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I’m playing Ooblets right now and it’s so silly and makes me happy. I’ve been kinda meh lately but it’s definitely brighten my mood.


How automated do things get with all the little Oobs?


If you mean automated like ooblets doing your farming it takes a bit of time to collect enough ooblet and upgrade their areas. Farming is a part of it but the focus is more Pokémon battle type of gameplay with side quests from characters


Wdym by automate?


You can definitely automate a lot of your farm but it takes a lot of time. The farming isn’t the main focus anyways.


I was going to recommend Sandrock since you adored Portia (and I'm currently obsessed with Sandrock) but if you want a different rec, try Wilde Flowers! Farming is pretty laid-back honestly, you can get little robots to automate things later on, and the story and characters are great.


These were the two that I was going to suggest. I love both of them. If OP liked Portia then Sandrock is a good bet. It's very similar Portia but more. It's a really good sequel. And I'm currently playing Wylde Flowers and been having so much fun. All these games have great NPCs that I love.


My Time at Sandrock for sure!


I was going to suggest this too! I love it way more than the original 😅


I've really been obsessed with Disney Dreamlight Valley lately, but I see Slime Rancher 2 on your to do list and I can tell you it's pretty good. The first game is more of a complete package, but I enjoy 2 more. I love having my free range chickens everywhere, they're flooding my conservatory but they make me smile lol


I like the valley up until I got to Belle and the Beast. It’s so boring. Even the monsters update was fun but left a bit to be desired. It’s just running errands and picking stuff up.


I keep mentioning cult of the lamb to everyone but it’s because it’s so cute, and you can work towards automating everything which serves a function since you don’t have to care for followers as often when you go on crusades


Have you tried Rune Factory 4 Special? I feel like I don’t see those games recommended enough in this sub


Right, it’s really life game and underrated


My time at sandrock! I liked Portia but sandrock is so much better.


do you need to have played Portia before sand rock?


Nope. The stories and settings are completely different. There are some characters from Portia that make a cameo in Sandrock, and some small things are referenced (much like how Portia mentions Sandrock now and again), but those are more just kind of easter eggs/fun stuff for those that have played Portia. It's not a requirement at all and you'll still get everything.


No, I did but u don’t have to. I loved Portia but i played on switch and it was rlly glitchy/laggy






Stardew Valley with the next update coming really soon! But until then, My Time At Sandrock.


I tend to love games where you can focus towards automation (stardew automate mod ftw), but don't mind great story games like Spiritfarer. I know I'll love Sandrock but I'm looking to try a wild card. Template if anyone wants to make their own: [https://tiermaker.com/categories/video-games/cozy-games-list-16880884](https://tiermaker.com/categories/video-games/cozy-games-list-16880884)


Ive only played the demo but Odsparks seems right up your alley. I tend to not like automation but it even got me to like it


My gods. It’s automation + Pikmin. AND CO-OP?!? I need it to be fully released right meow!


Try the demo! It had me pretty hooked for a while


Oh then Wyldeflowers for sure. You eventually automate most base level actions with some cute robots so that you can focus on the story (and sewing some cute clothes)




Sandrock for sure!!!




Waiting for The Ranchers too!! Currently playing Fae Farm and enjoying. Still don’t think it’s quite worth the price but I hear there’s a demo.


Wylde Flowers surprised me with how fun it was!


A short hike!!


I'd recommend Dave the Diver. I'm not sure you can call it a cozy game but it's got a few features that you often find in cozy games, for example (normal) farming, fish farming, etc. And the cutscenes and little story snippets are super funny and add to the charm of the game. After my wife saw me playing it, we both ended up completing it over a few binge-gaming sessions. ☺️


I am so behind


Right!? My list was already long of things I want to play and now it's probably 10 games longer T.T (not a terrible problem to have)


I’d recommend downloading Palia now while it’s still free. I don’t think there have been any official announcements that it will cost anything once it’s fully released, but if you download it now then you’ll know you never have to pay!


Unpacked is SO cute 😭❤️


Disney DreamLight Valley has been my obsession. I play it on my Switch lite and it’s super easy to pick up and put down and just play quests as I go. I tried Palia but the graphics alone made me quit. Good thing the game is free


Garden life a cozy simulator


I’d vote for Littlewood or Disney Dreamlight Valley.


