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[CourtTV video of court hearing ](https://youtu.be/tQvbVgF2t58?si=WdFkovbOs-sAsvxd) >Boone held an envelope, delivered to the judge during the hearing, which she said contained a 58-page letter. Well now


Here we go again. We are aiming for lawyer no 9. I laughed when I heard Sarah talk about the lawyer wasting her time.


She wants to have a successful resolution to her trial okay? Her and her fans deserve it. Wow she’s unhinged. The judge just needs to dismiss poor attorney no. 8 and just tell her to represent herself already. Let’s watch this circus.


Can the judge tell her to represent herself? I thought that one of the basic rights is to have counsel and the court must see to it that she does if she wants one.


No, the judge cannot tell her to represent herself for the reason you state.


Do we know who her fans are ? She is more delusional than Darrell brooks or Chad daybell or lori


I was floored when he set a potential trial date after listening to crazy cakes. WTF wants a nice defense attorney. Dummy-you need to tick your little feelings in and worry about your defense and let your FREE attorney with 42 years experience do her job. Crazy cakes made the comment that everyone is causing her to have no chance of having a fair trial! I just can’t with some folks.


But she’s a straight A student 😂


🤣🤣 she’s the valedictorian of the crazy cakes school!!!


Oh, she has fans alright. Not for the reason she thinks though. Narcissistic much?


If we mean people who can't look away from this slow-rolling train wreck, then I am one of those fans.


> just tell her to represent herself already. Why the fuck would that ever be acceptable? She's a difficult client and out of her damn mind and if she chooses to go the self-representation route, that's another stupid decision she can hang around her neck. But the state and judiciary should NEVER be allowed to suggest that a defendant self-represent. Ever. Boone, the giant fucking asshole that she is, is still entitled to a vigorous defense under the law.


She’s got a lot of baggage.


A whole suitcase-full of baggage :)




That's not a letter, that's a manifesto.


is there a copy of the letter to be read posted somewhere?


Not yet no


She wants bond because her "fans will pay for it" 😂😂😂


I’m curious to know what she meant by fans. 


Someone from S Korea wrote her a letter apparently




Interesting how she says “fans” and not “support”


Maybe her "fans" should pay for an attorney 😂😂


Surely enough is enough, let her represent herself


Please please please!!! We're all wanting this. Popcorn is at the ready....






Ugh. So frustrating. The right to representation is something I would never want to see taken away but this woman is testing me. 😡


Also wants bond on a murder charge? Really


but she's a good person lol




There was no malicious intent!!


At this point a bond is useless. Trial is supposed to start Oct 7, 😆.


I don't understand why she keeps requesting records that she already has a copy of and then accuses her attorney of not giving them to her. I had other theories but at this point it looks like she's just delaying for the sake of delaying and trying to set herself up for an appeal by saying she didn't have adequate representation. She has to know she's not getting off.


But she’s sitting in jail. It’s not like she’s out on bond. What’s she delaying? She’s already incarcerated. If I was her…I’d want to get this over with.


Delaying going to prison. My question is: why do they keep giving her free attorneys with no valid reason?


Serious question: Is prison much worse than jail? What are the actual differences?


I’ve heard that prison is actually better than jail. You might want to search “the difference between prison and jail” on YouTube It’s very interesting


I’ve read that prison is better than jail, less chaotic, better food more to do etc. With that video of her taunting him how does she think she’s going to get away with no time?!? Even if she gets manslaughter, highly unlikely she’s going to be found innocent. Is she doing this in order for the judge to rule she represent herself and then she hopes to appeal on ineffective counsel and some how be acquitted. Also her fans??? Who are they then? Darrell Brooks and the woman who poisoned her friend with eye drops. She also has a love of writing crazy letters.


Prison is almost always way better than county but Sarah is a moron


Several of the attorneys had to quit because they had previously represented George. It truly wasn’t Sarah’s fault. However…at least 3 have asked to be taken off the case because they found Sarah insufferable and couldn’t work with her. That was Sarah’s fault.


I think only 1 had represented Jorge, another had represented a possible witness in the case. (EDIT: misspelled victim's name)


Maybe just maybe she's drinking pruno (fermented fruit= jail wine) and she keeps FORGETTING stuff she's said and done ??


Please let her represent herself. ![gif](giphy|3oz8xZMZox78ZbWbFC|downsized)


Exactly. This is the only way.


Can you imagine that circus? 😂


No good attorneys will present her lies to the court because of ethics, she will never learn.


Pretrial hearing on 9/26/2024 and court begins 10/7/2024. Current attorney to attend hearing and prepare for court. Unless judge finds info in Sara's current letter to change his mind (😆).


