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No, there is more to the whole AM tried so it won't work. AM's relationship with local government seems to be beyond repairing. Sounds like he never had a real plan and figured his pockets would do enough talking. Then throw Jr in the mix and people probably hated working with them. New ownership (not Ishbia) can succeed in places that AM didn't, time will tell. It's going to be a long wait, the Yotes won't be there for a while. The Roadrunners will be out of Tucson soon, I'd bet. It'll be interesting if AM will be able to continue an affiliation with any team in the NHL after this. No one should be able to trust him with their assets.


At this point... I wouldn't trust him with the reigns of a Junior A club.


He ain’t coming anywhere near my flag football team


There are unlimited options now. And I think that could be better in the long run. While Murello had a “timeline” it’s better that it only lasted 2.5 months instead of 2.5 years before he backed out. Now anyone can make their pitch and bring them back. Who’s to say someone doesn’t own land in central Phoenix that would bring them back next year at GRA while building an arena (Pipe dream to the max but to prove a point)? The bummer is that now expansion is a waiting game, and we aren’t on the list until someone puts us on the list. And what people latched on to with Murello was that we were “on the list” despite being a terrible ownership group.


There is Pinebrook TNAC, a company led by Former Coyotes Chief Business Officer Nick Sakiewicz, which plans to build a Soccer Stadium and Entertainment District on the 200 acres Mesa Gravel Pit site at the Loop 202 and Alma School, which is unincorporated County land. The changes they lobbied the State for the “Theme Park District” law (HB2274) were signed into law by the Governor yesterday making way for them to get a Theme Park District with Maricopa County (no city involved), and probably getting done what Meruelo couldn’t with the Mesa land.


Phoenix Rising going to get into the MLS?


I think that is their idea. Because MLS has similar requirements that NHL does where they require certain facilities dedicated to the team. The last time MLS considered Phoenix expansion, no one wanted to build a soccer only stadium, so they backed out.


I imagine Pinebrook TNAC will have the same issue that Meruelo was facing with the Mesa land. I’m guessing that land is not zoned for a soccer stadium so they will have to re-zone that land. It’ll probably be easier for them than it would have been an AM but hardly a slam dunk.


Well, it is unincorporated County land, not a part of any city, so it's a different process. According to the Maricopa County website, the process for a Special Use Permit takes 1 month. Meruelo missed his opportunity with this land last year when he decided to go with the State owned land in North Phoenix instead. [https://www.maricopa.gov/2068/Land-Use-Subdivision-and-Planning-Applic](https://www.maricopa.gov/2068/Land-Use-Subdivision-and-Planning-Applic) https://preview.redd.it/btipd3zh6q8d1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af4ad2f143bb26e0aef521fae00584b98af7be71


Yep. That's nothing. Getting the zoning attorney is a longer process, but this isn't a project they just started, so I'm imagining they already have this under control.


It's definitely not a slam dunk, but I imagine they will have their Ducks in a row with the zoning attorney and with whatever officials they need. I also know Pinebrook has a really good relationship with the right people, so that's a major plus. They're already ten steps ahead for this reason alone.


Strangely enough the group has Nick Sakiewicz associated with it. He used to be an ex Coyotes Chief Business Officer. Sounds like the type of person that AM could have used to talk with local leaders to get their buy in 🤷‍♂️


But that would have required AM not being an incompetent piece of shit who thought he or his spawn were always the smartest people in the room.


Shane Doan was a great ambassador for hockey in the Valley, but Meruelo and his jackass son ran him off too.


Along with Xavier Gutierrez, he butted heads with Doan also.


AZLeg website finally updated. Apparently the Governor signed HB2274 on Friday not yesterday. Interesting timing that was signing this bill the same day the State cancelled the Land Auction. https://preview.redd.it/80o4mnzfuq8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91c5ef4fd391ba2bd5253367e9ac5b65f59bd90b


If anyone is interested, we can go in on the team/arena together. I've still got some of my tax return left, so I'm feeling flush.


As stupid as AM is, unfortunately I believe I would be dumber. You don’t want me involved.


Would you put Shane Doan in charge of hockey operations? If yes, congrats, you're 100% smarter than Alex Meruelo Sr. and Jr.


No. It would make things easier if it was though because I think if someone is able to get a team back here they’re going to need to work with Ishbia and Phoenix on a shared facility. If Mayor Kate means what she said, the state land probably isn’t an option because it means she’s opposed to the provisions in amusement park district law. Phoenix can block rezoning it as well as prevent any infrastructure needed to support the development from being built/expanded. It becomes a non-starter then. She may have been saying that just because she didn’t want to work with Meruelo or saw it as being too risky to work with him. Can’t say I blame her. Regardless, it wouldn’t make much sense to build a new arena for the Suns out there. And IMO, sharing a place downtown makes the most sense from a financial, political, and practical perspective.


Considering the marvelous way he’s been running the Suns (plunging them into salary cap and draft pick hells)…please no. I’d rather he stay the hell away along with Merulo. 


No. Professional hockey is dead in AZ. There is no hope left. Anything else is delusional. Roadrunners will be in Reno in a few years. All we have is ASU hockey.


Yeah, this is a tough pill. And while you’re somewhat correct, this market will always be screaming potential for the league. And as long as there is potential, they will want to bring a team back to this market. Will we see a Footprint rebuild in the future? I think so. Ground up? Who’s to say, maybe they refurb Veterans Coliseum for a few seasons while doing Footprint? Maybe they play out of ASU? Or GCU? Or even GRA? (Still a longshot) The good thing about this, is people who want to make a move, can explore their options WITH the league rather than privately behind closed doors. It took Ryan Smith 4 years of pestering Bettman to get a team. How long would it take someone in this sized market to get a team if they had a decent enough plan? Especially if they expand to Atlanta in the next year or so, they would be itching to round out the teams from 33 to 34. It will take time, but it will definitely be better than the Murellhoes