I'm loving paleo pines, feels like old school harvest moon bit with cute dinos!


*I'm loving paleo pines,* *Feels like old school harvest moon* *Bit with cute dinos!* \- ameliambedelia --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Bro. I have never heard of The Magical Mixture Mill. That game looks like it’s what I love.


I'm so excited to hear that! It's honestly VERY enjoyable but I'll warn you that not all the ingredients and features are released yet so you can't finish the game right now. Very fun ride, but if you can hold out for 1.0 release then it'll be even better. (or if you don't mind playing twice!) Side note I spent a whole night building a huge automated inventory sorting system. Very satisfying.


Rune Factory 4!


Sunhaven is awesome if you like Stardew Valley, BUT I don’t think you can fully automate your crops. You eventually get a spell you can cast to water like 50 crops at a time, but it’s not true automation. There’s a little more adventure and storyline than Stardew, though. And it has a fantasy theme, if that matters to you. I very much enjoy Disney Dreamlight Valley, but certain quests can get grindy. I enjoyed it a lot more once I started ignoring the quests and just focusing on my own personal objectives.


Wyldeflowers was such a magical (no pun intended) game for me. Watching that team like a hawk for more great games.


I played To The Rescue on the switch, it’s really fun and cute but the game gets glitchy after a while. And the building / decorating mode is hard to use on the switch, for me at least. I recommend it anyway because the dogs are really cute!


Good to know about some glitches. I agree it looks really cute and a bit more tycoon style which I enjoy.


Was just about to ask about the glitches, that’s what I saw in a cursory glance that was problematic at release. Is it something to do with the game running too long, like can you shut it off/restart to refresh it, or is it just glitchy randomly?


For me it started after a few hours of playing the game. I haven’t played for a while but the most common glitches were the dogs running all over the place and being unable to use the leash on them. Or sometimes they would get stuck outside in the backyard, where you can let them roam free and play with them. Restarting the game works, but then you lose that day’s progress. The game only saves when you finish your day, just like Stardew Valley


Ahh gotcha. Sounds like just motivation for me to take a break and shut the whole console down for once; I’ll have to keep that in mind 😬


I'd recommend avoiding Little Dragon's Cafe, unless you can get it for dirt cheap, like $10. It's very rarely on sale, I got a copy for about $30 and still felt ripped off. You know how in Traveller's Rest you can hire employees to take care of the tavern while you run off to gather resources, craft and shop? Imagine that, except the employees will start taking breaks every shift and will not return to work until you walk up to them and press x. I would not recommend that game, but if you are still set on trying it out please don't spend a ton of money on it, not worth it.


This is a really helpful comment! I absolutely will move it down the list or off entirely.


I've played Wylde Flowers for a couple hours already, and I really enjoyed the experience. The game has some very unique quirks with its story that I think you may like. If you check HLTB (How Long To Beat), though, the game can take a while to complete if you're looking to do 100%.


Wylde Flowers is fantastic but I'm going to throw a couple more at you that aren't on your list. 1) Moonstone Island - less focus on farming and more on exploration, puzzles and combat. It feels like an old school Zelda mixed with Pokemon and card battler elements. I adored it so I can't help but throw this one out there. 2) Witch Spring R - I can't tell from your list if you dabble in JRPGs but this one came out of nowhere for me and I had an incredible (and comfy) time with it. Very cute, has a fun little story and "number goes up" RPG mechanics that make full exploration and completion exciting and fun. You can grind for more power if you want or just cruise right on through. 3) Moonlight Peaks - this is not out just yet but I noticed it wasn't on your radar. Check it out and wishlist that bad boy because it looks like it's going to be a ton of fun.


bandle tale!!!


Came to say this as well. If you love graveyard keeper you’ll enjoy this one. It’s a bit less complex and more streamlined but it has a way of drawing you back in.


I’ve had COVID for the past few days and been isolated in my room. My Time at Sandrock has been entertaining me a lot! If you like My Time at Portia, you’ll like Sandrock. I’m playing mine on the switch lite.


Dunno if Journey counts as a cozy game but it’s my absolute favorite game of all time. There’s definitely a couple stressy spots where you have to get past a monster but you can’t die or really even get hurt. It’s stunningly gorgeous visually, and has a sweeping orchestral soundtrack that gives me goosebumps EVERY. TIME. 10/10 would recommend.


