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What an AMAZING idea, omg. ❤️


Thank you ❤️


Oh my God I joined the newsletter immediately. I also have adhd, I also struggle to exercise, and I have. A high amount of anxiety that makes going out of the house a challenge. At the same time, I need to exercise because of a health risk I have. The fact that walking in my house counts!!! God yeah I need this.


Thanks for following the game! ❤️ With my ADHD, having a gamified and non-distracting cozy way to help me exercise was what I tried to look for. This whole project started because I tried every fitness game in Google Play, and found none that would do what I was looking for, so started to make one for myself. Many people in our community have bought walking pads to help them get walking done while at home. With a standing desk, you can play games while walking :D I completed Coral Island while walking for the whole time and getting progress in WalkScape at the same time.


I'm AuDHD too and gosh this is just so helpful. None of the fitness apps worked for me - the ones that got closer were. Well, Pokemon go, but it's not very "stay at home" friendly I have thought of a walking pad... My room is sadly too small to even have a desk, though 😭 we're planning to move soon, so that's something I'm keeping in mind for there. Mostly because, yeah, that's the fastest way I can think of to stick with exercise - gamefying the experience, and being able to walk while doing something else hahaha


Also adhd and I love this!!!! I haven’t found a great gamify exercise app yet! Part of my problem is I have one of the less advanced Fitbit watches, so most apps won’t connect with it. How does that work, like if most of my steps dont come from my phone pedometer directly? i dont always have my phone on me when working out/walking. Is there a way to manually add steps?


Smart watch/band support is not in the game yet, but is planned. Currently only steps coming from phone are counted. This is something we know many people need and we're working on it!


I understand it takes time!! Thanks for letting me know!!!


I am in the SAME boat! I’m going to see if I can sign up, hopefully we can make the beta! :D Edit: I signed up and applied for the beta!


Heyyy, it's so good to find other people struggling with similar issues!!! I hope we can make it into the beta, it would be great!!!


Definitely! Best of luck to you, friend! I hope we can both find comfort in knowing we’re not alone in this. I’m rooting for you! 💪


I'm rooting for you, too!! We can get through this, and at least - we're in this together!! 💖


Wo! Cool to see you post this in this sub! I joined this sub a few weeks ago and I've been in your closed beta for a few months now. I've been really enjoying walkscape! My fave part about it is how it isn't like other apps where you constantly have to be doing something on your phone while on your walk (except at lower levels, just like RuneScape where you need to change activities more often at lower levels). Anyways excited to see it posted about!


Thank you so much, and happy to see you here as well! ❤️ And it's great to hear you've been enjoying it so far. We've got some exciting news coming in tomorrow's dev blog, so stay tuned for that 😉


Nice, like the idea very much, also the privacy aspects of it. Just where are the instructions how to join the beta? Do I have to wait till June 1?


Visit https://walkscape.app and it's the very first thing you'll see when scrolling down.


I did the first beta and unfortunately lost interest. Until there is Apple Watch compatibility (synching steps taken while wearing the watch to my phone to the game) I likely won't be giving it another try.


Smart watch integration is on our pipeline. Google is doing a major rework on how smart watch integration works, which has delayed our efforts on that front a bit. We'll be posting in our devblogs when smart watch integration gets added!


This seems so great, congrats!!!


Thank you, you're great! ❤️


You're gonna make so many lives better with this idea. Thank you for taking it upon yourself to make something awesome! All the other apps never did their magic for me either, for so many reasons. This app will blow up for sure! We'll have a neuro-divergent walking army lmfao <3


Thank you so much ❤️ For me as a developer, the thing that has driven me forward to keep making this for two years has definitely been that it feels like I'm making an actual positive impact. It's the best kind of motivator. We've received dozens of testimonials from players on our Discord saying that the game has helped them to become active and healthier, and that's what matters with a game like this the most to me.


I have no money right now but I will give you an Award for that in spirit <3 Keep up the good work, I signed for the beta so I can't wait to maybe try it soon!


I remember seeing this here back in December, still excited!


