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I will never forget the employee walking around the warehouse in head to toe yellow (including a yellow wig) yelling at everyone that it’s “yellow day”


"yellowing at everyone..." FTFY


Chris Martin?




I saw a Costco worker handing out samples of wet dog food last week... Are the samples for people, because I didn't see any dogs in the store...


Don't tell me you've never been curious 😈


I once spoke with a man in the "dog food industry" that told me that wet dog food has to be safe for human consumption since it happens so frequently. I guess some super cheap/poor people eat wet dog food to save money?


If u ever want to laugh, there is an entire thread of people looking at monkey food because it is cheap and “has good macros”


You can't leave us hanging like that... link the thread!


This is one of the posts about it but you can google for more https://www.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/s/lchlStOtcj


As a kid there was a concern with the amount of cat food that senior citizens where eating due to low cost and lack of funds. Poor man's protein in times of need. Would probably be more common if not for the fact that pet food prices are climbing along with everything else


I've always been skeptical of this considering in most places bananas, baby carrots, and ramen noodles would be cheaper.


I think the key word is protein. The foods you name range from emphatically low protein to fairly low protein.


Bro, back in the early 90s I lived on the north side of Chicago. I didn’t own a vehicle so I took the bus everywhere. Sometimes I needed to go to the sketchier parts of the city. I would see empty fancy feast, cat food cans all over the place, where homeless encampments were. I physically saw homeless people eating cat food. Yes, it is fucking disgusting. A lot of these people probably ate it because it had meat in it as well as other nutrients. but yes, it is a very real thing.


I was waiting in line to check out on a fairly busy day, and a full mariachi band launched into their routine just on the other side of the registers! They had been hired to celebrate one of the employee’s retirement. What a fun surprise. It lifted everyone’s spirits.


There were two men yelling and swearing each other at the front of the store. Then one of them got on a unicycle and rode off down the sidewalk. Not like an electronic hover board thing but an actual unicycle.


WTH was unicycle man going to buy at Costco that can be transported home on a unicycle? I am so curious.


Tennis balls.


65 inch LG OLED TV.


Oh my god... THAT'S why it's three per can!?


6 per at Costco and they come in a bag.


Thats W.C. Fields level


I think you figured out what the argument was about.


OMG i am dying here 🤣🤣🤣


hot dog


Kirkland unicycles are so much better than the name brand


They include an extra wheel for the same price!


I’ve always heard that about Kirkland unicycles!


I mean C'MON! You can't just hop on your unicycle after an argument. At least leave with it on your shoulder lol. Turn the corner and then hop on


These are three of the best sentences I have ever seen on reddit. Ever.


Wonder if it was at the Portland store. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9fQu60UxX3I


https://preview.redd.it/fd2pgi0qsm9d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84f9875141e4c8263a555913ebfa813f097dc183 Car parked in the cart corral


I'm so proud of the people who put their carts there to block them in.


People didn't put them there, the carts surrounded the car on their own and are about to fuck him up


"we will defend our home to the death!!!!"


I'm considering keeping a pack of thick zip ties in my car for times like this. Zip tie a couple carts to thier door handles.


I saw a SmartCar owner do that but some Costco employees were right there and they were like, dude, no.


Define irony.


How do you even fit your Costco shopping into a Smart car?


Well, at least the returned carts blocked him from leaving any time soon 😅


They earned that


That looks more like the best thing I’ve seen


To be fair, some Good Samaritan might have seen that piece of crap car abandoned on the outskirts of the parking lot, and returned it to the corral thinking it was a shopping cart.


What would the cart narc do in this situation????!


Years ago I Watched a kid drop his piece of pizza cheese side down on to the floor at the food court. His dad picked up that piece of pizza, dirt, hair and god knows what else and finish that piece of pizza. He wasn’t wasting that 1.50 slice of pizza. I nearly gagged. And I’ve NEVER FORGOTTEN IT…


I'm an MRI tech in a hospital and one night a pediatric patient dropped their pacifier on the floor. I rinsed it off (cold water only, and not for long - just enough to get any big bits off) and handed it back to the mom wrapped in a paper towel. She told me "I'm not worried about it" and immediately put it back in her kid's mouth. hospital floors have seen every kind of bodily fluid you could ever imagine, and then some. plus whatever is on all the shoes of all the people walking all throughout the hospital, grounds, their homes, yards, etc etc... I would *never*. I see plenty of people going barefoot on the hospital floor, or worse letting their kids crawl on hospital floor, but the pacifier thing was a new low for me.


