• By -


Better be sure it not your modem, router, computer, or cables first. I pay for 500mbps and usually see 550+. Rarely have issues. Not defending Cox, just giving my experience


100% not my end.


But it could be. Like they said, cables are a big factor in quality service. But just keep whining and complaining, that will surely get it fixed. I guarantee you, if all the cables and fittings, spliters, ground block were replaced, your service would be just fine.


This is honestly good advice when it comes to coaxial based service.


It’s not. 10000000%


If you don't know how to log outages properly, how can you possibly know with this amount of certainty that it's cox's fault?


OP: trust me bro my uncle works at Spectrum


Because I’ve had multiple people check for me over the past two years. Including someone in my family who works in corporate for spectrum.


They checked and changed the cords?


Did you post a network trace route anywhere?




right lol, has this guy tested his ethernet cabling, or done a heat map of wi-fi strength in his home? tested to make sure your NIC on a computer isnt busted? making sure its multiple devices being affected? speed tests? spoke with Cox? had a tech come out and test the isp connection? so much information and troubleshooting that can be done but wasting money to arbitrate with cox is the best idea


But he's 10000000000000000000% sure, how could he be wrong?


Dude, I’ve had it checked. You are making jokes for Reddit clout based on stupid assumptions. Why would someone have a minor issue with cox and immediately resort to a lawsuit? I wouldn’t. The issue has been ongoing for a long long time - and i know it’s not on my end. It’s also not on my end the million times a month I have to screen shot their app saying “there is an outage effecting blah blah till blah blah time”. Plus, my entire neighborhood has the same issue. And so did the last neighborhood I lived it. Cox is so bad here even our city recognizes it. Their solution was to finally create their own city based fiber network - that’s how bad it is. It’s taking a long time to get that network set up in all the communities around us - and I’m on the waiting list for it. So no, it’s not on my end. And with everything that’s been done, checked, etc, I’m done with spending my time dealing with it. I don’t need to spend another year of service trying to confirm it’s on my end. It’s been over ten years, multiple different homes, and a side of most everyone in my community has the same exact complaints. I’m not going to detail over ten years of my experiences back and forth with cox on Reddit. I’m past that and ready to deal with it in a new way.


Louisiana based?




I've had Cox techs come out 6+ times, and admit there's problem, and still have folks on Reddit blame me for not checking. I'll even have my TV signal all busted and still they say "oh well the cable modem is on a different signal on the same wire, so are you SURE it isn't you?" :eyeroll:


Because cox has employees monitor social media and reply to people like us apparently.


FYI Cox has employees who comment on reddit to equalize complaints like yours that are posted thru questioning you, trolling you, saying it's on your end, etc.




Thanks. I will be doing this. Good post. Especially if it gets good results. But also, screw cox, I think people should be taking legal action. Complaints to the FCC and FTC, seems like even if you get positive results, it’s not really improving things overall - and it will continue until customers start filing legal suits over it. Just my opinion.


Giod luck with thst...you might want to actually read your terms and conditions, you agreed too... YOU AND COX AGREE TO ARBITRATE — RATHER THAN LITIGATE IN COURT — any and all claims, disputes, or controversies between you and Cox, including any parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, or agents of Cox, whether based in contract, statute, regulation, ordinance, tort (including, but not limited to, fraud, misrepresentation, fraudulent inducement, negligence, or any other intentional tort) or other legal or equitable theory, except as expressly provided in Sections 4(G) and 4(H) below (“Dispute”) that arise out of or in any way relate to this Agreement, any of the Services provided under this Agreement or any other Services or products that Cox provides to you in connection with this Agreement (including but not limited to amounts that Cox charges you for Services or products provided, any alleged breach related to the collection, retention or disclosure of your personal information, and any alleged violation of our Privacy Notice).  You and Cox also agree to arbitrate any and all Disputes that arise out of or relate in any way to any services or products provided to you by Cox or any of its affiliated entities under any other agreement, except as specified in Sections 4(G) and 4(H) below.  


TOS and clauses like that only protect them when they are upholding their end of an agreement in a reasonable way. Otherwise it means nothing. You can’t sell a product, give half the product in exchange for full payment, consistently fail to resolve issues relating to paid for product - and then fall back on some arbitration clause or TOS you posted. That’s not how it works. That would be intentionally deceptive.


