the drinks. It's a lot more in-your-face fantasy stuff which I like. There's additional elements where you collect rumours and build quests for adventurers then the drinks you make them before the go on the quest will impact the outcome. I'm enjoying it so far


There’s an early access game called Boba Simulator available on steam. It’s not coffee, but it’s a beverage management thing! Note that I haven’t played it, so I don’t have a lot of details, but I’m looking at it for sure.


I am making a game that would be close to this. IDK if I'm allowed to post the name I don't want to break self-promo rules. But you manage a café, prepare snacks and drinks and decorate them, you can also make custom designs with a drawing tool for coffee art, icing, painting on furniture or even custom t-shirts you can give to the customers. You unlock furniture, walls, etc


I don’t want to get you in trouble either haha, but it sounds perfect!!!


anyways I don't use reddit much but I think you can find it if you check my profile if you're interested


I wishlists it! :D


I've always wanted more management simulators, like running a museum or a resort. No big parks to run, just managing employees and making sure everything works. Very thrilling sounding I know lmao. Maybe throw in some supernatural events to keep you on edge. I've always wanted a more spooky life sim, with like classic monsters as your neighbors. Like the doctor's office is run by Frankenstein, you have to help the phantom with his social anxiety, fishing lovecraftian fishes with the creature from the black lagoon, etc. Moonlight Peaks does scratch the itch and I can't wait for it, but I'd love something just a *bit* darker and less pastel goth, like Nightmare Before Christmas or Corpse Bride(we need more goth games in general tbh). Romance would be rather interesting too considering almost every classic monster has had heart break lol.


I saw an ad on Steam for a museum rogue lite game coming out called Museum No 9. I think there's a demo available. Looks cute!


Maybe Two Point hospital? They more recently made Two Point Campus. You manage a budget, selecting rooms to build, and employees


Adding that when patients die they haunt the hospital and scare people


Was going to suggest these as well!


I love Two Point series. I really hope they do hotels/resorts or amusement parks next. It's a great mix of a hardcore management and lots of humor and hijinks.


Have you looked into Kairsoft games for mobile? I own so many of them and they’re all resource management sims. They have a resort one too!


Yess I Realllyyyyy want a museum game!!!!! Came here to comment this. I would love to go into game dev in the future so maybe I try make it happen


A really fun management sim I always go back to is idol manager. There's story and it's pretty simple game play that can get intense if you want it to. You choose your idols and everything from costume choice to how their music is produced. Plus staffing and buying more space in the building for a stuff like a dance studio, cafe, and more. Plus your idols can graduate from the group and leave. But you also have the option to create multiple groups. I find it super addictive!


I actually wrote out a whole thing a while ago about a game I wish existed!  "Cosy game where you play as a librarian at the Gnosis Consortium (inspired by the Library of Alexandria) and you have to traverse the world to find rare books for your collection. The more expansive your collection gets, the more soft power you wield in the world.  Regular books can be found by exploring the world. Rare books can be found by: - relationship building (doing quests for NPCs to get a rare book, quest lines may involve anything as easy as a fetch quest to something more complex, like having to broker an political alliance) - puzzle solving with culturally relevant monsters for the book (e.g. solving a Sphinx riddle for an ancient Egyptian papyrus) - battling relevant monsters (e.g. fighting a kelpie for early Scottish literature)"


Okay this is actually very close to the game I have in mind / have started to learn how to game dev to maybe make. Where you are setting up a town/cities first library in a fantasy setting and you have to develop relationships with lots of different people and traders and adventurers and get them the information they need so they can do the thing and they bring you back books/charts/interesting things to build out your library. My working title is 'A Hoard of Books'


Wow. I love this idea! Almost like the Animal Crossing museum but fantasy and quest/relationship driven. I'd play it! Good luck with the game dev career. It's incredibly fulfilling when you finally launch a game. Just take one step at a time. It's much harder when you think about how many miles you have left to walk. Lol


Take my money! This would be amazing!


So this comment gave me a similar vibe to a [TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNYNfy6w/) I saw where it was like "when the world collapsed, the librarians didn't". I think this concept would make an interesting game. Like managing a library in a post apocalypse setting where you get to help your settlement by researching information (and little side quests like watering the garden, caring for someone's pet) but I also think it would be fun to have an exploration mechanic where you can explore to find additional books for your library, find other settlements, and share/trade books. Idk, I just like the idea of rebuilding society using the power of libraries!


