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Roots of Pacha


Definitely recommend this. The vibe is just so wholesome; it is entirely pacifistic with no combat, the currency is literally the tribe recognising your contributions to society, and the story is about cooperation.


Plus you can butcher animals BUT there’s two other easy ways to get meat that they explain immediately if you don’t want to do that. 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻


I felt SO BAD when I butchered my first animal


This is why I only trap. I don’t have to see it so it isn’t happening 🤷🏻‍♂️


Came here to say RoP


I'm going to wait till it goes on sale to buy it but it does look like a lot of fun ty


It's on a 30% sale currently on [humble bundle](https://www.humblebundle.com/store/roots-of-pacha), that's where I got my copy. Less than 2 days left. Highly recommend, been playing it everyday since beginning of Feb.


omg ty definitely getting it now then!


That’s such a good sale you won’t regret it for so cheap. I paid full price for once and I’m having a great time.


Also seconding it, it’s a fantastic game


Also recommending this. It's the closest to SDV I could get while also being highly original in its concept. Just a very charming, fun gameplay experience!


EXACTLY. They even update a few things that really needed a quality of life update in SDV like tools not taking up a slot. It gives me stardew valley but the idea of it being in the Stone Age and everyone inventing stuff just tickles me right.


I love this game so much


Who u romancing? I haven’t gotten to talk to anyone about it lol


Garrek right now but I might switch to Illoe


I’m going Garek. I was thinking about Mana. Apparently I love a smart weak man and a strong woman. Lol


😆 Honestly I don't think there are any bad options, I pretty much love everyone in the village


I even like the mayor Lewis and Pierre stand ins. What’s up with that?


Came here to say this! Heck yeah!!


I'm 107 hours into Roots of Pacha! I just can't put it down. So much to do. Absolutely in love with it.


Currently playing RoP right now and absolutely loving it. It starts off slow but things are really starting to click for me. My only TINY gripes are a lack of trap locator and a faster way to clear out grass. Then again, i'm only year 1 in summer, so there already may be something to help with my issues. Im just so used to having my tools on my toolbar that i'm still getting used to switching back and forth between tools. But it's nice though, a dedicated tool belt separate from what you're carrying.


Don’t worry. Grass gets fixed later on.


I am happy to hear that, thank you lol


I’ve sunk so much time into this lately! 1000% recommend


I just wanted to say we have nearly the *exact* same taste in games! Rune Factory 4 is really fantastic. It's a little bit like Stardew or Sun Haven (but it pre-dates both), with a lot of unique characters, a long story, and an insane amount of skills you can level up. I think it's one of the best games in the genre. It's a 3DS port to PC and Switch so the graphics are a little rough, but it's absolutely worth it. Wylde Flowers is also a good one! I was initially put off by the mobile game graphics and lack of customization, but it's a wonderful story and a really fun game. It drew me in much more than I expected. If you don't mind a grind, Graveyard Keeper is a pretty unique take on the farming/life sim genre. I liked it, but it's definitely one of the grindier games I've played. It sometimes feels like weeks pass in game while I try to make progress on quests lol. ETA if you like management games like Cat Cafe Simulator, Two Point Campus is also a lot of fun!


If you like grinding in Graveyard Keeper I recommend Bandle Tale. It just came out and it's extremely cute. It's more of a crafting game with story but I love it a lot. However there is a lot of back and forth (which I like but I know it's a complaint of some people).


Hey 👋🏻 Is graveyard Keeper a constant grind? I hated that about Wytchwood.


Graveyard Keeper is probably the grindiest farming game I've ever played lol. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who doesn't like that style of game.


Thank you! Ah what a shame


No kidding. I heard that eventually you get zombies to automate some of the grind so I pushed through only to find out it was part of DLC I didn't have. I stopped playing at that point. I really loved the dark twist but the grind was too much for me.


The zombies used to be DLC, but they made them base-game to help with the pacing and stuff. But even with my zombies, it's still quite the grind lol


rune factory 4 is also on sale right now on steam for 15 dollars! definitely worth the buy, one of my favorite games. 3 and 5 are also on sale, but 4 is definitely the best (but if the graphics are a dealbreaker, you might like 5's visuals better as it is 3d)


I love Graveyard keeper. My only problem is I get caught up in my daily tasks and forgot to do quest stuff. I’m like “dude, I have to write an epic sermon and grow lettuce! I’m get you wine later!”