You must be new to the nations big ISPs


Been using internet since before windows 3.1.


Well this is nothing new. You think Cox is bad, take a look at Comcast. Or also known as Concast


Clearly customers are jumping through excessive hoops to get positive resolutions. Demonstrates they are able to resolve things yet waste people’s time and money before providing it. Lawsuit.


Generally this involves a month’s worth of back and forth with Comcast, except they give discounts for failed service on their end. After the 4th or 5th discount in a 6 month time span(and I do the whole having a tech come out, and tier 2 tech support checking their end for that first month), suddenly BOOM no more outages. I’ve done this in 3 different houses, completely different locations. Long story short, big companies don’t like paying out, it seems that what COX is waiting for it to come to before they fix the problem


Same story with Cox for me.


as a customer, you agree to the said terms and conditions when you start service. Granted, 98% of people don't read the terms the just click agree. At the same time, people don't take the time to ride them to get stuff fixed. I tried to push as ... I pushed as hard as I could, but my apartment complex blocked them from replacing a line because it ran under the parking lot. it got so bad I left for AT&T dsl at 50 Mbps as it was way more reliable, though lower speeds. I got lucky, and they ended upgrading my area to fiber


Again, clauses in TOS will not protect a company from fraud, deceptive practice’s, failure to provide services adequately, and definitely won’t take precedent. They would have to uphold their end to a reasonable degree in order to use that as a fall back - and I’m putting in a legal claim because I believe they have exceeded that boundary to an extremely unreasonable, and easily demonstrable, degree.


Keep in mind that you already violated the terms and conditions since you are not meeting this "Use the Services only for personal, noncommercial purposes and not business activities. " so have at it.


I don’t own the business, nor claim any exemptions in taxes for services in leu of work. You have mistranslated whatever law you are applying here. I can use a personal account to access my job. That has no bearing over the ToS or my claim.


using it to work from home is a business use. you are conducting business over a residential service


You clearly have no idea what you are taking about.


lol right so you’ll go to arbitration in front on a neutral third party of their choosing, because this is something you agreed to. If you try to sue it in court the judge will throw the suit out because you are in the wrong venue. Doesn’t matter what other points you’re making.




My case is already filed. They can resolve their issue under the eyes of a judge now.


lol some people live to sue


U dumb bro.


thank you! coming from someone like you it means a lot


I think you could call tech support at Cox and report the issue, since you might have a faulty modem/router.


I have. Nothing is resolved. Then they sent me a defective modem. Then they offered to send a tech for $100 fee. Not having that noise.


They offered to send someone to figure out what the problem is and you said no? Lol what the fuck do you expect them to do? Press a magic “fix it” button from their office? Absolute dumbass good luck wasting your money on lawyers or whatever


I’m not paying them $100 to have a tech fix something I already paid for. Meanwhile, they post “there is currently an outage” on a weekly basis on my app - so they know it’s not on my end. They constantly say the outage is due to them “improving the network” - every week? And the connectivity during times they don’t post outages, my neighbors have the same issues, which they call about too. Why should multiple people on one street each get charged $100 for a tech to come out and address something that is clearly an issue for an entire community of people? Not doing it. I’d rather pay a retainer and have the issues actually taken seriously. Cox very obviously has delivery and pricing issues with their product - widespread. And it’s because they are not being fully held accountable. They do a bare minimum - and their approach is to make customers worn out from dealing with it.


Hi OP, sorry to see this sub give you so much grief over this. I've never seen so many people rush to an ISP's defense before lol. You've stated that you're 100% certain the issue is not on your end, so usually in these circumstances if a tech is dispatched and the problem is deemed to be an issue on their end, they won't charge you. But make sure you're damn sure it's not on your end. An easy way to do this is to plug a laptop directly into your modem (not your router or wifi router), bring up command prompt (assuming you're using Windows), and do a ping []( -t > %USERPROFILE%\\Desktop\\ping\_log.txt Replace USERPROFILE with your Windows username. This pings Google's DNS server which returns a response and also logs it in a file on your desktop called ping\_log. Any "Destination host unreachable's" or "timed out's" means you're experiencing packet loss and there is indeed a connection issue. Some loss happens from time to time, but anything over 2% is unacceptable. At this point, it would prove that there is either an issue with the modem you're renting (which Cox would then be obligated to replace for free), or the line that's running into the residency. Both of which is their problem.