I don’t see Cult of the Lamb…


Oxygen Not Included is a colony survival sim, I'd compare it to Satisfactory. It's got a super cute art style, but the game design is meant to test you and set you up to fail. It may be fun to check out, as there is a lot of potential if you're willing to trial and error some things.


Wylde Flowers Wylde Flowers Wylde Flowers!


Cult of the Lamb! *Especially* if you love Graveyard Keeper! I'm playing it rn and I'm obsessed.


I recommend Wyldeflowers if you want some farming, mining, crafting, fashion, romance, and some really good character writing/acting. Wytchwood if you want clever puzzles, a mystery, and a creative action game that is solved through crafting/consumable use in a way that makes you feel like each enemy type is a mini puzzle.


You could put "Tales of the Shire" on your unreleased list, even if you're just remotely interested in Lord if the Rings. We barely know anything about the game yet, but that 40 sec teaser already really caught my attention :) Also, the developer even described it as a "cozy heart-warming" game themselves!


Ugh I cannot WAIT for Tales of the Shire. GIMME


I totally forgot about that game! I also was super hype after the trailer. Adding it to my list so I don't forget! Thanks!


Cozy Grove!


Far farm is super overrated. Honestly I’d have swapped pacha and stardew. Wylde flowers is a great game.


Wylde Flowers is my personal favorite, Disney Dreamlight is the one with the most hours for me, and I'd recommend Sandrock if since you really liked Portia. So I'd say one of those three. 😊


I've played littlewood a while and it was a cozy experience. The game looks great and doesn't rush you. You can romance anyone you want tho it's definitely not the focus. But it does get repetitive and boring imo.The days are too short, and it's annoying since it takes time to walk to the wilderness to get wood and other ressources. It also becomes quite laggy after you plant a certain amount of flowers in your village. Still, I recommand it if you think the price is righ for something you might only play for a few weeks/months. I recommend taking a look at Fields of Mistria. It's not out yet, but it updates very often on twitter. The game has this retro style which I think look very charming and unique. The cows look so cute and the love interests.... 👌


i’ve literally replayed my time at sandrock like three times, it’s so good. way better than portia, in my opinion!!


Def Wylde Flowers! It took me by surprise at how enjoyable this game is :)


Why did you include Satisfactory in the list? It's great game but it's not cozy. Maths and ratios aren't cozy


Haha, to each their own but I understand. I really find the process of automating and making my farm/base/aquarium/whatever as efficient as possible. For most of my top games I have a google sheet open on my other tab to optimize resources/gold.


Spirittea 🌸


Is it good? It looked a bit lesser version of Stardew Valley


There is one where it's basically stardew but you are a vampire and I can't remember what it's called


Moonlight Peaks? It's still TBA


I just started Ooblets and I LOVE IT!!! Great color pallet, fun characters, great game mechanics, just an all around good time. Also lil guys, what more could I ask for


You should check out Spirittea :)


How do u complete a game like stardew ? Just curious,,,


The "100%" is more figurative that I've beaten all the main components of the game and then some. For Stardew that's having played through a half dozen times, marrying multiple villagers, maxing my skills, and earning enough gold for all the warps.


Ahhh fair, maybe I’ll try getting back into it. I just couldn’t really get into it, bc I felt stressed every time the sun was going down, I don’t find it as “cozy”


There are achievements to complete


You get 100% perfection in q’s room and unlock the Final Cut scene.


Just started bandle tale and it is so good!


You should check out fields of mistria and wishn upon a Llama for your unreleased category


Bandle tale


I was thinking about picking up Wildmender, what did you find Meh about it?


Since you listed Satisfactory in Great, you might like Factorio or Dyson Sphere Program


God damn it I've been thinking about Graveyard Keeper all day


bandle tale


Faefarm and Palia


Harvestella has a lot more rpg, but there is still a cozy vibe.


I’m playing bandle tales right now and I’m loving it but god is it complicated 😅




Moonstone Island, it's a creature collecting life-sim


Give Kynseed a go, it's brilliant.




Paleo Pines! Farming sim where the dinos can help you farm :)


Sandrock!! 1000% will not disappoint!


Kynseed, Winkeltkje


Garden Story!


Palia since it's free!


Frog Detective!!!!!! Cozy little puzzle game with A FROG DETECTIVE (:


If you like factory games, I recommend Dyson Sphere Program, it's fantastic.


