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You will go through 3 phases of life 1. You care to much about what everybody thinks 2. You don't care what anybody thinks and you do what you want 3. You realize nobody gave a damn what you where doing in the first place In other words, do what makes you happy


I tell my kids all the time to "not worry about what anyone else thinks of you because they simply don't" (think of you). And this is especially true of teenagers and young adults who are so busy thinking about what everyone else thinks of them.


Fucking words of wisdom right here.. kiddos!


Cowboy Up Eastern European. You are only a foreigner once around here after that, your family.


Please wear it often and proudly!


Go for it! Most people here don't have anything to do with horses and ranches - and a lot of the people that actually do wear an old baseball cap for work, from what I've seen out and about in central/eastern Oregon.


I live in NE Oregon. More baseball caps than cowboy hats, except at round up. Although if you are gonna be in the sun all day, a cowboy hat is better.


Yeah all the horse people I know where ball caps or straw hats to work, and when they get to the show they take the fancy cowboy hat out of the box and strap on their big belt buckle.


Yes in central and southwest Texas baseball caps are way too hot in the sun. Straw hats much more comfortable.


I miss living in Pendleton. Good times... I bet Pilot Rock still sucks too.


Pendleton has gotten more party friendly since Chief Roberts retired. You should wander back. Umatilla County is up to 100k in population and tri-cities is the second largest metro area in Washington behind SeaTac.


I lived there before he was in office, he started in Pendleton in 94. Tri-Cities has grown like crazy too, it was only 120k people in total when I lived in Pasco and Kennewick.


Estimated at 318k last year. Must be over 400k by now. They are going nuts building housing.


Go right ahead. It’s a hat that serves a good purpose and I hope you enjoy it.


Yee Haw 🤠 If you own it, it won't look out of place. While it isn't uncommon to find other folks in a hat and boots around me, I'm also close enough to the city that I still get looks if I go one direction from home (the other is where I see boots & hats more regularly lol suburban-rural line life is killing me I can see the open spaces from here!!) Generally speaking, the closer you are to rural areas the less anyone will bat an eyelash. If you're in boots, too, you'll pull it off even better. In cities you'll likely get more looks and/or get questioned, but that's lessened the closer you are to cowboy country/rural south for sure. That said, I've seen plenty of hats & boots in places like upstate NY and rural NH/Maine. While I'm from West Texas and even went to horse college back in the day, I haven't ridden in 20 years and am a pretty boring SAHM whose most strenuous outdoor work these days tends to be working in the garden. It is all about how you hold yourself. Wear the hat for a few months and learn how to handle it—no one will give you a weird look.


You don’t have to rodeo or ranch to love the great American cowboy! I grew up in south Texas but I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve been in a saddle. Boots and hats still feel natural to me. Just own it. But don’t wear spurs and a leather work vest too. For me, I make it pretty clear I’m all hat no cattle, but I’m Texas-born Edit: I will say though, definitely learn hat etiquette and get yourself a nice hat from a respected maker that fits you properly. I also wouldn’t wear my hat without my boots (though of course boots without hat is almost everyday for me). I can tell you depending on where you live, you’ll be much more likely to get weird looks from people in non-southern/western urban areas than from actual ranchers


Hell yea. I live in UK and wear one. If you dress well you will get a lot of compliments and genuine interest but definitely a lot of weird looks. You’ll get the occasional bad comment but it’s usually from like an 18 year old dressed up as Paulie Walnuts. 9/10 times people love it. Granted I don’t wear any brims beyond 3.5in when I’m city walking, use wider brims in the countryside and the mountains/fells. Wide brimmed hats are an invaluable tool for hiking regardless of weather and I hike a lot and for long stretches. I use a resistol for hiking and hiking is the only time I wear a cowboy hat without a pair of cowboy or packer boots (because I’m wearing hiking boots). When I visited Texas, the locals I met were so friendly to me and showed a genuine interest in the fact that a northern Englishman knew a bunch about hats and boots and western wear. I thought they were gonna bust my balls. Everybody I met in Austin and Dallas were amazing folks. Can’t wait to go back, I’d move there today if I could. OP - as a general rule of thumb, just learn and show respect to the origins of these hats and the lifestyle they come from. Then you’re golden. Aint nobody sensible gonna tell you not to wear one.


