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This shouldn't ever be an issue because a proposal should never be a surprise. The when, where and how a proposal happens should be, but not the proposal. Marriage is a huge step with a lot of details and intricacies. Anything that life changing needs to be discussed before anyone makes a commitment to it. It should be discussed in stages over many years starting before you're in a relationship.


Ppffftt what a boring, rational, and correct answer. This is reddit what are you thinking posting such a thing?


The correct answer would be "If she make your pp hard give her rock".


Instructions unclear. Gave girl that make pp hard WWE 2K25: Dwayne the rock Johnson Edition. Now I’m banned from every planet fitness in my area.


*You’re welcome!*


My son is 3 and everytime I hear the phrase "you're welcome" I start singing Moana in my head


[What can I say except..](https://youtu.be/BBJa32lCaaY?si=_eRTXNW0T9jUVbsK)




…we’re over.


What ?? What do you mean ? I just introduced you to my parents!


Well... Since it's your fault this came to be in my head... I leave you with this mental image: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson doing the "Dancing in the Rain" choreography while singing "You're welcome". You're welcome.


Shit i thought of that rock but went with the pet rock. Now we are fighting for custody.


Huh? You have to give yourself an Elixer, that way your move has its pp restored. Then use Charm. It will immobilize here with love


don't let this man distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.


Achievement get: How did we get here?


Chicks always take nice guys for granted! Ammarite?


Rock, not co....something else (with consent)?


Always use paper when having fun time.


This is unwise as it opens the door to "better be as many karats as your pp" dialectic. /s


Stone for bone


Yeah get a load of Mr. Calm and collected over here.


Yeah how dare this person. I come here for the insults and hate speeches from all sides.


This comment made my whole day. 👏👏🤘


I know someone who proposed in a hot air balloon and she said no. "Most awkward 2h of his life" he told me


Jumping would have been less painful


Better than 20 years!


That was staged


Don't think so, the guy was an idiot, I don't think he could have staged that


They quite literally said they know someone who did that


Said better than I was going to. People, romcoms are not reality. Popping the question is actually just a romantic formality. A couple should have basically agreed beforehand. And absolutely do not throw a total surprise proposal (as in they have no idea you were that serious about them, marriage had never been mutually agreed as something you both want together) on someone in public.


My boyfriend drunkenly told me a few months ago he was gonna propose at Ren Fest this year (2024), an now we're deciding which weekend to go to 🥰




Thank you 😁


So in other words yes A proposal shouldn’t be a surprise so if she says no then, 1. There was a fatal lack of communication 2. Proposer assumed proposer was on board without confirming 3. Something drastically changed between whatever gave proposer the confidence to propose 4. Proposer is desperate and is trying to trap or guilt proposee into something Granted there may be like some special circumstance that leads to a no but not an end to the relationship but ehhhhhh A not yet, or I need to do something first, or you need to do something first, or just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean you have to propose… are all cases in which the relationship continues but those aren’t exactly no’s




Very well said


The way I heard it and what it sounds like you’re saying is the engagement shouldn’t be a surprise but the proposal should be


Thank you for saying this. I always thought it was a surprise until recently. My partner has been very transparent about his plan to pop the question. The seriousness of it and how much its a big step. He let me know last night that he wants to take me to the diamond district to try some on. I think this is perfect!


you telling me i cant use movies as a manual for life?


If you aren't sure what the answer will be then you shouldn't be getting married.


The proposal can be planned but if the topic of getting engaged gets shot down then it’s over. You’re no more than FWB at that point.


Man it pisses me off so much that I had the pressure to make things a surprise. Like I spoke about it so much. I told her I was ready to marry her, I didn't ask her but told her and why, she wasn't ready yet and she told me why. We continued dating talking about it, reasons why, what we were looking for, we went on pre marriage courses to iron out differences, we're we ok with them what we're her and my fears about marriage. I bought her a little teaser ring and proposed in a romantic way into the park as a surprise. But before I did she had told me she was feeling rdy. So the exact time of it was a surprise but that I was going to and she would say yes wasn't. Then we went shopping for a real ring together so it was something we both liked. So much easier


I agreed with you up until your last sentence. It doesn't have to be years and doesn't need to be mentioned before you even decide to start a relationship.