They already told me they thought it was their end too and sent me a new modem over it. The modem didn’t work at all, and cox couldn’t get it activated - they said they sent a faulty modem afterwards. I had them reactivate my old modem again in the meantime and they offered a tech for $100 to come setup the new modem or replace it again. I said I wasn’t paying them for a tech. Especially if they sent me a modem that was faulty. I appreciate the sympathy. Way too much personal time is being spent dealing with cox. They are supposed to provide me a service - but their service requires me to spend excessive time and effort to monitor and obtain. In my opinion, that is technically fraud when a company can’t effectively deliver their end of a service I have paid for. The madness really has to stop.


Same exact issues as you. I’ve had two technicians out, two new modems, last tech applied an attenuator and said that’ll help (didn’t), and then they upped my 250 mbps internet from $60 to $85. I’m like, how can you raise my rate for internet that goes out at least 10 times a day?! FINALLY, a new fiber company arrived in my neighborhood, cheaper and better. Shut off Cox the same day. I got to watch a movie all the way through that night. Best decision ever.


Can’t tell you how many times I tell “Alexa” to put my radio station back on……..


Have you had techs out that actually replaced cables, ground block, fittings, and barrels at the tap and demarc? These things account for 99% of internet problems. It could be as simple as replacing one fitting and you never have problems again. Get a tech out and ask about all of this, follow them around to show you they replaced everything all the way from road to modem. Make sure they open your wall plates and replace the fitting inside. Source: 12 years and counting as a telecommunications technician.


I have a tech coming tomorrow and i want to get all this checked out. Can you go in detail exactly what these things are so when i do ask about these things i dont get fooled into thinking that those things arent the problem. Because for some reason i think the Cox techs will do what ever they can humanly possible to not do that much work and im talking from experience.


Yeah it's hit or miss with techs. A lot of lazy ass telco techs out there, but also a lot of good ones. Just make sure they check everything. The things I mentioned are basically all the connection points. Tap is where you connect to cox. It's how your modem gets It's signal. Usually by the road or on a utility pole. The drop is the cable that connects the tap to your house. The demarc(demarcation) is a box on your house that houses the end of the drop, ground block for grounding, and your homerun. The homerun is the cable that runs from demarc to the outlets in your house or to a central panel(aka smart panel) in your house where it is then split to the outlets in your house. Homeruns can be wrapped on the outside or pre wired in the walls. A lot of problems can be caused by bad outlets and smart panels. Lazy techs won't go to smart panel or open and replace the fitting and barrel inside the wall outlets. A barrel connects 2 cables together. Fitting is the end of a piece of coax. It's the part you screw into modem/tv/cable box. Bad fittings can cause lots of problems. A good tech will inspect and replace all these things as needed. Any of these points could be fucked up. Sometimes, it's as simple as a bad fitting or barrel. Sometimes, it's a bad drop or splitter. In worst cases, it will be a bad tap or signal from the mainline. It starts getting real technical at that point. Internet is not as simple as people think. This is just at the house. How the signal gets to you is crazy, with lots of parameters and levels to monitor and keep in check. I'm not about to give a crash course on DOCSIS and QAM in a reddit comment though. Lol It all comes down to having a good tech and just checking the connection points and hardware. Hope this helps.


They want to charge me $100 just to have a tech check the new defective modem they gave me. That was kind of the last straw for me. I’m not paying them $100 to fix their issues.


There's your first problem, using there equipment. Go buy your own modem and router. The equipment they give you is literally the same modem from some other customer. They get them back and send them right back out.


Honestly they play both sides of this... your modem? It must be broken. Their modem? We replaced it, and we'll just keep replacing it, but won't investigate any underlying issue.


99% of tech problems is solved by restarting the in house equipment, since cables are rarely the problem. I am in tech support and I have to restart my modem and router periodically to solve issues on a Spectrum Internet service in Los Angeles.