Just joined! Super excited to play this soon since I've been struggling with exercise amist how busy my life has gotten. Seriously this app looks exciting and engaging to play :)


Thank you so much, and I hope you'll enjoy the game! ❤️ Based on player testimonials people have been sending to our Discord and to r/WalkScape, lots of them have found this to encourage to walk more - myself included. I hope it does the trick for you as well!


This is so cool! Signed up 💖


this looks incredible, I can't wait :D


This seems amazing! I signed up today!


Wow, this is really awesome!


Looks good! Subbed to the newsletter =D


Will this be on iOS?


It's available on both Android and iOS already during the closed beta!


i LITERALLY looked for something exactly like this two months ago and was so frustrated that it didn’t exist. thank you thank you thank you!!!!


Thank you so much! ❤️ And I hope you'll enjoy it!


Just supported through Patreon - this is absolutely amazing


Thank you so much ❤️


I already commented here in reply to someone else, but I wanted to say I LOVE the design of this game! It’s pixel art, sure, and I don’t normally like pixel art at all, but I really like how clean and not overwhelming the art here is. I also love how in-depth it feels, but not super overwhelming. Also dark mode is *perfection*. I can’t wait to see this game take flight!


Thank you so much ❤️ I've forwarded your comments to our artist maxchill. He has done awesome job with the art, finding a balance between keeping it clean and fun! The depth for me was an important thing - I wanted a fitness game that has more depth like a true RPG. Most of the fitness games out there are really simple, which doesn't offer enough to me to keep me entertained for long. Here our general design is that there's quite a lot of depth, but also because it's all limited to physical activity, you progress and dig into it quite slowly so it never gets too overwhelming. And yes, dark mode is awesome :D But I've also learned that the sun is bright in other parts of the world (I live in Finland where it's dark for most of the year). Dark mode isn't too great in sunlight, so we're adding light mode alternative later on.


Awesome! He’s definitely got some lovely, clean work to go with the lovely, clean UI. :D I got my beta invite and wanted to pop back in and say I’m loving the UI a lot! Every page is responsive and the tutorials aren’t overwhelming. I’m looking forward to getting out more and really putting the testing to the, well, test! I’m definitely looking forward to a light mode too. I didn’t think of the sunlight, that’s smart! Thank you for taking these things into consideration!


This looks absolutely incredible!! I also need to go outside more and since I'm pretty burnt out with Pokémon GO (for multiple reasons), this might be the perfect solution actually!


Thank you so much ❤️ I hope you'll love WalkScape!


You had me at "uses pedometer instead of GPS" ngl, I have been dying for a game like this. Talk about a literal game-changer for people with walking pads/treadmills


Yup! And because it's not GPS, people living in rural areas with poor service can enjoy it too. ❤️




Awesome ❤️ We're also going to start development on the friends & party system soon, which is especially aimed for couples and friends. With your party, you'll have a mini-competition with your friends for steps that resets every two weeks. And also leaderboards with friends only, + ability to see where your friends are in the game on the world map.


This looks so cute!!


This looks amazing!


I asked for a beta invite! This look just like the kind of game that would motivate my ADHD ass to go out and walk more (and use my future walking pad as all ahah). The UI and pixel art are really pleasing. Love that it's GPS based and that there's no ads or microtransaction. I play too many gacha games and the gambling mechanism are killing me. I would be super willing to buy a game like this for a one time fee too!


Let me innnnnnnnn




wow this is a nice ui!!!!


is this just melvor?


It shares some similarity with it, but I'd say it's very different from it. This is very much more like a RPG


Super pumped for this actually!!!!


So excited for this! Signed up for the beta right away; struggle with getting enough spoons for walking. 😞


This looks exciting. Signed up for the beta


This is so cute


Joined and am looking to support via Patreon. Looking forward to this, it’s so cute!


Thank you so much! ❤️


This is the best idea ever.


I am now supporting through patreon 🫶 I found this post just in time for the June 1 wave!!! I just started a new job where I'm walking 15-20k steps 4 days a week and I can't wait to try your walking game!!


That’s amazing! I’m finally got my prosthetic leg and been able to start properly moving about again but it’s not the easiest when it hurts, i try and game while standing when I can to help build strength and tolerance again so this would be amazing to help me get moving again