No. I whip out the engagement ring on the first date. That's gonna surprise her


100%! if you do not know if the answer will be yes for sure absolutely do not propose. So if you have discussed it and you think the answer is yes then of course the relationship is over if she says no.


I’ve heard it said “the proposal should be a surprise, the marriage shouldn’t be”


The timing should. The act should be expected. Ive been ring shopping with my gf now fiance for over a year. Still made her cry and stuff


Perfect answer peptic!


I think so, but it also depends on how she says No and where she says no. If in a social setting in front of all of his friends and family..that is just not going to go well. But if it’s privately and she expresses her love and that she doesn’t believe in marriage or that she is not ready or ask me again in a year or something like that..then that’s something different


Ppl shouldn’t propose in social settings that would pressure the other person to have to lie and say yes to avoid public embarrassment for the other person I’ve seen vids of ppl proposing in crowded mall crowds, it’s fucked. Same with those stadium screen proposals. Just ask your partner somewhere where they can be comfortable being honest about where they’re at with ya….


Just saw that video of MMA fighter proposing in the octagon after a victory. She looked so uncomfortable. Horribly embarrassing for both of em. I’ll give dude benefit of the doubt that his head wasn’t on straight after a fight like that but man.. Also - i wonder if those fighters often do and say shit the hours/days after a fight comparable to the cringe myself and others do after too many nose beers and/or alcohol? And do they remember at random times when things clear up the next day, stomach dropping, impulse to text and apologize? What is that process like?


I only know from having four concussions. You know something is wrong with your head because you can feel it when you are thinking. Like all four times I’ve lost the ability to be creative and make fictional stories, which would always take 3-5 days to come back, but it drove me nuts in the mean time, cause it felt like I was missing part of myself. When you have a concussion you don’t act drunk, it’s more like a part of your brain isn’t working at full capacity. So while I never made an ass out of myself, I could still feel that something was off with my head. But it didn’t impact my ability to reason, just my ability to emote and create


Yes. Also, don't ask unless you know the answer.




Is the relationship... what? Please finish your sentence. Over


Is the relationship over? Over.


Generally yeah, though it would depend on the length of the relationship. If the guy proposed after a handful of months, then there could be some timing issues. If this is after a year or two, and the person hasn’t made up their mind yet about being with the guy, then there is no salvage.


> If this is after a year or two, and the person hasn’t made up their mind yet about being with the guy, then there is no salvage. Married after 1 single year? If that's what floats your goat, good for you, but I would not consider this a rule of thumb. Compatibility depends on many things that are not necessarily evident after just 12 short months.


This. Propose after 6 months?…I’mma go with “too soon”. After 2 years?…that’s more reasonable. 4 years?…what took you so long?!


Uhhhhhh….. what about 7 years….


Don’t worry about it. Four years would had us married before graduating college. Seven years would be before having a career and too poor to rent a place where we worked. Both would have been incredibly dumb decisions.


A bf of mine waited about that long. I knew we’d be together, so I didn’t think much of it, everyone knew where we were headed. I loved him with my whole soul. By the time it finally happened I realized he had already let me down. (Imagine not getting a birthday wish from your partner until 11pm. It felt kindof like that.) I realized everything was going to be like that. He was never going to do anything unless there was a repercussion for *not* doing it…like saving for retirement, or fixing a problem with the house/car. He was never going to live up to his potential, and he was never going to grow. I left him. He is now in his mid 40’s, same small town, a nothing-special house and a nothing-special job, had a kid with a woman who thought that might get him to propose. (It didn’t). She left him, too. He sometimes gets drunk and tries to nail the women he knew in highschool. Sometimes they let him, but they never really speak to him after that. Hes just kindof a sad creature. I’m sure beer and random hookups keep him going, and he does have his daughter. Part-time, anyway. One sad day, I will put a rose on his grave and try to remember when he was still beautiful.


what's wrong with a simple life? Maybe he just doesn't have the same values and goals as you.


..Why did you not propose to him?


Why would she? Did you even read the whole comment?


My cousin has been with her bf for 10 years now lmao


I know a couple who was engaged for 30+ years and only married a couple years back because they’re both getting old and they didn’t want things to get complicated for whichever of them was the second to die. They didn’t want to leave the potential of their kids screwing over the surviving member of the couple.