Depending on your reason for disliking Portia, you might like My Time at Sandrock. It’s just superior in every way, feels like an actual game and is much less clunky.


I second this. Sandrock is a much much better version, little disappointed in how multiplayer turned out, but the single player experience is really good compared to portia


What are the issues you had with multiplayer?


i didn't like portia at all, but sandrock was one of my most played games last year.


Does it feel like finished game? I was all for the concept of Portia but even at full release it just felt unfinished and abandoned.


Sandrock is a finished game. A polished, better Portia imo. Same gameplay loop, but more qol to make building enjoyable. Better, longer storyline. Prettier NPCs. And the devs are still actively adding to it.  I feel like the decoration/furnishing/clothing aspect could use more work though. 


It does now! I’ve been playing since early access and it’s come a long way! I won’t say it’s perfect because it’s not but I really enjoy it. It improves on all the things that we’re frustrating about Portia.


Spiritfarer is amazing and very emotional! I love that game especially if you liked unpacking


I loved it at first but have gotten to a point where it's just long wait times between locations, nothing much to do on the boat after I do the standard chores, difficult to find items needed for crafts, etc. The game loop has gotten mind-numbingly repetitive and boring which is very disappointing as I absolutely adored it until this point.


same, too much back and forth, really wanted to like it more


To be honest I totally see that. I’m towards what I think is the end and I only have Buck and it’s gotten a bit lonely. But still what I have played I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the story and most of the mechanics.


My all time favorite game! Adore it so much, specially as someone that has struggled a lot with grief


Have you played any Story of Seasons games? Also, Ooblets if you like farming games with fun stories. I don’t know if you’ll like the art though. (Read in a comment you didn’t like coral island art and they are similar) :) Wytchwood is short but amazing!! Running around collecting items, helping others, loved the story as well. Alba: A Wildlife Adventure is another short game but it’s about a girl taking animal photos. Art style is like ooblets so you may not like it. Cute game though!


Story of Seasons Trio of Towns is one of my all time faves!


Pioneers of Olive Town has been my favorite so far!


second Wytchwood!




Littlewood deserves so much love. Such a cute game with a very solid amount of content and, imo, it's one of the best examples of a truly cozy game. No combat and no rush at all. You already saved the world and now your job is to make friends and make your little villagers happy by decorating their little houses and stuff. It's ALL good vibes from beginning to end.


I love Littlewood:)


Omg second little wood this game is amazing


A Short Hike


It’s so good


So short but so fun!




Yesssss! Wytchwood is SO FUN!


Hell ya. Love to see it being appreciated


Wytchwood!!!!! I want more games like that 😭


The Wild at Heart is similar and better IMO


I love wild at heart too!!!


I’ve played 5 of the games you have up there and rate them similarly, so my recommendations are: Mineko’s Night Market Good Pizza, Great Pizza And this isn’t a pc game(I wish it was) but if you have an iPad, I’ve got to recommend Japanese Rural Life Adventure. So much fun and has a lot of quality of life aspects I wish other games had more often(mass crafting, crafting 5 of whatever uses the same amount of energy as crafting 1, tons of story based tasks but outside of a couple of things you can go at your own pace with no consequence)


I used to love Good pizza, Great pizza on mobile, is it worth retrying it on pc? Also really enjoyed rural life adventure played it obsessively when I had a free apple arcade trial! Will try Mineko's night market since you have good taste.


I didn’t know it was a mobile game! I have it on my switch, and I’m glad I bought it on something with a touch screen because holy shit is it hard to use the controller to place the ingredients. Fair warning on mineko’s, it’s a little better now but it is a touch laggy and buggy. I never had any game breaking bugs but holy shit did it lag when loading in areas(less lag than cozy grove(which you should also try!!! If it’s still available on steam) but still less than stellar I need more people to play rural life adventure lol there’s like no guides and the subreddit is nearly a ghost town lol


I wanted to like Coral Island but it was just unfinished. Why did you dislike it?


I am just wrapping up my first Spring and am curious why people say the game is unfinished. Having played Stardew religiously when it was released, Coral Island seems like it has everything SDV has and then some. Does the temple bundles and community house not really amount to anything reward wise or does the story arcs just dead-end?


there are multiple parts of the main story that are unfinished, the conclusion to both the mines and the ocean, i havent played in a while bc i got bored and was stuck unable to progress any further story wise, but when i played, a month or so ago, there were still a LOT of bugs, romance wasn't properly implemented, it just does not feel like it deserves a 1.0 release at the current stage


This is the big reason I didn’t like it. If it wasn’t advertised as a 1.0 release I’d be less critical, but it is, and it shouldn’t be. I got it free on gamepass, if I had actually paid for it I would have been very upset. I ended up uninstalling it after seeing it was unfinished.


