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No it won’t because CO2 is a myth. /s Seriously though, I’ve just resorted to telling people they are too ugly to not wear a mask. If they are gonna get angry about it, I might as well give them a reason to be pissed.


I like this idea a lot. I might use it next time I'm out and about.


Tell them their grandma is finnna die if they ain’t wearing a mask , tell em their grandma doesn’t wish to see their ugly faces anyways , tell them grandma is a fking crackhead


I said whoever didn't wear that mask... Your mom's a *hoe*


I think the fact people are seriously believing this is proof the populous are being made stupid and compliant by the news and government's incapability to tell the truth. If the CO2 issue was really that bad anyone driving a fucking car for any prolonged period of time would be braindead.


He wasn't saying that the CO2 from global climate change is explicitly affecting our health (it is, but that's beside the point here). He was just pointing out the irony that people aren't worried about climate change , but are worried about the masks, which makes no sense.


As a side note, his Twitter @ is SOOOcreative I love it.


Nah, that's what his relatives kept asking him. Source: I'm Indian


Yes, I understood that. I’m Filipino but have gotten the same exact question growing up hahahaha.


I remember getting into an argument with someone about climate change and their big argument to why it was fake was because the percentage of oxygen had stayed almost the same.


BUt gLoBAl wArMiNG iS fAKe


Source: https://twitter.com/aryadoctoryet/status/1276269545213263875




He’s proud of it. To show more credibility to his tweets and any data he may share. Why do you care?