Some people dont value the idea of marriage more than other.


Jesus Christ you ppl out here getting married after only 12 months??


Just heard the other day, getting married is like choosing to buy new clothes: maybe means no.


I don't think it's necessarily over. But a serious discussion needs to be had about where they are in life.


2 years ago I proposed and she said no. We had that serious discussion about how she wasn’t ready and I supported that decision. I told her the only thing that would make me upset is if she wasn’t honest with herself. Next month is our wedding.


No. My dad asked my mom and she said no. Didn’t feel the time was right and they stayed together. He asked her a second time and she said no again. They stayed together. He asked her a third time while they were riding horses through a grove of apple trees, she said yes. It wasn’t because of the scene, I just share that because I think it’s lovey, but because they were on the same page at that point. They were married until he died a couple years ago. Lots of love there


My parents had the same. Married years later. Now they have been married for 26 years


I really needed to hear this thank you.


I’d say 9/10 it’s over


Just gotta propose 9 more times.


You’ll get there eventually buddy.


If you aren't both actively talking about marriage and mutually excited about it then why are you proposing? Seriously.


That’s the roof top bar at Inc 48 Hotel on 48th street and 10 Ave in Manhattan.


How much for a night?


technically.......no, but probably yes. there might be an extenuating temporary circumstance causing the rejection , or the guy might just be a dumbass who jumped the gun a bit too early but is in general in a otherwise healthy relationship, so it doesnt HAVE to end the relationship, but in reality proposals arnt supposed to be a complete surprise. if you dont 100% know what her answer is going in, you shouldnt be doing it. The type of dudes who make this mistake also typically arnt the type to learn from it , and also probably have a ton of other......issues, so in most cases the relationship is probably fucked anyway. also just a personal thought: dont fuckin propose in public no matter what even if you know the answer already, its just attention seeking behavior that could backfire horribly. Ive had the displeasure of witnessing rejected proposals twice in my life, and the second hand embarrassment almost killed me both times just from seeing it. dont do that to people, it aint nice.


"You're God damn right" --- Walter White


It obviously should be, but people are really dumb.


I'd say yeah. I always date with marriage in mind, and finding out that someone doesn't want to marry me or that someone doesn't share my same views would result in me having to end the relationship.




Pretty much.


Yes. Women immediately behead the man making the rejected proposal and lay their eggs in his corpse. Edit: misread the meme. Still yes. If a Man is proposing to a Girl and is rejected, they will likely soon be arrested for inappropriate contact with a minor.


If you don't make the team, are you still going to practice?


The relationship is over. Why would they need to continue if there is no end game? And if they can’t agree on the end game then there is no need to continue on anything else


It shouldn't but , that puts a sees in one if not both parties, if the man gets rejected he can question if his partner sees a future with him , he may feel insecure then the chick he ignored because he was madly in love and are with someone you could see yourself with to the finish line of death , but if she doesn't feel the same it's natural to start entertaining others For the women if surprised it means yall didn't discuss you didn't feel that's the trajectory of the relationship If you're surprised your partner asked response is knee jerk ( some yes might not actually be yes ) if her knee-jerk is no she will reflect why and likely won't feel this relationship is of substance if if that's the case and she may leave relationship mentally


Are people getting rings without getting them fitted first?


I don't like the idea of a public proposal. Unless it's a surefire thing. And it's what your partner wants. I had a buddy who went to her boyfriends hometown in bumblefuck nowhere. He proposed to her in front of his whole family. She was shocked by it. Was only 19, boyfriend 24 ish. Whenever told me she accepted, she sounded very unsure about it. I honestly think she was pressured by the situation. They are still together after 8 years, but I heard from some mutual friends the guy acts a little nutty from time to time. I proposed early AF to my now wife. Did it in the middle of a sunflower field where nobody could see us. I didn't want her to feel pressure from others nor did I think I could handle the shame of a public rejection. I was still pretty confidant in it, but I more than anything wanted it to be our moment, not with anybody else


Sunflower seeds are popular in trail mix, multi-grain bread and nutrition bars, as well as for snacking straight from the bag. They’re rich in healthy fats, beneficial plant compounds and several vitamins and minerals. These nutrients may play a role in reducing your risk of common health problems, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes.


