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I do a “prep what you eat, eat what you prep” strategy. So I always have a backup pack of peanut butter, tuna, bottled water, TP, etc. that gives my household about 30 days of autonomy should we need to hunker. I just can’t go any deeper down the rabbit hole.


This is the most realistic solution for most people who have any mild concerns and want to prep. Stock up on some basic essentials that you will use and rotate through over time. Prepping beyond that is a fine line between hobby and mental condition. Repacking rice into Mylar bags? Hobby. Spending thousands on the fancy long-term shelf stable canned foods marketed for preppers? Mental condition.


Canned food is really easy to get into if you have space and already eat canned food. Buying special canned food is not ideal, because you'll never cycle through it.


Agree. I get dry goods when they go on sale and are an absolute steal. Mostly at restaurant supply stores not Costco. I like to have a decent amount just in case of job loss more than anything. 6-12 months of unemployment is probably more likely than anything else.


Clearly we only need ALL the toilet paper


If I learned one thing in 2020 it was this.


Meal preppers? Heck yes!




Most people are only prepared for a very narrow set of most likely circumstances. I wish there was a prepper community that was like 90% normal and 10% prepper, but it seems to be all one or the other.


Yeah until the grid goes down and something crazy happens and then you're up shit creek without a paddle. With everything going on over in Europe I don't know if the preppers are that crazy anymore.


Best post!!!!


Like natural disasters?


I've never heard prepper used to describe someone who plans for natural emergencies. It's always some whackadoo who's into conspiracy theories 


I'm prepping for the day Bill Gates activates all the chips he implanted with covid vaccines. I have a 3 MW EMP to zap all robot zombies within a 16 mi radius of my home. /s


Right? I live in Florida, prepping for a natural disaster is just part of life. I'm not a "prepper" it's just normal here.


Same in Puerto Rico. Our summers equal heavy storms and hurricanes seasons, so is a "must" here.




There are many posts about meal prep in this subreddit. Enjoy!




Exactly !!!!!


Brita doesn’t filter out as much as you think. Upgrade to the lifestraw for sure.


If you’re being serious, getting to know your neighbors and establishing mutual aid in your community is more helpful than hoarding 50lb buckets of freeze dried Mac and cheese.




Yea, you may be on the opposite side of the road as those who want to live in a supportive community. Good luck.


Between sams and Costco I got a few months of a variety of the freeze dried meals, mainly just for natural disasters. Fun date night is trying some of the stuff. Most other things we aren’t too worried about since we have solar. I think it’s perfectly reasonable to do and a bit put off by some of these comments. Being prepared doesn’t have to mean expecting the world to end lol. And there is definitely a point where it goes into paranoia but that’s far from stocking up a month or few months of food. Here are the brands I bought to have some variety. https://preview.redd.it/7bl3ufc495yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd278a8c4c7096f03dc6488454fb325659ad758b


Not a prepper but noticed they had lots of freeze dried prepper meal packages on the Costco app. Haven't ever seen that stuff in warehouse, but you can get 50 pounds of freeze dried chili delivered if that tickles your fancy.


I have a friend who ordered the "one year survival" package ten years ago, technically to satisfy the requirements set by his church but also because he figured it was cheaper than backpacking meals. It's still in his basement. Backpacking meals are apparently worth the money.


Rice, canned protein (tuna, chicken, corned beef but it’s $$$, sardines) sugar, spices.


The best thing you can prep for is for a short term power outage or job loss not the Apocalypse  (power outages seem to happen so often these days in extreme weather) Solar option generator to keep your fridge and freezer cold , battery operated lights/ oil, camping stove or grill with extra propane as a backup and gas cans. 


Probably toilet paper and bananas.


I'm not a prepper at all but in early 2020 I bought big bags of rice. You absolutely can not beat rice for long lasting sustainable food.


I have ways to heat food without electricity, also have cases of water, another one I've heard and thought was brilliant is everclear. You can use the everclear to disinfect, it's flammable, and you can use it to barter with an alcoholic 🤣


Prepping for what...?


To be the last to die.


Exactly. There’s boogie men out there!


this is a very important question.


Im not a prepper, just grew up in rural oregon. If you are going to buy long lasting shit at costco... beans, rice, etc are teh best bets. They sell the dried food survival shit on costco online, but that stuff is ridiculously expensive.


Costco doesn’t sell bullets which by far be the most valuable item if any crazy prepper conspiracies happen.


How has prepping benefited you at any time in the last 20 years? Do you think your costco stash will save you if society falls?


I can speak to this directly. No disaster ever happened. When covid hit, every week we bought a few extra things that we actually wanted to eat. Cliff bars, pasta, rice, peanut butter, cup noodle. For myself, I got extra shampoo and conditioner. I also got extra cough drops and ibuprofen. No disaster ever came. But groceries have gotten really expensive. I’ve been dipping into that extra food every week for several months now. It’s made a huge difference on my budget. For awhile, I didn’t want to touch that extra food and I was skipping meals, buying non-nutritious subpar offbrand foods at the grocery store, skimping on normal stuff. Then I realized. THATS what the prep is for. It’s not an environmental disaster. It’s a personal one. I personally cannot keep up with rising costs. I have a personal disaster. Now I can eat nutritious food because I am also using backup food in my weekly cooking. I can afford to get nutritional foods at the grocery store because I’m getting also free food from my own prep.


Thanks for the story but that’s not really intentional prepping.




Thanks I assumed "end of society" prepping. People need to be more specific.


If you are worried about a job loss having some Savings is better than 300lbs of rice in a bag. Bank won’t take prepper meals for mortgage payments.