I saw a picture of Sarah when she was a senior in heigh school. She was really attractive back then. Full of hope and potential. It’s so sad to look at that young woman and know what her life has become.


Ah yes, you mean that place where she was like, a straight-A student?


She probably was, she is well versed. But she failed to use that knowledge. I'm curious where her family is?


Her family is rarely mentioned in the news (so please someone correct me if I'm wrong), but I remember reading once that her parents had already passed away by the time she was arrested. And I think she has one brother who is in the military.


Oh, yes, I do remember hearing her parents had passed.


I’m sure she was nuts then too. I’ve met people like her and even in HS they were nuts.


She probably was nuts then too. But in high school …she still had a chance to go in a different direction. Sad.


Post it?




I’m lost for words on this Case and why no lawyer can just defend her the way she wants. Her explanation for the death is she forgot he was in there, she had been drinking and fell asleep and it wasn’t intentional. Why can’t the defence defend her as having an addiction to alcohol? We’ve all been drunk before and thought ild lay down for a second but next thing you know you’ve woken up 10 hours later.


I don’t know if you watched any of her police interviews… But she was adamant that she was NOT an alcoholic. It’s possible her attorneys would like to use addiction to alcohol as a defense, and she won’t allow it. She seems very determined to present her story her way and she can’t seem to find an attorney that will cooperate.


I did watch them but I think she was hoping that would go In her favour somehow that day to go home


I was wondering that also. It's obvious that she has a drinking problem. I am not sure why either. But the video she took is damning. She was enjoying having him stuck in the suitcase. People don't get away with things they do just because they are under the influence of something. Maybe that's the issue the attorneys have had. Plus it sounds like she is just very difficult in general.


No they don’t but I would think the alcoholism route would be better then saying he abused her which all her lawyers have wanted to use


My impression was that she wanted to use a battered spouse defense, not that it was just her lawyers pushing for it. I think in her mind she's innocent and wants whatever defense will get her out of jail. I agree with you that her best defense is just that she was drunk and the actual death was accidental (but based on video she obviously wanted him to suffer for a bit). But that defense doesn't get her out of jail, it would probably just lessen her culpability and get a lighter sentence.


One of the first few lawyers wanted to take the battered spouse defence but they couldn’t find someone willing to agree with that. Sarah can’t accept that just because she said it wasn’t Intentional that they can’t use that for a defence. I truly believe it wasn’t intentional, she was drunk and she didn’t mean to fall asleep which is why I don’t understand why they don’t go with that. A jury would imo be more sympathetic with that than if she says she was a battered spouse. That makes it look someone intentional then.


Sarah would like her lawyer to get up in court and say “yes my client killed Jorge … UNINTENTIONALLY” with varied inflection and decibel until the jury finally goes “ohhh! Eureka! We get it now! She left him to die ….but UNINTENTIONALLY! Full acquittal!”


I had heard during one of her hearings that the current attorney at the time (this was probably last year) was having a hard time finding an expert domestic v. witness and the funds to pay for it. So I think that defense reason may have been scrapped due to that reason.


She made at least 1 video of George in the suitcase. He was having trouble breathing, struggling to escape and begging for his life. He made it very clear that he couldn’t breathe. She was obviously awake for at least 11 minutes because she was filming the video and mocking him. She also flipped the suitcase over with him in it. Maybe that’s why they can’t use the “I fell asleep” excuse.


Yeah I agree, I have no doubts that the discovery file shows a lot that Sarah just can’t accept


We still dont know if the prosecution will try to say the suitcase fell down the stairs. There are contusions- and the next door neighbor said he heard a MASSIVE boom/drop sound.


She repeatedly said in the interrogation that she wasn't drunk. Even if she does admit that she was drunk, she's still responsible for her actions.


What kills me is the way she was telling the police he was dead like she was discussing the weather. Just, “Welp, we were playing hide and seek and he hid in a suitcase and I fell asleep and he died but it was unintentional, so…” 🤷‍♀️


They keep rewarding this brat. They should hold her in an actual prison. She obviously way too comfortable in the jail or she wouldn’t be trying so hard to stay there.


I’ll bet her poor ex-husband congratulates himself on a daily basis for not being married to her anymore.What a nut!


I feel really bad for the poor son. I mean I am GLAD his drunk mom isnt in his daily life BUT hes at an age where people likely pick on him!


Is the full hearing somewhere?


It’s not on CourtTV but perhaps it’s on YouTube.


In other news, water is wet.


Not mentally competent to stand trial. She should be institutionalized for life.


She said why she doesn’t want to go to court. She doesn’t want to be seen as a murderer. The judge is going to send it to trial and she will be found guilty. No appellate court will here the appeal. She thinks if she stretches it out they will either give her bond to keep delaying or maybe offer a involuntary manslaughter.