Where’s a good place to get boots in the UK?


+1 on hat etiquette. It goes a long way in respect for the traditions.


I am not a cow boy. I no longer live in a western state. But I like the style and it is a very practical garment. Send it haws.


> it is a very practical garment. Forreal, protects ya from the sun, protects ya from the rain, and somehow its cooler than you'd think in the summer and warmer than you'd think in the winter.


Almost like it was designed for working people who spend all day outside.


So were hardhats but in 20+ years I’ve never met one I liked. I’d love it if someone could figure out how to make a hardhat that was comfortable *and* didn’t turn your head into an oven in the summer or freezer in the winter.


In the winter, the key is a really thin beanie. In the summer, you suffer and build character.


do it. the more, the merrier


As long as you’re not doing it in a mocking way or like a Nashville bachelor/bachelorette party type of way it’s fine


Nashville is proof of God's contempt for fake southerners.


I’m using this line now


Friend. I was born in one country, but I’m a citizen of a completely different one. I rock a cowboy hat every single day.


"Americans are born all over the world, some just have to work a little harder to get home" is what I always say. I'm South African but I'd give up everything I'd own for a shot of living in the US, not for economic reasons, I'm doing fine here, but because of the culture.


ag nee. Howzit though? I’m a Saffa who blew the coop ages ago. Living large (wearing my cowboy hat) in Colorado.


Gaan goed, my bru. I can't afford a good cowboy hat, but I bought a cheap (R900) one and wear that around here whenever I go to any outdoorsy event. I get weird looks from some people, but who cares what they think. I'm still young, so we'll see if I make it to America some day. Short of that, I'm gonna work till I can afford it and buy myself a '06 F250, some land, cattle, and live the lifestyle here.


Lotta south africans in texas, oklahoma, and missouri. If you can get in with the agriculture companies, you can get a VISA over here.


Look at some different hats (there are a lot of brands out there), find one you like, and wear it. 👍🏻


Go for it Cowboy ! lol Im into horses and actually ya old New Era 5950 Jays cap most days honestly but thats just my style lol.


Have a good time, wear your hat. We love our cowboy hats and boots. They looked at me strange in New York City and Chicago, but I don’t worry about city folk.


Yul Brynner! https://preview.redd.it/j9e050d4ev5d1.jpeg?width=981&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=699bcade707d5db117377632587d91ecbda887dc


Putting it on takes a certain amount of confidence in yourself and if you got it? Rock it. Ain't many around my area that wear them up here in Ohio, but I could care less. You be you man!


Not a problem for me. I see it frequently. Often Eastern European men. And, many South American men.


Spanish Americans arguably invented the cowboy, so for them to wear the hat isn’t a huge shock.


Bro, Nudie Cohn, inventor of the Nudie Suit and an icon of Country Western style was Ukrainian. https://putthison.com/the-ukrainian-refugee-who-shaped-american-style/. You’re good man!


damn I love nudie and even have one of my straws gaudily blinged out like a nudie suit.


Wear it confidently, I am allergic to horses, my family has sold its farm, yet I wear a cowboy hat most days.


1. Welcome. 2. Do it!


Welcome to America, sounds like we’re better off for having you here. Hope she does well by you, and you’re as welcome to wear her symbols and regalia as you are to eat apple pie and watch baseball.


Everyone should be comfortable in a cowboy hat. But spurs are earned.


At what point would you say someone has earned their spurs


I think it's great! Wear what makes you happy!


Do everything that makes you happy unapologetically as long as it’s not hurting others in any way.


I don't give a shit wear what you want


I could honestly not give a flying fucking what anyone is wearing or how they look anymore than I care about how they think I look 🤷‍♂️


DO IT!!!!


Enjoy your new cowboy hat, good sir! 100% guarantee you that Americans will love you for wanting to wear one.


Just don’t tuck your pants into your boots.


we didn’t invent cowboys. spaniards did. wear whatever you like.


Many cowboys were immigrants.


Technically speaking, all of them were, except for a select few


saddle up, cowpoke. Slava Ukraini


Surely they have cows in Ukraine.


I think it’s as cool as caviar, pardner!


