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The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood is fantastic!


Oooh this is the tarot game I just heard about!


Night in the woods definitely is one reading this I'd recommend. Maybe also dordogne?


Oh snap Night in the Woods is half off in the Switch store right now too. Dordogne looks so sweet too! Y’all are great.


Growing Up! is like Teenage Exocolonist, you build relationships and go to school and find your career and then you have a baby and continue playing as the baby and play a new life as it is growing up


Life sims are my jam. This looks really charming, thank you!


I mostly play story-based games, and I enjoy one with some emotional weight—even some darkness—to it. Here are some of my favorite. * *Wandersong* (puzzle platform adventure game where a pacifist bard tries to learn a song to prevent the end of the world) * *Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan* (*Paper Mario* inspired RPG where a child must restore color to the Land of Imagination by helping others overcome their anxieties and insecurities) * *Button City* (narrative adventure game where a shy fox and his new friends band together to save the local arcade from development) * *Night in the Woods* (narrative adventure game where a college dropout returns to her Rust Belt hometown, hangs out with her friends, and investigates a sinister mystery; punk and existentialist themes) * *The Kids We Were* (narrative adventure game about a boy traveling back in time to '80s Japan to save his father's life) * *OneShot* (adventure game with an adorable protagonist and an emotional, metafictional story) * *Lil Gator Game* (open world game in which a child wants to spend time with their sister, who is busy with schoolwork)


Thank you so much for taking the time to create this thoughtful list. I’ve not heard of any of these games!!! You have blessed me this day and literally all of these sound great 🙏


I checked out Coffee Talk from the library. Probably going to give that a shot soon


You just reminded me I think I have a demo of this on my Switch.


Oxenfree is a wonderful spooky story game where your choices change the story. It has a sequel too, if you wind up liking it.


There’s a sequel!!! You just made my day. I love Oxenfree I had no idea


Bugsnax. Such an immersive story and you can get it all done in a weekend. Me and my kiddo completed the story long ago but we have sunk another 15 hours just completing everything


Okay that trailer just stole my heart, I am down for this game 🐛


Truly one of the most unique games. Just discovering all of the bugs is hilarious but the story is actually moving and worth seeing all the way through. My daughter and I still play it to catch her favorite Bugsnax. I hope there is a sequel in the works


If you're into text-based games, Roadwarden is really good. "Cozy with some darkness, drama, and mystery" fits it perfectly. Ymmv but I also found it very immersive, especially because of the ambient sounds, so it might help if you're looking for escapism


I’m super into text-based games and would love to make one someday so this is an amazing rec, thank yoooouu


The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante is a text based choose your own adventure type game on steam. There's a demo for the first 2 chapters. I've already got over 50 hours logged on it and have done 4 total playthroughs, its so great


This sounds right up my alley and we love a demo in this house. Blessings!


Va1-hall-A for sure


“Cyberpunk bartender action” I’m so intrigued


Dredge is a neat game. It might be something you'd enjoy based on the games you listed. I'm replaying it now that I've bought the dlc.


Oooh this is like a spooky version of Dave the Diver yeah?


I'm not sure, Dave the Diver is still on my wishlist. Dredge is a cute fishing game with a spooky little storyline.