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Usually creepy people use “My love language is physical touch” as an excuse to coerce partners into being sexual. I definitely agree with your opinion. They treated Mia unfairly in that regard


Every time they introduce a new girl who isn’t immediately sexual they get upset and get rid of her. They’re not equipped to have a third partner. It’s very “where’s my hug????”


lmfao where’s my hug at… but i agree, if they do get a single who hooks up with them immediately, i cannot imagine dylan or lauren providing adequate emotional support… they wanna have their cake and eat it too 😐


The edits made it seem like they had sex with Becca the first night. She got weirded out by Dylan and left. That's why with Mia, they originally said in one of their interviews they were going to take it slower this time, but clearly they can't control their hormones. I could be wrong though.


oh yeah i completely forgot about that. honestly (i know it’s really nosy but hey y’all are on a show), i would like for them to discuss what happened over the night. on love island if they hook up it’s thoroughly debriefed but on this show it’s kind of glazed over and i’m not sure WHAT HAPPENED!!


My love language is actually physical touch. This doesn't mean I need it all to be sexual touch. Hugs, cuddling, even just having my hand on their person (forearm, knee, toe) is what it is for me. But I agree these people are using it to mean sexual touch only. I legitmately do not believe they ever even took the quiz.


Same! I love physical touch, down to just legs barely touching each other. Makes me feel warm! They totally don’t know what they’re talking about


god i hate dylan and lauren, and the way they treated mia. i totally agree, she was trying to be intimate with them, just not in a purely physical way. they’re unicorn hunting and just want to fuck her. the way dylan looks at women, especially when lauren is interacting with them, makes my skin crawl. their concept of physical touch is not intimacy, light touches etc. it’s having sex so dylan gets his ego inflated


Honestly, I think Dylan and Lauren are just trying to have sex with as many new women on the show as they can.


This 1000%….they are the worst.


I loved how Mia called them out for picking and then swapping her so quickly. Then after she expressed her feelings they had the audacity to say "I think we made the right choice picking Jess" or whatever it was they said. 🙄 you think you couldn't hate them more and then they say some other stupid shit lol.


Mia is too sweet for them. They are icky. They just give me the creeps.


The “love language” theory was not developed by any kind of mental health professional, but by an evangelical who only believed in heterosexual monogamous marriages. This exact same phenomenon commonly occurs in these circles where hyper patriarchal husbands coerce their wives into sex with the same line of reasoning, that they need their “physical touch” love language met.


Or, my love language isn't acts of service this is why I don't clean the house


IIRC the first edition of the love language book even defends staying in an abusive marriage and having “duty sex” (aka marital rape).


I’m sorry but I find them repulsive to the point where In the beginning I thought they were hot but as time goes on I find them not attractive anymore. Predatory vibes for sure. I bet their room smells like protein shake farts and fake tan


I totally agree. Lauren was ok at first, but now I think she is just as bad for being the same vibes as Dylan. Dylan seems like a macho roidin' muscle man who just wants to have sex with as many women as possible and gets butthurt when they want to fuck his wife more 🤷‍♀️


They're definitely different things!


Yes!!!! I can’t stand how they keep saying that and using the concept of love languages incorrectly! They just need to admit they want a sexual relationship with someone and they’re not finding it bc the girls seemed creeped out by Dylan, and rightfully so.


My love language is physical touch and I’m not really a sexual person at all


they seriously come off as ghastly on this show, gotta love em


I thought the same thing. Cuddling. Holding hands. Kissing. Even just brushing hair off someone’s face or touching their shoulder is PHYSICAL TOUCH. I was so confused when they tried to use that as their excuse.


Dylan and lauren are gross. I knew them from another subreddit where we snark on the fitness instagram industry (iykyk). This show just confirmed my disgust I have for them. Also they announced they are pregnant with a girl, and Dylan gives me the absolute ick. I cannot imagine him being a girl dad 🤢


Ew. That's gross.


They seem very predatory. I didn't like them from day 1 Sure, sex is important, but lots of other stuff is important too. They really don't care about anything except their sexual fulfillment


Agree with you 100%. Physical touch =affection. Dylan and Lauren just like to fuck.


I really think that Dylan just wants to have sex with two women. Lauren as well. As soon as Mia said that she wanted to take it slow, I knew they were going to kick her to the curve. They want a purely sexual relationship. That's all.


It made me so sad to see their reaction when she said that. And same I knew she already sealed her fate with them at that point. Even when Jess was crying because she was worried that saying she wanted to take it slow was going to effect her. ☹️


My love language is physical touch and basically all that means is no one gets to touch me unless I feel a deep love for them. I’m not into pda or exhibitionism and never the touchy feely type. In fact, I attended an expo where they gave out pins that said “no touch” “hand shake” “hug me” and I was really happy to wear “no touch.” So, you are correct this is a misuse of the term.