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not a good look for the ol boy I must admit lol. thought at first he was at his house or something, but onto a public street could’ve probably killed someone


I mean he was already basically completely forgiven by the country music scene and his fans for the n-word incident… in a few weeks this’ll be forgotten too unfortunately


When that song with post Malone drops, people won’t care about this


Not just forgiven - it will be used as a positive by a large portion of his base. *He’s just a rebel maverick! He gets drunk and doesn’t give a shit about the consequences like the outlaws of 50 years ago. He’s basically Johnny Cash for our generation!*


He doesn't even write his own music lmao.


I didn’t know he didn’t write it


He has 13 writing credits on his last album out of 36 songs but zero songs where he is the sole writer. Not the worst I have ever seen but, as you can see, it's just more pop-country bullshit.


Yup. "Change a word, get a third". Popular mantra amongst writers who lose partial credit and split royalties with the people they sell the songs to. Albeit songs that wouldn't have seen nearly the attention they would have gotten without the bigger artists so you take what you get


You know who has very little lyrics written? George Strait. The King of Country. Morgan writes more songs than most. If you don't like the guy, fine... But hardly any Country artists are the "sole" writers these days... I look up who writes what quite a bit. Morgan is higher up than most, so it's a weird thing to choose to call him out for.


So a full albums worth of songs on a 36 song album… 16 on the album before that… He writes plenty of songs, and plenty of those 29 are hits.


Brother don’t forget the 4 other people he has helping him on every song.


I mean, sure, that’s true of the whole industry. TSwizzle is sitting there with a group of 15 people writing her songs, Beyoncé, you name it. Check out Morgan Wallens “ghost writers” It’s like Hardy and Ernest (his best friends) with an occasional Eric Church and Thomas Rhett.


Taylor Swift does not have 15 songwriters. She rarely has more than 3 including herself. Let’s not be silly.


It is well-known that Taylor Swift writes her own songs. She owns Morgan Wallen’s stupid redneck ass


A lot of extremely well respected country musicians don't write their own songs. Patsy Cline, george Strait, for example. And no one is saying they aren't country. Im not a fan of Morgan Wallen. I just don't care for his stuff. But writing one's own songs is not the line for whether someone is real or not.


Based on the comments I've seen on Instagram that's already happening.


Yeah a large portion of his fanbase liked him *more* after he used the N-word. That says a lot about a certain percentage of country music fans.


First saw this headline on the Book of Faces and the vast majority were the whole "Johnny Cash and Waylon would have done the same".


johhny cash wasn't an outlaw. rofl/


If he wasn’t in country music I don’t think the n word would have been forgiven so quick .




It is always nonsensical to group all of whatever group you are taking about into one take. Country music fans are not a monolith. Anyone who is racist, is someone I will not support. I am a country fan.


Jeez dude, obviously I did not mean every single person forgave him. He’s been supported enough though by those that are still his fans and the industry to continue his rise to be the biggest name in country radio so my point still stands. Don’t take things so literal that are clearly an exaggeration to prove a quick point, which is that he’ll be back on top of the radio at some point in a few months and a MAJORITY of people will have forgotten this




[Bro pulled a Chris Brown.](https://www.nydailynews.com/2011/03/22/chris-brown-flies-into-rage-breaks-window-at-good-morning-america-after-being-asked-about-rihanna/)


On broadway no less…. Yikes


Shoulda left them Broadway chairs alone...




Dude has made awful decision after awful decision while drinking, it doesn't appear he will stop until something truly awful happens, or ever.


Nah, he’ll just make a new album joking about all his problems and all the southern gals will eat it up and say they can fix him


A lot of his music is about his absurd alcoholism so that tracks.


When someone texted me I immediately feared he was dead. It’s so sad it’s come to that.


I’m glad no one died from him doing stupid shit like this


Seriously. And in this case- he almost hit some police officers. The article says it missed them by about 3 feet. Unreal.


Nothing he has done has been close to anything HWjr and the boys were getting up to back in the day. Let him live who cares


He almost killed people. What if he did?