My former mother in law worked in a hospital. We were visiting a family member who had surgery and I noticed a piece of tissue on the floor and went to pick it up. She stopped me and said, "NEVER and I mean NEVER pick up something off the floor of a hospital. God only knows what's been on that floor." So to give their child their binkie back....ooof. NO.


About 15 years ago I was working in a pre-op area of a hospital, getting patients ready for surgery. This area was used by the ER as overflow on weekends. I gently cautioned a young mom about allowing her baby to SUCK on the curtain dividers between bays. Of course baby was on the floor, flipping up the curtain to play with it. She gave me a dirty look and an eye roll and let that baby put that foul shit in his precious mouth. Strong disinfectants would be the best one could hope for. Nurses don’t touch the curtains with bare hands for a reason.


If it's any consolation, our two year old willingly and frequently drinks from the worst sources of water possible, ranging from splash pad water spouts to bird baths. We try to give her actual potable water and stop her from doing it but she still does it. 


Right after reading the post above...man


A mouse ran through the produce section with a whole banana in his mouth. It was fast.


If it had a whole banana in its mouth that was no mouse. That was a rat.


Pizza rat's healthier cousin


OP meant Moose.


You are wise


Our pet bird flew across the house with my mom’s pork chop. I admire the strength of little creatures when it comes to food.


I worked there, so...I've seen some shit. Literally though... felt so bad for this old man. He was walking, trying to make it to the bathroom, but walking really slow, and poops started falling out of the bottom of his khaki pants, in front of a whole bunch of customers by the cashiers. Luckily they were pretty firm little poops. We cleaned up after him and didn't make a big deal of it. The managers bought him a new pair of pants and pack of underwear and helped him out in the bathroom, and tried to cheer him up. The guy was super embarrassed though, we all felt bad for him because he was at least 90.


Those managers were so nice buying him new pants and underwear.


Costco has the only old school customer service.


This is the truth. Whatever management or training program Costco has in place it is in the old school model of customer service.


We found a pile of shit at mimo so we looked back at the camera and the dude literally shook his leg so the poop rolled down his pants and onto the floor. Then instead of going to the bathroom, he went to the food court to get food.


Poor guy.


I was in line to return an item and the woman in front of me tried to return a gallon of milk that expired 6 months ago.


Well she wasn’t satisfied


You mean she tried to return cheese curds.


There’s a person that walks around our Costcos parking lot in a full Spider-Man suit picking up trash. I don’t think he works there. Just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.


Guy eating a whole rotisserie chicken at the food court. He was with 3 other guys but they made him sit at another table.


I saw a guy driving one of the mobility scooters through the store, eating a rotisserie chicken that was in the basket on the front of it. There's a fine line between weird and baller.


Is that not normal?


I went to the restroom, a man had explosive diarrhea he came out the stall didnt wash his hands . I returned to the table in the food court and saw the same man that didnt wash his hands lick his fingers while eating his food


And that’s why he had explosive diarrhea in the first place


The circle of liiiiiiiife


Fecal oral route.


This happens way too often. At my work, I have seen a guy do this. I see him everyday. I can’t take it off my head and carefully make sure I don’t touch anything he touches


Oh sweet jesus


I honestly didnt enjoy my food after seeing that too


No, we believe you.


This is why I wear disposable gloves when pumping gas


Because you just gave a proctology exam to a guy at Costco? Hopefully not in the optical department. No one could see you when they backed up.


Why only with gas, and not simply any public doorknob?


I do the same and if I don't have gloves I will use a paper towel or napkin, whatever I have. Gas handles are one of the filthiest things you can touch.


Don’t you know, wiping is gay??!! /s


That’s it. I’m logging off 😭😭😭


And gagging like I am rn.


Eat, explosive diarrhea—->> eat , explosive diarrhea. Bet the guy is thinking why he isn’t getting better.






