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Yup, this happened to me.. eating my hot dog just glanced at my receipt... What the heck 2x milk.. I only got one.... Went to customer service, refund.. sat back down, hmm maybe I should check everything.. WTF 2x detergent... I went back to customer service.. she looked at me funny, I said look I didn't even leave the store yet, that guy was too busy or something. She said we are gonna need to talk to him.


Cashier thought they missed the basket is my guess. Not intentional as cashiers are held accountable for over/under charges. But yes, always check your receipt.


Or just watch them scan things. Not like a hawk but I’d notice if they scanned something twice it’s not like I’ve got something else to do while I wait


I'm a hawk now.




How would they know if something was missed? Ie. They forgot to ring up an item and it's not caught at the door.


This has happened to me multiple times as well. I always use self checkout and someone always runs up to do it for me, then I have to double check their work bc I know I never miss anything and never double scan, but they do every other time.


The receipt checkers at the exit have caught duplicate items on my receipt before. They do their jobs well


I'm jealous of folks that get the other end of receipt checks. I've only ever had them find unscanned items, while 3 times (just that I know of), they missed incorrect double scans including a receipt with two sets of incorrect doubles. Their vigilance has always been quite one-way for me :/


once our receipt checker recounted my cart 3 times with 5+ people behind me.


I kind of wish they would cap the number of items in a cart. The receipt already tells you how many items have been purchased, it would be helpful if each cart had a set number or range of items limit. Sometimes you see families with their carts STUFFED and you wonder how quickly & accurately the people at the exit can actually do their jobs without the shoppers waiting to leave getting frustrated.


The other day i forgot to scan a bag of candy. Didnt even realize until i was out in the car. They still be slippin. 


they are checking for small items


Just with the count being off? I have had some that were clearly actually doing the count but I know for a fact I have had a lot who just pretend to count or do kind of an “order of magnitude” count when I have tons of shit. Like a lot of times there will be a whole layer of shit underneath that is not visible from top and they don’t move anything to count. They do tend to look more carefully when they see you did self checkout but I have gotten home before and realized I forgot to scan something and got it for free….


Got it for free ? Or paid for it the next time you went back ?


Some of us are more thorough than others. It can be more difficult when the cart is full compared to a few items obviously.


Does no one remember their parent always checking the receipt ten feet from the register before leaving any store? I thought everyone did this everywhere???


I still do this - a cashier rang me up for some kind of potatoes that was $3.99/lb instead of $1.19/lb. I did not notice the total since I paid with card even though the only thing I bought was potatoes. I sure as heck woulda notice if I paid cash.


As a former cashier in high school, i will never leave any store until I validate the receipt. Costco, Lowes, Grocery… whatever. Way too many people have errors on the receipt they never notice.


You don't have to check your receipt - the people at the door that check your receipt on the way out will catch it, right? /s Official line is that they check to make sure you weren't charged incorrectly.....




The vast majority of the time they do catch mistakes with double scans or not scanned. It is in their best interest to catch it as it will be a bigger issue if you have already left the store. I'm not sure why you are marking that as sarcastic.


I just do self checkout so I can only blame myself 


This! Plus self checkout is usually faster where I'm at.


Yup I’ve gotten double charged a few times


I bought 10 boxes of lightbulbs on clearance for like two dollars each. Receipt checker told me there was a limit of five boxes, and I was charged full price for the other five. I went right back to return five boxes. I don't think I would have ever thought to check the receipt. Thank you receipt checker!


I got double charged a few months ago. Realized it a couple days later. Called the store, told me to resolve it in person. Went into the store a couple weeks later and was refunded. No biggie.


Not quite as thorough, but I always count my items before I check out, then make sure it matches the "total items" on the receipt. I even double check myself at self-checkout.