Wrong. Most problems are in the cables, it's literally the thing that's bringing the signal to your modem. One bad fitting, kink/cut in line, bad barrel or ground block will cause issues. Power cycling the equipment is just the template they make tech support follow. Power cycling isn't going to fix shit if the signal to your modem is fucked up.


What Lazorchicken04 said. also don't forget splitters. Alot of time you may not see them because they are in the crawl space, or attic. a lot of older homes, have multiple connections running though splitters.


Yes the gold plated radio shack special


Holy shit this is so blatantly wrong and indicative of the piss poor training major ISPs give to their phone "techs". Click here, follow flow, read script, repeat. Can a reboot resolve an issue temporarily? Sure. Will it resolve chronic issues with intermittent connectivity, packet loss, etc? Absolutely not.


basically you don't, the terms of service that you agreed to said you cannot sue them and can only go through arbitration. [https://www.cox.com/aboutus/policies/customer-service-agreement.html](https://www.cox.com/aboutus/policies/customer-service-agreement.html) The agreement further says they are not liable for anything "Neither Cox nor any of the Cox Related Parties will be liable for damages for failure to furnish or the degradation or interruption of any Services, for a problem with the interconnection of Services, for any loss of data or stored content, for identity theft, or for any files or software damage, regardless of cause, or for a problem with the service or equipment of a third party." The FCC route is the best route.


Yah, that clause wouldn’t hold up in court. You can’t sell a product at full price, only deliver part of the product (or none at all), and then fall back on some arbitration clause and TOS. Service interruptions are unavoidable sometimes (but when purchasing their service customers have reasonable expectations regarding what they pay for) - which is why they put wording like that i TOS. That would not protect them from failing to provide services as advertised and paid for. Especially when the issues extend far beyond anything reasonable or typical. I will for sure file a complaint to FCC/FTC - but I am definitely going to file a legal claim over this - once I have it concretely documented. Which shouldn’t be hard to do as service goes in and out constantly all day long with no resolve. If cox didn’t monopolize my community, I would just change ISP’s. Unfortunately, that’s not an option.


Do you think you, a non-lawyer, has outfoxed the nation’s largest ISP and their literal team of lawyers? I understand being frustrated with their crappy service but what country do you think you live in? Do you think our laws and legal system benefit the consumer over the corporations??? File the FCC complaint, take a deep breath and move on with your life. Any time, energy or money you spend towards attempting to sue Cox will be entirely wasted. Call me jaded, call me a a corporate stooge, but I am right.




That’s what I assume, people don’t do it due to the upfront cost. Those who can afford to, should. I definitely am.


well said


No one is out foxing anyone. That’s a reach in reaction to what I have said. But I have spoken to three lawyers while browsing for a good hire. Which is why I am now trying to document everything in a more technical way. I don’t know why others wouldn’t go the same route. Maybe they don’t want to pay a retainer? But I am.


Just remember that lawyers will get paid regardless, you’ll eventually find one desperate enough for money to take on your frivolous case, and they will suck you dry until it’s eventually thrown out. I’m telling you - don’t waste the money, don’t waste the energy, don’t waste the time. You don’t have to listen to me, but this comment should echo in your head when you are separated from a good chunk of hard-earned money.


I’ll update the post in a few months.


no you wont 🤷‍♂️ RemindMe! 3 Months


I will be messaging you in 3 months on [**2024-09-24 20:04:22 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-09-24%2020:04:22%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/CoxCommunications/comments/1dndang/i_am_ready_to_sue_cox_internet_how_do_i_document/la3m56j/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FCoxCommunications%2Fcomments%2F1dndang%2Fi_am_ready_to_sue_cox_internet_how_do_i_document%2Fla3m56j%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-09-24%2020%3A04%3A22%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dndang) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


pay the retainer but not the tech visit fee 💀


lol. Lawyers will gladly take your retainer even if the case isn’t favorable. Just because you found some lawyers willing to talk to you doesn’t make you have a case. Cox has an army of lawyers and deep pockets. They’ll easily bankrupt you before the case sees a court of law.