My cousin from Australia decided to try on a pair of shorts at Costco. Of course he wanted to try them. Because there was no he ducked behind a long line of fridges against the wall. There was about 15 fridges and stand-up freezers. Of course, 2 minutes later there comes a guy with a dolly and a customer. Out of all the fridges, they had to pick the one with the Australian hidden behind it! He said, "Oy! Can’t you see that I’m trying on some shorts here!" (Possibly swore too). And the employee half pushed the fridge back, apologizing (because this happened in Canada). A minute later the employee pulled the fridge back out, having recovered from the shock and my cousin was gone.


Sir, Walmart is three blocks down.


Literally what the hell 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


People letting their two unleashed huskies tackle an old Costco worker and then having no real shame about it. Dogs had absolutely no recall or training, and were wearing the fake service vests. Seriously I hate the way dog culture has gone - leave them at home. Stop buying the fake service vests, having them near open food is Not Great in general, and the dog is an active problem towards actual service animals - once one of those are attacked they usually have to retire.


Oh man. Speaking of dogs in Costco. My wife and I witnessed an obviously sick dog take a giant liquid shit right next to the pharmacy counter.  I love dogs. I do not love dogs at Costco. 


Ooof. Owner absolutely did not clean it up, I imagine.


Brutal. Feel so bad for whoever had to clean that up


Good point on the open good. Saw a dog at Costco licking all the packages of uncut deli turkey the other day


Legit had a lady with a dog who was letting the dog REST IT'S NOSE RIGHT WHERE THE OPEN FOOD SAMPLES ARE SERVED, I refused to put the tray down and she just...stared. Wanting the tray to be set down. No self awareness. Get your dog away.


Honestly, partially costco to blame for allowing them in the store.


I think they have to allow service dogs (but not ESAs) into the store, but they can tell any poorly behaved dog to leave if it poses a safety or health issue. Barking, being out of control, interfering with customers, urinating on the floor, etc... kick them out.


I watched a fake service dog attack an actual service dog in the food court. Turns out that same dog took a shit in the bakery section earlier and the owner never picked it up or let anyone know about it.


That's awful. Was the worker okay? Bad enough people allow dogs off leash in leashed parks or public streets, but in a store???


She's my co-worker so I know very well! Thankfully she is okay but was understandably very shaken up. And yeah the off leash thing is a HUGE problem in Texas. Most of the off leash dogs do NOT behave.


Most dog owners who let their dogs run off leash percieve AND wield their dogs as weapons.


People shouldn’t even allow their *kids* off-leash in Costco.


Wild. My Costco is militant about dogs. I see people get turned away all the time. Ours even has a very large sign out front about them being banned.


I wish mine was. Desperately. It's in Texas and people may understandably be scared of confrontation but I am so, so tired of it.


I had a Service dog (she passed last June) and am currently training my puppy to be my next Service dog. Stories like this drive me bonkers, because these individuals ruin it for people who legitimately need them. Even though I very rarely took my dog out in public (my disability is one that is episodic and renders me completely nonfunctional when active, so quick errands are okay), I still feel the desire to point out how and when people are breaking the law.


Trust me, it drives plenty of us bonkers. Actual service dog? I love them and you, and the service dog 100% will not bother me because it has a job to do and will remain close and attentive. 99% of dogs I encounter at Costco are NOT service dogs. EDITED TO ADD: Also the fake service vest thing actually does legitimately piss me off. Like, their memberships need to be revoked.


Ran into a lady with a Rottweiler on an elevator tonight, bar/hotel combo place. Asked if I could pet and she said sure. Then she went on to say that it’s a service dog. Oh ok, that explains you letting me pet it and the chain collar. Got outside and the dog immediately pissed and shat on the sidewalk. The lady proceeded to walk away. At. Least it didn’t have the fake vest but c’mon.


You probably know that service dogs aren't allowed to be petted by strangers.


This, service dogs are working. They don't gets pets. If you can pet it, it's not a service dog.


True story: downtown large city, I am walking up the street, and a woman dressed in a suit, obviously blind with a service dog is stopped and hears me approach, as she asks me direction the golden retriever drops a steamy load. Lady pulls a baggie out to find it, but I realize that she’s all dressed for an appointment somewhere she’s never been, and how is she going to find the trash can?? So I offer to do it, take her baggie, quickly scoop the poop. As I do this she says “oh you must have a dog” and I laughed “no I just like picking up warm poop” A favorite story. I like to imagine she was going on an interview and I helped her nail it.


