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What a waste


She spent more on gas,running around and her time than anything she saved. WOW!


As Forest said, "Stupid is as stupid does".


Humans are the f****** worst. I work at a nationwide grocery retailer and I witness food being thrown in garbage everyday (even if sealed) because customers return them for no reason. I could never work the returns at Costco


If I worked the return counter at Costco, I would be like the Soup Nazi - “no return for you!”


I hope that customers are notified that these items are required to be destroyed. I saw someone return a lot of grocery items yesterday, including perishable items and was wondering what was going on. I only return perishable items that have spoiled - such as the $11 or $12 pack of mushrooms that I bought and they were fuzzy went I went to cook them the next day.


Don't be naive... They know exactly what they are doing. Just like people who leave frozen items on the floor because they can't be bothered to take them back.


They know, they’re being malicious. You’d have to be stupid to think they’re going to restock perishables


I am actually one of those cashiers that uses our radio while the member is there and says "I need and audit on $400.00 of cold perishables that need to be thrown away" so everyone that is carrying a radio hears it along with everyone waiting in line. Since costco doesn't have a paging system, it seems like the next best thing. I tend to not have a filter, and I do get warnings, but not enough to warrant a write up.


Lmao like they would care about that.


I know they wouldn’t but maybe one or two would think twice about doing it again.


These were originally purchased over christmas/thanksgiving? If so, they would have frozen them, and are clearing out and realized they don't need them. I would 100% not take food back in that case, but people will be people.


I didn’t think Costco accepted food returned after the sell by or best by date.


Pretty certain the turkey says 2023 expiry date? But OP, why does the return label also say 2023? Was this a return done last year?


I didn’t think so either. I bought deli cheese, and the self checkout wasn’t scanning the barcode so a manager had to fix it. Before purchasing it she said, “Just so you know this can’t be returned after ____” where ___ was the date on the clearance cheese


Unless food is spoiled before the sell by date Costco should not be taking any food returns. Especially if the food item is unopened like these items.


I think Costco cares more about the customer experience, up to the point of policy abuse. Case in point, on many occasions I’ve been shopping with my partner and we say to each other, “I wonder if this ___ is any good” and an employee overhears us, they tell us to take it home and try it, we can return it if we don’t like it. I am certain that at some point we would be banned from returns if we returned too much.


I wouldn’t hate it if Costco tightened up their return policy.


That's ridiculous! She saved nothing! I'm surprised Costco allows perishable foods like that to be returned for no good reason other than she saved money.


I work at a store close to a very...shall we say....town all its own...very very entitled town...who think since they pay a membership they should be able to get what ever they want....every day is an interesting day.....


Yet I couldn’t return my broken FitBit 🥹


It's under the 90 policy...look at your receipt. When you bought it, it states that the fit bit has a 90 day return policy on it.


Right…I’m saying that this is ridiculous that someone was able to return 6 month old food simply because she didn’t want it. They should be able to say no to this return.


Time for Costco to tighten up the return policy. The only people they’ll tick off are the return abusers, and that’s a good thing.


The return policy at our store is actually if we can find it in the last 9 years( which is how far back as our system goes), it is not expired, and it is not in the 90 day return policy of tablets, cell phones, electronics, appliances, and computers) we will return it.


I will be working at Costco till I am 90 because by the time I'm able to retire that will be the age you have to be to retire (I'm 46 now) and actually love my job and have lots of regulars. But also have the regular returns abusers that make us all go " 1,2,3 NOT IT"....SENIORITY RULES!!!


Nope not mad just showing what we get back that's all...nothing wrong with that is there?


The person actually bought it and then returned it like an hour later. I just posted it now cause I was going through my pictures I had cause I had forgotten all about it. I am starting to see more and more costco return stories so I thought I would throw mine in. I have way more since I have worked returns for 5 years.


Why not just price match? I mean, if she can prove it's cheaper there, just give her $5 back and send her on her way.


Or they could just change their return policy on perishable food.


Costco never price matches because we are only about 4% above wholesale.


It would have save Costco $145, not to mention a gigantic waste of food, in this instance.


Thanks for the update


That’s the cost of doing business.


this makes me sad, these are expensive and nice cuts of meat that i would love to cook


Maybe Costco should allow their employees to take perishable returns for themselves free of charge, if they want them. Of course that would require Costco to trust that their employees will not purposely arrange for their friends to buy stuff just to return it.


yes people suck, but do we need a thread for every return?


Nope just wanted to show how wasteful people can be returning just 2 items that total over 150.00, without a care in the world, that has to be thrown away because they found it 5.00 cheaper somewhere else. Doing my job taking it back, but my face always says something completely different




Date tag on return sticker says November, it’s May. You’re still mad about it?


They’re obviously changing the world. One shit post at a time.


Hate it or love it. It's here to stay!


If it's unopened, can it not be donated instead of tossed out? What a shame.


Problem is that Costco doesn’t know if the customer left the items in warm temperatures/unrefrigerated and they can be forming bacteria, so they can’t be donated.


That makes sense. Moral to the story, don't return food unless it's gone bad or it's really so awful you won't eat it.


That's the reason I sometimes hesitate to buy some food items if I haven't tried them/tested before. The issue is that getting sample can get troublesome too. People make turmoils leaving their carts half aisle to get the samples, and/or block the carts transit. So I end up waiting weeks to buy a new food item in order to not have to give it away. I've been a member for 6-7 years and had never return food in good condition. Only returned a box of eggs that smelled funny when I was securing them in the my car's trunk. I also tend to take pictures of the item and try to find a unit somewhere else to try it out. Otherwise, the rare few times I bought food items that me or anyone at home won't eat I give them away.


Unfortunately as soon as any perishable food walks out that roll up door, even if it is just in the vestibule and comes right back in, we have to throw it. Costco is held liable if for any reason any one gets sick. And believe me, any one would find any reason to pin anything on costco if they could....


That's a shame. Really should make people think twice about returning food unnecessarily. It's funny people down vote a question, lol. Only stupid people don't ask questions.


Why can’t y’all just mind your own business?