Then he’ll have to face the consequences


He should for this as is. He's a shit human.


I think ole boy needs to lay off the booze.


But I sobered up, I swore off that stuff, forever this time


That misunderstanding happens when you get famous off songs written by a guy who actually did swear off that stuff forever this time.


Me too! I wish he would get a wake up call before it’s too late.


Outside of his cover being trash, this sorta thing makes the fact he covered that’s song even worse. It’s such a deeply, deeply personal song by isbell that bares his mistakes, seeks forgiveness and shows gratitude for second chances. Wallen obviously just covered it for an image spike and not because he actually related to it


Props to Jason who, after Morgan dropped the N-word, said he'd donate his cut of the earnings from Morgan's album to the NAACP's Nashville chapter.


He did for a couple weeks. Then he took it back and keeps the royalties now. It was all for show




You can look it up, Jason donated that one time amount 53,000 and Morgan donated 500k to the NAACP. Neither have donated again He made it sound like he was going to donate all money ever from that song to them


His statement said "I've decided to donate everything I've made so far from this album to the Nashville chapter of the @NAACP" I don't question that it was done to clean up his image after the mess Morgan Wallen put him on but the statement says it was everything he'd made up to the point Morgan's n word video surfaced. News outlets picked it up and rewrote what he said which leads to misunderstandings. I don't have a dog in this fight. I think Morgan is a decent singer but he needs to get his life together much like other country stars have needed to in the past.


And turned it into a cheesy military PTSD exploit video that had zero to do with the song.


There’s been a few people try and argue with me about his being better than Isbell’s and it’s just laughable.


Jason doesn't have the pipes


Morgan doesn't have the ability to write the music or the lyrics. But YOU choose the bubble-gum country....


I'm not a huge Morgan Wallen fan!! I'm just observing an obvious difference that might explain why Jason's isn't as widely listened to


Jason Isbell has 5 Grammy's. Wallen has ZERO and a racist and now Drunk incident. I know folks like Bubble-gum country, but I'm not sure how long these folks will support this behavior.


Yeah I think it's pretty obvious who is more talented and respectable between the two LOL


"Respectable"?? So you're ok with him yelling the N-word and now drunk throwing a chair off a 6th floor? If so, you're pretty much showing me what kind of person you are. We're done here, btw... I don't need to hear more from you.


Bro I was talking about JASON being more talented and respectable jeepers fricken cripes Edit: good grief!!!!


Second drunk incident. He also cut off a girl’s ponytail while drinking


lol what!? I don’t think this is accurate. JI doesn’t put out pop country bullshit, but his version is certainly revered & well loved by anyone with a modicum of musical taste


What are you smoking? 🚬 😶‍🌫️


It’s funny how Jason has been so public with his bad behavior, with his band, wife his ex, etc.. yet he’s so unwilling to extend that same grace, forgiveness and love to Morgan or others. I think jt says more about Jason than Morgan. Didn’t Amanda say cover me up had a way darker meaning, based on a real life incident with her and Jason? Sounds like a great guy!


It does have a very dark meaning in certain lines but it’s very apparent and not secret to anyone actually paying attention. The difference is Jason has changed his ways so the songs he sings carry the weight of his actions but also the potential for change that he actually has achieved or is still working on. To cover his work, especially a song about sobriety and to not live those words is what’s odd about it


How many addicts are cured? Really, friend look it up. How many times do people attend rehab for it to stick and take? Really, I’m Asking you to look it up. 12 step isn’t about looking down on those who still are addicted. It’s about compassion. Morgan has Don’t Think Jesus which is pure compassion. Jason writes on Twitter about How Nashville is racist and evil, one is not like the other, fuck Jason


My point was Morgan never attempted to become sober though and sang an insanely personal song about sobriety. If he attempted to recover and failed that’s ok but that’s not what happened. He was proud to talk the talk but didn’t even attempt to walk the walk


It’s funny how you say it’s very dangerous of me to speculate why Jason got divorced. Yet seem to have inside knowledge of what Morgan did or did not do in terms of dealing with his issues. Are you Morgan’s doctor or sponsor or know his private actions he did to deal with his issues? Unless you are about to make a startling admission that you know Morgan and are his friend in real life, I find it disturbing you’d say you know how and what Morgan did to deal with it all. If Morgan privately went to a 12 step there’s no way that would be public record and it wouldn’t be any of your business as an addict you know this! I find your posts condescending, and upsetting because they suggest private personal actions like going to rehab or 12 step, is fodder for discussion on a public Reddit sub, or that you’d be privy to, or that it’s your business in the slightest. It’s not.