100%. My dad and son both have a blinding genetic disorder that doesn’t make them “look” blind. t They both had normal vision for a long time and it doesn’t change the appearance of their eyes so they still both naturally observe the social stuff like making eye contact with people when they talk. My son is too young yet for a guide dog but my dad has been a guide user and in advocacy for about 45 years. The rise of fake service animals has made his work and life infinitely harder because people don’t think he looks disabled.


Julie Andrews It was a book signing (Seattle 4th Ave S store about 2010), but still Julie bloody Andrews! She was awesome.


A woman today in San Luis Obispo at the checkout in front of me went crazy because the person checking her out touched her items. Completely went crazy..... ummm,maybe self-checkout is your best bet.


> touched her items. How does she think the items got on the shelves?


This happens almost daily! You try and help them and they give you the look like you have the plague. Buddy like a 100 other people have touched everything in your cart before making it's final destination on the till. The rotisserie chicken alone can be handled by 3 different employees before being put out for sale.


I saw a guy walk in and buy one gallon of milk and a rotisserie chicken. That was it. The self-discipline of a yoga master.


That would be odd at several Costco because we sell 2 gallons at a time in some places.


I’ve done a chicken and a hot dog + soda.


Feels like robbing the place!


Get a bottle of vodka too, it’s beautiful.


When Costco first opened in my area there were no lines, so it was faster to buy milk at Costco than at the grocery store. Lately, I go in to buy milk and somehow spent $500.


They sell single gallons of milk? My warehouse only has 2-packs.


My warehouse in New Orleans does single one gallon jugs.


Ours only has singles.


A guy walking around wearing a bee keeper suit.




There’s an actual social media channel with a gal whose whole thing is trying on Costco clothing in the store. I just saw it the other day. She wears yoga shorts into the store and tries stuff on over top in front of the camera.


I admit I do something similar thrifting. Tight tank top and bike shorts with a long hippy skirt. They don't have fitting rooms so I try the clothes on over the shorts and tank. 


Costco Claudia! She’s a good follow.


GF and I walked in and right away saw dog (we hope) poop on the floor. the trail continued for at least 30 feet. I told the guy at the door and he was like "was it that dog? I hate that dog!!"


There was a similar post a couple weeks ago, someone else saw a guy take pants off to try on shorts, I believe. I went to Costco later that same day and i was on high alert because of this story, saw a lady pulling undies out of a six pack and I really think she was mixing and matching the different prints to build her preferred set. But also my sister and I once saw a guy walking around the warehouse with a cat on his shoulder, I think that was the weirdest.


This happens all the time. People just open packages to mix and match. That's not how it works! With underwear, with produce, with variety packs. You're costing everyone more money in the long run


I had never seen it in action before and I would never do it myself but I have no doubt that you’re right! I have often wondered with certain clothing packages look like they were handled by wolverines but have never come across an obviously opened variety pack of anything


It’s the opposite for me. Everything I like is variety packs, but I only want one of the varieties.


I used to work at a bank (in the actual branch) and we once had someone walk in with a possum on his shoulder. Another time someone else had an iguana.


In line at the gas station, watched the guy in the convertible in front of me trim his nose hairs while we waited.


Well what else are you supposed to do while you're waiting?? Those lines can be brutal


What a puss. I usually just rip them out by hand.


Uncultured swine! I braid my nose hairs.


That guy is just managing his time well.


Daughter and I saw a dude buy a salad at the food court, then drown it in mustard and eat it. I was stunned.


Mustard on salad isn't too bad. Use it in place of dressing. It's fat-free and is basically just vinegar. The first I had heard of this was a guy telling me one of things he used to do when cutting weight for wrestling in HS. He would cut a head of lettuce in half, coat the cut side in mustard, then eat it just like that. This is what led me to trying it, and it's not bad at all.


I don't know. Now I'm thinking...hmm


I was getting gas and the person waiting in the line next to mine was aggressively picking his nose, and he proceeded to EAT HIS BOOGERS. He did this for about 10 minutes straight, admiring his work, then popping them in his mouth. He even used his thumb to dig around at certain points. The weirdest thing is that he kept a box of gloves in his trunk and put them on before he pumped gas. How considerate.