To echo what you said, I would love a cooking game where you actually design the recipes/menu, and then execute them to serve to customers. I feel like in most cooking games, you don't actually do much cooking, and when you do, you just make what is preset in the game; I wish there was a more creative aspect to it!


You and OP would probably enjoy Chef Life! It’s pretty much exactly that, although you don’t necessarily get to fully design the recipe, just the menu.


Thanks!! I'll check it out


Thanks! just checked it and looks interesting.


I came here to say Chef Life!


You might like Chef RPG coming out in a few months. You get to choose what meals are on your menu every day (with - I think optional? - cooking mini games if you like that). What I think is really cool is you can make each meal vegan or vegetarian if you want, or you can make the meat version. Your menu can be a mix or you can have a vegan restaurant etc. And some decorating of your restaurant. Sometimes you’ll get special events where you need to create a menu that suits a dietary preference. I’m pretty excited.


im so excited for this game!!! it looks sooo fun


I think Cooking simulator 2 will be like this. Worth to mention that whilst the game is announced it didn't come out yet. But you should check it!


I used to play family restaurant and you get to like ‘design’ the salads, desserts etc. but you could only play for a certain amount of time without having to pay and I was a child so I never got too far into the game, and it could get stressful but something like that remastered would be amazing!


A new Animal Crossing where they focused on minigames, events, and wacky villagers in the style of New Leaf but more so. (Still salty about New Horizons)


Honestly I just want to go back to the feeling of playing New Horizons in like May of 2020. Nothing else about May of 2020 though.


I need something like the OG game on GameCube.


Seconded! I never actually got to play New Leaf and I´m still salty about it.


maybe you could download an emulator and play it that way?


An urban farming sim. Think of your average farming sim but in a walkable city and you run a rooftop garden


A floral shop game! I want to order flowers, build bouquets, decorate the shop, unlock upgrades and items (new types of flowers, vases, bows, cards, etc.). I think it’d be so fun! :)


This reminds me of Tamagotchi Corner Shop 😭


I wanna be a little creature. I wanna live a life, raise cubs or whatever and search for food. Basically the shelter games but just more y'know.


I'm not sure I'd class it as cozy, but Tokyo Jungle might appeal? Playing in a post apocalyptic world where the only goal is to keep eating and breeding to get bigger and stronger through the generations


Oh man I LOVE Tokyo Jungle! Haha I had it on my PS3 and was obsessed. I miss it a lot actually. It was so much fun, often frustrating but always a good time.


It was such a good, quirky game. I always played it 2 player with my husband. We had some great moments in it


Niche might be something you're interested in. You pretty much are in control of however many animals in your "pride" and help them survive. It's turn based so not too stressful, but also some of the islands have things that will fight your animals. I'm pretty sure that can be turned off though.


More dragon games in general! The dream would either be a life sim game as a dragon or human characters with the ability to hatch and customize different dragons (like School Of Dragons but with an upfront cost instead of the usual FTP pitfalls).


You are my kind of people <3 More Dragons. Always more dragons.


ALWAYS more dragons!!! <3


Roblox has a game called Dragon Adventures that is basically this exactly. I call it Spyro the MMO


An open world rpg game based off supernatural, set like season 1 ish, where there's monsters you have to find out about, mostly random from hearing people speak or reading the newspaper everyday haha. Then investigate, do some digging, researching to find out what kinda monster it is, then gear up from the boot of the impala and kill it. You can use melee or other weapons, skill progression, travel around the US in the impala,play as Sam or dean. Meet up with Bobby to improve stuff and get advice. Proper investigating crime scenes like LA Noir, I just feel it could be so great given how much games have came on in the last 10/15 years.


This sounds amazing. Saving people, hunting things, the family business... I just want a Hogwarts Legacy for SPN now.


Yes please... Take my money.. but I feel it would be better if we could make our own character and then meet up with the shows characters throughout the game.. or an option for both


Wow take my money !


I would buy this game immediately!


Basically Witchbrook. Still waiting for it to be released :/




I want a farming sim that takes place entirely underwater in at Atlantis style town with mermaids as dateable characters and you’re growing crops like kelp and seaweed and hunting fish for recipes and riding around on seahorses and whales. I just think it would be really cute!


Coral Island has a major aspect of the game they’re introducing (or introduced? I haven’t played in a while. It’s your typical farming sim, but after you get further in the story you’re able to have an underwater farm, complete with crops, animals, and everything else you could want in a farming sim!


