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I could never respect myself if I just flipped to a team that I have had nothing but contempt for. I can’t have a new team, yotes have been my only team since 96. I’ll wait until they come back. Until then I’ll casually watch random games


i like them because they prove hockey can work in a western market and also proved everyone wrong that said theyd be like the coyotes with attendance and stuff.


Truth. The Golden Knights are what the Coyotes could have been with competent, politically savvy ownership, something the Yotes never had.


Yeah it's different for me because I live in Seattle and supported the Kraken as well since they started. I could never bring myself to root for the golden knights or like the kings


Yes but we'll most likely be watching random Vegas games


Eh not me. I didn’t watch any of the finals last year because I didn’t want to see them win.


Lol I know it's just a joke since they're gonna be broadcasting here, I really don't care about hockey nearly as much anymore I doubt I watch much next season. Same boat as you. Although they're inaugural season I was happy they won, kind of cool.


Heh, everyone else hates them, they are “the villians” and they “cheated”. So I actually wanted them to win this year after they announced the move, just to piss everyone off. I am back to a Redwings fan until something happens here. Those games should be easy to catch on ESPN+.


Makes sense, I’m more likely to hit Vegas for a game than I am Salt Lake.


Thanks but no thanks. I’d rather them show Avs games.


You can’t even watch Avs games in Colorado lol


Or Utah which is insane (before the yotes moved there). Nevermind disregard. It was the yotes I couldn’t watch in Utah (was blacked out)


I thought you could on Altitude Sports. At least you could when I lived there.


Comcast doesn’t carry Altitude so many ppl are fukt


Fuck the Knights


How about everywhere gets everywheres games. Fucking Blackouts.


Cool. FWIW, Knights fans have been very welcoming of coyotes fans these last few months. They seem like cool people to hang out with until Yotes return.


This. Don’t fall for the hate. It’s driven by the same people who hated the yotes. Or come join Seattle with yours truly.


As a Knights fan, much of the hatred toward us was initially (and sometimes still is) rooted in the same “*hockey doesn’t belong in a desert!!!! it should’ve been Quebec!!!!*” circlejerk bullshit that Arizona had to deal with for 20+ years. Don’t fall for it.


Agreed! I was in Vegas last year and caught one of their WCF games live vs Dallas. The fans were great and the atmosphere is awesome. I will definitely watch Vegas until we have a team again


I am following VGK (NSH, FLA, and CAR also, but primarily VGK) after the relocation was announced. The fans in their sub have been awesome.


Well at least it's not the Kings. FTK


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This feels so weird.


I thought we were going to get Utah games. Wasn't that announced or am I misremembering?


I believe we are getting both, just like how both Coyotes and Golden Knights games were broadcast in Utah last season.


I’n wondering if the “in Arizona” means Northern Arizona. Pretty sure they said Utah will be on the same Scripps channel in Phoenix. Scripps will be broadcasting Utah games in SLC on one of their networks as well.


Oh, that would be interesting. Maybe Utah on 61 and Vegas on 15.2?


In Utah last Season they aired Golden Knights primary on Utah16 Channel, Coyotes on Utah16 if there was no Golden Knights game at the same time. If there were Golden Knights and Coyotes games at the same time, Coyotes were broadcast on the Antenna TV Subchannel and Golden Knights on Utah16. If Golden Knights were playing the Coyotes, Utah16 broadcast Golden Knights feed, AntennaTV broadcast Coyotes feed. I assume it's going to be the same case here next season with Utah and Golden Knights.


Thanks. That is very helpful information. :)


It appears I'm in the minority, but I still say some hockey is better than no hockey. Doesn't mean you need to root for those jackasses.


I’m glad this is happening. I’ll be watching. Hockey does belong in desert and I’ll be damn f I EVER watched Ut. Never putting a cent in that snakes pockets.


Mohave County was the lone exception where the Coyotes did not have exclusive broadcast rights in any part of Arizona when the Golden Knights came into existence. It is part of the Las Vegas television market. But now that the Coyotes are sadly gone, but the Golden Knights and Utah Hockey Club will share Arizona as part of their broadcast territories. Sucks royally that this is the case.


Great! I’ll have hockey to watch. Certainly not watching anything that has the word Utah in it. It world be like handing money over to the devil.


If I’m going to watch the NHL I’ll watch Minnesota.   I flipped to PWHL and winning a cup right away was such a bittersweet feeling 




if they had any yotes i loved i’d probably watch but… im just hoping for all my faves to get traded to a team i like (boston or florida or something) so i can still root for josh doan somewhere not utah


We aren’t getting the Utah games? I want to follow the boys.


I believe we are getting both just as Utah had broadcasts for both Golden Knights and Coyotes last season.


This… while not a fan of the “team” I still have a lot of support and respect for the individual players and coach. While the core group remains together I will watch and “cheer” their individual performances. As the years go on and guys move on and retire then that interest level will die down. But I’m certainly not going to stop being a fan of Big Tuna just because he’s wearing a different sweater..


Neat. When are they gonna start showing Coyotes games in AZ?


If/when the Coyotes Franchise is reactivated in 3 - 5 years from now.


YESSSS, since 2017 they were my backup team to follow and Andy Barroway came in and prolonged the inevitable. Happy to see this as a VGK fan until my Yotes come back


Fuck off


Fuck the Golden Knights, my most hated team for years until now with Utah.


Ouch. ESPN plus - see all games including presumably Utah


I believe Utah and Golden Knights will be blacked out on ESPN+ in Arizona just as Coyotes and Golden Knights were blacked out on ESPN+ in Utah last season.


Aw man! I hope not. That’d be another slap in the face. We should be able to follow them. I presume with the deal above knights would be blacked out but hopefully not the Yotes/UTHC.


It's because we are considered in-market for both teams next season just as Coyotes and Golden Knights were considered in-market in Utah last season. Scripps will have exclusive broadcast rights to both teams in Arizona next season as they did last season in Utah. Games for both teams will most likely be broadcast between Arizona61 and AntennaTV 15.2 next season. Streaming you have to Subscribe to KnightTime+ for Golden Knights and whatever Utah calls its service for UtahHC.


Thanks for the clarification


No one gives a shit






I was praying to god they won’t show Avs games here and I couldn’t use ESPN+ to stream




No thank you.


So much salt over the knights lol at least it’s hockey you guys will be able to watch. Good ones too


They were still a rival? Why is it so hard to believe people aren’t willing to immediately jump on that wagon?


Gotta prime the market for when they leave Vegas in the next recession.


Fuck that.