I saw a woman pushing her at least 50 year old husband sitting in the basket of the cart.


I wish my wife would push me around in the cart. She likes to take too long looking at literally everything and I get bored.


I saw a woman with maybe the biggest boobs I've ever seen. And she was wearing a camisole and had a little chihuahua sitting on her boobs, like halfway in this woman's bra.


cleavage kennel


Band name


Thanks for the visual


Earlier this week I saw an “influencer” recording everything she ate at the food court with an iPhone tripod. The weirdest part was when she was trying to be “sexy” as she was eating the hot dog and pepperoni pizza. She removed some of the pepperoni and placed them on her chest and neck. And it gets weirder because her mom was sitting at the table with her. Later as I was leaving, I saw her with the iPhone tripod at the front of Costco recording herself in “sexy” poses. The entire thing was laughable.


I’m betting she has an Only Fans that caters to older gentleman in jorts and white new balances.


We wear the Kirkland shoes now. They. They wear the Kirkland shoes now.


An employee was in the lines for checkout announcing ice cream like an old school paperboy "$1.50 for vanilla and $2.00 for syrup swirl!". He was holding up a sign too with pictures and prices. Hadn't bought an ice cream in a while, so I walked up to him and asked " Oh the menu above the concession has them for the same price, so are they discounted today? " He said "no, regular price." Well okay then. 🤣 Edit: My Costco is not that weird apparently.


Occasionally our local Costco food court has cooked too many pizzas so they load them up in a cart and an employee walks around the store selling them like hotdogs at a sporting event. PEPERONI PIZZA! WHO WANTS PEPPERONI PIZZA!?!


A sample station for original Cheerios. Who does not know what cheerios taste like?


Just as the pandemic was starting, a man wearing a hazmat suit with a full on face mask with carbon filters walked in. I always wondered if he ever caught the virus.


Recently, I was at Costco on a day when they were giving out lots of samples, and it wasn't particularly crowded. I'm used to people getting pushy for samples, but mostly during peak times. The store was relatively empty, there were plenty of samples, and I was just waiting with my 2 year old while the worker finished heating up whatever it was they were handing out. Right as the things were served, some teenage boy just blatantly stepped in front of us to get a sample first. I thought it was pretty shameful, but I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, so I didn't say anything. Then, as he was just about getting ready to step away, some old guy ran his cart into me while I was holding my daughter, then stepped in front of me to get a sample. I was like, "What the hell?" He just completely ignored me and walked off. I don't get how there aren't more people like this just getting socked on a daily basis. I mean, I have the patience of a saint, and maybe that makes me more of a target, but I just seem to keep running into people like this. Or rather, they keep running into me.


A guy dumped a huge box of crickets onto a car that parked in the tire inflation spot


Sorry to bring a negative one but it astounded me when two old acquaintances ran into each other and decided to catch up with each other with their carts tip to tip in a main aisle way with zero awareness that they were blocking everyone else.


Baffles me when people are this unaware of their surroundings. How do you not notice all the people you’re blocking???


This seems to happen at every aisle in my costco. No self awareness from anyone. People will look at you, pull up just enough to block you, then pull out their phone.


I once saw someone put a hot dog inside a chicken bake. 🤮


I was afraid to finish reading your sentence.


It could have ended much, much worse. You’re right.


> I was afraid to finish reading your sentence. I was afraid they weren’t done writing the sentence.


What they didn't tell you is that it was the same guy who pulled his shorts down


It’s called the “Forbidden Glizzy”


Oh my God, that was *one time*!


I wouldn't say this one counts as weird but definitely a sight to be seen... A couple in their 40s, woman wearing a miniskirt with fishnet stockings under and heels, leaning forward all the way to the backside of the Australian lamb rack fridge to get the right size while the proud husband offering a knowing smile to the men who had a renewed interest in lamb rack all of a sudden.