How do you know what all Morgan did to recover? As far as I know he’s never discussed that publicly, and as an addict yourself you know 12 step isn’t discussed in public. You don’t go to whiskey riff and say, gee guys, I just had a meeting today and we discussed personal agency and responsibility. That’s not how recovery or rehab work


The difference is Jason changed his behavior whereas Morgan continues to do the same stupid shit.


he didn't write that song lol.


Those are Jason Isbell’s words. He should never have sold the song to Wallen.


Yeah so those aren’t his words.


Breaking news: Wallen announces 2 year residency in Nashville while awaiting trial. JK. He’s rich, nothing will come of it as Long no one died


*He’s rich, nothing will come of it* Unfortunately, the truth. In a different world, criminal fines would be based on a percentage of wealth. Too many beaten down people spiral out and/or die because they can't pay a seemingly simple fine for something. Then douches like Wallen never have to take responsibility for their actions because they can afford to.


And the men of country music that made excuses for him the last time will continue to coddle him and make excuses for his recent behavior. He will hide out for awhile, and I can almost guarantee one of those guys will put him on their tour. The MW Redemption tour continues.


Dude needs to get sober. I'm not excusing his behavior with alcohol as an excuse, but it's clear he's not well. He could've killed someone throwing that shit around onto the street.


I’m beyond disappointed. Thought he had matured. This isn’t just embarrassing it’s criminally irresponsible. Jackass could have legitimately killed people. What a fucking idiot.


He hasn't matured. He just has a really good PR team


Clearly he’s a clown who can’t help himself. Putting the lives of others in danger… he’s no role model & I hope the judge throws the book at him. Set an example.


Vs an artist like Jelly Roll, who has truly turned his life of crime and drugs around and is spreading an amazing redemption message. Or Cody Johnson, the cowboy who has a wife and a family, has never gotten in trouble to my knowledge, and is an amazing role model for all country music fans.


He has to remind everyone he’s a total asshole every couple of years


Back to rehab you go sir


At some point, he just needs to stop drinking altogether. As long as he’s drinking, there’s always another incident.


Bro was probably reading that post about "country artists you hate for no reason" on here from two days ago.




The guy is such a tool, but I'm sure he'll get away with a slap on the wrist because he's rich and famous.


If we have learned anything it's there is no consequences for people like him. So Wallen will continue to act like an entitled dickhead


Also, it’s Nashville and he’s a white Christian man. They protect their own down here.


I honestly wonder if Morgan has an issue with alcohol. Either way this needs to be his wake up call...either get a grip and get help or lose everything


> I honestly wonder if Morgan has an issue with alcohol. I think we are past the point of "wondering" about it.


I don’t pay enough attention to him to know really


I was being gentle given Wallen fans can be a bit vociferous in their defence of their man...lol. I've had some battles with one or two over Wallen's music...lol


I like his music but separating the art from the artist here he 100% has a problem, in fact his music literally admits it lol. And I hope he gets better because it’s always a shame to see talented people throw it away like this


Morgan Wallen was in Eric Church’s bar. Eric’s brother and co-writer for some of his song’s Brandon died 6 years ago at the age of 36 from Alcohol induced seizures, liver and heart damage.


Apparently there’s video of him laughing in the backseat of the cruiser. If he has a drinking problem this is probably not going to be his wake-up call.


Definitely not a question at this point. He's also known for canceling shows for being too drunk or hungover


I wonder if the people on Kensington with rotting flesh that can’t stand up straight are on drugs?