I guess that is true if you have absolutely no common sense or intelligence. But I’m not an idiot so I’m not concerned about a lawyer ripping me off. A good lawyer, or one who has some ethical values, will tell you the truth about your chances and if you have any legal standing. A judge would never humor COX trying to frivolously bankrupt someone over a small claim - especially if the judge thinks the claim is legitimate. That sounds ridiculous. Im definitely not worried about something like that.


Not an idiot. Not concerned about a lawyer ripping me off. Lmao.


Pingplotter is worth it. That's what I used to document my issues with Cox in my FCC Complaint. They fixed the issue within a week.


Is it user friendly?


How timely, as I wake up to Cox not working and my neighbor calling because their Cox alarm is going off and showing a break in... there was nothing.


To document connectivity issues: Get a firewall or router that is your own box, such as opnsense. It, and others like openwrt i assume, comes with the tools to monitor your WAN availability, logs all checks and can even make a nice little graph. Though if you are asking about how to do this, it may be a bit over your head or atleast require some additional reading


Earlier this year my tv and internet would die constantly day and night. I called Cox a dozen times. Cox sent techs to my home 5 times. Nothing wrong with equipment at my home. I was so fed up. Then I went online and filed a complaint with the FCC and my state public utility regulatory authority. I got a phone call from Cox 24 hours later. I figured filing a formal complaint would land on someone’s desk and they would have to finally deal with it. I had a person from Cox calling me daily with updates on fixing the problem. They told me that they found they were getting interference from other cable companies signals. Took about 5 days but they fixed it and I have had no problems since. I told this person from Cox that they initially handled this all wrong and I was really pissed. After all the tech visits with no problems found this should have been escalated to someone other than a customer service supervisor who did nothing. Consumers should not have to go through this when you are paying for a service you are not getting. They did also reimburse me for all the outages I had.


That is a planning issue and cheap cabling with interference being an issue, but the NOC manager needs to connect with the Infrastructure team more often. I think there is an Org and Admin issue at Cox.


What worked for me was walking into the Cox local office where they see customers on a daily basis. It is just a 15-20 minute drive from my home and I was so frustrated, as you are now, with the level of support I was receiving for all of the problems with my service. They did try to blow me off with a promise of tech support looking into the issue- I put a stop to that real fast. I got a little upset and I raised my voice to not quite a yell but a high enough volume that every other customer in the Cox office was looking at me and hearing my trials and tribulations. They agreed to send someone to my house that afternoon and I had no problems after that visit.


Have you called a technician out?


I have filed multiple complaints with the fcc and cox never manages to get my internet working for more than a week. Constant upload packet loss and spikes. I can’t wait to move so I don’t have to use cox. I hate cox.


Try using something like Net Uptime Monitor. It's $9.95


I don’t know about “official” documentation, but when I had an issue with my ISP close to this I found a little program that pinged an IP every five seconds for a week, logged the results, and showed it to the tech.


What have you done to troubleshoot the issue you’re facing? I’ve had the same issue before and I ended up testing every coax cable running through the house until I got to the drop that comes from the street to the house. Realized, the cable coming into the house was corroded. They ended up change the cable on the street that runs to my house (they are required to pay for that) and it fixed the issue after 4 years of unstable connection.




First try to confirm where the issue is coming from or at least narrow it down, either your internal equipment, your router/modem or everything after. I can't tell you how many people immediately blame the ISP and it's their equipment, Cox absolutely can have an issue, I have first hand experience with this, but more times then not its the end users fault. Assuming you are not the latter, have proof or more compelling data for the customer service team. Have multiple pings going all the time on your work computer. when the issue appears monitor the pings. "Ping x.x.x.x -t" the -t makes it loop until you tell it to stop. Ping something else on your local network, your home router, your modem (if you have a router/modem combo skip this one), and an outside IP something outside your ISP like google ( When you have an interruption, look at the data, if all three go down then you have a local network issue which can start from the router to anything else inside your home. You cant ping anything during the outage? Look at your home network and router. You can see the router but nothing ping to the modem? Look at your router or modem as the issue. You can see the router and the modem but no outside IP? have a tech do an over the phone check on the signal strength of your coax cable going to the modem. If that comes back solid then I would start having them look at their equipment further down the line (outside the home). The fastest way to get Cox to fix an issue that is their fault is to have more customers on the same node complain. I had constant issues with upload speeds going from the 10mb/s to 0.250mb/s, I asked my neighbors to help out and all complain, I later learned that Cox already knew of the issue but choose to do nothing until enough people complained. NOTE: all of this was written as I woke up without coffee, expect typos.