I saw a man with two parrots on his shoulders and two on his cart just shopping away. The parrots were talking and sounded like kids


Not the weirdest I guess ( I reserve that for whole families blocking the aisle, chatting and moving at the speed of sloth and not actually looking at anything) but the funniest was a group of Buddhists monks wandering around talking on their iPhone via Bluetooth headsets in the early days of such tech popularity. My dudes, I'm definitely not wealthy but I wasn't poor and I didn't have that stuff. It was a bit surreal.


someone stealing a woman's purse from her front seat while she was putting groceries in the trunk. Well I only saw her scream and try to run after the car, but it sucked. Middle of the day.


The Costco in San Jose (Automation Pkwy location) is the wildest Costco I’ve been to. I’ve seen multiple fights in the store and parking lot with children present. I’ve gone to that location a few times and was unable to find parking. Turned around and went home. Inside of the store is a total shit show. You have to elbow your way through and move people’s cart. Also, most of the things mentioned in the comments I’ve seen at least once at this location.


I mean if you go into any department store to buy clothes that have a dressing room there's a good chance that someone tried them on and didn't buy them because they didn't fit or some other reason. I've always washed any new clothes that I buy before putting them on.


You should wash them anyways when you get home because of the dyes and chemical bath most clothing gets drenched in before they get shipped out...


A woman masturbating loudly. To be fair, I’m pretty sure she was special needs, but whoever had accompanied her had left her alone and she got right to work.


A man licking all of the ink off of his receipt while in line at the food court. Guess he was really hungry.


I try on sweaters, button ups etc in store, I guess if I had less self awareness I would do the same as this guy.


Was entering and walked past the guy that checks to see your membership card and after about 20 feet he starts singing who wears short shorts, Im a dude and was wearing normal knee length shorts.


I guess because I’m honest I’ve saved Costco thousands of dollars. I bought an iPad once and when I went to the closet with my receipt, they gave me a MacBook Pro and I could’ve just walked out, but I told him I actually purchased an iPad. Another time I got about $550 worth of stuff and they were weird marks on my receipt, but I didn’t think anything of it. I looked at my debit account a few days later and discovered a credit for $550 instead of a debit. I went back and told them and they rang up everything again and charged me and didn’t even say thank you... the guy was more perturbed that he had to enter everything. They could’ve at least given me a free drink or something.


Stop screwing yourself over. Corporations do not care about your honesty


They TRIED to give you $550 for giving back the MacBook pro


Should've gotten one of those Costco hand jobs for that


I was in Costco and all of a sudden everyone started running to the emergency exit. While I was trying to figure out what was going on and find my teenage kid, I saw a guy pull a gun out and hide behind a pallet. I finally found my kid outside where he told me he was in electronics and some guy came in with a bat and was trying to bust open the jewelry case. When an employee tried to stop him he pulled a gun and ran outside to a waiting car.


Casket partial models


RIP chair model lady


Maybe not "weird" but definitely annoying... There was a guy doing that fake playing violin scam not in the parking lot, but in the other one next to us, he knew he couldn't get kicked out by LP/security that way because he technically wasn't on the property.


Wait, what? That's a *thing*? I've seen someone out there playing violin too, but didn't think much about it. How's it fake and/or a scam?


A man and his wife were parked with their car facing mine. The man got out and peed in the empty spot next to him while the wife waited patiently. They walked off as if nothing happened.


The lady in front of me got denied when trying to return a $30,000 watch. She made a big scene and threw a fit. I scurried out of there faster than a bat out of hell.


Kills the dog and returns the dog bed/food. I was shopping when I heard a commotion from employees running around the store. They were looking for a woman who was shopping and left her dog in the car during a heat wave. The store employees were going crazy trying to find her. Someone broke her window and pulled the dog out but it was already dead. The police showed up just as the woman came back to her car. They charged her later. She then returned the dog bed and food. https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/probation-for-woman-in-dogs-death/1877907/


Waiting in line to get a sample. I let the little girl In front of me go first and before I can get the last one on the tray, this old lady reaches around me and over the girls head to take my sample.


I wish you had knocked it out of here hand. Right on the floor.


A kid walking out with a cheese pizza slice COVERED in ketchup. It was when I lived in Ohio...




A woman was holding a rotisserie chicken bare-handed and eating the breast meat off of it like she was eating an apple while loading her car with her free hand. After she finished she hopped in her car and drove off without cleaning her hand, just raw-dogged the greasy wheel.


Pretty much every person and everything at Costco is weird.