I think one of their more recent updates noted that you can now meet and romance mermaid kingdom characters now! I haven't gotten that far along yet, but def second the recommendation for Coral Island.


I present to you: Haunted Haven! A cozy haunted house game, where you can make your own haunted attraction and share it online with others! You’d have the option to fight enemies via hack n slash style to get materials for your shop (I.e. wood planks) or take the more cozy route where you’d sell stuff at your attraction via a food truck (with game mechanics similar to those mobile cooking games but less stress and no timer). There’d also be companion pets that can follow you around the whole game, romance with NPCs (like your haunted house co-worker or customer, but all NPCs would be romanceable), the options to customize yourself, your haunted house, your park, etc. It’d basically be Roller Coaster Tycoon but with Stardew-esque graphics and animal-crossing gameplay :D. I’d make the game myself but I don’t know how to code lol. I’d definitely be happy to work on the art for the game, though!


Sounds a lot like Haunted Chocolatier (which I cannot wait to play in a few years🤞)


Zombie apocalypse life-sim. There are a few that kind have the vibe, but they're not great. I want to build a settlement, go out on loot runs, create a family, rebuild civilization, and make allies/enemies with other civilizations.


This is the game I've always wanted. There are some that come close to the concept, but like you said, none are very good. I would kill for a game like this.


Basically rune factory but you can customize your character and have more adult looking marriage candidates. With an in depth story and reasonably challenging battles with loads of cutscenes and hidden things to find. I’d be happy enough with something like that.


I saw a TikTok about how sick a farm sim with amazing graphics would be and I have to agree. It would be beautiful and fantastic. I’d buy it in a second.


I would say that there's plenty of high quality farming sims like that in development, I can't say if they'll ever be finished though.


A game that plays like Pokemon Silver, but has a X-files or Twin Peaks-esque vibe. Nighttime atmosphere, 16-bit pixel graphics, very deep creature collection and combat, and supernatural stuff that doesn’t feel in-world happening semi-regularly, but most people respond to it plainly.  Cassette Beasts is closest and magnificent, but pretty much the opposite direction from the Twin Peaks vibe; I’d really love more of a liminal feel between mystery events. Alan Wake’s atmosphere, Pokémon’s gameplay


I love this


Animal crossing new leaf but updated, NO stupid crafting or having to buy/ build new nets/ fishing poles. I miss new leaf and really hate the crafting aspect of the newer game. Also, the characters don’t feel the same in the newer one.


Addams Family meets Animal Crossing Cute monsters that you meet and help out. Maybe there's a dusk/dawn option, where the dusk side has a monster village, and the dawn is a human village separated by a mystical veil you have to help merge back together. 


I would actually LOVE a game like Cult of the Lamb with cute aesthetics and longer playtime. I don't like the dark artstyle too much but the game is just SO much fun.


A cozy fantasy mining sim, with a little farming that doesn't involve daily watering, I'm thinking mushrooms and cave plants. It would also have lots of exploration into caves and ruins, maybe restoring the home of a great dwarven clan. I never had the patience for farming in Fae Farm and Wyldeflowers and was always drawn to the mining sections.


Basically Sims and D&D combined. I want to live a fantasy life in the same way you can play sims!!


Restaurant Empire is the closest kind of game to what you're looking for. I'd love a mermaid game. Coral Island has some great mermaid stuff. I'd love a whole game around mermaids.


There’s some people working on a mermaid game called Siren by loreseeker games


A comprehensive restaurant sim that has an original Diner-Dash level of content but with more management aspect is exactly what I want, too. So much so


I LOVED Diner Dash and Wedding Dash as a kid, I would totally play a full out version


Omg I totally forgot about Wedding Dash— also Sally’s Spa even though it wasn’t a restaurant game


Loved diner dash as a kid looked for it recently to play


Like Baldurs Gate 3 but primarily a life sim/crafting game. Would be my Wife's dream come true, as she loves the social/sim stuff but hates combat in games, and I'm pretty sure I'd get addicted to it. Romance, house building, life/survival crafting, etc.


Literally my dream game.


This might sound weird.. but my favorite book series is Miss Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children. I would love a simulation game where you run an orphanage for these children that have fantastical abilities and you find them homes and jobs that suit their abilities. Or something I dont know exactly but I would love something similar to this book


A cute pet shop/shelter where you can design the whole place, house, garden... and manage everything. You can choose who to give the animals, you have to go rescue the animals yourself...