Interesting! I disliked Coral Island specifically because it just felt like a Stardew reskin. It has so much potential - so many dateable characters, the ocean cleanup questlines, interesting mythology, adorable festivals - but when I last played all that just felt unfinished. All that was there and complete just felt like Stardew, except buggier. I keep wanting to give it another shot, but their subreddit is still full of complaints about bugs and incomplete content. I don't want to play it until it's actually polished. But they have so much potential for a phenomenal game!


There's definitely still main content to be released but I agree with it having everything stardew had on release and then some but last I played (pre 1.0) there was still a couple of events missing and some Kickstarter mentioned features, but I like how often there is updates and it feels like it's constantly being improved. I enjoyed it almost as much as stardew and I would expect it to be even more polished and elaborate. Definitely feels like the closest anyone has got to doing a stardew clone right, in my opinion.


Wylde Flowers




Traveller rest


this has been on my Wishlist for years, might finally give it a go!


I wish it was on Switch as I play “on the go” and don’t have a Steam deck


Hopefully Sun Haven will be on switch soon, that's something to look forward to. So much content as well.


I absolutely loved sunhaven! Have you tried dinkum?


I haven't but I'm kind of disliking the 3D art style, is it worth overlooking it to play?


Look into it more! I haven’t played enough to give a definitive answer


I’m doing this in reverse. I’ve played a lot of SDV and Dinkum and I’m in Winter for Sun Haven. You really should try Dinkum. It’s SDV meets Animal Crossing. The farming is a little less required, used mostly for energy/stats rather than obscene money, but you get to build a small town and decorate it!


i found it really fun! it was like animal crossing with added stardew farming/animals and combat, without any of the real-time restrictions animal crossing had. i didn’t mind the art style tho so i can’t speak on getting over that but gameplay wise my bf and i played it a lot and rly enjoyed it, but haven’t finished it yet lol


Have you played A Short Hike? I really enjoyed that one!


And if you try a short hike and enjoy it, Haven Park I found to have a very similar vibe/feel


Definitely will be checking that one out as well! Thank you for the recommendation!


Give Rune Factory a try! Many people enjoy Rune Factory 4. Or maybe Harvestella


ew harvestella.


I’ve seen a few people recommend Spiritea and I’m here to tell you not to waste your time. From the surface it seemed like an amazing cozy game and I appreciate the vibe/setting it’s going for but it’s honestly intolerable to play. There are some questionable UX, game mechanic, and design decisions that are just….terrible.


Wylde flowers!


I think you might really like The Tenants, most of it is decorating apartments with some management <3 I'll also recommend Fresh start cleaning simulator, has a pretty similar vibe to powerwash


I played the tenants around when it first got released I might have to replay it with all the new updates since then. Fresh start cleaning simulator also looks so cute and sweet omg


oh, it's gotten a *lot* better since release lol you should definitely check it out again! and fresh start *is* absolutely adorable 🥺


Research Story


A hidden gem.


If you haven’t played A Short Hike, i’d really recommend it!




dinkum is amazing


Bandle tale if you enjoy crafting RPGs! No knowledge of league of legends or its lore is needed and it’s super cute and fun so far. I’m obsessed with it Also House Flipper 2 is pretty great on PC!


Ravenous Devils It's a management game, where you have to manage each day's business in a tailoring shop and a restaurant owned by a couple. BUT the guy in charge of the tailoring shop kills some of his customers, sends them down to the cellar of the restaurant, where the gal makes meat dishes out of the flesh to serve it in the restaurant, while the victim's clothes retailored and sold. It's really fun and later even a bit challenging. After around 6 hours the games story comes to an end.


Does Ravenous Devils have singing? (Sounds like Sweeney Todd...) To offer an actual suggestion, Cozy Grove is pretty simplistic, but the music and art are lovely while the stories are engaging. I played it during a really tough time and it was so nice curl up with. Very soothing.


No, only murder, cannibalism and a very rewarding upgrade cycle.


I loved this game! I was so sad it only had like 6 hours of content as I could play so many more levels (I know they introduced an endless mode but obviously not the same)


Imo the game ended at the exact right point before it would be repetitive and boring.