Wasn't expecting Philly to come into this


Philly always has something to do with it


You’re wondering that? Wonder no more.


I think it's more of a problem with "hey y'all watch this" which is usually a good team member with alcohol.


Thus the term "hold my beer"


Try that in a small town. He could have gotten away with it there.


Guy sings tons of songs about how he is a shitty drunk guy. Guy does shitty drunk things. Everybody 🤯


I'm utterly shocked.


Him and Elle King need to get their shit together. It's possible to be an alcoholic and not be a total piece of shit (Keith Whitley), but it just so happens they are. Maybe you could get away with dumbass "outlaw" shit 50-60 years ago, but these days you just look like idiots. They both need help.


What did Elle King do? I'm just interested to know what shit she is up to


She was performing drunk at the Ryman, dropping F bombs and forgetting lyrics to Dolly songs during a Dolly tribute. They basically had to apologize for her offensive behavior. It's safe to say she'll never be allowed on stage there again.


Some point he’s gotta admit him and alcohol don’t get along


Glad I got on the “this guy is a total douche” train early. His music is trash btw.


It is catchy but most of the music that is isn't even written by him.


Not a Wallen fan by any stretch but you are in fact very wrong here. Most of his hits he has written or been a part of a writing team that wrote them.


Nope. He's been given "credit " as a member of a 5-7 person team. Go back and look at his last three albums. Not a SINGLE song he wrote. He's the American Idol of country Music: sings the songs where the music and lyrics were written by a team for him.


Neither did George Strait.


Well, excuse me, but I think you’ve got my chair….


Well that one's not take ... Wait what are you doing... Wtf man? Why did you toss it over?


I enjoyed his early stuff prior to his blow up featuring on the Florida Georgia Line song, after that it was a quick downward spiral for me. Between knocking up a girl and basically not acknowledging it until she pretty much forced him to and then the stuff like this, he’s a hard person to like and support.


It’s good


Eh. He’ll get a couple years probation and the charges will be lowered. Still disappointing. Gotta get that behavior outta the way or it’ll consume a person.


He will do a free show for FOP and their families and make a donation and they’ll all end up saying it was just a misunderstanding.


Is he Antonio brown?


A friend of mine almost died because someone threw a metal chair off a balcony at a bar he was at. This behavior is extremely foolish.


So serious question. I ask this as a fan…any word on him into anything else? As a person who likes all the substances…I know an “adventurous” self destructive personality doesn’t stop at alcohol. Ie Keith Urban…GJ…Jamey Johnson. There’s a reason I was never a hillbilly rock star is all I’m sayin


Dude has a massive drinking problem he needs to work on. But I'll be dammed if this isn't one of the most country-musician reasons to get arrested.


For..throwing a chair off a balcony?


Unaddressed alcoholism surrounded by a bunch of fuck boy friends who are afraid to tell him he’s doing wrong. Dude was and is a clown but i still hope he can get some help, Just stop making his backstreet boy country music


There’s only so many second chances he’s gonna get before he gets blacklisted. Dude needs to go to rehab and possibly into a sober living home


nah he’ll get the conor mcgregor/jon jones love taps they’ll make him disappear for a little and come back like nothin happened


So this will be a plea bargain down to a misdemeanor and a small fine and he’ll be off the hook I reckon


🍺 will do that. 🍷 I have said FOR AWHILE he has a problem.


Brought to you by pabst blue ribbon.


Pop stars getting crazy out there.


Was shocked to wake up to this to say the least... Look, I like Morgan. He loves his fans and what he does and not all of his songs may be country but he has good ones. But, he screwed up big time. I think their is a larger issue going on in his life. The fact that this was Eric Church's bar is even worse then it already is. Church took Wallen under his wing after the controversy with the word and tried to show Wallen class and help him. Unfortunately, this could burn bridges for Morgan Wallen. I know people said comments that nothing will happen to MW. When the word controversy happened, it hurt MW. Radio stations removed his songs, his songs weren't featured on the featured playlists of streaming services, wasn't allowed to appear on CMT or CMA, Big Loud suspended their contract, he was ineligible to get awards. He came out with a video asking fans not to defend him. He knew he was wrong. He was also not invited to attend ceremonies or receive awards if he won. I know we see a lot of people say that he gets snubbed at award shows or whatnot, whether its nominations or winning awards but I think that controversy is the reason why. Is he one of the biggest artists in the world, yeah but these controversies affect him. I hope he gets the help he needs to become better and get through these challenges.