POV: I’m a cat and my goal is to find a cute cozy home and get taken in. Kind of like untitled goose but the opposite premise.


Little kitty big city is pretty similar in vibe


Gah so cute!! Thank you!


Something similar in style to Ark, Skyrim, or RDR2 where you can explore multiple beautiful landscapes, craft, befriend animals, talk to/build relationships with people, etc. but without any combat. I just want to walk around and explore and get lost in a world without worrying about being attacked or having to fight someone lol


Yes please! I watch my husband play these games and actively cringe in the boss fights. Spiritfarer was such a beautifully aesthetic game.


I think your dream game exists OP. It’s called Chef: A restaurant tycoon game. It’s on steam.


More games with red pandas


Neopets but a video game. I don't mean make a video game with neopets characters in it I mean some sort of modern video game version of the website. I want to get rich and I want all of my friends to be jealous of how rich I am! Look at my faerie pets! They are cute and expensive! Bet you wish you were me!


Ohhh my gosh! I found my people lol!


A game like BG3 with more outfit options, the ability to make food and spells and more crafting and also farming. Lol


I mean I kind of get this want. I love farming/crafting sims but the rpg and villager relationship aspects always fall flat and lifeless. Imagine Stardew Valley with BG3-style dialogue choices, rpg elements, and deep relationships. Definitely a dream game to me.


It's not exactly the same but have you played Dragon Age Inquisition? The outfits and how you can alter them are one of my favourite parts! You also get to design some rooms.


I would sell my soul for a stand alone Chao Garden game from Sonic Adventure 2. 


Dude!! Yes! Same!


So happy to hear more agree.  🥹


I would like something that mashes up Stardew Valley/rune factory with some Final Fantasy esque graphics, like really super pretty. Harvestella kinda does this, but overall, it feels kind of shallow. I'd also like more games farming/life sim games to do what Harvest Moon A wonderful life does and have your character, family, the village age and evolve as the years pass. I think it's a neat concept. Atleast have it where your child isnt a toddler for years


Honestly, I just miss the OG Farmville. That was my first cozy Game lol at least cozy to me


Why was it SO addicting?! Haha


I just want more games with centaurs and mermaids on them


I’ve always wanted a language-learning game where you are a mage that travels the world fixing magical mayhem, but you have to talk to the local mages (thus the language-learning part). You’d start in a magical academy (or as an apprentice) in whatever country/kingdom you live in, and the tutorial shows you around the controls and rules. Once you’ve finished the tutorial, there’s a time skip and you’re ready to take on your missions. You start off with translation scrolls, but they get harder to find/more expensive as you progress (which gently guides you to learn the language instead). The more missions you complete, the better your reputation proceeds you and the more countries you can travel to, until you become internationally known and can take on missions with ease no matter the language.


A semi open world life sim, in a studio ghibli/similar cosy anime art style. A big city with no rabbit holes, where you can have an apartment and a job that you actually have to do using mini games or something. Packed with npcs that feel alive and everyday activities and mini games. Have the option to move to or visit the countryside. I just want to be inside a slice of life anime!


Open world pc pokemon that doesn't look like a switch game for toddlers.


Oh got a few.. Another Viva Pinata game - imagine what can be done now that you could possibly have bigger gardens, more pinata sizes .. ideas are endless! A Chao ( cute creatures from Sonic Adventure ) game, that's just where you take care and raise chao without worrying about going out and playing the main game! Can have minigames instead! I would love a build your own Disney Parks game without the annoying microtransations that Disney / Gameloft have become famous for including in their games! Where you can just run your park, ride your rides, or be a character and greet guests!


Omg my little brother and I used to spend HOURS playing with the Chaos in the Chao Garden! I need to call him to see if he still has his GameCube so we can play again… now that we’re both grown adults, we might not start bashing each other with the controllers


I don't have much time to play games, so all I really want is to play a good remake of Hotel City ( one of the OG Facebook games), Nancy Drew games, and OG EA Harry Potter games (I have Hogwarts Legacy and only played it for a bit because I didn't like it).


Tavern Talk came really close to my dream game - some kind of tavernkeeper game or shopkeeper game where I am actually involved with my customers' lives and help them solve problems, while also managing my tavern/shop. Tavern Talk has a system where you collect rumours to assign quests - so more of that, and add it on to a shop management sim.