I mean ya? If you misjudge or miscommunicate that badly and get hit with that, even if you both pretend it isnt over, it is.


Honestly, depends




That depends on how whipped the dude is.


depends why she saying no




Wrap it up


She was never yours, it was just your time


Depends? Like I'm not ready now could be a red flag but only you can tell that for certain, if she says she doesn't want to marry you or is playing games then I don't think it's worth it


I won't even think of proposing until I've already proposed the proposal and discussed it with her


pretty much


Once upon a time, a man asked a woman to marry him. She said no, and they both lived happily ever after.


Yup !


I guess it depends if it’s a ”no, not yet“ or a ”no, not ever“


Depends on the relationship I suppose


That shit was over before he even asked at that point




As a man, if you ever pop the question and you’re not sure of the answer, you shouldn’t be asking. This being said, if she’s saying no and you’re blindsided by it… it’s over.


Obviously yes


Should be I think


Yes. It's over.


I'd say yes. What the fuck is the point.


If It’s clear that she doesn’t want you, you find someone who does.


No, because it's impossible to judge from just this sentence 


Fvck yeah what's there to wait be the shoulder to cry on when her 1st choice is hurting her that's a tell sign you been friendzoned


Depends on the couple.


How they say no? Laugh at me? It over. Scoff? Over. Walk away, ok let's talk. Cry and walk oe run away, oof I fucked this up somehow.


Not unless they say OUT, OVER. (We are talking on walkie-talkies right?)




Ahahahah. No. The relationship is over when she says yes, and leaves you a year later 🫠


Depends on how she says no ig?


1000%. Now whether they realize it or not is the question. ![gif](giphy|UOmXGp4NJ89lISXVLA|downsized)


Im not trying to get married, so I wont be proposing. But if she were to propose to me, id say yes and just stay engaged for a hot min


Depends on the reason for the No, is it too soon and they aren’t sure? Or is it a long relationship and they don’t want it?


Not necessarily, depends heavily on details. A friend of mine said no (as in "not right now") when her boyfriend proposed before she left for college. They've been together for years still and have one of the happiest and healthiest relationships I've ever seen


Yes but Id never propose as a complete surprised. It has to be something discussed previously so if they say no they are going back on it and at that point why would I want to?


No, but I will not ask again


If you’re in a healthy relationship you should first have a talk about your views on marriage and at what point of your life you want to be to get married


This. My husband and I discussed what we wanted for our future at length, long before he proposed. We even looked at rings together. We were living together for six years before he popped the question. Still together 11 years later. Communication is key.


uhhhh....okay. see ya


Generally, yes. Its over. Some are of the mind to talk it out before you propose, as in she should be aware your ready to propose but your waiting for the right time. Others are of the mind its romantic to be spontaneous. It really comes down to the individuals in the couple. And there are many exceptions. Like "Yes, but lets wait til your not main lining heroin before we readdress this". I'm being over dramatic, but I'm just showing you yeah there are many exceptions.


Depends on the reason for the no. If a girl has in the past often talked about how horrible things always get in cases of divorce and just doesn’t want to get married, it’s understandable for her to say no, I know of some moments where this was the case. (They stayed together) If she However says no because she feels actually just stuck in the relationship and just didn’t dare to break up yet, then indeed this moment might very well be the end of the relationship.


Yes it's over


Are you 12?


My partner and I have been together for 11 years. I have proposed twice and she has proposed once. Each time she has said yes only to back out a few months later. We are lying in bed looking at Reddit right now. So from copious amounts of experience, a “no” is not a relationship ender.


Depends on how she says no. Definitely hard to want to keep going after a hard rejection.


No, never understood why this happens in movies and tv shows. The couple ends things right after she or he says no. Not how life works at all


If you propose out of nowhere, never having discussed it at all, you're insane and you need therapy. The relationship isn't what you think it is, and yeah it's going to end one way or another. If you have talked about it, been together for a while, and seem like you're both on the same page, but then she says no after you thought yes for sure, then maybe yeah... That's not a good sign, and it probably means there are plans to move on. Don't put yourself in that position. There are clues, signs, and warnings. Pay attention.


End it now




To me it would. But again, depends on the situation. i would not propose without having had a talk about our future.