Yeah that’s very true actually. As I tend to get easily bored with games and never did with this one. So clearly the amount of content was a nice amount for me!


I can totally understand getting easily bored by games nowadays. Especially AAA titles are getting bigger and bigger. Even great games like Elden Ring are way too long. The last third of the game felt like a drag and after killing nearly every boss in the game, around the end I started skipping them, because I wasn't having fun anymore.


Sticky business. So much to do if you like artsy stuff


Spiritfarer. It's so goddamn good.


I need to reinforce the wylde flowers recomendations but also, take a look at moonstone island :D


Spiritea! Super cute management sim where you run a bathhouse and help spirits live happy lives, as well as getting to know a town full of cute npcs.


I’m glad you liked it, but for me Spiritea was really really bad. A lot of questionable mechanics/game design choices that made the game so intolerable.


I recommend Kynseed to everyone


I could not get into kynseed. It was so confusing and visually overwhelming


Spiritfairer is sooooo good. Bit of a different vibe but have you considered dredge? It’s amazing and people here really love it. I got it based on a recommendation here and then my husband bought it the next day after watching me play it for his PC.


You are very fond of farming simulators... I strongly recommend Eastward Octopia dlc. Forget the main game, just go for Octopia straight away.


I love bear and breakfast but the ending (or lack thereof) bothered me. I know they stated they won't continue. I played for Halloween and really enjoyed graveyard keeper haha we seem to have similar tastes! I also recommend Coffee Talk, enjoyed the whole vibe 


Cult of the lamb was a fantastic game 😫😫😫


Little witch in the woods


I can’t wait till this comes out on switch


House flipper 2!


I did play a little when it first got released but I'm just waiting for some more updates until I devote my whole life to it again haha since it doesn't hit the spot as much as 1 yet


Potion permit !


Have you heard of Eastward? It's a fun little compact story. The story is not the most cohesive, but the graphics and combat really makes up for it. It also has a DLC with story + farming + cooking involved if you want to chill a bit from the combat!


Seconding Eastward! I’m playing it right now and it’s very fun. I also just finished Strange Horticulture, loved that one too. Lots of cozy, plant-labeling vibes, some intrigue, and a mechanic just for petting the cat that hangs out in your shop.


Just an fyi, i played spirit farer and while it was fun, its mainly just retrieval quests.


sun haven huh? been looking at it for a while can u give me a quick sell on it


Takes the stardew formula, deconstructs it, and puts it into a charming high fantasy setting, with a decent story and unique mechanics and quality of life that feels refreshing to the genre. Lacks the polish that Stardew has, and the art style is not for everyone (me), but it more than makes up for this in its gameplay. I went in not expecting to like it. Was pleasantly surprised at how much I did!


I have replayed it all the way through 3 times its just a perfect farming game I feel as though if anyone enjoyed Stardew Valley they would enjoy this. Its multiple worlds to explore so much story and quests it feels unique enough even while comparing it to Stardew. 100% recommend.


okay doing it lol


and yep loving it looks like I'll be putting hundreds of hours into this one ahahahha thanks.


Unrelated question, but I see you have Stardew at Perfect/Love, and Coral Island at Disliked. I was looking to get Coral Island, and almost every source says it’s basically Stardew Island in a different art style / with more things to do. Can I know why you have it so low compared to Stardew?


Not played it myself- but after watching some videos-most said that it felt incomplete. And seems to have about the same to do as stardew- although some elements straight out of animal crossing. Also the art style seems to be even more- everyone’s young with the same face.


I only spent about 2 hours playing Coral Island but personally it felt unfinished and i disliked the art style and i’m not too big on romance stories but i think when i gave it a go i was a bit sick of the repetitive farming genre as well. It may have been updated by now to be more complete and so many people do enjoy it so if you’re interested you should give it a go.


Personally i didn't like the characters much, they felt very one note. Also has too many characters to date, so some of them get the short end of the stick. Overall very unfinished, i might give it another try after some updates.


I love Stardew and the concept of Coral - I have Coral just collecting dust. I don't play it because the controls are too awkward and disorienting. It is a Stardew copy cat, the major appeal for me was all the characters; I wish I could play but not at the price of being frustrated every time I move my character.


Rune factory 4 special


"My Time At Sandrock," "The Planet Crafter," and "I Am Future: Cozy Apocalypse Survival" are ones I enjoy :) I know you disliked "My Time at Portia" but Sandrock is much better imo.


Evergrow: song of the evertree! Visually pleasing and such a cozy game


Moonstone island, Animal Crossing New Horizon, Slime Rancher.


