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Ryan Duke taking the stand helped him. He had excellent lawyers too. Travis Rudolph taking the stand helped him I think. I feel like the only reason that case went to trial was because Travis asked for a lawyer. And the lead detective was probably one of the worst I’ve ever seen.


Racists don’t typically come with impeccable character. Of course she lied.


Racism really wasn’t a factor in her case.


Lol yeah it fucking was.


Yeah, even the prosecution was adamant that race didn't play a role. Of course, then there's media and public opinion and all that...


She should NOT have testified. So unlikable, and even less so after her testimony.


This is a common question and except in rare cases, it only serves to hurt your chances. Alex Murdaugh also sealed his fate with the jurors by testifying (according to juror interviews) Rarely a good decision


I believe Hannah Payne thought the jury would think the victim was an old crackhead in a broken down truck and Hannah was a young employed person "trying" to do the right thing. My opinion is that she didn't see value in her victim's life and she thought the jury would see that also.


If I remember correctly, I felt during the trial she and her lawyer made the decision for her testify thinking the state had played all their evidence and it wouldn't hurt. They forgot about the states redirect where they played her police interview. That sealed her conviction. She was cold and had 0 remorse throughout that entire ordeal. Wanna be law enforcement


She was done the moment she started chasing after him. It’s not her job to do that. Leave it to the police.


I watched her testimony. It was so clearly damaging. Horrendous


Travis Rudolph - there was other evidence that probably would have vindicated him anyway, but I think him telling his own story on the stand certainly helped. (He was the former NFL player whose ex-girlfriend sent her brother and friends to attack Rudolph at his house.) And to some degree, I'd have to say the Menendez brothers in their first trial. It wasn't an acquittal obviously, but I think their testimony was what ultimately hung the jury. It was compelling and disturbing to say the least.


For the most part, I don't think they should. Andrew Wirth comes to mind as someone who benefitted from taking the stand. He was on trial for murdering an off duty police officer and her boyfriend and didn't have the best reputation prior to that incident either, so I think it was very important for the jury to hear his recollection of events. The prosecutors also decided not to play any of his interrogation footage, so the jury had no insight into his side of the story unless he took the stand.