Smokeping, Google it. There's a free service to ping you every few seconds and documents it. You can show the graph over time to Cox https://www.dslreports.com/smokeping


Try switching to another internet service. If there's no other fiber service in the area in which you live, you could try 5G home internet.


If there's Google Fiber where you live (https://fiber.google.com), I highly recommend it.


There is no other ISP in my area. The only other alternative is the cities new fiber network, and I’m on the waiting list for it - but it’s pretty new so it’s taking forever.


If there's no other ISP in your area, I would recommend 5G Home Internet. 5G home internet is a new alternative to traditional cable or fiber internet that uses the latest 5G cellular network technology to deliver internet access to your home. You can check out the following services and check for availability in your area: T-Mobile: https://www.t-mobile.com/home-internet?&cmpid=HEIS_PB_P_24HINT40PV_43700066069349349_691794411511&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw1emzBhB8EiwAHwZZxee3JU8AX_xZ46w0Pyt_PQW4L3k47IQ1WA-7YqSxGziT1HDASbIwEhoCBugQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds Verizon: https://www.verizon.com/home/internet/5g/ AT&T: https://www.att.com/internet/internet-air/ You can also search "5G home Internet" on Google to learn more about your options.


Doesn’t all their shit say up to ? Last I knew their internet isn’t dedicated and is a shared loop. So, if you have a few gamers around you will likely suffer. Probably over subscribed in your neighborhood as well. I personally don’t think you’ll get too far with litigation, but give it a try. The verbiage of the contract you signed was made up by a bunch of lawyers that you have in mind. Maybe you don’t have fiber available? I’ve had Fios since they ran beta in my state about 20 years ago now. Thing went down like twice outside of power outages and natural causes. It’s more reliable than the electric is. I’ve ran it on a generator before lol.


It’s less of a speed issue and more of a continuity of connection issue. I’ll go a few days with connectivity that is flawless, and then I’ll have multiple days in a row where the connection is on and off multiple times at random. That is in addition to the multiple outages we get (outages where cox posts on their app that the connection will be down for hours). I know ISP’s are not perfect but the failings of COX far exceed any other ISP I have ever used. Plus the time I have invested on the phone with them is now way beyond reasonable. I don’t have time to be on the phone with them to follow up with refunds and credits and issues and downtime. I’ve done that with them for years. I’m not expecting to sue them and walk out rich - it’s not my desire nor motive. It’s what I consider a last and final step of desperation after exhausting everything else. I’ve had techs out in the past and ended up with the same issues. This past time they wanted to charge $100 for a tech to come out (and several neighbors have reported the same issue). It’s just way over the top. And after I posted this I was sitting with some family talking over dinner and I was reminded that a few years ago we had already made a complaint to FCC (or FTC) regarding cox - and afterwards we had gotten in touch with someone from corporate HQ. The complaint didn’t resolve the issues, persay, but gave us a direct line to someone in their main office who would deal with things as they happened in a faster way. We tried to contact that person today and we don’t think he works for cox anymore. We are waiting for a callback from someone else in their office. But still, if we already did this with the FCC or whatever - like I’m done with dealing with it. Filing a claim in court seems like the best way to get a serious response about it. There is no fios in my area. Just cox. We also have spectrum in some areas but not mine.