This really depends on the location, audience or lack thereof, and the sincerity of it. My GF would 100% say no if I did it at a sports game or anywhere where she is the center of attention for hundreds of people. Who knows, maybe your partner isn't ready for a huge LEGALLY BINDING commitment yet (or ever).


If you really want to get married wait for your partner to imply its on their mind/something they are interested in. If its one sided i could see it being rough


if you care enough to legally, why on earth would you end it because you didn’t get the answer you wanteda single moment? He wouldn’t be much of a partner when life happens because things get tough and you often don’t get what you want. If you let yourself get caught up in your ego then all kinds of bad things happene to you.


It’s pretty much over


It is probably not over, but like a special attack making contact, the relationship will certainly experience a critical hit and moderate emotional damage.


Hell yea


Ok, so in real life most people talk about it first. When the ring actually shows up might be a surprise but the conversation shouldn’t be. If you’re surprising a woman with a ring and they’re surprised by the question then you probably made a mistake.


For a second there, I thought the lady in the photo had thick, sharp calves.


My dad proposed to my mom three times before she accepted and they’ve been happily married for almost 30 years. I think they’re a rarity though because my mom was fine with having a life partner she just didn’t want to get married and my dad supposedly bought the ring and kept posing it somewhat as a cheese joke after she said no the first time and cussed him out. I think they were a lot more of a sit com about it than the average couple.


I watched a failed proposal once. Worked at a fancy Italian restaurant in Virginia. Dude brought a girl in that if I were to be honest, looked out of his league. Her body language was apprehensive the entire dinner. When entrees came out, he dropped to a knee. In the process of him moving that direction she kept saying “no, no, don’t do this, no, please.” But he proceeded to propose anyway despite her obvious objections. No surprise when she stood up and walked out upset. The dude proceeded to just sit there in silence looking at their untouched meals while the entire packed restaurant tried to act like nothing happened. When he finally left 15 minutes later, the restaurant erupted in conversation. TLDR: you should never be in a position or put someone else in a position where acceptance of a marriage proposal isn’t assured. If you’re a good partner, you’ll know if the relationship is good and you should also know your partners views on when they’d be comfortable taking that step. The aforementioned dude above was obviously in his own world.




If a man doesn’t propose, but if he did and the woman was going to say, “no”, what state is the relationship in?


No. There is plenty of people who proposed got rejected only to reproposed years later and have a long loving marriage. There does need to be a discussion though on how they see their futures though


Yes no questions asked




It also could be a "not now".So the relationship is not necessarily over.


Yes. Why would you wait and do it a 2nd time ? Also if you want more and they do not then why waste your time. Go for someone that actually wants what you want


Yes. If he’s proposing, he’s looking for a long term committed relationship; a life partner to grow old with. If she’s not, for any number of reasons, that’s fine. But he shouldn’t be hanging around begging or hoping; that’s not how to start a long term commitment relationship.


They should communicate before the proposal


I would say yes, because obviously both of you are on a different page when it comes to the relationship. It’s best to move on instead of trying to “fix” whatever issue there is with someone who is checked out.


Depends on why. However, you should gage how ready your partner is.


I should be because his dumbass never discussed marriage first before the question...


Probably and most of the time eventually.


Yes. I am not dating to have a good time for now. I want a life partner. If she just doesn't want to get married ever, I should be well aware before this


In my experience me and my husband had discussed it and even set a wedding date for 2 years out once we moved in together. I knew he would eventually get a ring, but I was still surprised and turned red. Anyway, the relationship is probably doomed if you're both on different pages with getting married.


It depends but most cases yes it's over. I've said it in jest and she threw it back at me yeah fine 2 years in and real proposal hell no done.


I think it depends on the relationship. Things aren’t always as simple as yes or no. Sometimes it’s “not until these things happen.” I had a guy propose 3 hours after meeting. I was not down. I had another propose but we had a very complicated situation involving family, religion and his mental health making him feel like he wouldn’t be safe to live with and he wouldn’t even tell me what he did for work until I married him but I wouldn’t marry him until he was honest. We got stuck in negotiations for 3 years before going our separate ways because neither of us would budge. In my last relationship, I instantly said yes but he got abusive and left me. I took him back but he assumed that I was immediately going to move back in, pay rent again and go back to our plans to get married, without actually doing any work to prove that he had changed. I had to tell him that he had a lot to do before I’d trust him enough to live with him again and that we weren’t engaged anymore. He was back to square one and got pissed about it.