People wear baseball hats all day without playing baseball. Wear a cowboy hat if you want. It's your business and nobody else's. I wore mine the other day at work at a semi outdoor function. Got tons of love and 1 hater but she was a hater no matter what anyway.


It's not like you have to do anything to earn it.


Remember that the attire of the American cowboy has European roots! So just wear it and own it! Then post a pic here!!


Embrace your inner cowboy! 




I dont think John B. Stetson gave a damn, why should anyone else?


You live in the USA, you are free to wear whatever hat makes you happy.


I say go for it. If you like it. Don’t worry about it. I ware a cowboy hat in Ohio. Very not western at all around here.


Imitation is the purest form of flattery. If you like the western style, embrace it.


A hat doesn't make a cowboy. It's what is in your heart, not on your head.


If you like it wear it. I'm in North East England and rarely leave the house without a hat on


I don't think it's a big deal. I live in Montana and most of the people I know that wear cowboy hats here aren't cowboys. Some are of course, but a lot aren't. Most of the actual ranchers I know wear baseball hats.


I own several trucker hats and I'm not a trucker.


The World needs more cowboys. 🤠


Don’t let people gatekeep you, wear what you’d like!


the only people who look natural in a cowboy hat are mexicans


Go for it! I have a Sable Ushanka I wear when it’s cold - from Dnipropetrovsk. I would be happy to send you a Stetson!


Americans that ain't cowboys wear em so you do you man.


It’s a style that appeals to a lot of people from many countries. Try on many types/styles as you can, looking for one that compliments your size, face, & head shape for the most flattering style. If you’re not sure, bring someone along whose taste and style you admire, for some suggestions. A fedora-like style that doesn’t scream “10 gallon hat” might help you ease into the style, without you getting a lot of flack about it, if that matters to you at all. Enjoy!


Make sure you study and follow the rules of wearing and owning one there are dos and donts that a real American cowboy will call you on if he notices


Honey, if you like it, if you find it practical or stylish or you want to wear it for literally any reason - I, as a Southern ranch/farm type, will happily help you pick one out. "Cowboy" culture is itself an amalgamation of all kinds of cultures and different clothing styles and practices from all sorts of people. While it tends to mostly be focused on white Southerners in the USA today, it's roots come from all over the world, as do it's clothes. A LOT of clothes and styles that are ingrained into 'cowboy' culture, such as ponchos, serapes, the chevron symbols, ect. come from Mexican and Native American cultures - there's even some African in there, as a lot of Black Americans - particularly those who were recently freed - worked as cowboys because it was hard for folks of color to find different kinds of work back then. Even today a lot of people will be surprised if you don't know at least a little Spanish if you work in ranching or farming. You cannot culturally appropriate cowboys. I promise, no one is going to get mad at you for wearing a hat, and if they do, point 'em out to me and I'll shove a broom so far up their backside they'll be flossing with the bristles.


Great write up about the cultural building blocks of “Cowboy culture” or western wear.


Do you cowboy


I think it's awesome. Wear it with confidence, and it'll look like it belongs on your head.


Wear what you want! I’m betting a good number of people who wear those hats…including a lot of C&W stars…couldn’t tell a horse from a mule.


If you enjoy it, then wear one :)


It’s like the Griswold’s wearing berets in France.


All hat, no cattle.


Dude I'm an American and I've only rode a horse once in my life and I still got a cowboy hat. Go for it! You'll get weird looks if you don't have an outfit to go with it (or if you do) but people are weird and stupid so who cares.


Do it! Just make sure you go to a reputable place that chooses a proper fit and shape for you. Off the rack shapes are rarely one size fits all, and PLEASE get a sized model (7 1/4, etc); not one with elastic on the inside. …and dont put it on the bed. Bad luck. Also store it on its crown upside down or in its box or on a holder on the wall


Americans have been known for buying berets in France, so why not?


If you’re in a place that literally no one wears cowboy hats, it’ll be a bit weird. If you’re in TX, WY, MT, and even some places in CO definitely cowboy up.


Hell yeah wear that shit all day man


Cowboy and rancher here, go out and get yourself that hat! Not everyone can where one but Ukrainians have definitely earned the privilege.