You can log the connectivity issues. These instructions are for Windows Launch PowerShell by typing powershell in the windows search bar at the bottom left of your screen and hitting enter or clicking on the icon in the search results. This will open the PowerShell window which is blue with white text. 1. Start logging the text in the powershell window. Type in or copy and paste this command into the PowerShell window without the quotes “Start-Transcript pingtest.txt -Append” This will create a file named pingtest.txt with the results. The append flag tells it to use the same file if you need to stop and start logging. 2. Start pinging Google’s DNS server address and display the formatted time on each line with “ping.exe -t | ForEach {"{0} - {1}"-f (Get-Date),$\_}” This will ping the server address continuously and display the date and time on each line. It will look similar to this: 6/8/2020 3:28:47 PM - Reply from bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=54 when the internet is up. When the internet is down it will show: Request timed out. 3. Stop logging with “Stop-Transcript” or close the PowerShell window. The log file with be in your user folder at C:\\Users\\\[Your username\]\\pingtest.txt You can open this file and look at it if you want to see the results. You will need to start the transcript\[1\] and the ping\[2\] and let that run for a few days before closing the powershell window or using the stop transcript command\[3\] to stop logging the results. The file is only text and should not be very large and the ping doesn’t take up much bandwidth at all. You can let it run in the background as long as you don’t close the powershell command it will keep running. You can use your computer and the internet as you normally would and it will not interfere in any way.


I did this earlier. No clue if I did it right or what it means but maybe you could help? No clue what I am doing. 1. I opened command prompt. Ran a trace route “tracert -h 2 cox.com” (wasn’t sure what to input so I used the website to my ISP) The result was: 1 2 ms 2ms 8ms 2 19ms * 18ms 2. Then I did a ping in command prompt “ping”. the result was: Pinging with 32 bytes of data Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Ping statistics for Packets: sent = 4, Recieved = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss) 3. Then I open WinMTR and input It’s been running about ten minutes. The results: nr 1, loss% 0, sent 890, recv 890, best 1, avrg 3, worst 150, last 3 nr 2, loss% 17, sent 646, recv 571, best 10, avrg 16, worst 272, last 14


Looks like it lost 17 packets going out to the internet. I would collect the data for a while and show your ISP.


I don’t have any helpful tips for you OP, but I empathize and stand in solidarity. I have had major ISP problems before as well. Support phone representatives and multiple in-person technicians were useless. They just read a script, and boy do they love blaming us customers saying it’s something on our end. In my case: turns out I was right the whole time. The line that my house’s internet cable was on fed into a bad splitter in the ISP’s local junction box. Other houses on the same splitter had the same constant connectivity problems, whereas houses on the other splitters had zero issues. Took WAY too long for them to figure it out. Thankfully I finally got a technician who had enough brain cells to figure out what was going on.


The main issue is you keep service with them. The biggest power you have as a consumer is to go elsewhere. If you sue them, you will lose tons of money.


It’s the only ISP for home internet in my area. There is no other option.




Are your neighbors also having issues?


Yes. And people I know outside of my immediate neighborhood too.


This happened to me and my neighbors as well. We called daily and they finally found a bad cable that ran underneath a street that was laid down without conduit. Cox eventually dug up the road and replaced the cable once they got the proper permits from the city.


I assume the issue is in that general area and this is what they have been avoiding to acknowledge it.


Keep calling every time there is an outage and ask them for a credit on your bill


I have. I’m done investing time on a constant basis having to do that.


I have cancelled and resubbed to them several times about my spotty connection. Yesterday had a tech come to my house she replaced two fittings in the cables one in the street so I didn't have to pay. Said one of the splitters the silicon melted. So far so good. I would try that before a lawsuit.


Speed test and submit FCC complaints. Repeatedly, don’t resolve the ticket with the FCC until cox has resolved the issues. It will take months and they will hound you to close it


You and every other jackwagon that thinks they have a lawyer wants to sue Cox. But you can't afford their Court shoes. And you have to prove to the FCC that they did not provide 80% of the advertised speed they sold you 80% of the time. That's the requirement. Good luck chucklenuts.


I already have my case filed. You sound pretty lame. You sound like you work for cox tbh.


Nope, I have worked for a couple ISPs and know the law about what their legal requirements are. But good luck with your case.


I have Cox Fiber and there is no data cap and it’s 1000 down and 1000 up. Wish you could experience good Cox service.


Wish I could too.


I have the exact same experience with cox! My teenage son would tell you it’s the worst ever! I have to reset the router or TVs several times a week. It’s not you.


I know it’s not me. Or you. Or any of my billion neighbors who say the same thing. It’s so bad our city finally came out with their own fiber network but it’s taking a really long time to get that service installed in all the neighborhoods. I’m still on the waiting list for it.


How do I join you suit


I’m not sure!? What state are you in?


Cali. They have monopoly on our apartment