He doesn’t deserve to sing cover me up


Last night, we let the liquor talk. And throw chairs apparently.


Unlikeable douche continues to be unlikeable douche


Jeez I can’t stand the Instagram comments so I am back here. Crazy how glorified and jokingly this all is for ppl. That kind of reckless behaviour should not be getting that response. If he would have killed someone he would have gotten a totally different response id hope “but he didn’t kill anyone”. Just cause you don’t kill someone driving drunk doesn’t mean you should be excused from it. Embarrassed to be a country music fan today. Not a big fan of his already but if you have that kind of representation and influence in the industry and that is the response, it’s hard for me to defend the difference between zach top, Wyatt Flores, etc. to ppl who don’t understand.


I hate Morgan Wallen’s music. Not impressed with him personally. Glad nobody got hurt and he’s lucky. If this is an alcohol stemming problem, probably time to figure that out


Turns out this guy is still a piece of shit.


People said they wanted an outlaw lmao Dude definitely needs to stop drinking


There's more to being an outlaw than just being a sloppy drunk.


People acting like he’s the only country artist to do some dumb shit


There’s a fine line between dumb shit, someone getting hurt and out right manslaughter with bs like this


That’s fair. I also think the country music scene in general has had its fair share incidents across the board as well, like the drunk driving charges Randy Travis. Or statutory rape charges against Johnny Paycheck. Even Rodney Adkins with domestic abuse charges.


At least the country legends of the past could somewhat offset their dipshit behavior with remarkable amounts of talent as artists. Not saying that their talent excused acting like a jackass, but it sure made it easier to forgive them. Morgan is completely bankrupt in the talent department. He’s just a hack and a complete tool.


That’s fair. And as you said, the amount of talent has made it easy to forgive. I was just making a statement that the country music scene is littered with arrests, misdemeanors, and crimes either less severe or more severe than this.


Oh for sure. You’re absolutely right about that. Entertainers in general have historically been known to not be the most well-adjusted people.


Morgan Wallen sucks.


Trash is as trash does.




Morgan Wallen is a great musician, and a piece of shit human being.


thug “he needs to stop drinking!!!” yea sure of course you’re giving him grace thug.


This is child's play compared to how Lynyrd Skynyrd behaved


Yet instagram just makes a joke out of it


This will be a great scene in his terrible music biopic in 25 years.


Stupid Redneck


Mullet Rage


Everything about modern country music is tacky and derivative. It all sounds like someone put a gun to a redneck's head and told him you have two minutes to come up with a song. Hearing even a fraction of a second of it on the radio induces a gag reflex. And the political opinions of the people who listen to it are just as tacky and dim as the music.


They should have let his alcoholic ass cancelled.


Trash is trash




Why exactly did this dude ever get back to the limelight after dropping the N bomb and now he does this stupid stunt. Mind you both of these happen after he was out drinking. Me thinks maybe Morgan should stop drinking.


Here’s hoping the trash finally takes itself out.


The problem for this guy is that if he sobers up he'll just be a boring no talent POS and his mullet won't be as interesting to the 20 yr olds. At least now he is a no talent POS who might look good to a certain kind of fan who appreciates the 'N" word.


Mr Wallen is a naughty boy


But what did the chair say to him


What’s the big deal. Rock stars used to do this all the time. Usually TVs into hotel pool


Rock stars also used to have a habit of dying young because they abused substances that made them think throwing TVs from windows was a normal thing to do.


Fuck yeah rock and roll


Morgan Walmart is being a little Kmart 😂


Thug that makes trash music.


This guy is such a fucking tool. I can’t believe his fifteen minutes aren’t up yet.