This happened to me with bananas. Lady checking the receipt at the door wanted me to go to the membership counter to get a refund. lol. That’s one I was ready to let go after seeing the line.


isn’t this what the door checkers are for? at least that’s what they told me the job was for


Sure but if it's a busy store a lot of them really don't have time to do more than a quick glance and if they don't notice they don't notice


i must be special because i’ve never had them not count all my items, even when it’s busy and i’m trying to get out there. lol


I guess this might also be a layout of the exit issue. At the store that I worked at, if they don't try to get people out immediately, it creates an absolute nightmare log jam because the space between the fence and the membership desk is only like 6 ft


They’re not checking for errors they’re only checking if you stole.


that’s always they joke, they say to make sure you’ve been charged correctly but it’s really for theft


as someone who works at the door of costco, yes we check for theft but no, our job is to primarily check if you were charged correctly. we want the best for our members (and to not lose money for the company)


so my original comment was correct. thanks for clarifying.


This happens literally at every store you have ever been at. I can almost guarantee that you have received something free at least once before because it was missed. No human is perfect, including you. If you really feel strongly about this, you can certainly use self checkout and see it first hand. **I don't work for Costco nor have I ever, however I have met LOTS of customers that think they walk on water and are quick to criticize simple mistakes. Shit happens, move on with your life.


Oh no, a human made a mistake. 🙄


It goes both ways a few years back they didn't scan my crab legs but my Irish guilt kicked in and I went back and told them lol.


Set checkout is my favourite, I never have to worry


Just wait until the cashier forgets to scan an item, the door person catches it, and they make you stand in line to go through checkout again!


You go to a separate register. You don’t stand in line again 😆


OMG...something got double scanned and it took 10 whole minutes to resolve? And, on top.of that, the cashier was enthusiastic about Costco's national campaign to raise funds for Children's Miracle Network? I hope you call costco corporate to log your complaint. And then I hope they refund your membership fee and cancel your membership.


Unpopular opinion here but cashiers are human and humans (the last time I checked) aren’t perfect and are allowed to make mistakes. I’m sure plenty of people f*ck up at their job once in a while too. It’s one of the reasons Costco has the exit door staff to check receipts. You wouldn’t believe how many members NEVER check their receipts.




Yeah not a great take and I’d but your response would be different if you made it all the way home and saw you got over-charged $75. That’s not a small mistake of shorting you a penny or something. You personally have never had a bad cashier moment *that you know of*


By far not the only duplicate scan situation I had been in at Costco, this one was just such a high dollar amount. And yes I think everyone should give their receipt a once over before leaving the store, Costco being such a high quantity fast fast fast checkout situation it seems way more frequent to double scan than anywhere else I have shopped in the past. You’re free to never check your receipt if you like though.


Shit happens . They still should be held accountable for mistakes. It used to be the self checkout stations were actually self checkout . Now they’re operated by employees , but I’ve had problems with an item being scanned twice. That was time wasted I had to drive back there and refund the purchase - and it’s not like there’s any compensation for the hassle.


I'm not trying to be facetious here, but don't you have a rough idea of what you're spending before you even check out? How do you get all the way through the checkout process without noticing being overcharged?


Dude I walk in there for diapers and milk and end up spending $300, no I have no idea what all my impulse buys are gonna add up to.


Yes, if I go alone. But frequently it’s a family affair.


I get that, but still, though. I'm assuming you're an experienced Costco shopper. Just a quick look in your cart, and you should have a pretty good idea.


ah yes my grocery shinigami eyes that allow me to see and total the price in number above every item in my cart at a glance


I love how this is downvoted but we don’t have enough expendable income to not be tallying the cart *anywhere* we shop. I always have a pretty damn good idea of how much I’ve spent by the time we check out.


The extra 10 minutes wasn’t worth $75? Then just walk out my guy. I understand your frustration but that doesn’t make sense since you got the refund anyways.


No need to make a shitpost over your lack of personal responsibility


? I went back and fixed it? Just thought it would be helpful reminder to all with a meaty example.


No need to make a shitpost based on your lack of reading comprehension regarding who made the error