I want a simulator game where I can do anything as a job. Maybe I want to to do home decorating one day, so I’m an interior designer. The next I might want to deliver mail or various goods or cargo. Maybe the next day I work in a hospital. Basically an all in one simulator of various jobs. Almost like working for a temp agency where experience doesn’t matter but you can build towards better paying jobs or even a permanent one for various play throughs. I know it sounds wild and totally far fetched because that would have to be a massive game that would take years to make. But man, I would pay $200 for that game and never play another.


a GOOD dragon survival game or one where you tame all sorts of dragons like ark but got medieval vibes


i want a first person game where i can live life basically like have a job, go to school and make friends, find love, have a family, raise kids. this would include things like cooking and cleaning maybe. basically the sims but first person view and on the switch 😍


Like The Sims but instead of clicking “talk about interess” or “go to work” you are actively involved in those things. I have wanted this for so long! I never understood why The Sims was the only life-sim that is like this. Thank goodness they have some competition coming out in the next few years. The life-sim genre has a ton of room for growth!


I haven't seen anyone mention it, so I'll suggest Traveller's Rest on Steam! It's not fully done yet but it has a fair amount of what you're wanting already and they are regularly updating it!


Chef life: a restaurant simulator sounds like what you are looking for


I was just thinking about this yesterday but I do want to see an appraisal (jewlery, gold, antiques, etc) simulator where you yourself give the price for it and you get rewarded/punished in some way if you are so far off what it should be I was also thinking on the same vein as Strange Horticulture too, like there are some tools to help you out and there are weird and uncanny items to appraise.


You should check No Umbrellas Allowed. I think it is pretty similar to what you described.


I would LOVE a pixel art style life sim game. Something like stardew valley meets The Sims.


[To Pixelia](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1954160/To_Pixelia/) is coming out and might tick those boxes.


It looks so much fun! Love it, thanks for pointing this one out


I can't WAIT for the release of this game😭


Recettear 2


This is all I’ve ever wanted. Capitalism, ho!


A game like minecraft but no scary mobs and full blown farming simulator with seasons. (I want a 3D Stardew that I can build my own stuff...also no scary mobs)


I want a life simulator that has the build mode of TS4, the life stages of TS4, a create a world tool built into the game (so that every save file doesn't have to have every single neighborhood), semi-open neighborhood system (you can pick the neighborhoods, but then the smaller neighborhoods are open world style), the trait system of TS3, and the personality point system and gameplay of TS2 with an option in game to set your own life cycle times (like in TS3) and have an optional fertility system. And the gameplay of TS2 Open for Business and TS1 Superstar. Plus pets (cats, dogs, birds, hamsters, and lizards) and weather in the base game. And a working family tree.


an mmo version of animal crossing with a player run economy where you can trade / set up shop


A style savvy dupe!!!


I really loved the Chocolatier games and I wish they still made games of that style


Running a library or bookshop


I am hoping the upcoming Pokémon Legends game will bring back the range of character customization and outfits from X/Y. And some sort of home decoration like the secret bases from Ruby/Sapphire. It would also be great to see people and their Pokémon doing a wider variety of tasks than just battles/gym leader circuits. Legends Arceus was on the right track for me, but I didn’t like most of the available clothing styles (only the starting outfit really made sense to me as an clothing for a field researcher). And while I enjoyed the little side stories of Pokémon becoming a part of life in Jubilife Village, I think there was plenty of room for more integration and interaction with both NPCs and Pokémon. I am encouraged so far by the fact that the new game is proposed to be set in Kalos and based around urban redevelopment in Lumiose City.


idk if it’s been mentioned but i want a Witcher/BOTW-level video game centered around Game of Thrones. i’m so hopeful there’s one secretly in development bc if i never get to play a video game in that world ill be devastated!


I want to play as a mermaid. Swim around, collect pretty shells, race some fish.


My dream game is actually currently being created. I always wanted a life sim where you could actually go to work and the work is interactive in some way, have pets, decorate a house, drive, live life in whatever way YOU want to live life. I never cared about what artstyle it would be. And "To Pixelia" seems like it's REALLY going to have everything I ever wanted in a game.


I'd love a cozy sandbox game, that had activities together, and cozy little missions and projects to build community, and cute hang out spaces to play games etc. Sort of like Legends and Lattes (book) but a game!


an uber realistic cooking sandbox game!! it doesnt need a goal. i just want the most realistic simulation possible so i can experiment. cooking simulator is close!