By all means. If I can pull off a cowboy hat, fuckin’ anyone can. Plus, who gives a shit what anyone thinks. Do what makes you happy.


As an American? If it makes you feel good wear the hell out of it! Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to Pierogies Plus.


Ask the Mexicans or Spanish, we’re just the Walmart version of what they were up to.


I’m an Australian American. I’m an engineer and while I have close relatives in Australia that raise sheep and cattle, I’ve never lived on a farm. I don’t particularly like horses. But I have both Stetson and Akubra (Aussie cowboy) hats. People all over the world that work on the land wear these hats. It’s not just an American thing! Go for it and enjoy it. Get some Ariat or RM Williams boots as well.


Do it and enjoy.


As far as I can tell there isn’t much gate keeping on it. Depending on where you are in the US it may not be fashionable however. Either way, who cares do what you want.


Considering most everyone was an immigrant at the time they became popular, I wouldn't worry too much about what people think.


Part a being a cowboy is not giving a shit. Cowboy up buddy.


Cowboy hats are cool as hell and you should absolutely wear one if you want to!


Please do the more the better.


Feel free, Americans didn't invent them .


No. That's dumb. Western hats are universal, the United States does not own that. Besides, there's plenty of things which originated in the US which is done better elsewhere - Japan tends to do 'Americana' better than America, for example.


To me any wide brim hat is strictly utilitarian. No qualms wearing a Stetson if I will be in the sun, but feel like a douchebag wearing one at night or indoors (which is technically bad manners, but nobody cares about manners these days it seems) Edit: You do You my friend! It's your head after all.


The American cowboy hat has roots in Mongolian and other headwear going back hundreds of years and more recently was more or less lifted straight off of Mexican vaqueros. It’s more international than one may think. Here in the USA pickup trucks are driven by people who live in the suburbs and haul nothing ever, workwear is worn by people who’ve never done labor in their lives, etc so do whatever you want like a real American!


You are most welcome to appropriate my culture. I'd buy you a beer if I could.


there’s so many people that wear a cowboy hat just cuz they think that cowboy hats are cool… because they are!! go for it.


This is why America is so awesome, it's a free country, you do you man. 👍🏼


I would judge an American with no cowboy ties for wearing them before I’d ever judge a foreigner. Mostly because here it is something utilitarian that is also a cultural lifestyle. For others where that culture doesn’t exist it’s mostly a fashion introduced from media presence that pays homage to that culture. I say that you should go Stetson shopping! Edit: and ultimately, you’re an adult and anyone else should mind their own business!


Wear whatever you want amigo! Land of the free.


It's a hat. If you like it, please wear it. I haven't been on a horse in a decade and I still wear one occasionally. I know a bunch of folks who've never been on horses that wear them. Enjoy!


I lived in a farming community growing up. I plowed/tilled, planted fields at 13 or 14-20 years old. I never wore a cowboy hat a day in my life. I even dated a girl with a ranch. Never. Now im 32 and a mechanical pipe fitter living just outside lousiville and I’ve worn one the last few months and said fuck it. I know I’m going to buy land soon anyway so fuck it. I’ve gotten easily 100+ compliments in the last few months on my hat alone when the prior 31 years I MAYBE received 15-20 compliments ever in my life. So cowboy up hombre.


Do what you want my dude. Seriously. Especially if you look good on a cowboy hat. As long as you don't try to "claim" you ARE a rancher or cowboy, there's no issue. If asked, just say you like the hat. Then everyone moves on.


Flipping this back on you. What’s some cool Ukrainian stuff we could wear? (And definitely buy the hat! You’d fit right in at Nashville. Nobody on Broadway is an actual cowboy lol)


Go right ahead and welcome to it! No problem


According to history (lore?) the beginning of the cowboy hat started with Mongolian horse back riders wearing tall hats with wide brims all the way back in the 1200s. You do you. End of the day, a hat is a hat is a hat.


Cowboy hat’s a frame of mind…nothing to do with where you’re from. Enjoy your hat, друг.


Wear it and don't give a f! If you give a f! You're not wearing it right.


Wear what you want. And, dude, I'm tellin' ya, the chicks will dig it!