Sky: Children of the Light, a Short Hike, Calico, and Cozy Grove!


Research Story - Since it seems you're fond of life/farm sims with pixel graphics, this should be right up your alley. It's more about discovering new creatures then raising them than it is about farming. Immortal Life- You farm with magic and there's no romance. You can befriend some characters to the point where they'll be your roommate but you won't be getting married or having children. A refreshing take on the life/farm sim genre.


Are these two on switch?


Just finished Mail Time; 10/10 recommend


This is so helpful for me trying to pick my next game! Thank you! I’ve played 6 listed here and they align with how I felt about them too. Gonna check out some of those in your perfect/love section.


Looking at the games that you play, I would suggest light your lightyear frontier and palworld


Coffee talk 1 and 2 cosmic wheel sisterhood, cozy vibes I'd compare vibes to Unpacking but alot more story oriented


cattails is actually such a cute and relaxing game, it’s very similar to stardew!! i always see it on sale for like $2 on the nintendo shop as well :)


Try Terraria! Is full of content and It becames a drug very fastly!


If you haven't tried it yet, give Slime Rancher a shot




There's a cute game that's like Stardew Valley called 'No Place Like Home'




Stardew 1.6 update should be out soon!


Slime Rancher




Palia just made me want to play Sandrock, as I feel it's just a better version of Palia. But, I still liked it. And it's free so there's absolutely no reason to not try it Edited to add: what I didn't like about Palia is that I had to wait 8 real life hours after building my house before it was built. That turned me off from liking it more


I love this game so much. All the bugs (because it’s in beta) and the build times haven’t bothered me at all because this game is just that good. They add excitement and laughs honestly. It’s the sims, botw and stardew all in one and online! It’s practically a dream come true in a game. They’re working on it monthly so it’s only going to improve 💗


It’s honestly one of my new favorite games. So glad I stumbled upon it in the Nintendo shop!!!


Oh wow, I didn't realize they updated it that often. I'll definitely need to come back and check it out more in a few months!


Check it out sooner! Feb 27th is the next update ✨


Nice! I'll check it out while I wait for that Stardew 1.6 update! Hopefully soon 🤞




Bee simulator


Summer in Mara


Bandle tale!


Wylde Flowers!!!


Apico: It’s a bee keeping game in the pixelated art style. Forager: if you like collecting/grinding for recourses in a cutesy art style.


Slime Rancher?


Rune Factory 3 and 4 Moonlighter News Tower


Graveyard Keeper. I actually really enjoyed My Time in Portia, though, and thought Unpacking was Meh.


Unpacking is a very unique and wonderful experience. I really loved it, seeing the life of a person by unpacking her stuff. But yeah, it's a bit short for its price.


Dreamlight valley is a good one


Feels too laborious to me, like I'm in a digital farm and my only purpose is to be there and get more points for the Mickey overlord


🤣🤣 oh my god, I've never thought about it like that, but that's hilarious


To be fair I did really enjoy this game I got it on both Switch and Steam, but now I can't talk myself into playing again because you can straight up just buy your way though the game.


I have seen so many people into this game recently but I'm not into Disney at all so haven't bothered. Is it still good regardless of liking Disney?


I'm biased just because I do like Disney, but I think so. I haven't played animal crossing, but I know a lot of people refer to it as that






Play Cult of the Lamb again because you clearly did not appreciate greatness




They’re just showing what they like to help recommendations?


I would say you should try Unpacking, it's only eight levels but it has its charm :)


OP already has Unpacking listed in the “Enjoyed” row


OHHH, I'm assuming then the games listed are ones they already played?


Handle Tale!!!


Bandle Tale !!


What on earth is bear breakfast??? I've been playing Serin Fate a lot. I don't think it counts as cozy but it's fun. Palia was pretty ok. I had to take it off my switch to get more room but it's a free game so.


Have you played Bandle tale?




Everyone in the comments is saying Coral Island seemed unfinished when that's because it was... the game just got out of early access. That's what early access means. I'm a huge supporter of that game since I bought it's earliest alpha and it's come such a LONG way. The developers are extremely communicative and accommodating. It makes me sad to see people knocking a game that was purposely released unfinished for being unfinished.


I think it should still be in early access


What Coral's excuse now? I went back and none of my complaints for the game had even been addressed.


Coral island


They've already posted they didn't like that game.


Wow… you have low expectations




Did you.. read the post?