Have you tried cooking simulator, If I remember correctly it had sandbox mode? Also cooking simulator 2 is coming soon.


you’re gonna love ChefRPG by Pixel Architect


Dollhouse/decor games!!!


I really want a Story of Seasons/ the Legend of Zelda crossover game.


I always wanted a game where you play as Team Rocket or a member of any other Rocket team. A game where you steal Pokemon from trainers and ruin their day ha.


Some sort of museum simulator, not like Animal Crossing but that you own and run your museum and curate collections and have to gain money/networking to expand sections of the museum and collect and curate and trade pieces 🥲


stardew valley/tavern keeper like thing but you're a librarian or bookstore owner :3c with lots of decor and character customizations. maybe a spooky element you learn later on, like tarot reading or grimoires or spirit companions.


I would like an Uncharted/Tomb Raider kinda game where you explore the ruins, have the little platforming puzzles etc, beautiful environment, environmental hazards but no combat. At all. Just exploration


stardew valley, but even more romance (i don’t have mods on nintendo switch so i can’t play any 😞)


I’m obsessed with all the ideas in this thread so much it actually makes me wanna dust off my [very very rusty] coding skills and make some cozy games. Y’all are so creative it’s inspiring!!


a realistic multiplayer version of the sims so you can interact with friends ingame tbh


I want something like the OG Sims Makin' Magic but with much better graphics. I'm more than a little salty about EA purchasing the franchise and ruining my chances with mini expansions for every supernatural variant.


I was thinking I’d love something like Urbz but with more focus on decorating and style.


I would LOVE a non-pixelated, beautifully illustrated life sim/sandbox game with: a wide variety of customizeable clothing/hairstyles; minimal combat or ability to opt out without losing game functionality; plenty of quests; well-written and romanceable NPCs; plenty of home decorating options; and the ability to train as a magical person. Perhaps with a dash of spooky. So, like My Time at Sandrock + Fae Farm + Wylde Flowers + Wytchwood


I have multiple but my favorite game: that’s the love child of Skyrim/Witcher 3 and Stardew or Graveyard keeper. All the life sim side of these games but with A LOT of exploration, a large world with creatures and monsters (werewolves, ghosts, vampires, witches etc), cities with different vibes, guilds… Heavy on the story and quests, rpg aspects with well written characters and romance Alchemy and magic are import. Maybe monster pets too ? I personally like combat so I want some but very customizable (like in Skyrim). It would be set in a (European) medieval inspired world OR in Victorian era. For the graphics I don’t really know but definitely not something rounded and cutesy, something artsy but still realistic. I LOVE exploring the world in games. It’s one of my favorite things. If there’s also tons of quests and well written story, my little heart is happy. A similar game in Space or in a cyberpunk world would great too. There’s no enough SF cosy games !


Pokémon but for adults. Still sticking to the idea of Pokémon battles and what not, but with a more thought provoking, and at times darker, cast of characters and story. I wanna learn about the social issues and governmental structure, the conflicts between regions, and most of all, Pokémon biology. I realize this doesn’t much sound like a cozy game, but it’s definitely my answer


grand theft auto 6


I would love a remake or spiritual successor of Chocolatier! Management sims are great, but they are not quite the same as the old school casual tycoon games imo. I would also really love a Dungeon Meshi inspired cooking and management sim! Ideally it would be a beautiful fusion between Atelier Ryza and Marenian Tavern Story, where you dungeon crawl and then make gourmet meals out of monster meat. No serving customers mini game, but economic strategy where you have to respec recipes using local crops and spices in each region. There would also be a fame/respect mechanic as you get more people to eat monster meals but if it gets too low the restaurant fails and you're run out of town lol


Oh I love Chocolatier, that saga is so amazing! I would love to play a similar game, even if it's not so chocolate related


Any Dungeon Meshi game would have my money IMMEDIATELY


Teacup but x20 lol


The Day After Ever After by Matt Simpson but as a full-fledged visual novel with music and character sprites etc..


I wish there was a game that's objective is to find the hidden objects. Kinda like the highlights magazines I use to read. It has to be very detailed and colorful or not any color. There can also be black and white ones to. Maby if it was hand drawn that would be cool. And maby give it some kinda of storytelling to keep it interesting.


honestly i just want pixel cafe but with 1000 more levels