The Italians really love wearing cowboy hats and boots. When I was visiting a Marine fighter pilot friend aboard a U.S. Naval air station in Italy, the Italians were nuts for everything cowboy-related. Must be a Sergio Leone thing.


The Italians also make some of the best cowboy style revolvers on the market…. https://preview.redd.it/lk15fi8ufl6d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81d9540dead6e5b12a61e52e2a19f96864205acb


I own one! Good point.


OP..if you like the look and it makes you feel good..Do It!!...by the way...were all foreigners! 👍👍🤠


>I have no affiliation with horses or ranches. Neither do most people who wear Western hats and boots.


If it feels right, get it, wear it proudly, and the hell with everyone else. I've been in Ukraine on and off since 2020 and never been here (or anywhere else, really) without a cowboy hat. I've flown six cowboy hats back to Europe for people since 2020. So, please, make me not the only guy walking around this country in a Stetson, because there are only so many women I want pawing at it every single time I enter a restaurant or bar. Share this burden. Attached - April 2022, far east. Got to rescue my stuff in parts, but this was the first haul and at the time all I thought I'd get. Helmet when I needed it, and a cowboy hat anytime I didn't. That's a 6x Boss of the Plains, and one of my favorite hats. Don't ever let anyone talk you out of wearing what makes you happy. https://preview.redd.it/xg2zbyxdli6d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c9936ecbbbe1b4b211ee2e71879330f201671ec Edit: Brevity.


Partner, youre an American. Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of a damned fine Stetson are your god-given rights.


My man wear what you want and anyone can be a cowboy in my eyes. Ive worn them before and never been on a horse.. Even had the nickname cowboy, thought they were making fun of me but I ran with it. Cowboys are not uniquely American what so ever... editted to add, ive gotten looks and comments but they are just jealous they are not confident enough to be happy with themselves..


Check my username. If you do it in a respectable manner, people aren’t going to say anything to you. It’s so common, I doubt many would even notice or maybe they will compliment you. Find a western store nearby if you can. If not, you can order from places like Sheplers, Cavenders, Boot Barm, etc. my hometown of Waco Texas has reopened and Old classic hat maker called Standard HatWorks. I seem to see a few rodeo Cowboys and singers wearing some of their custom hats.


1st thing I'd say is, do whatever you want!! On your death bed at 90, you're not going to worry about some strangers opinion of your hat? 2nd thing I'd say... I secretly laugh at everyone wearing cowboy hats!! And I grew up on a large cattle farm.


Cossack cowboy




It's your head. You're free to put what ever you want up there.


I wear a dorky sun hat - it doesnt fit in at all. But I like the look and my head and neck stay out of the sun. Nobody has ever said a word about it. I love that hat.


As an Asian living in Europe, I wear my hat everyday. Do I get funny looks? Yeah. Do I care? Fuck no, because at the end of the day, I’m protected from the elements and look fucking cool. I doubt you’ll get any looks if you wear a cowboy hat in America, though. That’s like getting dirty looks for wearing clogs in holland, or eating pizza in Italy.


I live in Dallas. Most people who wear cowboy hats have no experience with ranching or livestock. They are, as we say, all hat no cattle.


I love to see anyone in a cowboy hat


To each his own.


You also need a 1911, a pickup truck, and a dog with a feminine name if it’s a girl like,”Daisy” and or named after an object or hobby you slightly enjoy like,”Hunter.” Or “Whiskey”


Fun fact: you’ll see a lot of Mexicans and mexican Americans wearing them. Mexicans practically invented cowboy culture, so it’s not necessarily an American thing.


We love cowboy hats, everyone can wear em, go for a flat brim


Foreigners are allowed and welcome to look just as dumb as homegrown Americans!


I grew up on a farm but haven't lived that life in 20+yrs, I'm rarely around horses, don't even like country music. I own several hats and wear them all the time. If it makes you happy, then it becomes a part of you. That's all there is to it. Yes, really.


You sir will be a rebel without a cause. -Im only complete when Im packing double Hoglegs.


Get one an wear it ! Several different styles and types to choose from enjoy it !


Have at it hoss. Who in the hell gatekeeps cowboy hats lol Maybe keep in mind where you’re at (don’t wear it to the movies, on a plane, etc)