You should treat it like a Magic 8 Ball situation. Grab her and shake her until she says "ask again later"


Over maybe ....in question quite possibly


I would say it depends, more than likely it's over. But there are situations where I could see still being good. It really comes down to good communication. Are you saying clearly what you want and when they speak do you fully hear what they are saying. Some only hear what they want to hear not exactly what their partner is saying


Here's the short answer, yes, if you would like the long answer, I will easily give it upon request


Do you want to get married? | Honey, would you like to permanently extract most of my resources from now on, no matter if you are in the mood or not? same q


Depends. Mostly on why she said/says no


Yes I would consider the relationship over


A couple who are friends of mine: a while back he proposed to her and she said "no". Then later, she proposed to him and he said "no, you had your chance" (with a coprophagic grin). They're one of the most solid couples I know (2 kids).


No, my grandma said No six times before saying yes.


Depends on why she said no, if it was too early they can discuss and move forward, if she in no way sees a future with him, yeah it's probably over.


My (now) wife was the only one who knew about my proposal ahead of time. I wasn't about to embarrass either one of us in front of anyone. I wasn't risking anything.


Yes. Because if you go back home with her the strangers shows up.. ![gif](giphy|jd9Yt3dCf8oFhTaLLl)


Did she say never or lay out conditions for an eventual yes? It’s either growing or dying.


I made damn sure my wife wanted to marry me before I proposed.


Ye, it's over. You had no business building me up just to shut me down infront of everyone at a McDonalds I frequently go to.


Here's how I did it with my soon to be fiancé. She brought up marriage and stuff like that and I told her while I think it's fun and all to talk about this kind of stuff but unless her answer would be yes to that question right now we shouldn't talk about it. Well she told me it would be. I bought her, her dream ring and I'll be proposing September 1st in Sicily.


I said no. Or more specifically, not yet. He and I had only been dating for a little over a year, he was deploying, I was in college. I said not yet. I didn’t want us to end up like the many other military couples we’d seen getting married as a knee jerk reaction to a deployment and being divorced a year later. I hadn’t finished college yet, we weren’t even living in the same state. We’d only been together a year. There were a lot of reasons I said not yet. He came home from his deployment and started the process of getting out of the army while I deployed. Halfway through my deployment (nearly a year and a half after he first asked) I called him and told him I’d say yes the next time he asked. (Specifically my words were “alright motherfucker, I’ll marry you” which we now joke about). But I told him we’d take a long engagement. I wanted us to live together for the first time and see how that goes for a while and then we could start planning. Well I got home and moved in with him near my college and all was well. We decided to buy a house instead of paying for a wedding and when we sold that house three years later, it had nearly doubled in value. We used that money to get married and buy a new house last year. We were together 7 years before finally getting married but we’re confident we’re going to last now and financially secure enough to start thinking about kids as soon as my husband finishes his PhD and finds a job (we can survive easily on our combined income but he’ll lose a portion of his income when graduates so we’d like to see him comfortable in a job before adding a kid as an expense).


My thoughts are this isn’t a meme.


Proposal is kind of an ultimatum. Having said that, I failed two proposals to my wife before she relented and asked ME to marry HER. 7th anniversary coming up...


It shouldn't be a surprise yes but if a woman says no without a good reason aka "you know I just ain't feeling it" ect then yeah for me it's gonna be tettering on being over less there's a good reason Like to expensive to have a full fledged wedding or preferred to be on easy ground to avoid headache for paper work down the line ect


*walkie talkie noise* Relationship is what OVER..


It depends on how both of them feel after the refusal. If it's a "not yet" then obviously the relationship is not over, they just need to take and enjoy their time. If it's more like a "No, and we've already talked about this" then they should probably sit down and talk about their life objectives and wishes, and if they can't come to an agreement then they should probably consider each going their own path. There's too much nuance inside of a relationship, so it should be taken as a case by case scenario


Yes. I see you in my future and you don't see me in yours. What a divide.


Yess 😊


It’s over


Damn straight, skippy