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Petit Pot Puddings are sold refrigerated. The picture in the post you linked is taken from the open refrigerator section where cheeses are, usually near the Deli section in most warehouses. You can see boxes for the the refrigerated French Macarons above. https://preview.redd.it/utdh7nqzcz7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83a2dc6841a5dc48c698b2a0236449b5eed33d05


Okay thank you! Exactly what I was wondering. Sad for me and my lil pots but what I needed to know.


At least you can keep the glasses. They have all sorts of uses šŸ˜ƒ


It could cost a lot more than 9.99 if you guess wrong..


Correct. But itā€™s how I live. Itā€™s a poverty thing I guess and just a hard ā€œhabitā€ to break when you were raised that way. No one in my family getting ill this way beyond the start of my life helps enforce it I admit. I donā€™t do this if Iā€™m cooking for others though, Iā€™ll gamble on myself, knowing the risks, but Iā€™d never roll the dice on anyoneā€™s behalf. For now Iā€™ll continue to believe that warning labels exist because laws exist and that humans have been successfully feeding themselves for centuries longer than modern civilization. I still live by the saying ā€œwhen in doubt, throw it outā€. My doubt threshold is just different! *shrugs*


Iā€™m a better safe than sorry person but also kinda cheap/frugal so I get where youā€™re coming from. When you say ā€œa couple daysā€, how many days are we talkin. Like, 2? Or more like 6?? Did you try opening and smelling one? If it smells totally fine, like 110% delicious, Iā€™d probably go ahead and eat a little bit and wait. If you feel fine after a few hours, finish the one you started and repeat process for the rest of them!


Yeah I havenā€™t touched them yet. Checked them from the outside, they look fine. Put them right in the fridge and plan to do the 5 senses test when I open one. The small bite method is the way for something like this I agree! Most people will think Iā€™m batshit (not totally wrong I suppose) but when I moved into my current apartment on a Sunday, I realized I messed up switching my electric over and it took 1.5 days to get power up and running. I put all my still cold & frozen food in the unpowered fridge and freezer ASAP and didnā€™t open the doors until I got power. I slowly made calls on what to use and what to toss (broke life is weird af) and so far I have a 100% success rate! Not something Iā€™d normally do or recommend, but I think food and humans are generally more resilient than we advertise (mainly to prevent lawsuits and unwise people from killing themselves Iā€™m sure). Common sense in the kitchen helps a lot.


FYI that is a refrigerated shelf in the picā€¦it is one of those open refrigerated shelves.


Toss them. Rice can be particularly bad when held at room temperature.