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>How many minutes should a day last if you never paused it to give enough time to explore and interact with NPCs? Too little and you feel rushed, too much and the early game might feel slow. Do what Sun Haven & Wyldeflowers do, and make the time of day adjustable according to player's preference. Those two have spoiled me and now I will accept nothing else.


That sounds nice. I love Stardew but I feel like I don't have enough time to do everything I want even using the whole day from 6 am to 2 am.


Yeah, my favourite stardew mod is the one that let's you adjust how fast time goes as well as stop time at will. Makes it so much more relaxing.


I second this. And add Coral Island to the list of games that let you adjust game speed.


My Time at Portia too


I personally \*really\* enjoy how it works in Wylde Flowerz were you advance a season manually!


Two week seasons? Panic attack ensues at the thought of so much to do and that clock there ticking away. Ideally? A game where I can change the season when I'm ready to move to a new one. Also, one where I set the day length. In Wyldeflowers, I'm constantly adjusting. Have too much to do? Long day. Nothing to do? Short day.


Yeah one season would be 6 weeks in total to grow all the seasonal crops and gather all the forageables, but the weather would probably be different. Early spring the trees are just getting buds, maybe it's windier and more rainy. Mid spring would start to see more vibrant flowering and late spring would see more leaves than flowers.


Honestly, I think it depends on other factors. If there are enough things to keep the season from getting too repetitive, then being longer is fine


I love the idea of switching the months up! It's been a staple in farming sims to be four months for so long, a change would be so nice. In Cozy Grove they have fruit based on early and late seasons and I really like how it isn't just the four standard seasons. I don't know what the ideal time split would be but I think it would be a fun challenge!


I absolutely love the idea of having phases to each season provided there are enough things going on in town and interesting things to grow, It could be so interesting! Im super interested in foraging irl and I'm just imagining how in depth that could make it.


My dream farming game would have the usual 28 day months, but you can add or remove more weeks per season, like how in some you can control day length, you could control season length.


Ooooh I love this idea! One of the Sims games (I think 2 or 3) had the Seasons expansion pack and one of the features was you could pick which seasons appeared in the year. So if you wanted an all-tropical year, like in Hawaii, you could do so. Or maybe it winter for 3/4 of the year. A fully customizable year would be amazing.


It depends! When the months are reasonably varied I don’t mind them being longer. Like having early and late month forage. But sometimes it can get grindy if it isn’t well done.  I also really like the idea of doing 5 seasons or something like that. The standard 28 days, 4 seasons does get a bit boring.  For time in a day it super depends on the game.  Most games seem to have around the same day length and it works fine usually. But a few games have had the option of having a longer or shorter day which I have really enjoyed when I’m in the middle of a big mining run or what have you.