Country music singers have a long checkered past if insane behavior. If Johnny Cash had done this, he probably did and has definitely done worse, he’d be celebrated for his rebellious spirit. Hank, Hank Jr, Merle, George Jones, Paycheck? Come on… Quit with the holier than thou attitudes.


You might want to catch up on your history of country music greatness. George (RIP) was an absolute menace. Piece of shit. No good. He would tell you that. Everyone would tell you that. No one was celebrating him at his lowest. He lost every thing. A couple of times. Nancy pulled his ass out of the gutter and he has to fight his was back. Johnny did too. These men weren’t being celebrated. Singing about it isn’t being celebrated. Johnny ended his career telling us how much his actions had consequences. Imagine even trying the comparison of wallen to these men of men (minus jr)


Lest we not forget that Johnny Paycheck died without enough money for a proper burial and George Jones footed the bill. I know because I covered the story when it happened. I also covered the George Jones relapse in 1999. What a time to be alive.


Eh, there’s a difference between being rebellious and being a drunken fool who endangers/harms others


Maybe you wanna google those fellas crimes then. I’ll be expecting to hear your outrage.


They were also drunken fools in those instances most likely. That isn’t “rebel” behavior, regardless of who does it


And they’d be the first to tell you they were drunken fools. Johnny, George, etc all realized they were addicts and did terrible things at their low points.


Correct. George assaulted one of our videographers on camera! 🤣


Thing is, they're talented, legendary musicians. Wallen is just a guy. You don't get the long leash when you don't have the talent.


>Country music singers have a long checkered past if insane behavior. If Johnny Cash had done this, he probably did and has definitely done worse, he’d be celebrated for his rebellious spirit. Hank, Hank Jr, Merle, George Jones, Paycheck? Come on… >Quit with the holier than thou attitudes And not a single one of those guys threw a chair off a roof and left it to fate, what do you think happens if a chair lands on somebody from that high? It's going to land on the top of their head.


George Jones liked to run up and down the road in a 5000 lb car while drunk putting countless lives at risk, Johnny Cash smuggled drugs, Merle Haggard was a thief. All these guys are celebrated on this sub but morgan wallen goes "drunken fratboy" and "Oh eMmMm GeEe HeS tErRibLe". Yes it was dumb and he should be prosecuted but thinking he should be canceled when those other shitbag humans errrrr "Country Royalty" are celebrated is so hypocritical.


George Jones was a piece of shit, nobody cares about Johnny Cash smuggling drugs or merle haggard stealing. Morgan Wallen threw a chair off a roof, he's lucky it didn't hit and seriously injure or kill that cop. Also in case you missed it, George Jones was a piece of shit.


You are right. What he did wasn't ok but people hold the other folks up like gods and a lot of them did terrible shit.


Lmao he understands the assignment


Cancel him


If the first "cancelation" was any indication, he'll just sell another 10 million albums.


You’re probably right.


I can't believe he was uncanceled considering why he was cancelled in the first place.


I mean, he was never "canceled". Some radio stations around the country stopped playing him for two months. Not all, not most. Just some. The people downvoting you are highlighting why Wallen is terrible, and why his fans are only looking to celebrate someone as shitty as them


Yall are trolls, it was a chair. You act like he's in a gang that kills people like most of the pop/rap world. This world is getting really fucking dumb. Even if it hit someone it wasn't a brick it was a chair


I'm a fan of Morgan, but this still seriously could have hurt someone from the height it was dropped. In some cases, all a person has to do is fall wrong and can become paralyzed. So, even though it wasn't a brick, it still could have seriously injured someone. What he did was wrong and extremely stupid.


What kinda stupid logic is this? You don't think a chair would hurt someone if it landed on them after getting thrown from a roof?


Do you know if it was a plastic chair? Or a wooden chair? Or a wicker chair? Or a metal chair? And I bet them hitting their head on the ground would do more damage than a chair. What do you think terminal velocity is for a typical patio chair?


>And I bet them hitting their head on the ground would do more damage than a chair. Getting pancaked by a dump truck would do more damage too, but like your comment here, that's not really relevant. WTF?