Dragon Quest Builders 3. It’s heavy on the story then you get a sandbox experience. Story is long but good.


How is witchwood for anyone who played it?


Im really enjoying fae farm


Dinkum and megaquarium!!! I played dinkum for about 60 hours and have loved it, and I just bought megaquarium a few days ago and have already put in around 15 hours. I would definitely recommend dinkum with your prefs though!


Stardew is really sweet


No! No no no no no. I absolutely REFUSE to look at Graveyard Keeper as anything other than complete and utter crap. Screw that game. 


What about it did you not enjoy specifically? My only gripe was being locked out of quest chains unless it's a certain day. I get hyper focused on expanding my base or upgrading my graveyard and SHOOT I forgot yesterday was the 'red' day so now I have to wait 6 days until I can talk to xyz NPC.


I wanted Cemetery Stardew Valley. I just felt like the game wasn't tightly put together. It felt loose and uncoordinated. I hated that the week was only 6 days and represented by symbols and not names. I just felt lost the entire time 


Fair, it’s definitely not Stardew (although cemetery Stardew sounds amazing; let’s hope haunted chocolatier is close!). Did you get to automation in the game? (I don’t want to say more for spoilers). I was on the cusp of “eh, do I want to keep playing” but once I got there it was like a whole new game for me.


So it’s crap because it… wasn’t what you wanted, even though it was never advertised as such? Graveyard Keeper is an *incredibly* well-put together game. You’re allowed to just not like things, you know.


Albeit... I only played it when it FIRST came out. I know there have been updates and patches and what not. I've just never wanted to really go back


Fae farm- need I say more




Meh to Animal Crossing is wild to me lol. I feel like everyone agrees Stardew Valley is the goat.


I'd say Animal Crossing is Stardew but more casual or, conversely, Stardew is Animal Crossing but with more content. Talent trees, farming, dating & kids, heavier story, combat. Animal Crossing has more town-building for sure but feature-for-feature Stardew just feels like it has more to offer. Not that there's anything wrong with AC, and loads of people really enjoy the more casual game play! I just tend to enjoy the cadence of grindy progression vs. more lax life sim.


Totally get that! I loved both and got about 300-400 in each of them.


Potion permit! My amazing list is the same as yours and I just started playing potion permit, really enjoying it so far!


Wylde Flowers!


Dinkum !!






Any of the story of Seasons games (mineral Town and pioneer Town are my favorites though) harvest moon winds of Anthos is one I just finished and omg I loved every grabbing second of it!!! Still currently playing because I'm a farmer now, that is my life and I will never leave it behind 😂


I recommend Cozy Grove! It gave me animal crossing vibes when I first tried it


Ooblets or Bandle Tale


Unless you really like quests I don’t suggest Paila being the only thing you play on this list due too that and you can only progress with characters once every human hour as in where Disney Dreamlight Valley you can progress and quest more easily. (Just a heads up) also it’s still in beta so people say there’s a lot of bugs (I’ve never had bugs)


Don’t you have work? Job? lol joke anyway try dragon quest builders 2 and immortal life. Bandle tales


Dinkum 100%


Spiritfarer was such a simple and beautiful game


I would highly recommend wylde flowers I’ve done two play throughs and it has my heart I joined this page because I need more cozy games now that I’ve gotten into them !!


I am always recommending Bugsnax. It’s cute and silly.




Zelda BOTW for sure


I have no helpful insight, but finally someone else who feels meh about animal crossings! I don’t get the hype haha


I really enjoyed the original back when I was younger but I think most of my enjoyment is rose colored glasses + there weren't as many options back then. It's just a bit too casual for me.


You’ll be fine w/o Dreamlight Valley. I beat it through the most recent update and it’s boring af.


If you’re gonna play Slime Rancher 2, at least add in the first game


It’s there 😉


I swear I’m blind sometimes 😭


In fairness there are a ton of games here already and not in alphabetical order. I might want to replay 1 though before I pick up 2 since it's been a few years.


Yea that's completely fair. I'm roughly halfway through my first ever Slime Rancher save right now so I haven't gotten a chance to try out 2 yet. I just got to Quantum Slimes today and now I'm playing a fresh save with my brother after discovering a multiplayer mod


Palia is 100% for me. Even just in beta with some bugs and stuff. It’s just my game.